Tag Archives: Jay Sheveck

Old Man

HBOΒ original comedy Curb Your Enthusiasm drops s10e3 tonight February 2nd, 2020.

#CurbYourEnthusiasm has yet to be renewed for an 11th season.

rottentomatoes: 93%

metacritic: 80

imdb: 8.7

emmys: 2 wins

golden globes: 1 win

SAG awards: 6 nominations

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Socio Path

Netflix original series You dropped its second season last Friday December 27th, 2019.

#YouNetflixhas been renewed for a third season.

rottentomatoes: 93%

metacritic: 74

imdb: 7.8

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Bounty Hunter

Disney+ original drama The Mandalorian rolled out its pilot with the streaming service this Tuesday November 12th, 2019.

#TheMandalorian season 2 is in development.

rottentomatoes: 89%

metacritic: 68

imdb: 9.1

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Sexual Assault

Netflix original crime drama Unbelievable dropped Friday September 13th, 2019.

#Unbelievable is based on true eventsΒ and Pullitzer Prize winning literature.

rottentomatoes: 97%

metacritic: 82

imdb: 8.7

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