Blow, Apostle, Avery Pix, New Line Cinema, Spanky Pictures

Drug Smuggler

Blow, Apostle, Avery Pix, New Line Cinema, Spanky Pictures

New Line Cinema original film Blow was released April 6th, 2001.

Blow, Apostle, Avery Pix, New Line Cinema, Spanky Pictures
Blow, Apostle, Avery Pix, New Line Cinema, Spanky Pictures
Blow, Apostle, Avery Pix, New Line Cinema, Spanky Pictures

#Blow made $83.2M at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 55%

metacritic: 52

imdb: 7.5

George Jung, Blow, Amazon Prime Video, Apostle, Avery Pix, New Line Cinema, Spanky Pictures, Johnny Depp
George Jung, Blow, Amazon Prime Video, Apostle, Avery Pix, New Line Cinema, Spanky Pictures, Johnny Depp

George Jung

George Jung is probably the most prolific drug smuggler of all time from Boston, Massachusetts.
George Jung, Blow, Amazon Prime Video, Apostle, Avery Pix, New Line Cinema, Spanky Pictures, Johnny Depp

“That’s a nice boy. go get ’em, Dulli. Oh, yeah. Are we good? Yeah, we’re good. We’re beautiful. We’re perfect. this is grade-A, 100% pure Colombian cocaine, ladies and gentlemen. Disco shit. Pure as the driven snow. My name is George Jung. Federal inmate number 19225004. I was born in New England. Massachusetts, actually, in a town called Wayland. That’s me, and that’s my best friend, Tuna. My dad ran a plumbing and heating company. He had 3 trucks, 10 employees, and did big jobs. He was my hero. Yeah, it was great. I didn’t fall once. No. Can I please come to work with you? Thanks, dad. Thanks.” — George Jung

“Dad was a hard worker, but he didn’t make enough money to keep mum happy. She thought she’d married above her class. And he promised her the moon but didn’t deliver. The truth was, business got slow, and we were broke. Mum, wait! Where are you going? Mum, where are you going? No matter how many times my mother would leave, no matter how many times she embarrassed him… mum! He always took her back. He loved her. God, he loved her.” — George Jung

“For 10 years, my father worked his ass off 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. He didn’t care, long as we were happy. But in the end, he didn’t make enough. Slowly but surely, he lost everything. We were bankrupt. No, dad. I don’t care about ice cream right now. What are we gonna do? You gonna tell that to mom? Dad… are we gonna be poor? ‘Cause I don’t ever want to be poor.” — George Jung

“I decided right then and there I wasn’t gonna live like that. I needed to get as far away as possible. I moved to California in the summer of 1968, with the Tuna. We had $300 and a black TR3. It sure was nothin’ like this back home. It was paradise. We got a small one-bedroom apartment right on the beach. It wasn’t much, but it had its perks.” — George Jung

“California was like nothin’ I’d ever seen before. People were liberated, independent, full of new ideas. Hi. That’s Tuna. They used words like ‘right on’ and ‘groovy,’ ‘solid.’ The women were beautiful… and they all seemed to share the same occupation. And everyone was getting stoned. Figured out what? Yeah. Oregano? You got ripped off, pal.” — George Jung

“The guy was Derek Foreal, the Manhattan Beach legend. He owned 3 restaurants, 2 nightclubs, and a chain of launderettes. But more importantly, he owned the first male hair salon in all of southern California. George. We’d like to buy some pot. No. We’re not cops. We’re from Massachusetts. Does he look like a cop? What the fuck is that? We’ll take it. Tuna and I became the kings of Manhattan Beach. If you bought grass, you bought it from us. Bills were paid, and I was makin’ way more money than I could at a real job. I built a reputation for myself. People even started callin’ me Boston George. It was perfect.” — George Jung

“This is it for me. Everything. You, California, the beach. This spot right here. I just finally feel like I belong somewhere. You know? I feel right. Yeah, I am. Are you? Good. Holy shit. Dulli! Hey… what the fuck are you doin’ out here? Yeah. What are you doin’ out here? Oh. Well, this calls for a joint. You want to do the honours? Right on. Stoned? Yeah. Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? The way I figure it… Barbara flies back east twice a week– 2 bags per flight, 25 pounds in each bag. I know it’s a lot of weight, but you can’t get pot like this back home. I’m telling you, Derek, it’ll sell. Best part… you can charge 500 a pound. It’s already been negotiated. It’s done. The money’s there waiting. Goodness is right. Listen… I want you to be my partner in this thing, Derek. 50-50. If you do the math, that’s over 40 grand a week profit. That’s $15,000 a week for you, my friend, in your pocket, free and clear. Barbara and me. No one else. Eric, she’s a stewardess. They don’t check her bags.” — George Jung

“It’s not enough. Setup is wrong. We’re doin’ all the legwork, and at the end of the day, we’re still payin’ retail. We’re gettin’ fuckin’ middle. So, we need to get to the source. He’s gettin’ middle, too. Derek’s our partner. What’s good for him is good for us. Either one of you guys speak Spanish? Uh, como… marijuana. Donde esta… pot? You know where we can get some pot? El… el weed. Mas… mas grande. So, did you get anything? What? Como estas, amigo? We’ll be back. Motas. Hola. George. Mucho gusto. Yeah, I am. Ahem! Oh, yeah. Yeah, that’ll do it.
I’ll take it. All of it. Yeah, I’ll come back in a week with a plane. Yeah… but I don’t need a little. I need a lot. Uno momento. Hang on a minute. Hang on, hang on. Listen. Senor… tell you what, amigo. What about I come back and I bring you, say… $50,000? Will that alleviate some of your concerns?” — George Jung

“We’re not fuckin’ stealin’ it. We’re borrowin’ it. Oops. Be cool, boys. Got a little company here. Come on, let’s go. Tuna. Let’s go. Tuna… all right. You sure you know what you’re doin’? Okay. Hola. Now, listen. You know the 50,000 I promised you? I couldn’t get it. So I brought you 75 instead. Merry Christmas, Derek. Yeah, I saw it. What do you think? Yeah? You want it? We’ll take it. It was a great time in our lives. The 7 of us were like a family. We worked hard. We played hard. Didn’t have a care in the world. It was perfect. Okay, mum. Layaway. Oh, Jesus, baby, put your head back. Put your head back. Put your head back. She’s all right. You want to go? It’s okay. It’s better. Okay, mom. Are you sure you’re all right? Yeah? No, not if you– not if you don’t want to. Listen, I–I got to apologize about my parents. That was… I’m not sure about that. I want you to promise me somethin’. I want you to promise me that we’re never gonna be like that. I don’t want to wind up like them. Yeah? Get in the car. Hurry, before they come out.” — George Jung

“Your honour, I’d like to say a few words to the court if I may. Oh, right. Well… in all honesty, I don’t feel that what I’ve done is a crime, and I think it’s illogical and irresponsible for you to sentence me to prison, because when you think about it, what did I really do? I crossed an imaginary line with a bunch of plants. I mean, you say I’m an outlaw, you say I’m a thief, but where’s the Christmas dinner for the people on relief? Huh? You say you’re lookin’ for someone who’s never weak but always strong. You gather flowers constantly whether you were right or wrong… someone to open each and every door, but it ain’t be, babe. Huh? No, no, no. IT ain’t me, babe. It ain’t me you’re lookin’ for, babe. You follow? Thank you. No.” — George Jung

“Hey, babe. What are you doin’ here? You didn’t have to come all the way out here, babe. The lawyer says he can, uh… plead it down to 5 years. I’ll serve 2. Yeah. 2 years. What, are you kiddin’ me? You’re not gonna wait for me? What the fuck is that? What? No. Losing Barbara to cancer changed everything. The old gang broke up. Tuna stayed in Mexico. God only knows what happened to him. The point is, we all lost touch. I’d skipped bail in Chicago to take care of Barbara and was now a fugitive on the run. It’d been almost a year since I’d seen my parents, and believe it or not, I actually missed them. Hi, mom. You surprised to see me? Mexico. Barbara. Thank you. You been gettin’ the money I sent you? It’s okay, mom. It’s okay, mom. Hi, pop. Good.” — George Jung

“May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. To dance with the stars. Cheers, pop. Oh. Oh. Just low. You know. Yeah, dad. I really did. Are you mad at me? Yeah, you are. I can tell by the way you’re lookin’ at me. I know. I’m great at what I do, dad. I mean, I’m really great at what I do. Fuck! Fuck ’em! Fuck ’em! Fuck! Aah!” — George Jung

“Okay. What? I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t like a lot of conversation, Diego. Murder. What do you got down there, Diego? What kind of little project? Come on. You said we’re supposed to be roommates, tell each other everything– all that kind of shit. I’m happy for ya. Oh… let’s see. 26 months. I gotta get out of here, Diego. Okay, what’s the other? Uh, all right. I guess we gotta open up books. What the fuck? Why not? Listen, I wanna get out of this shithole as quickly as fuckin’ possible. But for me to walk early, some of you has gotta graduate. You should forget it. You’re hopeless. Go to sleep. Now, the rest of you guys might be able to get diplomas and get jobs when you get back on the outside. Well… let’s learn some criminal shit, too. I’ll tell you what. I’ll make you a deal. What about half the time I teach you about this George Washington character, the other half, I’ll teach you how to smuggle drugs? Oh, no? I was arrested in Chicago with 660 pounds of grass. I think that qualifies me. Flew it in from Mexico on a single-engine Cessna. We got a deal or what?” — George Jung

“What? I’m tired, Diego. Go to bed. Well, I would if I could get some fucking sleep. Because I got caught. They’re, uh, 4-passenger single-engine Cessnas. I don’t know. Probably, uh, 100… Danbury wasn’t a prison. It was a crime school. I went in with a bachelor of marijuana and came out with a doctorate of cocaine… and after 16 months, I was once again a free man. Well, not altogether free. The conditions of my parole were that I had to live at my parents’ house and find a job.” — George Jung

“Diego Delgado, please. Diego. George. Yeah, I’m out. How are we doin’? Well, do we need a plane? How does this work? When do I see you? I can’t go anyway, Diego. No. Huh? All right, pop. One– one minute. I’ m on fuckin’ parole. I can’t leave this state. I just got released five minutes ago. My friend. Fine. Good to see ya. Okay. What details? I put the coke in the false bottoms, and I take it through customs. That’s it. What? Okay. Okay. Yeah. Let’s try it. Why not? Okay. Diego, what the fuck is goin’ on here? The guy’s talkin’ about clothes. You pull me all the way down here to talk about the fuckin’ clothes? It’s 15 fucking kilos. I piss 15 kilos.” — George Jung

“When you’re carrying drugs across the border, the idea is to remain calm. The way I do it is to think of something pleasant– a fun party, a moment of triumph, a sexual encounter. I actually project myself to that place. A little transcendental meditation, if you will. The trick is to imagine every little detail, anything to keep your mind off the fact that you’re goin’ to jail for a very long time if they find the 15 kilos of blow in your suitcases. Yeah, it was pretty good, thanks. Yes. Oh, yeah. My brother’s wedding. It was a nice ceremony and everything. It was good. Sure. Mine. Old habits, you know? Hard to break. Ha. Okay. Thanks. The trial period was over. It was time to start moving some serious weight. Commercial flights weren’t gonna cut it anymore. What we needed was a pilot.” — George Jung

“We make the pick-up, refuel once more in the Bahamas, and then fly back on Sunday with the mum-and-pop traffic. What? I see. How much? Jack, come on. A million had such a nice ring to it. You with us? Huh? Yeah, yeah. I mean… aside from the fact that we’re movin’ 300 fuckin’ kilos and we’re makin’ dog shit, nothing, really. It’s fuckin’ chump change. We may as well be fuckin’ haulin’ suitcase across the border. We’re gettin’ screwed here. The favor was to pick up 50 kilos of cocaine. 50. That’s 110 pounds. Not exactly a small favour. It’s not like bummin’ a cigarette, for example. But what the hell? I didn’t have anything better to do that day. Not like I was on parole or anything. How you doin’? I’m George, a friend of Diego’s. I don’t know. He sent me. I’m George. Get fucked. Yeah. I think so.” — George Jung

Diego Delgado, Blow, Amazon Prime Video, Apostle, Avery Pix, New Line Cinema, Spanky Pictures, Jordi Mollà

Diego Delgado

“Hello. My name is Diego Delgado. How do you do? Hey, George. If you don’t mind me asking, what is the reason you are in this place? Oh, come on, George. If we are to be friends, we must trust each other. Me, too, man. Too much blah, blah, blah you know… but we are roommates, and we must talk to each other. I’m arrested for stealin’ cars. For the grand theft auto. Murder.”

“Nothing. Just a little project. Never mind. Not for you to worry. Uh-huh. You have your intrigues. I have mine. Today’s a happy day for me, George. In 9 months from today, I’ll be in Medellin sipping champagne. In 9 months, I’m free. Yeah. How much time do you have? 26 months? For murder? I must meet your lawyer. Ah. Fresco hermano. Only two ways I know to leave here early. One is to escape.”

“Hey, George. George. I listened to what you said to the class today about the smuggling. And I believed you were a murderer. I knew you were a mágico. You know, in my country, I’m a mágico, a man with a dream, a man on the rise. To take nothing and make it something. Do you have a dream, George? You have a dream… and maybe you will accomplish it. But yet, you failed. Why? No, hermanito. You failed because you had the wrong dream. George… what do you know about cocaine?”

“First of all, what type of planes do you have? 4 passengers. So that means… how many kilos can we fit in those planes?”

“Hello? Boston George. Today’s the day. Are you out? Congratulations, my brother. I’ve been waiting for you. Fine. Cheve. Everything is perfect down here. Everything is all set up. Slow down, Georgie. You need to come down here. Everybody meets everybody. Ooh. Ha ha. We do one for good faith, and then we talk about aeroplanes. But, George, you’ll be back before they know you’re gone. George, are we gonna do this or not? Hey, how are you? Okay. 15 kilos. It is done. Okay? We’ll receive $100,000 upon delivery. Hey-yay-yay-yay. Gentlemen, please. Hey. There’s no need to be impolite, okay? Hey. Cesar, esta bien. Tiene my palabra. Mi palabra, okay? George, Cesar is just being thorough. And that’s– okay?”

“Please continue. Yeah. That’s enough. That’s enough! George. George, come here! I need to talk to you, George! George! George, come here. Come here. Come here. What’s the matter, George? What’s the matter? A million dollars for a first run isn’t bad, George. You know, George, this is a very simple part of business. Very small. Which reminds me, I need a favour from you.”

Fred Jung, Blow, Amazon Prime Video, Apostle, Avery Pix, New Line Cinema, Spanky Pictures, Ray Liotta

Fred Jung

“Hey. Did you do it? Attaboy. See you tonight, okay? Clam it, Bill. I’ll talk to my boy as long as I want to. You got a problem with that? You really want to come? All right. Get your boots. Bill, what’s your problem? Guess who’s on cleanup today. And buyin’ lunch. Please, not in front of the boy. Oh, honey. Come here. Oh! Are you okay? You all right? George… come give your mother a hug. Okay, well… what do I have to do?”

“Come on. Let’s go get some ice cream. It’ll be all right, George. It’ll work out. It always does. I’m gonna find another job. Look, George, this is the way it goes. Sometimes you’re flush, and sometimes you’re bust. And when you’re up, it’s never as good as it seems, and when you’re down, you never think you’re gonna be up again. But life goes on. Remember that. Money isn’t real, George. It doesn’t matter. It only seems like it does. Yeah. That’s gonna be a tricky one. What? Then you won’t.”

“I’m just happy that George here has found somebody he cares for. Hard to imagine being able to afford a ring like that on a construction salary. Layaway schmayaway. Cheapskate beatskate. Don’t listen to her. Yap yap yap. Okay. I’m not a kill-joy. No, George, George. George, no. No. Yeah.”

“George? Georgie. George, I thought I heard somethin’. How are ya? How are ya? Oh, son, come on in. How are ya? Ya look good. And may the winds of destiny carry you aloft… to dance with the stars. Cheers, Georgie. Are you all right? You really loved her. Mm-mmm. No. Nah. I’m not mad, George. I just don’t understand what you’re doin’. I don’t understand your choices. You know, the goddamn cops are lookin’ for ya. Let me tell you somethin’, George. You would have been great at anything. Anything. Damn! George!”

“Jesus Christ, Erma. Shut up! George. Nice and cold.”

Ermine Jung, Blow, Amazon Prime Video, Apostle, Avery Pix, New Line Cinema, Spanky Pictures, Rachel Griffiths

Ermine Jung

“Oh, what the heck. All right. Money! M-o-n-e-y… why do you think I married you? How are we gonna live?! Don’t you touch me! Look at your hands. You’re disgusting. Ah, the boy, the boy, the boy. What about me, Fred? What about me? Huh? Go home, George! Yeah. Yeah. Hiya, George. I’m home. Come on. Give me a hug. Come on, Georgie. Come to mummy.”

“I can’t get over the size of that ring. I just love it. Look at it, Fred. Tell me you don’t love that ring. Yes, of course, but I’m talkin’ about the ring. It’s somethin’ else. Let me tell you. What is it? 2 carats? It’s got to be at least 2 carats. Yes, it’s definitely 2 carats. Treasure it, darling. George, you might want to get that insured. Oh, shut up, Fred. Shut your big, fat mouth. You don’t buy it all at once. It’s called layaway. Yes, layaway. Something you wouldn’t know anything about, you cheapskate. Yeah, you. You big old tightwad. He still has his communion money. George, tell your father. George, you tell your father about layaway. The boy’s happy, Fred. Don’t be such a kill-joy. My, Barbara. Oh, my God. Here, take my napkin. I’ll get you some ice. Irene, we need some ice over here. Oh, come on. You haven’t had your entree. It was lovely to meet you, dear. George, give your mother a call in the morning. What a lovely girl. Is that all hundreds?”

“Take off your boots. You’re tan. Yeah, I heard about it. I want you to know I’m… I’m deeply sorry about your girlfriend. Yeah, Barbara. Nice girl. What, you mean the drug money? Yeah, I got it. Oh, God. What are you doin’, huh? What are you doin’?”

“I had no choice. Don’t look at me like that. What? What was I supposed to do? But he’s in our house. What? Was I supposed to be an accomplice? You– you don’t think people know you’re a drug dealer? Everyone knows you’re a drug dealer. It’s not secret. How do you think that reflects on me. E-every time I go out, I’m humiliated. So you go to jail. It’s for your own good. You need to straighten your life out! What are you lookin’ at, Mrs. Grazi? Your son’s no prize.”

The Tuna

“George… George… hello. Hi. Hello. Hi. Oh, my God! I figured it out. You know how we were wondering what we were gonna do for money and all, bein’ as we don’t want to get jobs and what not? Check this out. Look, we’re sellin’ it. We’re gonna make up 3-finger lids, and we’re gonna sell ’em on the beach. If we move all that, we got, like… like 100 bucks. And if we don’t, well, we can smoke it. It’s not a bad idea, man. I got the baggies and everything. Tuna. Wow. That’s more than we had in mind.”

“Look what the cat dragged in. It’s nice weed, huh? Yeah? No shit, Kev? Smith, Hampshire– Holyoke. Jesus Christ, I’m gettin’ a boner just lookin’ at it. You believe it, George? Hey, cheer up. I mean, half of this is ours. We’re fuckin’ rich. What the fuck are you talkin’ about? Source? What about Derek? Viva la Mexico! Do you know where we can find some marijuana? We’re looking for marijuana. I can’t believe we’re stealin’ a plane. So long, boys, and I’ll see you in the desert! Come on! Whoo!”

Derek Foreal

“Barbie! Maria. Oh, so, this is the new man, huh? He’s cute. Hello, Tuna. Enchante, George. Barbie, he is yummy. He looks just like a Ken doll. Ken and Barbie. Oh, my God. It is so perfect. Girls, give me about 5 minutes. I want to talk alone to the boys. Gentlemen… all right, everybody. Shoo. Come on. Chop-chop. Give us a few minutes. Chop-chop-chop-chop. Go blond, Ron. Very nice, Heather. Now, what can I do for you guys? I know what you want. But first, are you cops? If you are, you have to tell me. If not, it’s entrapment. Actually, no. You know, it’s a good thing you’re friends of Barbie’s, ’cause if you weren’t… I would never talk to you. It’s your pot. I don’t nickel-and-dime. Do you want it or not?”

“That’s 100 pounds a week. I don’t know. Come on, George, no one’s gonna pay that. Goodness. And I just deal with you. I don’t know. East coast. Aeroplanes. I’m paranoid. It seems really risky. Take a little off the top. If you know what I mean. I haven’t asked yet. I didn’t ask yet. Go ahead. George! Ohh! It’s beautiful. You’re a genius, George. Merry Christmas. This would make a fabulous Christmas card. Get my camera, Sven.”


“You need some help? Hey, where’s the beer? I’m a stewardess. I’m a stewardess. I’m a stewardess. I’m a stewardess. Yeah. On the aeroplane. Hi. Hey, Tuna. Tuna, this is crap. Look, if you really want to score some dope, I got the guy. Hey… hey, Sandy. Okay.”

“What is it? You’re happy. Mmm… mm-hmm. It’s gonna work, Derek. Bye. Kevin. See you. Kevin! Bye. Hey, Kevin. What do you want me to do? I can only carry 2 bags, and I can’t fly back here every day. I will.”

“Salute? Salud. Cheers. Uh… smoke? Do you have some pot? Okay.”

“Merry Christmas. George! Did you see the bedroom? I love it. It’s so pretty. Did you see it? Hi. Oh, my God. Oh. Are you kidding? Mm-hmm.”

“George has exquisite taste. I don’t know. I’ll be okay. Yeah, let’s go. Yeah, I’m fine. Honey, would you be bummed out if I didn’t go to Chicago with you? They weren’t that bad. They were kind of cute. We’re gonna wind up like us. Mm-hmm.”

“George. George. Surprise. What, and miss all the fun? Not a chance. So… what’s the verdict? 2 years. George, I can’t wait that long. I… I don’t have two years.”

“Passport, please? Nice flight? On vacation? On vacation for only one day? Open your bag, please. Whose clothes are these? And these? Close it up.”

“I’ll fly down on a Friday, refuel in the Bahamas, and then on to Medellin. Pero por que el viene? Por que tienes que hacer caso a este? I want 2. No way. I’m doin’ all the work. I’m takin’ all the risk, and it’s my plane. You guys don’t have to do shit. You just sit back and collect your money. No entiendo porque, pero como vas a hacer caso a estos 2 Americanos que no valen nada, hijo de puta– hijo de puta! No! What? Fine.”

“Where’s Diego? Oh. George. Well, that explains everything. Open your mouth, George. Open your fuckin’ mouth. Now, you listen to me. You hearin’ me? Huh? I’ve been holding 50 keys for Diego for 3 weeks. You tell him I don’t appreciate it. You tell him I want my money by Friday. Can you do that?”


“George Jung, you stand accused of possession of 660 pounds of marijuana with intent to distribute. How do you plead? Well, you’re gonna have to stop slouching and stand up to address this court, sir. Yeah. Gosh. You know, your concepts are really interesting, Mr. Jung. Unfortunately for you, the line you crossed was real, and the plants you brought with you were illegal, so your bail is $20,000. Next case, your honour. Number 14173.”

George’s associates

“Get in there. We good?”

“George… man. Oh, man, I’ll tell you. It was wild. I was walkin’ down the beach. I was minding my business, right? Who do I see? This fuckin’ guy. I didn’t know you guys were livin’ out in California. On vacation, man. I’m on my way back to school. No, man. I’m too fucked up. Fuck, yeah. I’ve never seen anything like this. I’m fuckin’ wasted. Man… I’m fuckin’ stoned. I’m fuckin’ stoned. I feel really stoned. I’m fuckin’ stoned, man. I’m really… yeah! Ha ha! Man, I wish there was stuff like this back at home. Fuck, yeah! You know how much money you could make with this stuff back east? That’s right. And when there’s stuff to move, it’s easy not to. Do you know how many colleges there are within a 60-mile radius? U Mass, Amherst, B.U.– right, and Holyoke. There’s 100,000 rich kids with their parents’ money to spend. There’s never anything around. Nothin’ good, anyways. I’m spendin’ 400 bucks on shit.”

“Hey, Barbara. Barbara. Hey. More. I need more. Hey! I need more. I need more. I know, but I got a feeding frenzy on my hands. All right? You tell George this is small potatoes. all right? We’re missin’ out on some serious cash. You tell George, all right? He’ll think of somethin’. Good.”

“Whoo-hoo! Ladies and gentlemen… 20, 40, 60, 80, 9… 20, 40, 60, 80, 1,000. $128,000. What’s the matter, George? Somethin’ wrong? What? So? So, we need a source. Where do we start? Tuna! Get the fuck in here! The water’s great. Help me. Marijuana. Smoke pot. Don’t be such a pussy. George, relax, all right? I’ve flown up with my old man a million times. Okay? It’s not the, uh, it’s not the takin’ off part you got to worry about. It’s the landing.”

Puerto Vallarta

“Salud. Que? No. No hay. Hey! Hey! Hey, George… de veras queires mota? Ya llegamos. Santiago. Que pasa? Aqui te traigo el amigo que te dije. Es el Americano? Si. Aqui te lo traigo. Mucho gusto con usted. Seguro. Ramon tells me you’re looking for some mota. Descubrelo. For instance, uh… something like this. Eh? El dice que quiere todo. You’re funny. Really. How much will you be needing? Puta madre. Oye, Americano… maybe we’re going too fast. You take a little and then come back. No me encontraste este gringo. Esta loco! Estan todo. Estas seguro que no es policia? Amigo, you bring me $50,000, and I have no more concerns.”

“Eh, papa, hay viene el gringo. Eh? El gringo, hay viene. Aqui! Hola. Bienvendios. Good to see you. You are a man of your word. Oh, me chinga. Cabron. Muchos gracias. Hi. Queso!”


“Not so fast. no, no, no. I would like to go over the details. Hmm. Tell me about the suitcases. Will there be clothes in the suitcase? Clothes. In the suitcase. Yeah. Whose clothes? Your clothes? I demand to know everything. I cannot trust $600,000 worth of coca to someone I don’t know. Si. Esta bien. No me importa. Si. Very well. But just remember, Mr. Jung… I will be with you the whole way, and I will be watching.”

“Why are you speaking? You. Your responsibility is over. You don’t fly. You’re not a pilot. You’re not a distributor. You simply introduce us to Mr. Stevens and the use of his plane. That is all. You make a percentage and a generous one, and you’re lucky to get that. Padrino will pay 10,000 per kilo for everyone. You, you and you. 3 million. That is all. There is no negotiation. Do you have pictures of your kids? I’ll need to see them. I’ll also need their names and the names of their schools. We are trusting you with millions of dollars worth of coke, and, Mr. Stevens, without your children, there is no deal. Mr. Stevens. Don’t forget the pictures.”

New England, Mass

“Come on, Fred. Let’s go, huh? Say good-bye to the kid.”

“Okay, bye.”

“Let’s go. Stop. Open up cell number 3. Prisoner is in. Close cell number 3.”

“Man, fuck you. We ain’t openin’ shit. That’s right. You’re just the warden’s little bitch. We’re hip to you. Doin’ this shit to get some time cut off. Fuck you. See ya in the shower. Jive ass turkey. Shit. I’m in this bitch for life. Motherfucker, I’m a criminal. Ain’t nobody givin’ me no fuckin’ job. You don’t know dick about smugglin’ no drugs. Where the fuck you get 660 pounds of weed?”

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