Keirsey Temperament Awards

The Keirsey Temperament Awards for 2012

Each year an individual is awarded from each of the Four TemperamentsArtisanGuardianIdealist, and Rational.

The awards are given to individuals who are “famous” (if possible) and have significantly impacted the world, to illustrate and highlight the Four Temperaments.  Keirsey Temperament Theory maintains all four Temperaments play important roles in society and we need all kinds of people to use their developed natural talents, to do the best at what they do best.

The selection is difficult, for sometimes Temperament is hidden because we are looking at these individuals from a far. We don’t know the individuals personally, and only through the media are we familiar with these people. The Keirsey Temperament Forum serves as a nominating committeeI am the judge and jury.

2012 Keirsey Temperament Awards


Somaly MamHealer Idealist

Human Trafficking Activist
Where Others Fear to Tread

Somaly Mam
Somaly Mam

In Memoriam
Ray Bradbury, Champion Idealist
Science Fiction Writer, Futurist


Ray Bradbury
Ray Bradbury

In Memoriam
Stephen Covey, Teacher Idealist
Self Help Guru, Author

Feed Them on Your Dreams

Steven Covey
Steven Covey


Dambisa Moyo, FieldMarshal Rational

Economist, Author

Winner Take All

Dambisa Moyo
Dambisa Moyo

In Memoriam
Neil Armstrong, Architect Rational
Engineer, First Human to step on the Moon

No Hero, Just an Engineer

Neil Armstrong
Neil Armstrong

In Memoriam
Thomas Szasz, Mastermind Rational
Psychiatrist, Critic of Psychiatry


Thomas Szasz
Thomas Szasz


Denis Mukwege, Provider Guardian

The Stand, The Stand revisited

Denis Mukwege
Denis Mukwege

Honorable Mention
Pat Summitt, Supervisor Guardian
Basketball Coach

She has been to the Summit

Pat Summitt
Pat Summitt

Honorable Mention
Elizabeth IIInspector Guardian
Queen of England

Diamonds are the Girl’s Best Friend

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II

In Memoriam
Daniel Inouye, Provider Guardian
Senator for the State of Hawaii, Medal of Honor Winner

Daniel Inouye
Senator Daniel Inouye


Chelsea Baker, Crafter Artisan

Baseball Player, Japanese League

Do What You Love

Chelsea Baker
Chelsea Baker

In Memoriam
Phyllis Diller, Performer Artisan

You Bet Your Life

Phyllis Diller
Phyllis Diller

In Memoriam
Etta James, Performer Artisan

At Last

Etta James
Etta James

Your Boss

Do you have a boss?

If you do, do you get along?

Do you know what kind of boss you have?

The Keirsey Boss Sorter

Do you have a Strategic Boss, Logistical Boss, Diplomatic Boss, or a Tactical Boss?

Our research shows that the primary cause of friction between employees and bosses is miscommunication. And, this miscomunication is (usually) not caused by “bad”, “flawed”, or “crazy” bosses – but rather, as Dr. David Keirsey points out in his books, it is because people are radically different from each other. Your boss doesn’t behave as you would in many situations, and you behave differently than they would much of the time. Which means there is really no “one size fits all” solution, although many books have been written that purport to do just that.

To help, we’ve launched a new website to help you figure out what kind of boss you have, and how to improve your communication – go to to try out the new Keirsey Boss Character Sorter!

The Four Temperaments
The Four Temperaments

Guardian Bosses: Logistical

Being successful with your Guardian Boss means paying attention to what your boss sees as important and acting upon orders.

Warren Buffett, Gina Rinehart, Sam Walton, Mary Kay,
Mike Wallace,  Martha Stewart, George Bush Sr., Mother Teresa

Artisan Bosses: Tactical

Being successful with your Artisan Boss means being very aware of what is going on in the here-and-now and being able to act in a time of emergency.

Donald Trump, Lady Gaga, Jim Cramer, Dolly Parton,
Michael Jordan,  Serena Williams,  Steven Spielberg, Cher

Rational Bosses: Strategic

Being successful with your Rational boss means being open to new ideas for improving systems.

Jack Welch, Indra Nooyi, Steve Jobs, Ruth Handler
Bill Gates, Marissa Mayer, Charles Darwin, Virginia Apgar

Idealist Bosses: Diplomatic

Being successful with your Idealist boss means you need to show a positive attitude.

John Wooden, Oprah Winfrey, Howard Schultz, Joan Baez,
T. E. Lawrence, Eleanor Roosevelt, Raoul WallenbergAngelina Jolie

There can be a synergy when there is team work.  When individuals are able to use their natural talents to add to the team, good things happen.

For example, the Walt Disney company would not exist without Walt Disney and his brother Roy Disney using their natural talents together.

Synergistic Dyads: The Disney Dyad

Celestial Foritude

Steel Logistics

Man of Steel released a new trailer this week and it looks like Zack Snyder is still bad at making movies:

Warner Bros. has high hopes for the project however as they reportedly may be throwing in a post-credit “team up” scene with Joseph Gordon Levitt tying in Nolan’s Batman Universe and opening the door for a Justice League of America.  Nothing is official of course and some fans are nerd-raging about JGL donning Batman’s threads in a JLA film, because it would disrupt the continuity of Nolan’s Trilogy.  Regardless, DC/Warner Bros. knows it is now losing an arms race against arch-nemesis Marvel/Disney in Hollywood, and is brainstorming furiously to even the playing field.  A key piece of this puzzle of course is Big Blue himself, as even Warner Bros. CEO Jeff Robinov called him a “flagship character”.

WHO IS the cornerstone of the Justice League, the #1 comicbook superhero of all time?   Let’s take a look.

Continue reading Celestial Foritude


That’s what he was asking him-self.


Why was his father so violent?

And Why — didn’t — he become violent?

He wasn’t as interested in who, when, where, or what: but why.  To answer the why, he also had to come up with the how — individuals become violent.

In asking these why questions, and researching for answers, he ended up with a useful and profound answer.

His answer is on the nature and nurture of the SELF: The Self as Soliloquy. And we all have a SELF.


But that’s not the whole story….

Continue reading Why?

The Captain of his Soul

Nelson Mandela is fighting for his life.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

He is the Captain of his Soul.  Champion Idealist Portrait of Nelson Mandela

Invictus Film Trailer

Chivalrous Frivolity

chivalrous frivolity

The Hobbit drops this week and is looking pretty solid:

Which is funny because Warner Bros. was just sued for 80$ million by the Tolkien Estate in regards to “merchandising” specifically some “gambling slots”.

Let’s not dampen the mood however as Jackson and crew seem to have put together another epic fantasy trilogy.  The films are, by subtitleAn Unexpected Journey, The Desolation of Smaug and There and Back Again, due for theatrical release in 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively.

Early reviews of an An Unexpected Journey have it posted at about a 74%(rotten tomatoes), which let’s be honest is a lot better than I did in high schoolCriticisms of the film mainly dwell in the realm of overdrawn plot schemes, and not living up to it’s predecessor LOTR.  Meaning that those particular reviews came from people who obviously never even read any of Tolkien’s books.

Speaking of which: for those of you who do not know The Hobbit follows titular character Bilbo Baggins as he is bamboozled by his dear friend Gandalf into accompanying a pack of dwarves on a quest to reclaim their homeland.  The novel precedes the Lord of the Rings Trilogy in timeline and essentially tells the story of how Bilbo came into possession of the Ring of Power.

Though reluctant at first, Bilbo’s journey into unfamiliar territory strips him of his proverbial “shell”, and he ultimately finds a side of himself that he didn’t know existed.  Though Bilbo’s enlightening sojourn involved goblins, orcs, dragons, and elves, the experience draws parallels to experiences many of us have in life.  Perhaps the most endearing sentiment found in the novel however is the bond that forms between humble homely hobbit Bilbo and scholarly curmudgeon wizard Gandalf.  Let’s take a look.

Continue reading Chivalrous Frivolity

The Real Iron Lady

Iron is a chemical element with the symbol Fe (from Latin: ferrum) and atomic number 26.  It is the most common element (by mass) forming the planet Earth as a whole. It is the fourth most common element in the Earth’s crust.


And she owns a lot of that crust.  And rules it with an Iron Fist.

“These logistical Inspectors are earnest and attentive in their inspecting, to be certified as right and proper, all must go under their scrutiny, so no irregularities, discrepancies are let go by.” [Please Understand Me II]

Don’t mess with a no nonsense contender, they can possess an Iron Fist, it can lead to you being fired or a lawsuit, and they will persist, Gina is the ultimate logistical contender.

She is the Real Iron Lady,  down to earth, concrete and Real, first and foremost known as the Iron Lady of Australia.  And she could become the richest person in the world, if China keeps buying natural resources as they have been doing in the last decade.


Continue reading The Real Iron Lady