Disney+ original film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was released June 28th, 2003.

The 🏴☠️#Pirates franchise made $4.524B internationally.

rottentomatoes: 80%
metacritic: 63
imdb: 8.1
Continue reading Black Sails
Disney+ original film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was released June 28th, 2003.
The 🏴☠️#Pirates franchise made $4.524B internationally.
rottentomatoes: 80%
metacritic: 63
imdb: 8.1
Netflix original series The Crown dropped its final season December 14th, 2023.
👑#TheCrown S6 has garnered 188.4M hours viewed internationally.
rottentomatoes: 86%
metacritic: 80
imdb: 8.6
emmys: 21 wins
golden globes: 7 wins
SAG awards: 6 wins
Peacock original film Casino was released November 22nd, 1995.
🎰🎲#Casino made $116.1M internationally.
rottentomatoes: 79%
metacritic: 73
imdb: 8.2
oscars: 1 nomination
golden globes: 1 win
Disney+ original film Star Wars: A New Hope was released May 25th, 1977.
The original #StarWars trilogy cleared $1.788B at the international box office.
rottentomatoes: 93%
metacritic: 90
imdb: 8.6