Netflix original series The Crown dropped its final season December 14th, 2023.

👑#TheCrown S6 has garnered 188.4M hours viewed internationally.
rottentomatoes: 86%
metacritic: 80
imdb: 8.6
emmys: 21 wins
golden globes: 7 wins
SAG awards: 6 wins

Princess Di
Princess Diana endures an ugly divorce in London, England.

Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Drama Series
1 nomination: 2023
Best Supporting Actress – Television Series
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series
1 nomination: 2023
“♪ I get knocked down, but I get up again ♪ Lovely to be here. Fine. Are you the person to do that? In an official way? Come on, Wombat, darling, Time to get up. Summer holiday. Whoo, whoo. Come on. Psst. Who were you wrestling in your sleep? Did you win? Beat him up! From Mou Mou. Morning! It’s not for long. Yes, but it’s ten days of waterskiing and Nerf guns. As much Street Fighter as you can play. I just wanted us all to be away when your father threw a huge 50th birthday part for you-know-who. I didn’t want to be in the country when that was going on. Want to kill him first or shall I? Okay, go.” — Princess Diana
“Say hi, boys. Mou Mou. Thank you for having us. Nice to see you. That would be lovely. Do you wanna throw them this? Be nice. Yes, we met years ago. Windsor Horse Show. Dodi-Dodi. Three, two, go! How long are you gonna hide in there for? Hello, boys. Yes, we’re having a lovely time, apart from you lot. How long will we have the pleasure of your company? The attention’s starting to freak out the boys. Didn’t know you were so interested in fashion, Nick. Deliberately how? You know, I’m having trouble hearing you. I’ll tell you what. You leave me and my boys alone, please, and you’re gonna get a big surprise with the next thing I do. Hmm… you’ll see. You’re very welcome.” — Princess Diana
“Everything all right? Congratulations. Why is that complicated? Where is she now? On that yacht? You’ve been going back and forth? Without your father knowing? You’re lucky to have a father who cares. Mine barely noticed if I was coming or going. I went out of my way to get his attention. Galumphing around, pretending to be a ballerina. He barely looked up. I was so desperate to make an impression, I learnt the piano just for him. I wrote to him every week from boarding school. I ironed his shirts. I baked him cakes. Even married the Prince of Wales. Anything to make him notice me. Be proud of me. And to think our fathers were such good friends. Maybe they could have rubbed off on each other a bit. Could have used a bit of your father’s care and concern. Your father could have used my father’s– complete and utter neglect? So, when’s the big day? Mmm. Oh… why ‘supposedly?’ Mmm. I think that’s normal though. To have last minute nerves. I did. Night before my wedding, I knew it was gonna be a disaster. But my face was on the tea towels, so I didn’t really have a choice. I think you’re gonna be fine. You obviously love her, or your father’s reaction wouldn’t have hurt so much. Now, I promised the boys a film on the last night. Would that be possible? Mmm. Mmm. No. Too sad. No. Jumanji.” — Princess Diana
“No. So much. We’ve all been spoilt rotten, and you’re wonderful hosts. Well, I’m going to drop the boys off with their father, then they go to Scotland. To Balmoral? No. No, I’m not welcome there anymore. Very much persona non grata. Yes, all on my little lonesome. I’ll be fine. That’s mostly how it is these days. Your fiancé is a lucky girl. You too. Thanks, darling. Watch your head.” — Princess Diana

Prince William
“Good, thank you. Hello, thank you. It’s ten days. Sure. Sure, I’ll kill him first. Hello. Thanks for having us. Yes, please. Harry! Until those photographers go away. Yeah. Um… we loved, um, GoldenEye. Harry and I play the game all the time. Did you work on that? Pierce Brosnan? Who’s playing the Bond girl? Go on, tell me. Oh no. What? Let’s go get her.”

Prince Harry
“Godzilla. Beat him up. No… hello. William! Whoo! Whoo!”

Queen Elizabeth II
Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Series – Drama
“I heard you had a visit from Princess Diana. Yes. I always say it’s hard to be half in anything. You’re either in or out. You yourself will know the difference of being in government or out. Whilst she’s mother of the boys and, in that respect, always welcome at the palace, as a divorced woman and no longer an HRH, Diana is now learning the difference between being officially in the royal family, and out.”
“This one’s having a bit of trouble. She won’t drink. Was it? It seems like another lifetime. Anyway, you wanted to see me. Yes, I think we did receive that. It was weeks ago. Can’t, I’m afraid. I’m going to be in Derbyshire. Rolls-Royce factory. I don’t know. It’s possible. The factory is on Saturday morning, and I need to make an early start. Why would you do that? That may be, but plans have been made. You know how long in advance these things are worked out. Why would we want to change it? Is it really so important I attend? It’s just a birthday party. So you’ll have a house full of other 50-year-old youngsters. Why would you want your decrepit old mother there? But how can I possibly give my approval when I don’t approve? It’s nothing personal. I’m sure she’s very nice. It’s a matter of principle. Two perfectly good marriages, two perfectly happy families have been broken up by this… I don’t want to debate this any longer. I’m going to be in Derbyshire. Now, was there anything else? Because I think this one could really use my attention. Couldn’t you? Yeah, huh? A bit of this. Here. There we go. Mm-hmm. It’s fine.”
“Good. Is that what this telephone call is about? Are you saying I should have been there? But since he’s not going to give her up, even in the absence of my approval, I don’t want to be considered unkind, because I’m not. Or for Camilla to be considered… wicked. Because she’s not. Really? Still? Surely not. You don’t think it’s time for this discrimination to end? For us all to accept she is the love of his life?”
“It’s me. Am I disturbing? I just wanted to ask… …when the boys are coming home? Ah, I see. Yes, it never ends. And, um… how as the 50th birthday? Good. Sorry you had rain. Didn’t it? Well, I’m happy to hear that. And happy it went well. And I just wanted to say… I’m so happy you’re so manifestly happy. Well, good night.”

Prince Charles
Best Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Series – Drama
1 nomination: 2024
“That’s marvelous. I think he’s gone in there with them. What news from my family? And replies? It’s vital that the Queen attends this weekend. Will you follow it up with her private secretary and stress how important it is to me? A public gesture of approval from the Queen would transform the campaign for Camilla’s legitimacy. Everything else is just… window dressing, frankly. Diana and I have been divorced for a year, separated for five. The time, darling, is now. I shall have to go and see her myself.”
“Yes, I do know the drill. Are you new? Thank you. There’s a, um… never mind. Mummy. It’s funny being kept waiting at the door always. It takes me back to when Anne and I were presented to you and Papa every morning at nine o’clock. And then at the end of the day, bathed and ready for bed. Best two moments of the day. Yes. And as if it were yesterday too. I did. I came to ask you whether you’d received my invitation to the birthday party I’m hosting for Camilla. Good. Which leads to my next question. Are you coming? For? Really? You’re visiting the factory in the evening? Well, can I check? Well, because if it’s on Saturday, then you could stay at Highgrove on Friday night and travel up to Derbyshire from there. Well, they can always be changed. It is to me. Her 50th. I think you know why. Quite apart from the fact that you improve any occasion with your presence, your attendance, not only as my mother but symbolically as Queen, would be transformative for Camilla. She will never be fully embraces by the public until she has your approval. Rather more than that. Love, Mummy? Love?”
“But when? Really? You look terrific. How very nice of you. That’s why I have the carpets. I’m starving. When do we have food? May I just say how wonderful it is to see you all here, and thank you all so much for coming. And particularly, I want to thank my darling aunt, Princess Margaret, and, uh, Camilla’s father, Major Shand. Bruce, as many of you know, is a wine merchant, so he’s better place than anyone else here to tell us what it is to improve with age. As one gets older, one starts to realize what one really values in life. One’s health. One’s family. And one’s friends. The people who enrich our lives and who we can’t bear to be without. Well, tonight, ladies and gentlemen, we’re all here to celebrate a person who, I’m afraid, I can’t bear to be without. Oh… darling, all of us here can testify to your quite exceptional warmth and generosity. But, again and again, I’ve been struck by something else. And that is your heroism. Because over the years, there have been many people out there, who know nothing about you, who’ve been quite staggeringly unkind and unfair. Now, the easy thing for you to do, the understandable thing, would have been to walk away. But you haven’t. You’ve stuck with it. And you’ve stuck with me. And for that, I am eternally grateful. Hmm. I wanted tonight to read an excerpt from a famous letter. It’s a story of ardent young lovers challenged by adversity who have a second chance of happiness later in life. It’s from Persuasion, and it’s Capt. Wentworth’s letter. ‘Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been. Weak and resentful I have been. But never inconstant.’ Camilla, for you alone, I think and plan. Will you all join me in toasting the birthday girl? To Camilla.”
“‘Momentum is with us,’ you said. ‘Opinion has changed.’ ‘The battle is practically won.’ Is this what victory looks like to you? Really? What’s the use of a few warm headlines when Camilla can be eclipsed by Diana at the drop of a hat? I don’t want partial, qualified victory. This is war. Only total victory will do. I don’t want to go scouring and searching through the newspapers page after page for negative coverage of Diana. I want positive coverage of Mrs. Parker Bowles to be glaringly, screamingly obvious! Have I made myself clear?”
“Hello? Uh, no, not at all. Mummy. Uh, Diana’s bringing them back tomorrow. Although I’ve asked the nanny to take them for two days. I have a meeting in the Prince’s Council, and then I’m hosting a garden party for the emir of Qatar on Saturday. No. Oh. Um… it was lovely, thank you. Oh, did it rain? Um… well, if it did, I don’t think anybody noticed. Thank you. Good night.”

Philip Mountbatten
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Musical-Comedy or Drama Television Series
1 nomination: 2023
“The problem is, if you’d been there, it would have shown more than interest. It would have shown approval. No. No. Just inappropriate. Yes.”

The Blairs
“Remind me, why is Princess Diana even coming? Because she asked us for a meeting. Give who she is, I could hardly say no. Oh, you were never going to say no. Remember last time, you put on your cowboys boots especially. Did I? Yes. And wore tight jeans. Tony Blair, Sheriff of Downing Street. She’s brought William with her. That’s a surprise. He’s grown. Yes. Sweet-looking. For an alien. Now, now. I’ll call the kids. Euan! Kathryn! Nicky! A future king has come for a play date! Welcome. How was the journey? Great. Good to see you.”
“Yes, she came to Chequers last week with Prince William. Euan! Will! We had a nice game of five-a-side. I’m staying out of this one. That’s football. Uh… yes! Then we had lunch. Then the princess and I went for a walk around the grounds. She feels strongly that she still has a lot to offer the country as a public servant. And a lot of energy. If you take her recent work on landmines, two years ago, a global ban on landmines was considered impossible. Now, almost a hundred countries have agreed to sign a treaty outlawing them. When Diana talks, the world listens. She wanted to know if I, that is, the government, could find a way to harness her gifts on a more formal basis. And that any official role I… we might offer her would be enormously, uh, appreciated.”

Camilla Parker Bowles
“Well, I’d better not go arse over tit. It’s fine. It’ll happen in its own time.”
“Oh, come on. It’s not that bad. I’m sure she’ll come around eventually. At least one hopes she will. I’m happy to wait.”
“Thank you, darling. Thank you. Oh, we’re going to do… cheers! Oh, I can’t– my heel’s stuck. Thanks for coming. Bye.”
“Shall I go?”

Dodi Fayed
“Hello? Paris. Choosing fabrics and bedding for the Malibu house. The wedding is in three weeks. It’s our last chance. What special guest? Who? Yeah. There’s a business emergency. My father needs me to join him. I know, baby. It’s the last thing I wanna do right now. Don’t be like that. A few more weeks and we will be in California, and there will be an ocean between him and us. Hmm?”
“Baba. What’s going on? What is all this? Why am I here? For what? Who? What are you talking about? Ah… yeah. We met. Wh– what? Excuse me, one moment. Wait! Baba. What is this? Are you out of your mind? This is the craziest idea I ever heard. First, because I’m about to get married. Second, she’s not in the slightest bit interested in me. Right. Who wants to go swimming? Hey! Hey. Uh… no. No. It’s okay. We, uh… we sorted it. What? Yeah. Uh… that was a surprise for me too. My father obviously changed plans at the last minute. I don’t know, baby, because everything’s fine. These are not my decisions. I’m just doing what my father tells me to do. Just the kids having fun. They’re having fun. I’m not having fun. What? Here? Okay. If you want. I’m not doing anything. Of course I want you here. Come whenever you like. I’ve gotta go.”
“Yeah. On a lot of them. No. Do you like James Bond? Oh, no, not on that one. But I am involved with the newest one. They’re, uh… filming some of it at, uh, Pinewood Studios outside of London. Do you think, uh, you and Harry would visit the set? Maybe meet James Bond himself. Okay, wise guy. You think you and Harry would like to… you! Quick, get it. Throw it back. Come on! Come on! Wait, come on. Let’s get her. Don’t ask. I know. I’m sorry. First my father invites them, then disappears. The whole thing is crazy! And the kids. And the crew. Fine. Thank you. It’s complicated. I have a fiancé. It’s not complicated for me. It is for my father. Not good enough for our family, apparently. Not enough of a catch. Right there. He won’t let her anywhere near this one. Oh, he found out and went… and then she found out and went… and I move between two people who are permanently angry and disappointed by me. Sounds perfect. Obsessive control. Traditional parenting? Oh… the wedding? Mmm. Three weeks. Supposedly. I don’t know. It suddenly all seems a little crazy. You still went ahead. But I do have a choice. Right. Um… of course. We have Jumanji. Mmm? The NeverEnding Story? E.T.? Honey, I Shrunk The Kids? Come on.”
“Have you managed to enjoy yourself? What are your plans for the summer? Will you go too? So, you’ll be on your own for the rest of the summer? I don’t like the sound of that. Well… you’re always welcome here. Come back anytime. The boat is yours. Whenever you want, for as long as you want, with whoever you want. Okay? Well, all that is, um… never mind. Take care.”

Mohamed Fayed
“Where are you? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. The greatest opportunity in history opens up, and he’s choosing fabrics. I need you to come to Saint-Tropez immediately. I have a special guest I need help with. You’ll find out when you get here. But it’s a very special guest. So come alone. Don’t bring Madame Bikini. The gold digger. Leave her in Paris with her swimwear. Underwear. Fabrics. Pillowcases.”
“Your Royal Highness. Your Royal Highness. And who do we have here making noise in the swimming pool? My children! Karim. Raise your hand, boy. Camilla. Omar. And beautiful Jasmine. Only one is missing.”
“My son. I would have thought you’d start with a ‘thank you.’ For putting her on a plate for you. You know the Princess of Wales? Hmm? You remember? You’re clever-clever. Now, very sadly, I have some work to do, but I can leave you in Dodi’s hands. He is much more fun than me. Whatever you wish is his command. Why? Uh-huh. Then make her interested. Isn’t that what you’ve always been able to do. Make women fall in love with you? This is your chance! This is your chance to finally make me proud of you! Mmm?”

The Fayeds
“Hi! Hi. Hi. Drinks? Diana, pass me the ball! Harry! Jump! Whoo!”
“Mr. Dodi said to take you to the small boat.”

Royal Staff
“Ma’am. Morning. There we go, ma’am. Good afternoon, madam.”
“We’ve confirmed at least 50 journalists and photographers at the Street Farm entrance, perfectly placed to capture the arrival of the guest of honor. Invitation reminders went out two weeks ago. As I understand it, just Princess Margaret has confirmed so far. Of course.”
“One moment, sir. The Queen will see you now, sir. The Prince of Wales, Your Majesty.”
“I agree. If we had briefed that the Queen would be attending, it would be a humiliating climbdown, but we didn’t. When she realizes how out of step she is on this matter. The Mirror is going to be running a survey to be printed on Mrs. P-B’s birthday that shows that two-thirds of all respondents now accept the relationship and believe you should be free to marry. Really. I mean, it used to be that Diana had the winning narrative. The fairy-tale princess that was wronged. But since Panorama, that’s all changed. All her choices at the moment are just making it worse. Going on holiday with Mohamed Al Fayed. The more desperate the stunts, the more tawdry the spectacle, the more dignified you look by comparison. I believe it was Napoleon who said, ‘never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake.'”
“Happy birthday, Camilla! I’m sure every day is seamless if you’re here.”
“I’d say it was a resounding success, yes. Really. We have a slew of favorable front pages. For the first time in editorials, Camilla is being spoken of as a potential queen. Stephen. The Times front page. ‘Champagne Birthday at Highgrove.’ The Telegraph. ‘Party Star. Mrs. Parker-Bowles Smiles with a New Confidence.’ The ever-reliable Daily Mail. ‘Smile of the Party Queen.’ Lovely. It’s within our power to shape coverage of Mrs. Parker-Bowles. We cannot control the coverage of Diana. But, if you look closely, much of the content about Diana is far from complimentary. They call her a loose cannon. An exhibitionist. Off the rails. She may win the battle for attention. But that’s not the same as the battle for sympathy. Sir. Sir.”

Princess Margaret
“Possibly a Tuesday, but who knows? I must say, he’s done it beautifully. The house is gorgeous. And the happy couple seem very happy. Hmm. Do you know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Charles so relaxed and confident. And entirely himself. I think starting to show support for your son in this matter would be no bad thing. Because he will be king one day, and we want our kings and queens to be happy. Good night, Lilibet.”

Kelly Fisher
“Everything okay? But when Daddy says, ‘jump…’ it’s true, thought, isn’t it? Come, go, jump, sit.”
“Hey, baby. I’m just checking it’s not too stressful with the business emergency. Good. And, um, did the emergency involve Princess Diana? I’m asking if it involved Princess Diana because it is all over the news today that she’s in Saint-Tropez with your father. Right. Why am I getting a bad feeling about this? Well… …I don’t think everything’s fine. I actually think it’s pretty shitty that I discover the truth about your movements in the newspapers. What was that? Well, I’m glad you’re all ‘having fun’ down there. So, why don’t I come by, and then the two of us could have fun together too? Yes. I just got booked for an assignment in Nice next week, so… it makes sense for me to come by and see my fiancé. Well, why wouldn’t I want? Why are you doing this to me?”
“Uh… why aren’t we going there? To the big boat? Finally. Where have you been? Because I’ve been calling you. We have so little time together. I leave tomorrow for work. What? Hang on. You’ve been on your own with her? The most beautiful woman in the world.”

“Diana! Diana, please, look this way! William! Diana! Diana! Diana, one more! Diana, look! One more! One more! She coming this way? Here she comes! Oh my God, look at her. You enjoying your holiday? Don’t be like that. You love us really. I like your swimming costume, by the way. Who’s the designer of that? Did you choose it deliberately? Well, you must be aware that today is Mrs. Parker Bowles’ birthday, and a big party’s being thrown for her by the Prince of Wales. What’s that? What do you mean, a big surprise? Get in there, boys, come on. Thanks for the visit. That’s gonna sell. Thank you. Enjoy your holiday. That was perfect. Strike a pose!”

Paris, France
“Let’s go. You going or not? First, you want to go out, then you don’t. You want to pee, then you don’t. Which is it? Okay. One last try. Here? Yes? Go on. Hello? Emergency services? Police, fire, or ambulance? I’m standing at Pont de l’Alma. There’s been a crash in the tunnel. I think it’s serious. We’ll come as soon we can. It’s okay.”