Netflix original series The Sandman dropped August 5th, 2022.

#TheSandman is a DC Comic / has reportedly been renewed / has 196.9m hours viewed.

rottentomatoes: 87%
metacritic: 66
imdb: 9.1
Continue reading The Sandman
Netflix original series The Sandman dropped August 5th, 2022.
#TheSandman is a DC Comic / has reportedly been renewed / has 196.9m hours viewed.
rottentomatoes: 87%
metacritic: 66
imdb: 9.1
HBO Max original film The Batman dropped on the platform April 22, 2022.
#TheBatman has been greenlit for a sequel.
rottentomatoes: 85%
metacritic: 73
imdb: 8.3
HBO Max original drama Peacemaker premiered three episodes January 13th, 2022.
#Peacemaker is a spinoff of The Suicide Squad.
rottentomatoes: 94%
metacritic: 69
imdb: 8.4
HBO Max original film The Suicide Squad dropped August 6th, 2021.
#TheSuicideSquad made $72m globally.
rottentomatoes: 91%
metacritic: 72
imdb: 7.5
Netflix original drama Sweet Tooth dropped Friday June 4th, 2021.
#Sweettooth is based on a DC comic.
rottentomatoes: 98%
metacritic: 78
imdb: 7.8
Warner Bros. original film Zack Snyder’s Justice League dropped on HBO Max last Thursday March 18, 2021.
🔥#SnyderCut was a fan petition turned into reality.
rottentomatoes: 73%
metacritic: 56
imdb: 8.6
Warner Bros. original film Wonder Woman 1984 dropped on HBOMax Christmas day December 25th, 2020.
👏🌟#WW1984 is the first major film to be released on a digital platform.
rottentomatoes: 61%
metacritic: 60
imdb: 5.6
Netflix original drama Lucifer dropped its fifth season last Friday August 21, 2020.
#Lucifer is a DC Comics property / is in the Sandman universe / has been renewed for a sixth season.
rottentomatoes: 86%
metacritic: 49
imdb: 8.2
Continue reading Fallen AngelZack Snyder may be a bad story-teller, but in all fairness is a talented cinematographer. Luckily enough for us, Christopher Nolan is the kind of guy that would start trolling a baddie if they are bad. Which let’s be honest if you are dealing with Zack Snyder; that is going to be the case more often than not.
#TROLOLOLOL. Disney finally bought itself out of Marvel’s Paramount contract, but is still paying 8% and 9% royalties on grosses $1,511,757,910 (The Avengers) and $1,147,575,931 (Iron Man 3) respectively. Granting Paramount roughly 200$mill without breaking a sweat. Or literally even doing anything. Thor: The Dark World however: will be Marvel Studios’ first foot-loose and fancy-free “in-house” project. With a little bit of wiggle-room, Marvel has already started writing up scripts for some of it’s most recently re-acquired intellectual property most notably: Blade, Punisher, Daredevil, Ghostrider, and Doctor Strange.
They’re back in the fold, which is where we want them to be.
— Marvel President Kevin Feige
As the #superheroarmsrace #startsheatingup, rumor has it @ChrisNolanWB is now basically the Kevin Feige of DC/Warner Bros. Igniting what some might describe as a MERCILESS RUMBLE OF TITANS.