The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros.

Motley Crew

HBO Max original film The Suicide Squad dropped August 6th, 2021.

#TheSuicideSquad made $72m globally.

rottentomatoes: 91%

metacritic: 72

imdb: 7.5

Bloodsport, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Idris Elba
Bloodsport, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Idris Elba


Robert DuBois and his compatriots extricate an extraterrestrial entity out of Corto Maltese, South America.
Bloodsport, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Idris Elba

“How’d you do it, Waller? There’s no soldiers out here on patrol at all.” — Bloodsport

“Same answer as the last time. Piss off. I’m not joining your goddamn Suicide Squad.” — Bloodsport

“They said you got in trouble. You stole what? A star latch? Why would you want to watch TV on your watch? Next time you want to nick something, you take a partner, and they can be your lookout. Yeah. Hey, I didn’t ask to be a father in the first place. Your mother sprung that one on me. Oh, I tried to lay off her, but then she dragged out the paternity test. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! I don’t care that you got caught, I care that you got caught for stealing something as stupid as a fucking TV watch! But nothing that your phone can’t fucking do! It’s embarrassing! Yeah, well, I told you, Tyla, when I came here that any goodness I ever had in me had been wrung out bare by my old man. And also I told you to go out there and do your own thing and stay far away from me or anyone like me, didn’t I? So, why are you here when you and I both know I have nothing good to offer you?” — Bloodsport

“To get me to lead your shite fucking mission, you’re gonna send my 14-year-old daughter to prison? Fine. You know what, Tyla needs to grow up anyway ’cause she’s a little ditzy like her fucking mother. So, a year in juvie, no fucking problem. You’re threatening my fucking daughter! Oh, extreme? Oh, yeah, a little extreme. Fuck your mission. No, I’m no fucking leader! Fuck me, man.” — Bloodsport

“Are you having a laugh? You just said each member of the team is chosen for their unique abilities. He does exactly what I do. I always hit my targets dead center. Well, you can’t hit something more in a center. What? What the fuck? Does it talk? Wow. Oh, no way. That’s not coming with us. I know, I caught that. It’s a disgusting superpower. I’m not shaking the rat’s hand.” — Bloodsport

“What’s round his neck? These are soldiers? Fuck. How are we supposed to get in? We’re all gonna die. Oh, for fuck’s sake.” — Bloodsport

Peacemaker, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., John Cena


“But better. I hit them more in the center. I use smaller bullets. They go inside your bullet holes without even touching the side. Holy shit. Book’s upside down. You see that? It’s pretending to read a book. What, we couldn’t afford Ratcatcher 1? Millenials.”

“Polka Dot Man. What’s he do, throw polka dots at people? He does. He throws polka dots at people.”

“So, you want us to kill Luna? Starfish is a slang term for butthole. Think there’s any connection? No… …connection.”

Harley Quinn, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Margot Robbie

Harley Quinn

“Hey, guys, sorry I’m late. Had to go number two. Flag. Oh, sorry. Comin’ through. Hey, Boomer. I got road rage. In a bank. Oh. So sorry. Comin’ through. Leave him alone, Boomer. I love your accent. We do. ‘Cause we don’t got none. Oh, my God, is it a werewolf? I’ve wanted to meet a werewolf forever.

“Okey-doke. Whoo-hoo! T.D.K. is ‘The Detachable Kid?’ What the fuck? Boomer!”

Colonel Rick Flag, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Joel Kinnaman

Colonel Rick Flag

“Savant. Or would you rather be called Durlin? Well, welcome to ‘anything.’ Well, we consider that term degrading. The official term is ‘Task Force X.’ And love ’em or hate ’em, these are your brothers and sisters for the next five days. Captain Boomerang. Blackguard. Javelin. T.D.K. Weasel. And, of course…”

“Hmm, good to know. Yeah, we’re T-minus five from the drop. Hey, hey, he’s not werewolf, okay! He’s a weasel. He’s harmless. I mean, he’s not harmless, he’s killed 27 children, but, you know, we got him to… I think he’s agreed to do this. Whatever the case, just everyone get into position to drop. Did anyone check on whether Weasel could swim?”

“Waller, we’re on the beach and dry. What the fuck is Blackguard doing? Blackguard, get back into your position. Waller, we’re made. Blackguard sold us out. He contacted the fucking Corto Maltese Army! Waller, we need to retreat. Waller, with all due respect, we’re in the middle of a goddamn… Harley, wait! T.D.K., two o’clock! I didn’t pick the damn team! Mongal! Don’t.”

Ratcatcher 2, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Daniela Melchior

Ratcatcher 2

“I just woke up. I don’t function well early in the morning. Hmm, it’s all right. This is Sebastian. Say hello, Sebastian.”

“What is that? Do you ever use it anymore? So, why don’t you just throw it away?”

Savant, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Michael Rooker


“I got another 15. I’d rather not be called at all. But I’ll do anything to get out of this hellhole. So this is the famous Suicide Squad. Oh.”

“The Weasel is dead! I repeat, the Weasel is dead. Roger that. Huh? Oh, please! No.”

Amanda Waller, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Viola Davis

Amanda Waller

“Not today, you don’t. You’re up. You know the deal. Successfully complete the mission, you get ten years off your sentence. You fail to follow my orders in any way and I detonate the explosive device in the base of your skull. We are a black ops unit. Meaning, nothing you see here ever happened. Your commanding officer will be Colonel Rick Flag.”

“What are you doing? Flag. Get the whole team safely to that beach, Colonel. You will receive further orders once there. Negative, Flag. The mission is too important. This is a tough group. You can make it. Savant, turn back. Savant. Savant, I’m warning you, this is desertion. Savant! Damn it. How’s Team Two holding up? Congratulations, Bloodsport.”

“Let’s just say they were distracted.”

“Robert DuBois. A world-class marskman. In his hands, anything is a deadly weapon. His father was a mercenary who trained his son to kill from the moment he was born. He’s in prison for putting Superman in the ICU with a kryptonite bullet. DuBois? We’ll see. You have a visitor.”

“No. Your daughter is 16, DuBois. You’re a real father of the year. Not juvie. Being 16 in the state of Louisiana means that under the right circumstances, she could be tried as an adult. And, if convicted, could be sent right here to old Belle Reve. And in here, you never know what might happen to a frail young thing like that. Shames me to say that we have the highest mortality rate in the entire U.S. prison system. I’m protecting this country. Everyone stand down. Stand down! I wouldn’t take such extreme measures …if this mission weren’t more important than you could possibly imagine. You have the military experience necessary, and everything in your psychological profile tells me you have what it takes to be a leader. Then I’ll make you one. Are you in or out? Good. Let’s meet your team.”

“Each member of the team is chosen for his or her own completely unique set of abilities. This is Christopher Smith, known as Peacemaker. In his hands, everything is a deadly weapon. His father was a soldier who trained his son how to kill from the moment he was born. What? Next up is King Shark. Some people claim that Nanaue is descendant of an ancient shark god. Whatever the case, he’s strong and deadly. Be a mite careful, as he’s developed a taste for human meat. Huh? Next, we have Cleo Cazo, Ratcatcher 2. Settle down! He’s dead. This is his daughter. Cazo, will you be joining us? My deepest apologies for disturbing you. Get your ass out here! She controls rats.”

“And finally, we have Abner Krill. A power dampener. They call him the Polka Dot Man. We need a debrief.”

“Corto Maltese is a small island nation off the coast of South America. Over the past 100 years, the country has been ruled with an iron fist by the Herrera family. But, a week ago, this guy, General Silvio Luna, along with his right-hand man, Mayor General Mateo Suarez, took control of the Corto Maltese government in a violent military coup. The entire Herrera family were hanged in a public execution. Although the United States did not condone the excesses of the Herrera regime, they were non-antagonistic toward the U.S. Luna, however, is virulently anti-American. No. This is Jotunheim. A scientific experimentation facility containing something known only as Project Starfish. Our intelligence sources tell us that Starfish is extraterrestrial in origin. In the hands of the Luna regime, it is potentially cataclysmic for Americans and the world. Your mission is to infiltrate Jotunheim and destroy every trace of Project Starfish. Gaius Grieves, the Thinker, is a geneticist in charge of Project Starfish. After hours, he hangs out at a gentleman’s club known as La Gatita Amable. Get Grieves to help you by whatever means necessary and he can get you into Jotunheim. Any questions? That is an overhead projector. No, not really. Peacemaker? No. Nanaue. Yes, that is your hand Nanaue, very good.”

Blackguard, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Pete Davidson


“Whoa. There? Here? All right. Thanks, man. Yo, is this a dog? Is this thing a dog? Yes. I don’t know, I’m not familiar with all the breeds. Yo, they sat me next to a werewolf? Yo, let me out. I do not fuck with werewolves.”

“Hey, guys! Hey. You can come out now, it’s just me. Look, look. I brought everybody, look. They’re right behind me. Whoa. Hey. Hey, guys. Whoa. We got a deal, right? Uh… uh… I’m the one who called you.”

“Oh, jeez. Oh. Here you go, champ. Excuse me.”

Captain Boomerang, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Jai Courtney

Captain Boomerang

“What are you doing back in prison, Harls? We’re in a butcher’s freezer, Harls, surrounded by dead hogs hangin’ on hooks. Only they don’t know it yet. All names are letters, dickhead. What? A… a dog? What kind of dog do you think it is, mate? Since when does an Afghan Hound have bloody thumbs?”

“Blackguard. Get down, you… …there’s fucking soldiers everywhere. Strewth!”

T.D.K., The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Nathan Fillion


“Turn it around. There. No. Put it in there. Now you’re safe. What? Yeah. It stands for me. It’s what a name is. I’m gonna go with the Afghan Hound. That’s not right.”

Javelin, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Flula Borg


“What does T.D.K. stand for? Your name is T.D.K., correct? And it stands for what? Your name is letters? American women all love accents.”

“Is this what’s supposed to happen? What the fuck?”

Mongal, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Mayling Ng


“Don’t worry, Flag, I got the bird.”

King Shark, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Sylvester Stallone

King Shark

“Book read. So smart, me. Enjoy book so much.”


Polka Dot Man, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., David Dastmalchian

Polka Dot Man

“I hope so.”

Tyla DuBois, The Suicide Squad, HBO Max, Atlas Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment, The Safran Company, Warner Bros., Storm Reid

Tyla Dubois

“I stole. A style watch. A style watch. You can watch TV on it. I don’t know. That’s your advice? You’re a terrible father. You make that perfectly clear. Well, she’s not around anymore, so you can lay off of her, okay? No, fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! I can’t believe you don’t care that I stole, only that I got caught! It does other things too! No, what’s fucking embarrassing is having you as my father. Because my court date is coming up, and Miss Waller said maybe you could help me out.”

Prison Doctor

“Good dog.”


“Prepare for liftoff. And away we go.”

Belle Reve Guard

“Whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey! Come on. Let’s go.”

Inmate 1


Inmate 2

“Hey, Polka Dot Man, I was hoping you’d entertain my kid’s birthday party. You fucking pussy!”

Emilia Harcourt

“Harley and T.D.K… …have they worked together before? It’s Brian Durlin. He’s an expert in weapons and hand-to-hand combat. Me too. And Weasel, Boomer and Mongal. Yeah, I just gotta, uh, do this thing.”

“Northeast, all clear. Approach the shore. Over. Savant, hold your position. Zero-two-two-seven is wide open. Colonel, dispatch. The Detachable Kid. All troops on the south beach are engaged. Team two is clear to go on the north beach.”

“Miss Waller, I…”

Flo Crawley

“Digger. What does Savant do again? Yeah, well, I’m putting 20 on him that he’s gonna bite it. Is Mongal an alien or some type of god? Okay.”

“Team Two, check. Set point bravo.”

John Economos

“Not yet. I’m excited. Yeah, I think… oh. Hey. Just making sure everything was ready to go. Good meeting, everybody. Just our normal, casual morning meeting. Nothing weird about it. Oh, yeah.”

“Savant is off the rails. This is your last chance. Turn back around. You are in violation of your agreement!”

“Who the fuck is Bloodsport? She was gonna kill his kid?”

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