Tag Archives: Cristina Patterson

War Hero

Universal Pictures original film 1917 was released digitally this Tuesday March 10, 2020.

#1917Movieis presented as one continuous shot.

rottentomatoes: 89%

metacritic: 78

imdb: 8.5

oscars: 3 wins

golden globes: 2 wins

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Super Hero

HBO original drama Watchmen drops its second episode tonight October 27, 2019.

#WatchmenHBO is based on literature of the same name.

rottentomatoes: 95%

metacritic: 85

imdb: 6.8

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The Apocalypse

Amazon original miniseries Good Omens dropped May 31, 2019.

#GoodOmensΒ is based on literature of the same name.

rottentomatoes: 82%

metacritic: 66

imdb: 8.4

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