Tag Archives: bryan singer

Usual Suspects

The Usual Suspects, Amazon Prime Video, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, Spelling Films International, Blue Parrot, Bad Hat Harry Productions, Rosco Film GmbH

MGM+ original film The Usual Suspects was released August 16th, 1995.

The Usual Suspects, Amazon Prime Video, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, Spelling Films International, Blue Parrot, Bad Hat Harry Productions, Rosco Film GmbH
The Usual Suspects, Amazon Prime Video, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, Spelling Films International, Blue Parrot, Bad Hat Harry Productions, Rosco Film GmbH
The Usual Suspects, Amazon Prime Video, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, Spelling Films International, Blue Parrot, Bad Hat Harry Productions, Rosco Film GmbH

#TheUsualSuspects made $23.3M at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 87%

metacritic: 76

imdb: 8.5

oscars: 2 wins

golden globes: 1 nomination

SAG awards: 1 nomination

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20th Century Fox original film X-Men was released July 14th, 2000.

The #X-Men trilogy cleared $1.164B at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 82%

metacritic: 64

imdb: 7.3

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Rock Star

20th Century Fox original film Bohemian Rhapsody collected 4 statues at the 91st Annual Academy Awards.

#BohemianRhapsody is based on real events.

rottentomatoes: 60%

metacritic: 49

imdb: 8.1

golden globes: 2 wins

oscars: 4 wins

SAG awards: 1 win

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Cerebral Complexion

FX Networks‘ X-Men universe drama Legion drops its first season finale Wednesday.

#Legion season 2 has been confirmed.

Rottentomatoes: 90%

Metacritic: 82

IMDb: 8.8


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Quad Dragoons

x-men apocalypse

X-Men Apocalypse premieres in a month and will feature the titular character along with his ‘four horsemen’.


Bryan Singer will be relenting from the X-Men franchise for a short period as his next contractual project is an adaptation of Jules Verne‘s classic novel: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Apocalypse a.k.a. ‘En Sabah Nur’ is a ruthless incarnation of Darwinism, simply seeking to augment or enforce natural selection and remove those who are weak, unnecessary, or those who are slowly but surely destroying their own planet.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

War (artisan?), Famine (guardian?), Pestilence (rational?), Death (idealist?)

x-men apocalypse four horsemen

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Resolved Effervescence

Rational Effervesence 5

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Tyrion Lannister a.k.a. Peter Dinklage is Bolivar Trask, founder and CEO of Trask-Industries: the company that would go on to enslave mutant-kind with massive robotic Sentinel’s. As seen by some at San Diego Comic-Con this past week. Bryan Singer’s upcoming X-men: Days of Future Past will not only feature Trask’s Sentinel’s, but time-travel and a dystopian alternative future in which mutants are being sent to internment camps.


The coveted franchise will be trying to shake off X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and X-Men 3: The Last Stand: both films having been absolute garbage, garnering an average 47.5% rottentomatoes score. While X-men: First Class did some damage-control, Singer will probably be looking to make some headway on the many fans of the franchise. As a matter of fact, with Sentinel’s running around, Singer could totally swing some Magneto/JFK”magic-bullet” action into the mix. Let’s just hope, assume and pray that the guy isn’t going to pull some sort of Zack Snyder. Because that would be bad. Like really bad. Speaking of the man-himself, Snyder will direct a Man of Steel sequel, featuring none other than a rebooted Caped Crusader. Does lowly gruntish simpleton Zack Snyder have sufficient enough intellectual-capacity and talent to do justice to the Justice League? NO. No he absolutely does not. Any other questions?

Rational Effervesence 6

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