Warner Bros. original film Troy was released May 14th, 2004.

#Troy cleared $497.4M at the international box office.
rottentomatoes: 53%
metacritic: 56
imdb: 7.3
oscars: 1 nomination
Continue reading Trojan War
Warner Bros. original film Troy was released May 14th, 2004.
#Troy cleared $497.4M at the international box office.
rottentomatoes: 53%
metacritic: 56
imdb: 7.3
oscars: 1 nomination
Bryan Singer will be relenting from the X-Men franchise for a short period as his next contractual project is an adaptation of Jules Verne‘s classic novel: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Apocalypse a.k.a. ‘En Sabah Nur’ is a ruthless incarnation of Darwinism, simply seeking to augment or enforce natural selection and remove those who are weak, unnecessary, or those who are slowly but surely destroying their own planet.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
War (artisan?), Famine (guardian?), Pestilence (rational?), Death (idealist?)
[polldaddy poll=9399214]