#Oscars Moment: @ItsRamiMalek accepts Oscar for Best Actor In A Leading Role for his portrayal in @BoRhapMovie. pic.twitter.com/PwmrYI35WN
— The Academy (@TheAcademy) February 25, 2019
20th Century Fox original film Bohemian Rhapsody collected 4 statues at the 91st Annual Academy Awards.
#BohemianRhapsody is based on real events.
rottentomatoes: 60%
metacritic: 49
imdb: 8.1
golden globes: 2 wins
oscars: 4 wins
SAG awards: 1 win
Freddie Mercury (Farrokh Bulsara)
Freddie Mercury joins the band that would become Queen as lead vocals outside of 1970 London, England.
1 win: 2019
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama
1 win: 2019
Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Lead Role
1 win: 2019
“I’m not from Pakistan.” — Freddie Mercury
“I’m not hungry, mum. Out with friends. Oh, mum. I’m going to be late. It’s Freddie now, papa. Yes. And how’s that worked out for you?” — Freddie Mercury
“Pint of lager. Thank you. Thanks. Sorry. Oh, I was just looking for the band. I like your coat.” — Freddie Mercury
“I enjoyed the show. I’ve been following you for a while, actually. Smile. Makes sense for a dental student. And you’re astrophysics, aren’t you? Makes you the clever one. I study design here. Yeah. Also, um, I write songs. Might be of interest to you. It’s just a bit of fun, really. Well, then you’ll need someone new. What about me? ♪ I know what I’m doin’ ♪ I got a feeling ♪ I should be doin’ all right ♪ doin’ all right ♪. I was born with four additional incisors. More space in my mouth means more range. I’ll consider your offer. Nope.” — Freddie Mercury
“Oh. Um, I rather liked these. Do you think you have them in my size? There wasn’t a sign or anything. Are you even allowed to be in here? That’s right. Hello, all you beautiful people. Let’s do it. ♪ Keep yourself alive ♪ I was told a million times Of all the troubles in my way ♪ Mind you grow a little wiser Little better every day ♪ But if I rode a million rivers ♪ And I crossed a million miles ♪ Still be where I started ♪ Bread and butter for a smile ♪ Sold a million mirrors In shopping alley ways ♪ But I never saw my face In any window any day ♪ Now they say your folks are telling you ♪ Be a super star ♪ Tell you, just be satisfied ♪ And stay right where you are ♪ Keep yourself alive Keep yourself alive ♪ All you people Keep yourself alive ♪ ” — Freddie Mercury
“You’re late. Trouble is, we’re just not thinking big enough. An album. Oh, we’ll find a way. How much do you think we can get for this van? Don’t be so dramatic, darling. You’re recording an album tonight. Let’s go!” — Freddie Mercury
“Don’t you think I sound like shit? Can we try it again? Try bouncing us left and right for the ah-ah-ahs. Do we have time to stack a few more?” — Freddie Mercury
“As in ‘Her Royal Highness.’ And because it’s outrageous… and I can’t think of anyone more outrageous than me. Think it has potential. I’ll always look after you. How beautiful you are.” — Freddie Mercury
“Please tell your father it’s nice to meet him. Then thank him for the lovely birthday cake. Then tell him his daughter’s an epic shag.” — Freddie Mercury
“Shut up. Mum. Mum, mum. Mum. No looking back. Only forward. No, it’s not. I changed it legally. Got a new passport and everything. Quite like the sound of that. When? I see. I have an announcement. One of the A&R men… from EMI saw us recording. Gave our demo to John Reid. He looks after Elton John. Mr. Reid wants to meet us… and possibly, even manage us.” — Freddie Mercury
“I’ve gotta make an impression, darling. I’ll tell you what it is. We’re four misfits who don’t belong together, playing to the other misfits. The outcasts right at the back of the room… who are pretty sure they don’t belong either. We belong to them. And then? We’ll want more.” — Freddie Mercury
“You want me to lip synch? ♪ She’s a Killer Queen ♪ Gunpowder, gelatine ♪ Dynamite with a laser beam ♪ Guaranteed to blow your mind ♪ Anytime ♪ Drop of a hat she’s as willing as ♪ Playful as a pussy cat ♪ Momentarily out of action ♪ Temporarily out of gas ♪ To absolutely drive you wild, wild ♪.” — Freddie Mercury
“When I know they’re listening… when I know I really have them… I couldn’t sing off-key if I tried. I’m exactly the person I was always meant to be. I’m not afraid of anything. The only other time I ever feel that way is when I’m with you. Don’t move. Don’t move. You’re the love of my life. Wedding finger. Will you marry me? Are you gonna leave it in the box? Promise me you’ll never take it off. No matter what. We’re going to do great things. Oh, come on in. Make yourselves at home. Don’t mind us. Good. What’s going on, Brian? This really isn’t a good time, guys. Oh, yes! Yes! Yes!” — Freddie Mercury
“Now, who wants to take a ride? We love you, Cleveland! We love you, Houston!” — Freddie Mercury
“Well, we’re selling out every night. I just wish you were here to see it. They really love us. We love you, Portland! Rog, come down here and say hello. Now, hit it!” — Freddie Mercury
“What are you doing? You can’t possibly be having any fun without me. I will. Love you.” — Freddie Mercury
“Hello. Am I? Lovely. You must stop calling him that. No, we cannot keep calling him ‘Jim Beach.’ No, that’s absurd, not to mention, unspeakably boring. Miami. From now on, I dub thee ‘Miami Beach.’ On Miami Beach. No. We can do better. Formulas are a complete and utter waste of time. We’ll call the album… A Night at the Opera. No, don’t misunderstand, darling. It’s a rock and roll record… with the scale of opera… the pathos of Greek tragedy… the wit of Shakespeare… the unbridaled joy of musical theater. It’s a musical experience. Yeah. Rather than just another record. Something for everyone… something… hmm. Something that will make people feel belongs to them. We’ll mix genres, we’ll cross boundaries… we’ll speak in bloody tongues if we want to. Surely, a man of your… unique taste… isn’t afraid of a little risk? You’re fun.” — Freddie Mercury
“Hmm. Oh, that’s really good. ♪ Love of my life, you’ve hurt me ♪ You’ve broken my heart ♪ And now you leave me ♪ Love of my life, can’t you see? ♪ Bring it back, bring it back ♪ Bring it back, bring it back ♪ Don’t take it away from me ♪ Because you don’t know ♪ What it means to me ♪. Love of My Life. I wrote it for Mary. Don’t misunderstand, Paul. Mary knows me in a way that no one else ever will. Is that what you think? Oh, no, you don’t know me. You just see what you want to see. We work together. That’s all.” — Freddie Mercury
“I know I’m late. What did I miss? Children, please. We could all murder each other… but then who would be left to record this album? Why the hell would you say something like that? Roger, there’s only room in this band for one hysterical queen.” — Freddie Mercury
“♪ Goodbye, everybody ♪ I’ve got to go ♪ Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth ♪ Mama Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ I don’t wanna die ♪ I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all ♪” — Freddie Mercury
“That was pretty damn good. Brilliant. I love that. I know, I know where it is. I know where… knock, knock. It’s good. Um… you know, play it like you wrote it. Taking the piss. I think it’s beautiful. It’s almost perfect. Yes, give it more rock and roll. Put your body into it. Not like that. All right. Give it more heart. Oh, and then there’s the operatic section. You’re gonna love it. I know, it sounds crazy. I don’t know. It could be a flop. It could work. What have we got to lose? If you say so. Deacy.” — Freddie Mercury
“Higher. Try. Higher. One more. Again. That’s it. It’s beautiful! Love it!” — Freddie Mercury
“No, it’s better than the album we promised you. It’s better than any album anyone’s ever promised you, darling. It’s a bloody masterpiece. It’s an epic poem. I pity your wife if you think six minutes is forever. And do you know what? We’re going to release it as our single. Bismillah. True poetry is for the listener. Or we walk. …Rhapsody. No. We know what we have, even if you don’t. It’s called Bohemian Rhapsody. You will forever be known as the man who lost Queen. You can take that out of our royalties! Twat! Arsehole!” — Freddie Mercury
“I’m really not supposed to. Other side. The BBC won’t play it. In fact, no one will play it on the radio… so EMI won’t release it. Nothing’s wrong with it at all. Except that it’s six minutes long. You’d have to be mad to play it. I positively forbid it.” — Freddie Mercury
“♪ So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye? ♪ So you think you can love me and leave me to die? ♪ Oh, baby ♪ Can’t do this to me, baby ♪ Just gotta get out ♪ Just gotta get right outta here ♪ Yeah ♪ Nothing really matters ♪ Anyone can see ♪ Nothing really matters ♪ Nothing really matters to me ♪ Any way the wind blows ♪” — Freddie Mercury
“Tom, Jerry, can you hear me? I’ll be home soon, darling. Will you put Romeo on the phone so I can tell him I miss him? What a stupid question. Of course I do. Good night.” — Freddie Mercury
“Clean this mess up and get rid of your friend.” — Freddie Mercury
“According to Brian… it was the largest paying audience in history. The whole night… I didn’t know if they understood a thing I was saying. And then… they’re all singing. Thousands of them. All singing to you. Because it’s true. I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I think I’m bisexual. No, don’t take it off. Don’t take it off. You promised me you’d never take it off. Almost everything. I want you in my life. We believe in each other. And that’s everything. For us.” — Freddie Mercury
“What do you think? Not this, darling, the house. Isn’t it amazing? Mary’s already moved in next door, so she can visit the cats and me. Each cat will have his own room. Delilah’s by the kitchen… Miko’s next door. Tiffany, Oscar, Romeo, all upstairs. Lilly’s room is even larger than this one! Spoilt thing. Eh-oh! Oh, I knew you’d appreciate it. Stay for dinner. Anything you fancy. Of course. Well, come on. We’ll eat off the floor. It’s clean enough.” — Freddie Mercury
“Mary. Hello, my love. Hi. I need you to do something for me. But you can’t ask any questions. No, I just told you… you can’t ask any questions. I want you to go to your bedroom window. Look out of it. Do you see me? Now, you do the same. Oh… keep yours on. Come have a drink. Right now. Come on. Please. Do you have something to drink? Go get it. Pour yourself something. Pour yourself a drink, darling. Do you have it? Cheers. To you, my love. Good night.” — Freddie Mercury
“I’m tired of touring. Aren’t you? Album, tour, album, tour. I want to do something different. Well, I need a break. I’m sick of it. I’ve signed a deal with CBS Records. Look, I’m not saying we won’t record or ever tour again. Queen will go on. But I need to do something different. Do you know what I mean? I need to grow. What’s the song? ‘Fly away?’ ‘Spread my wings and fly away.’ Ye of little faith. $4 million! Look, the routine is killing us. I mean, you must all want a break from all the arguments. I mean, whose song gets on the album… whose song’s the single… who wrote what… who gets a bigger slice of the royalties… what’s on the B-side, all of it. You must need a break. No, we’re not! We’re not a family! You’ve got families, children, wives. What have I got? I won’t compromise my vision any longer. And without me… you’d be a dentist… drumming 12/8-time blues at the weekend at the Crown and Anchor. And you. Well, you would be Dr. Brian May… author of a fascinating dissertation on the cosmos… that no one ever reads. And Deacy… for the life of me… nothing comes to mind. Perfect. Oh, give it a kiss one day. She might wake up. I don’t need anyone.” — Freddie Mercury
“No, no. I’ve been working, that’s all. Yes, but the glow is so divine. Being human is a condition that requires a little anesthesia.” — Freddie Mercury
“Before you leave… could I have a second? I’ve got it. AIDS. I wanted you to hear it from me. Brian, stop. Don’t. For right now… it’s between us. All right? Just us. So, please… if any of you… fuss about it or frown about it, or, worst of all… if you bore me with your sympathy… that’s just seconds wasted. Seconds that could be used making music… which is all I want to do with the time I have left. I don’t have time to be their victim… their AIDS poster boy, their cautionary tale. No, I decide who I am. I’m going to be what I was born to be. A performer… who gives the people what they want. Touch of the heavens. Freddie fucking Mercury. You’re bloody right I am. We’re all legends. But you’re right, I am a legend. Now, you give me a chance to get my bitchy little vocal cords in order… and we’ll go and punch a hole through the roof of that stadium. All right. Then we’ll punch a hole in the sky.” — Freddie Mercury

Mary Austin
“It’s a bit silly. But then everyone else was in, like, long dresses? How bizarre. You all right? They’re usually out back. It’s from Biba. Thank you.” — Mary Austin
“Excuse me. Thanks. So, you found me, then. How can I help you? This is the ladies’ section, so I’m not exactly sure. I don’t think it should really matter, do you? I thought you might like this. No, not really. One more thing. May I? You have such an exotic look. I love your style. I think we should all take more risks. What do you think?” — Mary Austin
“So the new name is Queen? This is the most impractical bed. That’s beautiful. I have to go to work. I simply won’t allow it. You’re going to support me if I get fired? I’m going to… I’m going to be late.” — Mary Austin
“When I was a little girl… I used to run around the house and hide and… I used to run around the house and hide and… he couldn’t find one. Clever girl. I have. I have. Freddie, he can read lips.” — Mary Austin
“Farrokh? No, he did not. Yes. Yeah. Please! Please. He’s so small. Kash, how old are you here?” — Mary Austin
“You’ll just have to make sure no one’s looking at your lips.” — Mary Austin
“What was it like singing for all those people? Freddie. Which finger do I put this on? Yes! Freddie, it’s beautiful. I love it. Oh, I promise. I love you, Freddie. You’re going to do such great things. Uh, just down the hall. Yeah, pretty well. Thanks.” — Mary Austin
“And are the crowds big? I’m good. Just miss you. Nothing as exciting as America. Say hi to the boys for me. Bye, Freddie. I love you.” — Mary Austin
“I didn’t know Freddie knew Kenny so well.” — Mary Austin
“Freddie, when do I get to see you? Do you miss me? I love you.” — Mary Austin
“Freddie, what’s wrong? Something’s been wrong for a while now. Say it. Say it. Freddie, you’re gay. I’ve known for a while now. I just didn’t want to admit it. It’s funny, really. This is what I always settle for. ‘I love you, but… I love you, Mary, but I need space. I love you, Mary, but I’ve met someone else.’ And now, ‘I love you, but I’m…’ and this is the hardest, because it’s not even your fault. What do you want from me? Why? Your life is going to be very difficult.” — Mary Austin
“Hello. Hi. Freddie, what are you doing this time? Right. Yes, I do see you. Now? It’s late, Freddie. I suppose. Yes. Cheers. To you, Freddie. Good night.” — Mary Austin
Brian May
“Humpy Bong? Don’t do it, Tim.” — Brian May
“Well, there was room for improvement, yeah. Thanks, man. Yeah. Yeah, I suppose it does, yeah. Our lead singer just quit. Any ideas? Uh, do you play bass?” — Brian May
“Hello, everybody. We’ve got a few fresh faces. This is John Deacon, our bass player. Yeah, and our new lead singer… Freddie Bul… Bulsara… Freddie Bulsara. And Roger, of course. The biggest member of them all. No, no. Wrong lyric. Wrong lyric. Learn the song, Freddie.” — Brian May
“It’s counterclockwise, I think you’ll find, John. No, no, no. Doing a good job. What have you got in mind, Fred?” — Brian May
“We need to get experimental. Now dead center for the last. Yes! That’s good, right? That sounds good, right?” — Brian May
“We need to see those. Really? That’s terrible. So why did you leave Zanzibar?” — Brian May
“So how old is he in this photo? Really? Boxing already at that age? Astrophysics, actually. Yeah, my father would’ve preferred it if I continued. What kind of music was he listening to back in those days? Richard, yeah. You’re joking!” — Brian May
“Yes. ‘Midday at the pub, don’t be drunk.’ That’s what he said. John, I’m fine. Wow! I didn’t know it was fancy dress, Fred. You look like an angry lizard. We’re a family.” — Brian May
“I don’t understand why we can’t simply perform live. We’ll know the bloody difference. This is the BBC.” — Brian May
“Hello, Mary. How’s your dad? Well, if you’d answered your phone, you’d know already. John Reid called today. He has a little tour in mind for us. It’s happening!” — Brian May
“We love you, Denver! Very happy to be here! We love you, Atlanta!” — Brian May
“See, we don’t want to repeat ourselves. The same formula over and over.” — Brian May
“I’m in Love with My Car. Maybe it’s not strong enough. Is it strong enough? That’s all I’m asking. If I’m on my own here, then I apologize. Wow. ‘When my hand’s on your grease gun…’ that’s very subtle, is it? You know why you’re angry, Roger? ‘Cause you know your song isn’t strong enough. Not the coffee machine!” — Brian May
“What next? Press the button, Freddie. Good. Well, I did. I wrote that part. Okay, are you happy? Almost? I’m always up for that, Fred. Right. Okay. Put my body into it. I got it. No, I got it. I got it. Bit more soul. Bit more soul, yeah? I’ll do that. We good to go? Roy, you good? The operatic section? I love it, Fred. I love it. I love it! Nothing. Okay, let’s go.” — Brian May
“Rhapsody. It ruins the mystery if everything’s explained. No. You’re joking! Oh, Jesus. It’s a band decision, Bohemian Rhapsody. Have we no legal recourse on this? You can shove your hold disks! You made a mistake, Foster!” — Brian May
Roger Taylor
“Humpy Bong? Are you joking?” — Roger Taylor
“I think he’s right. That show was a load of bollocks. I’ve got better things to do with my Saturday nights. I could give you their names. Thank you. Oh, yeah? Well, you’re five minutes too late. Uh, not with those teeth, mate. And Roger, of course. The biggest member of them all.” — Roger Taylor
“Ready, Freddie?” — Roger Taylor
“This is bollocks! We sold out every pub and uni south of Glasgow… and I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere, eating a ham sandwich! I hope you’re joking. And a perfectly good van.” — Roger Taylor
“And then blast it!” — Roger Taylor
“I used to know a girl who was Zanzibari. Certainly a target. I was never a dentist. Kash… what are you doing later? Just making conversation.” — Roger Taylor
“You’re sure he said 12 o’clock? You just gotta be cool. But no two of us are the same. Top of the Pops? We do know how to play our instruments. Well, the way things are done are a load of bollocks, old chap. You would be.” — Roger Taylor
“Your phone’s off the hook. This is Crystal. Oh, that’s right. My mistake. It’s not little, Brian. He’s booked us a tour of America. The album’s hit the charts in the U.S.! We love you, Pittsburgh!” — Roger Taylor
“It’s not bloody widgets we’re making. We can’t just reproduce Killer Queen. There’s no musical ghetto that can contain us.” — Roger Taylor
“Recording studio? Right.” — Roger Taylor
“I put my heart and soul into this song. And you don’t like it because you want your songs on the album! Then what is it? What does that even mean, ‘not strong enough?’ How does your new song go, then, hmm? ‘You call me sweet… like I’m some kind of cheese.’ Wow. It’s a metaphor, Brian. Why? Is that strong enough? What about that?” — Roger Taylor
“How was that? If I go any higher only dogs will hear me. Go on, roll the tape. How was that? Better? Jesus! How many more ‘Galileos’ do you want? Do we even have any tape left? Go on. Roll the track. Who even is Galileo? My nuts feel like they’re in my chest right now. Are we done?” — Roger Taylor
“We prefer ‘masterpiece.’ Bo-Rap, period.” — Roger Taylor
“Gay-er? Uh-huh. Well, I’m not sure the echo is quite pronounced enough. I can’t. Wife, kids, you know. Another time, Fred.” — Roger Taylor
John Deacon
“Oh, is it? Thank you, Brian. Would you like to do it? Please, feel free. We can’t afford an album. That’s three month’s wages.” — John Deacon
“Literally. Sounds a lot better. Yeah.” — John Deacon
“I thought Freddie was born in London. He’s a dentist. He’s a dentist. Very good. Oh, my God. Shut up. Oh, my God!” — John Deacon
“You look a bit nervous, Brian. You’re usually so particular. It’s your best work. Very subtle. You gonna fly away? Can I borrow it for Sunday church? Every band’s not Queen.” — John Deacon
“I’m relieved. Perfect performance.” — John Deacon
“We love you, New Orleans!” — John Deacon
“There seems to be an echo in here. That’s it. No one knows what Queen means because it doesn’t mean one thing. Okay.” — John Deacon
“No one is disputing that. It’s not that, Roger. Discussing Roger’s car song. It’s just a bit weird, Roger. What exactly are you doing with that car? Statistically speaking, most bands don’t fail, they break up. Not… not the coffee machine!” — John Deacon
“Freddie? Can you go a bit higher? Freddie’s note. Sorry. Freddie wants to do a few more overdubs. I do have to say the tape is wearing out. It can’t take much more. That’s it. He loves you.” — John Deacon
John Reid
“So, this is Queen? And you must be Freddie Mercury. You’ve got a gift. You all have. So tell me… what makes Queen any different from all the other wannabe rock stars I meet? Paul. Paul Prenter… meet queen… our new signing. Paul will be looking after your day-to-day. If I can get you on the radio… maybe I can get you on television. Hopefully. And then… it’s only the biggest television program in the country. No one’s ever even heard of you. Look, I admire your enthusiasm. If it goes well, if it happens… I’ve got a promotional tour of Japan in mind. Every band wants more.” — John Reid
“You’re late. We saved you a seat. Okay. So, now that we’re all here… Jim, this is Ray Foster. Ray, this is the band’s lawyer, Jim Beach. That’s his name. Opera! Opera! I do. I… agree with the band.” — John Reid
“It is a good album, Ray. Yeah, we need radio. Format is three minutes, I have to agree with Ray. I actually think the single’s Love of My Life. Okay, how about John’s song… You’re My Best Friend? You know? ‘Ooh, you make me live.’ Catchy, stronger. Temperamental artists, eh? They’re well aware they’re tied to a contract… but who knows what goes on… inside the inscrutable mind of the recording artist?” — John Reid
Jim Beach
“Hello. The sun always sets behind you, doesn’t it? I like opera. Miami. Fortune favors the bold.” — Jim Beach
“Ray… you did Dark Side of the Moon, didn’t you? Yeah, I absolutely love that record. Legally, no. No, he’s got all your balls in a vice. It’s a different matter in the court of public opinion, of course. Ray Foster’s a giant name in the music industry, but… to the average person… say the name Queen, on the other hand… ears prick up.” — Jim Beach
Ray Foster
“Hmm, right. Now that everybody’s got an acceptable name… let’s get to it. Look… we just really need something special. More hits… like Killer Queen… only bigger. It’s opera. Formulas work. Let’s stick with the formulas. I like formulas. Are you aware that no one actually likes Opera? Do you? What do you think, John? Of course you do. How about you, uh… hmm. Please don’t make me regret this.” — Ray Foster
“Christ. Well… I’m not entirely sure… that’s the album you promised us. Christ. It’s expensive, and as for… ‘Bohemian…’ Rhapsody. What is that? It goes on forever. Six bloody minutes. Not possible. Anything over three minutes… and the radio stations won’t program it, period. And what on earth is it about, anyway? Scaramouche? Galileo? And all that ‘Ismillah’ business! ‘Ishmillah?’ Oh, aye. Bismillah. What’s it about, anyway? Bloody Bismillah? Seldom ruins sales. Three minutes is the standard. John. What about I’m in Love with My Car? I love it. Well, that’s the kind of song… teenagers can crank up the volume in their car… and bang their heads to. Bohemian Rhapsody will never be that song. That’s it. You’re My Best Friend… and it’s my money. Look, I’m not arguing Boehmianwhatever’s… musicianship. But there’s no way in hell the station will play… a 6-minute quasi-operatic dirge… comprised of nonsense words. Bismillah? Bullshit! I paid for this record, so I say what goes! I did. We’re going with You’re My Best Friend. Done. Mark these words. If they’re not careful… by the end of the year… no one will know the name Queen. Christ! Wanker! You’ll never have a gold disk… you medium talent! And to think I worked with Hendrix.” — Ray Foster
Paul Prenter
“Pleasure.” — Paul Prenter
“Listen, I understand. Hurry up. I understand that it’s the policy of the BBC. I need you to explain it to the band, please. Freddie, boys. Freddie, it’ll be great.” — Paul Prenter
“Well, the idea was to get away from all distractions. Right, I know it’s not the Ritz. Not even close. Roger, you’re in here. Freddie, this is you. Biggest room. Brian, that’s you. John, you’re downstairs. And… this is all yours, John. Smaller rooms don’t get nearly as cold.” — Paul Prenter
“Hmm. It’s beautiful. What’s it called? If you say so. I know you, Freddie Mercury.” — Paul Prenter
“MacArthur Park was seven minutes long. It was a hit.” — Paul Prenter
“Nor did I.” — Paul Prenter
“How much do they love him? Can’t get enough.” — Paul Prenter
“Morning, boss. Get dressed.” — Paul Prenter
“Cheryl! Where’s your loo?” — Cheryl
RT Baker
“No, it’s good. Sure, yeah. Sure, it’s your money. The studio opens at 8:00, so we got 30 more minutes. Hmm. A student band doing some weird stuff. Been up all night, mate.” — RT Baker
“Overdub 24 of ‘Fred’s Thing.’ Yeah, we can’t afford much more. We’re already three weeks over schedule. Dub 26 of ‘Fred’s Thing.’ One more, one more.” — RT Baker
Kenny Everett
“In the studio today… …singer Frederick Mercury! So what have you got today for us? Have you got a little taste of the new record? Oh, forbidden fruit? Don’t tempt me! ‘I’m in Love with My Car!’ ‘Bohemian Rhapsody.’ What’s wrong with this song? Six minutes? Oh, you’d have to be bonkers. Let’s hear it. Ladies and ladies… a Capital Radio exclusive… for the first time ever… Bohemian Rhapsody!” — Kenny Everett
Record Company Dude
“Oi, RT, who are these kids in the box? How about demos? You got some?” — Record Company Dude
Tim Staffell
“Humpy bong. They’re going places. They’re gonna be big. No, I’m sorry, guys, but… we’re not going anywhere with this. What? College gigs, pubs? Gotta give it a go.” — Tim Staffell
Jer Bulsara
“Dinner is ready. Hmm, where are you going? A girl? Look at you. Give your mother a kiss. You’re always late.” — Jer Bulsara
“Mary… I can’t tell you how long I have waited for Farrokh… to bring home a nice girl like you. Did Farrokh not tell you he was born in Zanzibar? One minute.” — Jer Bulsara
“Our family is Indian Parsee. Mary… here. Have a look at these. No stopping. He was quite a good boxer, actually. I think three or four years old. It’s just a stage name. Who’d like some cake? Cake is always good. Freddie tells me that you’re some sort of a scientist. Oh. That’s very clever. That’s a picture I want to see. That’s also quite clever, actually. Uh, he was listening to Little Richard. And his first band…” — Jer Bulsara
Kashmira Bulsara
“Hi, papa. How was work?” — Kashmira Bulsara
“Oh, he was. At the age of 18. Mum, please… he had to be. His opponents went for his teeth always trying to punch them in. So good. Mercury? I don’t know. It was before Freddie went off to boarding school. Hello? Just a moment. Freddie Mercury. Phone call. Homework.” — Kashmira Bulsara
Bomi Bulsara
“Out again, Farrokh? Freddie or Farrokh… what difference does it make when you’re out every night… no thought of the future in your head? Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. That’s what you should aspire to.” — Bomi Bulsara
“A thousand years ago, the Parsees fled to India from Persia… to escape Muslim persecution. We didn’t leave. We were chased out with just the clothes on our backs. So now the family name’s not good enough for you? I sent Farrokh away to make a good Parsee boy of him. He was too wild an unruly. But what good did it do? Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. You can’t get anywhere pretending to be someone you’re not.” — Bomi Bulsara
Music Video Director
“We have procedures. This is shit! Okay, let’s make it quick. Look, chaps, it is going to be playback. Lip synch’s all that’s required. The audience will never know the difference. This is the BBC. That’s how things are done around here. All right? Don’t be a nuisance. Number two, only above the waist. Camera up! Camera two! No one wants to see this while they’re eating their meal.” — Director
“It’s 12:00 noon in London. 7:00 a.m. in Philadelphia. And around the world, it’s time for Live Aid. Wembley welcomes their Royal Highnesses… the Prince and Princess of Wales.” — Richard
Heathrow Baggage Handler
“Oi! You missed one, Pakkie!” — Heathrow Baggage Handler
Bar Heckler
“Where’s Tim?” — Bar Heckler
Heckler #2
“Who’s the Pakkie?” — Heckler #2
Congratulations to the cast and crew of Bohemian Rhapsody for winning four Academy Awards including Best Actor – Rami Malek! #Oscars pic.twitter.com/upatzqRjkH
— Bohemian Rhapsody (@BoRhapMovie) February 25, 2019
And the #Oscars winner is… pic.twitter.com/z415TWEpi2
— The Academy (@TheAcademy) February 25, 2019
And the #Oscars winner is… pic.twitter.com/FFb1NOvL6X
— The Academy (@TheAcademy) February 25, 2019
And the #Oscars winner is… pic.twitter.com/NzgvSlIBxQ
— The Academy (@TheAcademy) February 25, 2019
And the #Oscars winner is… pic.twitter.com/Q6DJG2tQYY
— The Academy (@TheAcademy) February 25, 2019
Celebrating #BohemianRhapsody the best way possible. 🍪🍪 Thanks @Twitter! pic.twitter.com/fEGHbU8FVt
— Bohemian Rhapsody (@BoRhapMovie) February 13, 2019
Did you know Lady Gaga named herself after Radio Ga Ga? #BohemianRhapsody https://t.co/TuZnlGq7tD pic.twitter.com/Voinge8rKf
— Bohemian Rhapsody (@BoRhapMovie) February 19, 2019
The fellas of #BohemianRhapsody are looking handsome tonight! See all the #Oscars red carpet pics: https://t.co/4VoixgNX2q pic.twitter.com/lU7wuzeTpi
— ExtraTV (@extratv) February 24, 2019
Chart moves: @QueenWillRock charts 16 hits on #HotRockSongs after #BohemianRhapsody home release https://t.co/fXGV0k5Y62 pic.twitter.com/VvecvsdXl1
— billboard (@billboard) February 28, 2019
The home entertainment release of Bohemian Rhapsody on Blu-ray/DVD and digital is holding on for a second week at the No.1 spot in the UK! 👏🏻 pic.twitter.com/AziWodkCAj
— Queen (@QueenWillRock) March 8, 2019
On this day in 1974, 'Queen II’ was released! 👑 What's your favourite side of the LP?! Read more about the record via @uDiscoverMusic here https://t.co/jGFUiA8grj pic.twitter.com/TmlAPWKfj7
— Queen (@QueenWillRock) March 8, 2019
Who else is ready for the weekend?! 👑 pic.twitter.com/YYNX4qidfR
— Queen (@QueenWillRock) February 22, 2019
Congratulations to @ItsRamiMalek on his #EEBAFTAs Lead Actor Award! 🥂💜 pic.twitter.com/DIt8xuTyqT
— Bohemian Rhapsody (@BoRhapMovie) February 10, 2019
"Thank you so very much to Queen… and to the greatest outsider of them all, thank you Freddie Mercury" 👨🏼🎤 #BAFTAs #BAFTA pic.twitter.com/BH2ugv5x62
— BBC One (@BBCOne) February 10, 2019
Spot the difference #bohemianrhapsody pic.twitter.com/VQcjUlmAhs
— Queen (@QueenWillRock) February 6, 2019
.@ItsRamiMalek's acceptance speech at the @goldenglobes ❤️ pic.twitter.com/BZuBAZm847
— Freddie Mercury (@freddie_mercury) January 31, 2019
Freddie & @ItsRamiMalek side-by-side for the Live Aid scene in #BohemianRhapsody ✨ pic.twitter.com/Pyrs6hsD8T
— Queen (@QueenWillRock) January 30, 2019
What era do you think this was taken? 🕶 pic.twitter.com/2XMvhHp8Zh
— Queen (@QueenWillRock) January 30, 2019
Congratulations to the amazing @ItsRamiMalek scooping up the @SAGawards for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role in #BohemianRhapsody! pic.twitter.com/v3S4xJ6Bqg
— Bohemian Rhapsody (@BoRhapMovie) January 28, 2019
.@ItsRamiMalek takes home the Actor® for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role! #sagawards 🎭 pic.twitter.com/qXrSTBZxTH
— SAG Awards® (@SAGawards) January 28, 2019
The no.1 film of 2018 in Japan 🇯🇵 pic.twitter.com/EKjN6J9KOn
— Queen (@QueenWillRock) January 25, 2019
"We're family. We believe in each other. That's everything." – Freddie Mercury @MercuryMOTG #GoldenGlobes #GoldenGlobes2019
📷 Paola Kudacki pic.twitter.com/RysP5FV8CS
— Queen (@QueenWillRock) January 9, 2019
It's happening! Congratulations, @ItsRamiMalek. We'll see you in 2019 for the final season of #MrRobot. pic.twitter.com/DWK0HaZwkJ
— USA Network (@USANetwork) February 25, 2019
.@ItsRamiMalek We've had our eye on you, friend. We always knew you were meant for great things. #MrRobot. pic.twitter.com/w0DXcI0yL6
— Mr. Robot (@whoismrrobot) February 25, 2019
Every consequence. Every key stroke. Everything has led to this. The final season of #MrRobot arrives in 2019. https://t.co/xWrGVBB45o pic.twitter.com/IKn6nR51Bk
— Mr. Robot (@whoismrrobot) August 30, 2018
A euphoric @ItsRamiMalek was kind enough to make his first stop after winning to talk with the HFPA about his #GoldenGlobes win! pic.twitter.com/910ZiiaVYx
— Golden Globe Awards (@goldenglobes) January 7, 2019
Don't miss the full Live Aid recreation not seen in theaters! #BohemianRhapsody available to watch on Digital Jan 22 and Blu-ray & DVD Feb 12. https://t.co/pMXfBp5lEf pic.twitter.com/jDgHxpjqRQ
— Bohemian Rhapsody (@BoRhapMovie) January 2, 2019
The #BohemianRhapsody cast recreated the iconic 1985 Live Aid performance shot-for-shot. A thrilling climax to the movie that made you laugh, cry and sing! pic.twitter.com/mcLArXxpDO
— Bohemian Rhapsody (@BoRhapMovie) January 28, 2019
New video shows Rami Malek fall offstage after his #Oscars win https://t.co/uPaOo1lMA1 (Credit: @michaelbearden) pic.twitter.com/AhHURRKE21
— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) February 25, 2019
Lucy Boynton and Rami Malek posing for a photo during a commercial break via @TheAcademy #Oscars pic.twitter.com/Rk9obCZeqs
— best of lucy boynton (@badpostlucy) March 5, 2019