Tag Archives: John Wright

Thomas Crown

The Thomas Crown Affair, Amazon Prime Video, United Artists, Irish DreamTime, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

MGM+ original film The Thomas Crown Affair was released August 6th, 1999.

The Thomas Crown Affair, Amazon Prime Video, United Artists, Irish DreamTime, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Thomas Crown Affair, Amazon Prime Video, United Artists, Irish DreamTime, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Thomas Crown Affair, Amazon Prime Video, United Artists, Irish DreamTime, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

#TheThomasCrownAffair made $124.3M at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 69%

metacritic: 72

imdb: 6.8

Thomas Crown, The Thomas Crown Affair, Amazon Prime Video, MGM+, United Artists, Irish DreamTime, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Pierce Brosnan
Thomas Crown, The Thomas Crown Affair, Amazon Prime Video, MGM+, United Artists, Irish DreamTime, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Pierce Brosnan

Thomas Crown

Thomas Crown lifts a $100M Monet painting off the Met in Manhattan, New York.

Thomas Crown, The Thomas Crown Affair, Amazon Prime Video, MGM+, United Artists, Irish DreamTime, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Pierce Brosnan

“I’m sorry. Oh, I enjoy women. And intimacy isn’t necessarily enjoyment. I trust myself implicitly. You mean society at large? Yes, a woman could trust me. A woman could trust me as long as her interests didn’t run too contrary to my own. Jimmy, I think I’ll walk for a while. I’ll meet you at the office. Uh, no, I’ll carry it.” — Thomas Crown

“Bobby. Don’t ever let it go on tour. Well… it’s very nice. I just like my haystacks. Good morning, Sam. Good morning, one and all. John, welcome back. Good morning. Give me good numbers, Jimmy. Good morning, Daria. I must’ve left it here last night. Regret is usually a waste of time. As is gloating. Have you figured out what you’re gonna say to your board when they learn that you paid me 30 million more than others were offering? Good morning, gentlemen. ‘Lay down his hand and quit the holy game of poker.’ That’s the line, Danny. He’s right, you know. Third-generation company, you think they would have shown more grit. Miso soup, Daria.” — Thomas Crown

“No, this is the second time they lied. Screw ’em. See you in the morning. Evidently. That’s good. Here you go. What have we got here? It’s only a quarter to 5:00. Hey, Bobby, I’ve been evicted. The Impressionist Gallery, closed for cleaning. Doing it right now. 68th and Lexington. Hey Paul. Wanna put this in the study? Thank you. I may have won a cruise. Oh, yes.” — Thomas Crown

“Tony, put another ball down there. Let’s make it interesting, shall we? 10-to-one? Let’s go again. Still 10-to-one. It’s a beautiful Saturday morning, John. What the hell else do we gotta do? Number four. I’m sure. Certainly. Thank you very much. That sums it up, gentlemen. Absolutely. I understand, gentlemen, and I guess I’ll take my chances.” — Thomas Crown

“I can’t imagine somebody thinking they could get away with a thing like this. Yeah! Go, go! Ease up. Come on! Get ’em up. Get it! Let’s go!” — Thomas Crown

“I’m afraid Jim embellishes horrendously. I just did what Jim does at these fundraisers. I waved my arms in the air and shrieked for help. Hello, Gloria. How are you? Lovely to see you. You’re well? Did you, madam? Well, it seemed the right size for the space. Do we know each other? Thomas Crown. How did you know that? Oh? Where? Who do you work for? Dealer? Gallery owner? I’m covered. So you… and whose head are you after? Are you trying to… are you trying to imply that I had something to do with that painting? What’s your take from this? Oh. A bounty hunter. Always get your man? Think you’ll get me?” — Thomas Crown

“Can I drop you somewhere? Then tomorrow? Us, dinner? Let’s make it early. We’ve got a stop to make first. Happened? An entertainment. Thank you. Excuse me? Why are you in my house? Wallace? This gentleman happens to be my attorney.” — Thomas Crown

“You look wonderful. Popular. Actually, I do own a copy of that. Come, come, come, come. Thank you. That’s the least I could do. No? What would you take? You? You’d like to have that? Anything’s obtainable. I’d buy a print. Scotch neat for me, and I guess the lady would like a… that the lady actually likes champagne. I’m sure your files are thicker than mine. Not bad for a wee lad from ‘Glasgee.’ It was easy. Rich kids can’t box. The hard part was learning to talk. But you, now. The matador? The Italian industrialist? The ambassador’s son? He was 17. I must admit, that’s a fair litany for a young girl from Lima, Ohio. But the part I didn’t get… I mean, it’s obvious that you like men, but you never keep any of them around very long either.” — Thomas Crown

“Here’s to the fear of being trapped. Thank you. We’d like to pre-order souffles. And I’d like to send a bottle of burgundy to those two gentlemen. Thank you very much. At least they look like uptown. The ones yesterday looked like flashers. I’m under glass. Soon you’ll know everything about me. Like what? Is this the fun part for you? It’s not about the money. You like the chase. Not many women get to chase. It’s like poker. We don’t let you in the game. And now they’re plumbers. Can I ply you with anything else? Cheese tray? Would you like a… may I… may I ask you a very personal question? Would you like another hit of espresso? Would you like another…” — Thomas Crown

Catherine Banning

“Seems there may be a couple of holes in your theory. They shut off the air to drive the tourists, then they escort them out anyway? Then they close the gates to keep everybody out but block one of them open while they prepare to load, conservatively, 1,000 pounds of painting and 800 pounds of men, that we know about, in a… what was the chopper model? Right. In a chopper with a 600-pound useful load. You, uh, figure you’ll wrap this by morning, do you, Lieutenant? Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Catherine Banning. Zurich underwriters requested… well, actually… there are a couple Swiss gentlemen who’d rather not write a $100 million check. Come on, Lieutenant. Who knows? You might enjoy it.”

“Jet-lagged. Thank you. You don’t wanna know. Why are they different from the corridor cameras? Got it. So that’s the Monet that morning. Skip forward to the robbery. Whoa. Zip. Oh. No. That’s why they cut the air. Then the camera can’t tell between people and walls. How hot did it get in the museum? Check the other cameras. So why can you see people in this room? Wait a minute. You’re telling me that for some reason, the area around that particular painting went above 90?”

“I don’t know. Something. A while. And other places. How many legs? The bench. You still have that tape up? Great. Back it up to the morning part of the tape. Stop. Hello. It could be a heater. In the briefcase, on a timer. Bring the temperature up 10 more degrees. I’m on London time. What’s the matter, Lieutenant? Did she leave you for a stockbroker? One, I keep an apartment here, and two, I’m going into your office.”

“Detective. Wait a minute. I gotta get some coffee. They say anything yet? Let me try. God, who would ever bother with Romanian? Give me the quiet one. They do speak English. It was a prepackaged robbery. He picked them up in Little Odessa. They were given timetables, electrical… you don’t think they know, do you? I mean, there were intermediaries. They never saw his face or heard his voice. What makes you think they failed? Oh, maybe it was a successful robbery. Maybe they were set up to fail. Diversion. Make a lot of noise over there so over here in this room you can take 100 million off the wall and waltz right out the front door. Oh, that’s good.”

“He’s not gonna sell. This is an elegant crime done by an elegant person. It’s not about the money. A Monet lover. Whose desk is that? Could I use it? Okay. Let’s dig up every major auction in the last five years and see who’s been bidding on Monets. See anyone we know?”

“Is he? Whoa. I saw him wreck a $100,000 boat because he liked the splash. Mmm-hmm. It’s very impressive. Or maybe you were bored with it. Not yet. I’m Catherine Banning. Vodka rocks, twist. And, um, scotch neat. I’ve been reading about you. In a file. I’m in the art world. No, it’s closer to insurance. Not for this. The painting? The Monet? You don’t think they’d simply cut a check for $100 million, do you? Get them things. When there’s this much money involved, it usually means I get them someone’s head. Yours. Good evening, Mr. Crown. Trying? Thank you. No, I wouldn’t call it an attempt. 5% of the value recovered. If you like. Mmm-hmm. Oh, I hope so.”

“I have a car here. Thanks. You’re on. I had a little chat with him, yes. I cut through the crap. All right? How long was it gonna take you, Mike? Weeks of wiretaps, if you could get them. Guys tailing him in the bathroom. I found out in 10 minutes. He did it. The smug son of a bitch did it. No, I jump-started it. The man likes the high wire. I’m gonna play with him for a while. You saying I shouldn’t go?”

“Keep your knickers on. I’ll get into his house. Thank you. How are you? Hey, I didn’t know your portrait was here. The faceless businessman in a bowler hat. Everything but the briefcase. Did you have to sit long for the artist? Oh, of course you do. And where might you be taking me? Your loaner. I see they got the air back on. I shouldn’t have checked my coat. Well, thank you. You know, if I had my pick in this room I wouldn’t have taken the Monet. No. For my personal choice? That one. Why? Would you get it for me? Okay, I’ll bite. What would you do to get it?”

“What? Sounds great. Thank you. You’ve been busy. The thing that impressed me most was getting from Glasgow to Oxford on a boxing scholarship. He was cute. Yes, he was. Oh, well, men make women messy. Thank you. Thank you. Well, we do our best. There are things we don’t know. Like why. Were you bored? Acquisitions and mergers looking a little stodgy? Is it more fun getting it than keeping it? How do you mean? You’re right. My brothers said I didn’t have the mind for it. Oh, but you knew that. Nothing. Would you like a deal? Make it easy on yourself. We’ll just get more warrant searches. Mess up your carpeting. Why not? Like another hit of espresso?”


“I want you to talk about women. Mr. Crown? Women. You’ve yet to talk about women. Enjoyment isn’t intimacy. How would you know? Has it occurred to you that you have a problem with trust? Yes, but can other people trust you? I mean women, Mr. Crown. Good. Under what extraordinary circumstances would you allow that to happen? On society at large, if its interests were to run counter to your own?”

“What’s happened? Whenever I talk while you’re tuning out what I say the corners of your mouth go up. You’re enjoying something. It’s not me. What is it? Very little entertains you. So I can easily guess. A worthy adversary? Hmm? Did someone swindle you?”

Detective Michael McCann

“Hey. They find the chopper? We know where it was stolen? Sorry to be here, sir. Who are the actors? Illegals. Check with Interpol. Russian government might help. Next you’re gonna tell me it was a horse. A Trojan horse? Somebody’s got a sense of humor. This place been hit before? I gather it was just the one painting? I love this neighborhood. Some of these broads are wearing my salary. So the skylight was rigged to blow?”

“Let’s just track this thing through. So they kill the air, make the place uncomfortable , drive out the tourists, right? Then they lower these gates so nobody can get in to disturb them. Then they lower the paintings into the cargo nets. Pull the paintings, ditch the frames. Figure they’re gonna fly out of here like a road company of Peter Pan. But somebody makes them early. Chopper takes off. Some of the crew make it, some of them don’t. Basically, amateur night, right? What’s that? And?”

“Uh, it’s Detective. And I’m a little fuzzy about who you are. Of? You’re insurance. So, I’m stuck with you on my back. Who’s Banning? So she’s not law enforcement. Whoa, tough people. Guess you don’t wanna cross old Clarence. Good morning. How are you? I said, how are you? We thought we’d start with the, um, security tapes. What is that? Was the camera still working, or what, did they cut the feed?”

“What? What, are we channeling now? How long you been doing this? Where? In Europe? You’re a real self-promoter. Give me a for instance. What? Two. Jesus. So they bring this thing in earlier in the day. What’s in it? What? You ever eat? Lunch, for instance? You like pizza? I know a great place we could stop. And pizza’s not your thing. It’s Detective. First Grade. And he was a urologist. Can I drop you someplace? At your hotel? She keeps an apartment. I keep goldfish.”

“Right. You’re sure? Would you mind indicating that here? Just check it off. And if you could sign down here, please. These gentlemen will take you out, finish the paperwork. Appreciate it, Mr. Crown. We’re gonna go beat up the Romanians. Thank you, thank you.”

“Not in English. They’re still trying to find somebody to translate. Do not tell me you speak Romanian. Okay. Who’s ‘he?’ One-time hires. That’s why they failed. Why? Doesn’t matter. As soon as he tries to sell it, we nail him. He’s not? Okay. So who’s gonna risk prison to steal a Monet just to not sell it?”

“Him? A big day for this guy is taking off his tie. He’s a finance geek. Do you have any idea what kind of flesh-eating lawyers this guy has? Hmm? Not to mention political connections. You waltz in there without even a heads-up, without one word to me or anyone else in the department. You had a little chat. You told him balls-out he was a suspect. You compromised the investigation. Oh, really? What do you have to show for it, besides a date? Well, I think there’s some question as to who’s playing whom. Don’t piss on the department, okay? We’re on this.”

“How do you do? This is a warrant. We’re here to conduct a legal search of these premises. I’d let us. Jack, give me two men up here. I want two more men in this room here. Let’s go. Move, move. I’m sure it’s a mystery to you, but your lawyer will be able to explain. He’s takin’ her to the fucking museum. Wait a minute. I thought they were supposed to go to Le Cirque.”

Detective Paretti

“Mikey. Abandoned in Queens. Checking. Maybe a pad in the Hamptons. Mr. Lenox. Mr. Lenox is the director of the museum. This is Detective Michael McCann. Four, all foreign. Probably Eastern European. No print records. In the works. Point of entry was a hollow statue delivered this morning. They brought it in through their own security. Bingo. We got three digits off the truck plate. They just lost their cherry.”

“Yeah. And there were cargo nets spread out, ready to use. It was wedged under the gate. Not exactly Samsonite. Sikorsky S-76.”

“She does live in Europe but she’s actually from the Midwest. Born Catherine olds. Some Englishman she married for six months. Worse. Bail bonds and bounties. Her father’s an Ohio hardcase, Clarence Milton Olds, called Bumper Olds. Story hoes he kept a chain on his back bumper. A guy ran on him once, he brought him back on the end of the chain.”

“Hey. Hello there little lady. How are you doing? They don’t seem to be Russian. Tadross thinks maybe Romanian. The witness is here. Come on in. Mr. Crown, I have to tell you, people like this, they might have friends. You realize they might try to make it ugly for a witness. We’ll nail these jokers. Yeah. Sure.”

“Come on. Let’s go. John, take the back room. Mikey. Man, you’re not gonna believe this. You know where he’s taking her? To the museum. It’s kinda sweet. You know, for a first date. Huh? It looks like they’re going to Cipriani. I’m watching them walk into Cipriani. And with no reservation.”


“And they were rappelling harnesses underneath their clothes. Titanium. The engineer said that it’d have to absorb 15 to 20 tons to stop this gate.”

“All right. These are yesterday’s tapes from the Impressionist wing. We’re upgrading to thermal imagery. So far, it’s just the high-value areas. But it works in the dark. Even senses body heat. Right. Time of the robbery. You know, that could be. These things need a 10-degree difference. If the temperature of the ambient gets within 10 degrees of the bodies…”

“The ambient in that wing only went up to the mid-80s. Yeah.”

“And you’d be willing to testify? You want help in here?”

New York City

“You want me to take your briefcase? Whoa! Jesus Christ! Look at this jerk. Yo, you gonna move it? Come on, buddy. Let’s go. Move it. Jesus Christ. What do you want me to do? It’s a horse. You want I should take it back and dump it? Good morning, Mr. Crown. You can’t let ’em know what’s going on. Know what I mean? What, do you own the building? Excuse us, sir. What the hell? What’s going on? He does own the building. Good morning, Mr. Crown. Good morning, Mr. Crown. Good morning, Mr. Crown. Good morning, Mr. Crown. You forgot your briefcase, right?”

“Deuce! Times in this thing I never thought I’d see that. Thomas Crown forced to sell something. So what do you think? You don’t have any regrets about the way you played this?”

“All right, English only from now on. Except for Janni. Janni doesn’t speak English. Gentlemen, upon closer inspection, your proposal is not as generous as you led us to believe. There is not mention of executive compensation. Look, gentlemen, we understand your objection to the merger. It’s not a merger! Your stockholders have spoken. The stock price was manipulated. We’ve anticipated your reluctance. We won’t be a Crown subsidiary. Our attorney are prepared to go head-to-head with you at the SEC.”

“I thought that kid would bust a gut when you went into that thing about SEC. That was brilliant! How’s it go? ‘It’s sad to see another tired man…’ don’t forget about the Douglaston conference call in 10 minutes. Speak to Scully. On its way. Go, go go!”

“And the government guy we paid off to make the state deal is back. Daniel, you had turkey. Mr. Schmidt called from UBS. There’s an opening for the board. Conference call in 10 minutes. Found your briefcase, I see. Good night, sir. Thanks. They want to talk to you upstairs. I think you should talk to them. Call them if you like. Administration. Hello? This is Jeff in wing eight. Sorry. This exhibit is closing. I’ll have to ask you to leave. This exhibit is now closed. Please use the nearest exit. This exhibit is now closed. We are closed for the evening. We’re closing. Thank you. Please exit through the rear. Thank you. Right this way. Good night. Thank you very much. I’m sorry, sir. This exhibit is closed. We are closed. For cleaning.”

“Yes. Upstairs sent us down to clean this exhibit. They’ve got some VIPs coming through. Call upstairs if you like.”

“Good evening, sir. I set out a bottle of wine.”

“Whoa. Thousand bucks says you can’t do that again. Tommy, it was a figure of speech. Fine. I’ll take your money. Tommy. That’s $100,000 on a goddamn golf swing. How’s that?”

“I knew him, you know. His son, that is. Lucien Pissarro in the ’30s in Paris. Okay.”

“Mr. Crown. We have Krug Grand Cuvee 1981. Wonderful. On the way. Here’s the fish for the lady. You’re welcome. And the lamb chops for the gentleman. Of course, sir. Enjoy.”

The Met

“Morning, Mr. Crown. Back for your haystacks, huh? Oh, I’ll lay down the law. You’re an odd duck. Everybody else goes right for the Monet. Nice? Do you know what it’s worth? Bring it on.”

“Something’s screwed up. My list says some kind of a sarcophagus. Nah, just unload the damn thing. Boy, it’s gonna be hot today. We have a disparity here. I saw that. Well, we can’t leave it here. Let’s find out what the problem is. That is not a sarcophagus. It’s Friday. What did he mean by that? I’d say, come Monday, there’s gonna be hell to pay.”

“This painting is considered to be the first Impressionist work in history. It started the Impressionist movement. It influenced dozens of major artists who went on to found the first major school or style of the 20th century. Okay. Try this. It’s worth 100 million bucks.”

“Young lady, do not touch. I’ll let you go this time. On your way. Jimmy, would you take a look in the compressor room? There’s something wonky with the A.C. Can’t we pass it on to Engineering? The book says we check it first. All right. It would be one of the hottest days of the year. Can you believe it’s nearly October? Why don’t you bring the kids? Are you kidding? You know how she is. She’d probably run to court saying I was endangering them. You’re not kiddin’? You wouldn’t believe the shit the woman deals out. The whole air-conditioning plant’s crapped out. Why didn’t they call Maintenance?”

“Me, or the regular proctor? Because McKinley’ll be back in a couple seconds. This is Jeff in wing eight. I was just told you wanted to speak to me. I’ll be right up. I’ll just go up.”

“What do you mean? Cleaning? Ed, want me to lend a hand here for a minute. Certainly. Excuse me. What do you think you’re doing? What? I didn’t hear about it. I oversee this section. No, you’re right. They’ve been having people down here all week. Stop him! Watch it now! Look out, Mr. Crown. One at a time. Quickly. Keep moving in a calm manner, please. No need to panic. Thank you. Hold it right there. Freeze! Keep your hands up!”

“But it’s such an important one. It’s a seminal work, a historical watershed. It’s truly irreplaceable.”

“Mr. Thomas Crown has very generously loaned us a Pissarro until our own Monet is restored to us. Not to mention personally apprehending one of the suspects. Come on!”

“Good evening, sir. The museum is closing in 15 minutes.”


20th Century Fox original film X-Men was released July 14th, 2000.

The #X-Men trilogy cleared $1.164B at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 82%

metacritic: 64

imdb: 7.3

Continue reading X-Men