Columbia Pictures original film Bad Santa was released November 26th, 2003.

#BadSanta made $76.4M at the international box office.
rottentomatoes: 78%
metacritic: 70
imdb: 7.0
Continue reading Bad Santa
Columbia Pictures original film Bad Santa was released November 26th, 2003.
#BadSanta made $76.4M at the international box office.
rottentomatoes: 78%
metacritic: 70
imdb: 7.0
Disney+ original film Jungle Cruise dropped last Friday July 30th, 2021.
#JungleCruise had a $90m cross-platform opening weekend.
rottentomatoes: 63%
metacritic: 50
imdb: 6.7
This Is Us has been renewed for 2nd and 3rd seasons.
Rottentomatoes: 89%
Metacritic: 76
IMDb: 8.9
emmys: 2 wins
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