Netflix original series The Witcher dropped the first half of its third season June 29th, 2023.

#TheWitcher has been viewed for 250.7M+ hours.

rottentomatoes: 82%
metacritic: 62
imdb: 8.1
emmys: 3 nominations

Geralt of Rivia
The White Wolf fights to raise an adoptive family on The Continent.

“Hmm. For your discretion.” — Geralt of Rivia
“Hmm. Not again. Ciri, Yennefer, we’re leaving!” — Geralt of Rivia
“For your discretion. Hmm.” — Geralt of Rivia
“Let’s go. Hello, old friend. Have I? Hmm. Thank you. Uh. Well… good night.” — Geralt of Rivia
“Did they attack your convoy as well? Subtle, Yarpen. It’s not safe.” — Geralt of Rivia
“I think you need to hide your hair and mask your eyes. Ciri. I knew this was a bad idea. You look lovely.” — Geralt of Rivia
“Stay close. Read my mind. Let’s not pretend your motivations aren’t entirely unselfish, Yennefer. Happy birthday to you too. I don’t forget much. And the ride back. Don’t forget the ride back. Ah! That dragon hunt. They were lonely. You often left before dawn. I was unsure if it was actually what I wanted. Not just some trick of the djinn’s magic. Ciri! Ciri!” — Geralt of Rivia
“We’ll find another home. A jackapace hunts by scent. It found Ciri because it knew her. Vesemir told me that Rience stole Ciri’s blood from Kaer Morhen. He must have used the blood as a scent marker. Yes. Unless we find him first.” — Geralt of Rivia
“You have a caravan leaving tomorrow, don’t you? There’s only one monster handler reckless enough to cage a jackapace. Name’s Veldhoek. Nasty fellow with a nasty habit. She’ll be traveling with someone we trust. Someone… seemingly innocuous.” — Geralt of Rivia
“We’re not gonna let anything happen to you. We won’t make Hagge by sunset. We should make camp here. It’s Shaerrawedd. Their story, sadly, is not. Aelirenn. A brave and inspiring elven warrior who thought she could defeat the humans. She was wrong. She did fight for what she believed in. She led those young and passionate elves to war. They revered this place. This is where they fought. They fought for her. And they died with her name on their lips and their honor and integrity intact. And in doing so, they condemned their species to annihilation. She led them all to their deaths. Neutrality. It won’t get you a statue. But it’ll certainly help in keeping you alive.” — Geralt of Rivia
“Ciri! A nightmare? I understand what you’re saying. History, it… …has a way of repeating itself. Even for the idealistic. I don’t doubt you, Ciri. I do doubt the world, though. It– let’s go. Now. Are you ready? Until she draws them out. She can do this. You’ll be fine. Your lute, on the other hand, has seen better days. Thank you, Jaskier.” — Geralt of Rivia
“You said the portal was different from anything you’ve experienced. What did you mean? You need to make more progress with Ciri’s training. Going to Aretuza cannot be the only answer. Is it? I need to find Rience to finish him off. I can’t go with you. Then we have to split up.” — Geralt of Rivia
“Jaskier’s waiting for me in Ban Gleán. But we’ll meet again soon.” — Geralt of Rivia
“I know you do. Yen, I– that’s my promise to you.” — Geralt of Rivia
“Dear friend… …you asked at Belleteyn if… I left after all those good nights because I was scared. Perhaps I was. Perhaps that is what led me to this very moment. Now, for the first time, I understand real fear. Never seeing you and Ciri again. Much is uncertain on this Continent. The dangers we’ve seen foretell an even more menacing future. But, Yen, please know I will learn to trust you again. You, Ciri, and I, we belong together. Your friend, Geralt.” — Geralt of Rivia

Yennefer of Vengerberg
“Dear friend, if our time at Kaer Morhen proved anything, it’s that the world is changing underneath our feet. Days pass, but the threats keep coming, fast and furiously. Sometimes I wonder if we will ever stop running.”
“There is another ghost that haunts us. What I did to you. I know I cannot change the past, but I will do everything in my power to help Ciri grow her magical skill. And to help keep her safe. By proving that to you, maybe trust will find its way back to us. In the meantime, wish Ciri luck. It’s going to be a long road ahead for all of us. Your friend, Yennefer.”
“This was the first lesson Tissaia taught me. Give it a try. Dear friend, even in your silence, I know you’re wondering how Ciri’s training is progressing. She has great potential but little talent. That will change over time. Someday, she’ll be able to conjure something tastier than the squid you’re likely bringing right now. Your friend, Yennefer.”
“You need to focus on your breath. From here. Okay?”
“Dear friend, it seems that you and Ciri are thoroughly enjoying our fourth house in as many months, finding time to bond so delightfully. I will remind you, thought, that you asked, nay, begged me to teach her magic. Please conserve her energy so that I may properly do so. Also, less meat, more wine. Yennefer. Success only comes with repetition. You can do it. Don’t give up. They’re just villagers, Geralt.”
“Dear friend, we’re so far off the map here that we may never leave again. Come to think of it, would that be such a bad thing? We’ll continue magic lessons before the ice melts, I promise. But for now, perhaps the girl deserves a break. Perhaps you and I do too. Your friend, Yennefer. Okay. I can magically intuit your thoughts, Geralt. You’ve been wanting to invite me to diner ever since we arrived. No. But I looked through your window and you have more wine. And I’m begging for a refill.”
“Just a bit of this. Perfect! Right. Made by chef Ciri. Geralt’s favorite food is radish. Ooh! We always made that, so at least once… okay. Good night. Good night.”
“Water magic is tricky. Well, you have power like nothing I’ve seen. Makes it hard for both of us. That’s enough for today. Remember Rience. That look in his eye. There’s always a source. With fire magic, the source is you. It takes something you never get back. Yes. But magic isn’t everything. I know. Because… I’d given up. But I’ll never make that mistake again.”
“Nilfgaard gave elves refuge, and now they’re fighting on their behalf. Amazing what people will do when you give them a second chance. Bad idea.”
“Should we, uh, find the ale tent? Be safe. Look at what happens when we let her have one good night. You remembered. So you remember our good nights. After the djinn. The library in Kovir. So much for staying quiet. The farmhouse. In Murivel. The overnight carriage ride from Ellander to Moën. How could I? That would be like forgetting our night in Caingorn. Those nights were amazing. But the mornings… or you did. I know why I left, but why did you? Scared what would happen if we really tried? And now? Ciri. Ciri! Ciri!”
“We all did. Her scent? How? So wherever we go, he’ll find us? Not quite. We’ll be there too. We need you to complain about the spoilt brat who ruined Belleteyn for everyone.”
“I saved your arse once. I can do it again, Pankratz. Tread lightly. This land is full of stories. A rather condensed version of the story. After the Conjuction, humans arrived. The elves thought the humans were just a nuisance, like a plague of locusts or a drought. That they would die off in the blink of an elven eye. But the humans kept multiplying. And killing. Aelirenn knew the threat wasn’t going away. So she rallied all of the young elves to fight, at Shaerrawedd.”
“Ciri. What has been need not always be. Francesca, the elven queen, she believed she could offer something more to her people. We’ll be right here. How long do we wait? Last time, I beat you with my wits. This time, you meet my magic. Geralt! Go! Some new strain of Chaotic insanity. But I will. We just need to wait for Geralt. Me! Come on, Geralt. The elves came for Ciri.”
“It was dark. It took me over. I can still feel its residue. Rience isn’t the only rogue mage we’re dealing with. Someone very powerful is puppeting him. Mmm– it’s not about what you can do. It’s about what I can do. I need help. If I can talk to Tissaia– you don’t know how difficult it is to embody power but not have access to it. It’s the best thing for her. Come with us, then. Stay and make sure she’s safe. I can make this work. If you can find a way to trust me.”
“I’ve got her. Whatever you think of me, that’s my promise to you. Just say this isn’t goodbye for good. But there are more good nights to come. That you will… in whatever form… think of me.”
“Dear friend… I miss you already. Or should I say, we miss you? Your friend, Yennefer. P.S., if Ciri decides Aretuza is not to her liking, I have my eyes on our next home. A dollhouse on a squid farm.”

Princess Cirilla
“That was brilliant!”
“Yarpen! Let’s go again. Again. Ready? One foot…”
“Thank you. Mmm! That one was a masterpiece. Open your mouth! Wait– I’m going to go to bed now. Good night.”
“That’s what you said about earth magic, and air magic. Considering the mess I make with every other kind of magic, how could fire magic be any worse? Your magic? You say magic isn’t everything, but you were willing to trade my life for it. You almost lost me to Voleth Meir. You almost lost Geralt. It was… well, if you knew, why did you do it? I’d love to. No one’s asked about me in months. And everyone will be in costume. And… I was born on Belleteyn. I promise I’ll be safe.”
“I’ve never been to a Belleteyn festival outside of Cintra before. You know, this one year, Sir Lazlo tried to jump the bonfire in full armor. What do you think? Would it kill you to say, ‘you look lovely?'”
“Cods, I’ve missed this. I’m going dancing. Let’s go in the maze! Come on! Come on! Yennefer! Geralt? Geralt! Yennefer! Geralt!”
“I liked this one. How did that thing find us? We draw him out. We give him the thing he wants most. Me.”
“We know. But now you can make it up to us. I want to go with you. But it’s important no one knows that. Or else this plan isn’t going to work. Rience hired Veldhoek to find me. Now they’ll want to hear about your convoy. They’ll know who you’re talking about. And how much that information is worth.”
“Jaskier, me. I am the bait. Rience is after me. What is this place? Never seen so many wild roses in one place. They’re beautiful. And what’s yours, then? Sounds like she fought for what she believed in. To protect her people.”
“I had another dream. No, it wasn’t frightening. Just couldn’t sleep thinking about Aelirenn. And my grandmother. They lived centuries apart, but burned with the exact same mission. Wipe the other species off the Continent. When I finally fell asleep, it came to me. If I can offer something different… a way forward that doesn’t divide, but unites. I’m part elf, I’m part human. I understand both because I am both, and that is my strength. You say Aelirenn’s idealism is what led to the massacre of the young elves, but maybe if her elders had supported her instead of abandoning her, they could’ve won. Yen, you overheard something when you were taken prisoner by the elves. You told me they had a saying. And aso do I. Geralt, you taught me how to fight. Just like Calanthe. And Yen, you’re teaching me how to harness my powers. Like Mousesack. What if this is the reason destiny brought us together? Nenneke said I have the power to change the cycle of hatred. And I want to. To be the balance between kings and mages, and to align the Continent, instead of constantly pitting parts against each other. Because I am sick and tired of destruction and loss. Can you keep it open? Keep it open. Careful. You’re the bravest bait that ever lived.”
“I’ll work harder. No. All I want is for us to stay together. And we can’t go with you.”
“Geralt. Wherever you’re going, please come back. As soon as you can.”

“Oh, come on! No… it was one time! Admittedly, with many different people. And it meant nothing! I mean, these aren’t even mine! Well… yeah, kinda! This is what we do, my sweet. We are creatives. Freethinkers. All is fair! Ah! Oh! Ooh! When will magic, sexy women just stop jumping out at me? Usually it’s you coming at me from above. No. Possibly. Yeah, no, I wouldn’t rule it out. No crossbows! Now who’s lying, Vespula? I– I’m doing everything that I can. I– yeah, and an open pair of pantaloons. Yeah– uh, no, darling– no! Look at me. Look at my eyes. There is no need to harm the innocent! No, no, no, don’t! No– Yeah. That’s… slightly ironic, but thank you. You see? People like me. I’ve got fans. Sorry, I didn’t quite catch your name. Right. Comma, wow. Whoa– wow. You’re… ooh! The Prince of Redania. Fuck, I don’t really know what I’m supposed to… bow? Or curtsy, or… been holding your hand a very long time. I’m so sorry. Listen, I wish I could help you, truly. But– uh… ha, ha! No. No, a staid life at court is not for me. Yeah, yeah, I got the gist.”
“Again with this fresh hell… Mr. Zigrin! Julian Alfred Pankratz. I know you know. It’s a rule of threes thing. Has to be done. What can I do for you, Yarpen? Of course they do.”
“Bait! I rode for days to get here, battling hunger, battling the elements, only to discover upon my arrival that I’m being used as– …bait. Yes, which means he wants you alive, and me very much not alive. You see my anxiety? You didn’t save me– she didn’t save me. She… she didn’t! But seriously, you are gonna save me, right?”
“Come on. Come on, I got you. I got you. Come on, come on. Wake up. Come on, get up. Oh! Oh, ho-ho! Oh, if I die, promise me Valdo Marx will not play at my funeral. Whew! Promise me we will never do that again.”
“It has been… an eventful few days, and… I’ve been thinking about your… generous offer. I’ll do it. Ciri’s in danger. Uh… and so are the people around her. People I love. It would be best if she landed somewhere… safe. And you make quite the case for Redania. For…. eurgh, ‘settling down.’ No. Not yet. There’s a… mage with fondness for fire. Rience. Get rid of him. Get rid of him, and… you will have earned Ciri’s trust. And Geralt’s. And mine.”

“You really wanna hide, you’d dye that mop. No one’s lookin’ for the Black fuckin’ Wolf. Don’t break my shite! And I expect payment for my discretion!”
“Wish I had more for you, but the Squirrels hit Henselt’s convoy. Look at these. Potatoes the size of gnome nuts. I’d like to see them fuckin’ try it! The elves’ gripe is with the kings, not us. They’re just trying to soften the North for the grand cock of Nilfgaard. Hold on. Hold on! Are you two fuckin’ again? Who would blame you? Spring’s almost here. Ah, the world’s wakin’ up. Our Belleteyn festival is just down the valley. You should come. Ah! You’d have had a shot at bein’ May Queen. Except my niece’s beard is comin’ in nice and full this year. Just say yes, already! About time for a fuckin’ thaw round here.”
“Look, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have invited you if I knew it weren’t safe. Aye. To Hagge. By yourself? Count me in. Tell me what I need to do.”
“And what’s worse, now I have to haul that ivy-eyed brat’s pale arse all the way to Aedirn with my caravan. Gonna charge them double if I have to put up with any of her yappery. Hold up, buttercup. You think this mage is gonna believe you’d let Ciri ride without an escort?”
“Oi, you lute-playin’ walloper! Yeah, I know. I know. I fucking know! I’ve got ears and good taste, so… nothin’. But… your friends need help.”
“You two really think I’m that shitty of a guard? I like our odds better! This is too easy! Archers! Get down! Move! This way! You’re gonna fuckin’ die, Squirrels! You helped my men. You have my thanks. Jaskier.”

“How may I help you? Hmm?”

The Continent
“We’re seeking a girl and a witcher. Her with ashen hair and patrician countenance. Him a mannerless, blanched brute. Master Rience will recompense you handsomely for illumination as to their whereabouts. We’ll pay if you’ve seen them. Step back, Professor. Ah… I importune you, benignant sir…”
“Thank you.”
“Quickly! Stop! Quick, do that. That side! Missed them again! Where the fuck are they? Burn it all down!”
“Stay together! Hurry up!”
“Now see how you like my new pet. Hmm! What is that thing? I should have warned you before, you elven mutt. That jackapace is trained to smell your kind from a league away. Show yourself. Or I open that and you can be its dinner. All my jacky needs is a scent. Lock of hair, piece of clothin’… put that fucking thing away.”
“Oh… come on, you elven mutt.”
“Did you think you were the only one having some fun on the side, you lying, wretched sone of the devil? And you can fuckin’ have him! And his pox-marked cock!”
“With me! Get in there, lads! Motherfucker! You bastard! You owe me one!”

King Vizimir
“You promised me a princess. Now every king knows about her, thanks to Tissaia de Vries. It’s not a good look, Dijkstra. You swore Cirilla would be mine. Being the king used to mean something. It’s been six months. What have you got to show for it? Excuses, expenses, but no sign of the princess you wanted me to marry. Oh, yet more excuses. Don’t even get me started on those bastards. Blaming us for murdering that stupid elven baby. That definitely wasn’t us? What do I have to show for it? A spy master who can’t find one girl. No. It’s time for change. I’ve decided to put my best person on it. Someone who I can trust. Radovid!”

“Perhaps a tad quieter, your Highness. We wouldn’t want your beloved to catch wind. Sir, our attention has been diverted because of the Squirrels. You have the North’s largest army and spy network. We are the most feared kingdom of the North. Oh.”
“No, it’s all for show. Vizimir just needs to remind everyone who wears the crown. There’s no such thing. Our alliance, however old, keeps us young. Now, as for Prince Seed-waste, boulder, parchment, dagger. I was the one who seduced the Lyrian baroness last month, and the only secret she was hiding was syphilis. Fair. Perhaps I can order someone to babysit the prince while he looks for the girls.”

“What’s that? Whoo!”
“You did. I got bored. How fortunate that is. I’ve long wanted to see you in person. ‘Song of the Seven’ is my favorite. Uh, Radovid. Comma, Prince. If I may offer a thought. Ah, this poor Cirilla girl has enemies everywhere, and, truth be told, Redania’s not a bad place. Bit cold in the winter and humid in the summer, but the food is spectacular. And my brother’s not bad. As monarchs go. You could be our loyal bard. If your time at court’s been staid, you’ve been doing it wrong.”
“Wonderful. We can escort her back tonight. If you say so, Pip.”

“The king’s baby brother? Now we have to chaperone the royal seed-waste too? He wears it thanks to us. By gods, we’ve been doing this too long, Dijkstra. Absolutely not. And that’s worse than the week I spent perched over a shit-filled moat in Temeria while they debated timber prices? Mmm. We don’t trust anyone else. Hmm. If I do this… I’ll be the only one giving orders when I get back.”
“Is it, though? She doesn’t have a crossbow, does she? We’ve lost patience, Sandpiper. You’re doing nothing. Except fucking people over. We invested a lot in your operations. And we’ve gotten nothing in return. Dijkstra and I are ready to cut you loose. But King Vizimir is more forgiving. He’s ready to welcome the girl with open arms. Shall we? I thought I left you cradling a pint of some ale some distance away. Hmm. Oh. But nothing, Sandpiper– either deliver the girl, or we will single-handedly undo every good deed you have done for the elves. We will kill them all. Mmm. I’ve got business in town before we portal back to Tretogor. You… have five days.”
“And your excuse this time is? I’m familiar with his work. You’re good at this game. Pip!”

“Then I’ve come to the right place. I need to find a girl with elven blood. I’ll do you one better. How much?”
“Enjoy your reward.”
“Cirilla of Cintra. Alone at last. Well, not quite. I’ve brought more friends this time. I like my odds. Fuck. Your mage is out of her depth.”

The North
“Whoa! Play ‘Old Times!'”
“Run! Run!”

“Gage, take your best fighters and head west to Maribor. Filavandrel, take yours south to Caed Dhu. She is out there. Have there been sightings, or are we chasing more rumors? We don’t know if Cirilla has Elder Blood. We’re basing it all on the words of… of some mage who came and went just as fast. You have your orders. I want to kill them all for what they have done to your child. Our hope. But sister, it is not enough. My aim has not wavered. I will find Dol Blathanna. But how? Where? There is no sanctuary left for elves here. All will become clear once we have Cirilla. She is our new hope. Do you doubt me?”
“Wake up! Hurry! Move the carts out! The others are starting to. Gallatin and the Scoia’tael, they’re back! It’s not good. We need help! Get the healer. I need help! Help! He doesn’t need you to play nursemaid. He needs you to play soldier. Fuck. Leave it! It’s spent. Needed.”
“Let me know if you plan to start holding weapons back next, leaving unarmed Squirrels to fight for our freedom. I told you. I’ve given you all the fighters I can spare. We both know that’s bullshit. Your best fighters are running secret missions to who the fuck knows where, while the rest of us are out there, following orders, attacking convoys, doing the work to get our land back. Doing the bidding of yet another self-important human. You think I give a shit about that White Flame nonsense? I give a shit about food in my stomach and a place to call home. I have plans, and they don’t involve dying in the woods because of your selfishness. Plans with Nilfgaard? What don’t you get? If Nilfgaard takes the North, elves are free everywhere. The whole Continent is our Dol Blathanna.”
“We tried sharing the Continent for centuries. If there’s to be another genocide, this time, it’ll be the humans’. You keep spouting off about ancient times, prophecies. I don’t know what you’re looking for out there. But you want to keep elves alive? Here we are.”
“And fight! Weak humans! Ahh! That’ll teach them! Yeah! When will the humans learn to travel with more guards? How many men did you kill? Eat. Here they are. Here. Got to fatten you up. Need you back out there. Well done, brother. Here. Eat. Food goes to the ones who fought. We fight just like you. Then eat what you captured. All elves share equally. Otherwise, we’re no better than the humans. All elves must risk equally, as well. You were right. Our Scoia’tael forces should be united. In purpose, but also in action. Must’ve been an eventful morning. what did you see out there to change your mind? Nothing. I simply had time to consider your position. We have different ides of what Bol Blathanna looks like. But we both want a home. And we can find it faster together. You should get out of that tent more often. Hmm. Tomorrow, we make our next move. I’ll be by your side. As long as it takes.”
“Where the fuck is the caravan? She’s all that matters. You have your orders. Go. What? Shit! Follow me! Right! You don’t look so special. You call yourself an elf. She’s Hen Ichaer. And she belongs with– we need to get her out of here! Move! Come on. She could be in here! You two, with me! Go. Fall back. Fall back! Fall back! Fall back! Quick! Follow me! I’ve got her! I’ve got her! No! No! No! We have to go. Fall back!”
“♪ In our dirt, young Baldrin sleeps ♪ Ever sowed by human greed ♪ Brave Hogal vows on bent knee ♪ Let man-blood flood our reeds ♪ In new dirt, still Hogal dreams ♪ Of that vengeance… ♪. She has lost her brother. And I have lost a dozen more. We were supposed to attack the caravan together. She lied to us. All this loss because of one girl.”
“You knew that girl. Princess Cirilla… of Cintra. I warned them. She brings nothing but death. The problem isn’t her. It’s that one. I’ve had enough. Lost enough. Where are you going? To get help from an old friend. Yah!”