HBO Max original film The Eyes of Tammy Faye dropped September 17, 2021.

#TheEyesOfTammyFaye won Jessica Chastain her first Oscar.

rottentomatoes: 70%
metacritic: 55
imdb: 6.6
oscars: 2 wins
golden globes: 1 nomination
SAG awards: 1 win

Tammy Faye
Tammy Faye Bakker and her husband Jim build a televangelist empire outside of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Actress in a Leading Role
1 win: 2022
Best Actress – Motion Picture Drama
1 nomination: 2022
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role
1 win: 2022
“Okay. M’kay. Okay. Oh, no. That’s it. That’ll be all. They’re permanently lined. And my eyes are permanently lined and my eyebrows are permanently on, so there’s not a whole lot you can do. Mm. Nope, and I never will. And, you know, if I take that way, then it’s not me, and no one’s gonna wanna look at me without my trademark. So, I hold onto that. No. No, you can do anything you want, but my eyelashes stay right where they are. Oh, yeah, this is who I am.” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“I was here. Here the whole time. I wanna be saved. If you let me come in with you, God’d love me like He’s supposed to. Is it because everyone thinks you’re a harlot? And I come from a time before Fred made you respectable and stuff.” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“You’re going to Hell, Tammy. You don’t belong here. You don’t belong anywhere. You’re ugly. You’ve got a demon inside you. But I don’t wanna go to Hell. If they loved you, they wouldn’t leave you here. They love me. They love you not. Jesus, come into my heart and forgive me my sins. I don’t know what this is everybody’s getting, but if it’s real, then please, Jesus, give that to me. Yes.” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“I’m… I’m sorry. Go ahead. Hallelujah! Yes, sir. Oh, yeah. You know, I’m gonna sing the word in every tent, in every church. You know, God told me that that’s what He wants for me. ‘I do my best to maintain always a blameless conscience, both before God and before men.’ ‘And I will take hold of the fruit.’ 7:7.” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“Oh, this is someplace nice, Jim. Oh, I have no secrets. I’ll tell you anything you wanna know. Okay. I’m the oldest of eight children and I’m a very practical person. And what you see is all there is of me. You know, I don’t pretend to be something I’m not because what you see is all you get. And I love people. I have a genuine, genuine love for people. And I hurt when people hurt, and probably a little more dramatic than people would like me to be. But I enjoy that. That’s just who I am. Okay. So, um, do you have any secrets, Jim? Well, tell me. No. What happened? Why didn’t you do it, Jim? Tell me. Mm. Mm. And what happened to Jimmy Summerfield? Oh. Praise be to God. Oh, sure, I do, Jim. Oh, even more now that you were honest with me. ♪ I found my thrill ♪ On Blueberry Hill ♪ I found my thrill ♪ When I found you ♪. Dance with me, Jim. Please? ♪ The moon stood still ♪ On Blueberry Hill ♪ And lingered until ♪ My dreams came true ♪” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“I know. I know. Yeah! Hello, Mother. This is Jim Bakker, my husband. No. No, Mother, we can’t go back to school. They have a rule against students marrying one another. If I know the two of you, you’re just gonna love Jim. Oh, he’s so motivated. He has so many big ideas. Well, you can educate yourself right out of a relationship with God. He has a plan for us. God. Come spring, me and Jim are going to be traveling preachers, bringing God’s love to all people. Anyone who’s hurting or they feel like they’ve been left out. Jim will preach and I’ll sing. And we’ll be like Oral Roberts and his wife. God said that we’re supposed to have a good life. That way, we can help bring his love to all people. No. Isaiah 62:5.” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“Fred said that we could stay until the weather changes. Got some bubbles at the swap meet. No, Jim. Of course she likes you. Oh. It makes Tammy sad to see you so sad. Oh, I can work up the bubbles, Jim. All I gotta do is dunk my hand. And I swirl… and swirl. Am I doing that all right?” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“Well, hello there, Tammy Faye. Hello, Mommy. Well, we’re use these puppets as part of our sermon and show the kids how wonderful God is. And if we can get enough children to come, they’ll bring their mothers and their fathers. And before you know it, we’ll have our own church. Have you counted your blessings today, Tammy Faye? No, not yet, Susie. Time to count your blessings, for they are plentiful. Okay, well, thank you for my husband. Oh, you’re so welcome, Tammy. And thank you for Mother’s understanding, even if she doesn’t understand.” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“Jim! Whose car is this? No. Okay. But how can we afford it, Jim Bakker? I’m Susie Moppet. Oh, I do. Oh. Oh, this is the nicest car I’ve ever seen, Jim. Oh, I do, Jim. You do? Oh, she do, Jim! She really, really do!” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“You better believe it! Oh, I’m Susie Moppet. Hi! Nice to meet you! ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ The Bible tells me so ♪. So, hit it, Allie. Well, this is a fun song, boys and girls. So, hit it, Allie. ♪ Jesus loves me ♪ This I know For the Bible tells me so ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ The Bible tells me so ♪” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“You know, he’s not terribly dynamic for a charismatic. You’re right. Well, if I could have watched a preacher on TV in my own home telling me about God, that would’ve made such a difference. Especially from someone who preaches as good as you do, Jim. Oh, yeah. You know, we could do that. You’re so much more handsome than he is.” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“Don’t make him cross at you, Jim. We wanna have him want us back. What? Yep, you sure did. Uh-huh. What? Oh, Jim. Oh, no. We need to pray. Oh, Lord, we are good soldiers. We are here for good. We are here for your good. And we ask that you shine your light… God, I’m so sorry. Jim. Oh, thank you. No!” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“Jim? Hi, I got a new outfit for the show. Jim. You didn’t even look at me. Not today. I’m going to tell you something, too, but I’m not gonna tell you right now. You’re gonna have to wait. Yeah. You just have to. Well, my surprise is gonna make you feel so much better. No, Jim, the show’s about to start.” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“Oh, hello, everybody! Well, Jim is a little bit late today, so, um, the theme of today’s show, how about we make it all about the importance of being places on time, hmm? Oh, no! Oh, no! I’m sorry, kids! There he is. Oh, yeah, and what’d you two fellas get up to without me? Mm-hmm. Well, amen! Now, isn’t that happy news? Hi, kids. Hi, Jim. Today’s a happy day. Isn’t it, kids? And you know why, Jim? Well, you’re gonna have a new show, kids. And Jim is gonna have a baby. Look at Tammy, she’s right behind you. Isn’t the world just full of blessings, Jim? That’s right, folks!” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“Oh, hi, Mom. Well, Jim says that I need to rest for my pregnancy, but, uh, you know me. I can’t rest, so thought I’d call my mother to keep me company. Oh, I miss working, though. You know? It’s so lonesome at home all by myself. And he barely touches me anymore. And when he does, it’s not enthusiastic. I do that. Oh, I do. He’s just really busy. So, are you watching Jim’s show? That new talk show of his is on. Yeah. You know, I wanna do what he’s doing. And I wanna sing and not in a puppet voice. And I wanna talk about issues that affect people’s daily lives. And there’s so much that we don’t talk about. There’s so many secrets, and, you know, everyone says I’m supposed to be tired, but I just wanna love people. No. Sorry. Good night, Mom. I love you. Okay, bye-bye.” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“Oh, dear Lord God. What doors are you gonna open up for me to walk through? What can I do for happiness? Oh, I wanna get back on TV. I’m going back to work for you.” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“Oh. I should have worn the other dress. Oh. Dede’s wearing a mink. That’s a real mink! And it’s warm outside. Well, the fruit isn’t dropping our way, that’s for sure. Thanks. Hey, that’s a nice coat. Must be hot though. Oh. Mm. Hmm. Oh, my goodness! Honey. Go say hi! Jim, go say hi. Nice to meet you, Jerry. I’m Tammy. Aw! Come on, let’s go see Daddy. Hi! Could I sit down? I have the baby, you know. It’s kinda hard to eat and, you know… and, you know, get the food to my mouth.” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“I think… and I wanna hear all this interesting stuff. Well, I’ll be right back. Oh. Come on. As you were saying, Jerry? Of course. Mm. Who’s He fighting? Well, I love our country, but America is for them, too. Mm? Oh, I don’t want to debate you, Jerry. I love you. I love all of you guys. Mm. Well, you know, I don’t think of them as homosexuals. I just think of them as other human beings that I love. You know, we’re all just people made out of the same old dirt. And God didn’t make any junk. Right, honey?” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“Hmm? Hmm? I’m changing the baby, honey. Jim. Well, God’s been talking to me, too, you know, Jim? And He said that I gotta speak up. So, here goes. You can’t leave me at home all alone, feeling unloved, and useless. And He said that I belong on TV just as much as you do. And that I should sing and I should be funny. And I should talk about real things for grown-ups. Just, you know, just the way you do. And… He says I’m not gonna tell people who’s going to Hell, Jim. We’re in the business of healing people. Jim Bakker is a powerful man. Jim Bakker. It’s okay. You know, we built CBN in four years and we could build our own in half that. Oh, yeah, we can. Oh, yes, he will. Oh, my!” — Tammy Faye Bakker
“♪ Ooh we’re blest ♪ We are blest ♪ Yes, we’ve got shelter, Clothing and strength ♪ We are blest ♪ We’re blest, we’re blest, We’re blest ♪ We are blest ♪ We don’t deserve it But yet we are blest ♪ We don’t deserve it But yet we are blest ♪” — Tammy Faye Bakker

Jim Bakker
“Yes, sir? Thank you. Um, sorry. I would like to start with a verse. ‘Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. That is John 3, verse 2, and it’s written right here in the good book. He gave me this verse last night. God, He came right down and He whispered it in my ear. He said, ‘Jim Bakker, I intend for you to thrive, to live, and to love in this life.’ He said it to me. But us Christians, we’ve been taught that we’re supposed to expect failure. When Jesus calls you home, you think you’re going to get a bonus if you make yourself miserable? You think if you deny yourself indoor plumbing, or if you don’t have shoes on your feet… you know, Heaven, Heaven is heaven, that is for sure. But God’s hope for us is that we live and thrive and we love here in the promised land. Here and now. Here and now, and in this very, very moment. God does not want us to be poor! Oh, no! He will gift the faithful with eternal life, eternal love, and eternal wealth! Hallelujah! Praise God! Praise Him! Doesn’t sound very blessed to me. And to spread the word of God. ‘Your stature is like that of a palm and your breasts like clusters of fruit. I will take hold of the palm tree.’ That’s the Song of Solomon.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t drive you someplace nice. Tell me something. Tell me a secret. Something that no one else knows about. We’ll start with everything. I’ve never met anyone quite like you, Tammy Faye. Well, one or two. Well, before God found me, I wanted to be a radio deejay. Yes. I used to love to make people dance. Have fun. Little Richard. And Buddy Holly and… oh, and Fats Domino. Ah. Never mind that. Um, I don’t think… well, all right. I’ll tell you, Tammy. Um… two ears ago, I was on a date with my girlfriend, Sandy, and… oh, no, with my girlfriend at the time. But, anyhoo, I borrowed my daddy’s car to take her out, and there was all this snow on the ground and Fats was singing Blueberry Hill so loud and I… I was having these urges that only the devil would approve of and I lost control of the car. And I ran over a little boy, little Jimmy Summerfield. I ruptured Jimmy Summerfield’s lung… …with my daddy’s tire. I didn’t sleep all night. I was just up worried sick about that boy dying. So, I… I made a bargain with God. I said to Him, ‘I will forsake my dream of being a deejay. I will stop peddling in rock and roll and I’ll dedicate my life to Him and Him alone. If He sees fit to save that boy’s life, He will win two souls right then and there.’ He lived. Yes. Yes, praise him. So… you still like me? I’ll tell ya, I do miss dancing. You’re so loud. Here? No, I can’t. In front of all these people? Like, no…”
“Oh, we can’t. We can’t. I know. Oh. Oh, we can’t. Hello, Mother. Oh, it’s such a blessing to finally meet you. No. No, there’s no limit to God’s love, Mrs. Grover, and there’s no limit to Tammy Faye and I either. We’re soldiers in Christ. We’ve been called to serve in a very real way. God smiles on a husband and wife. ‘As a young man marries a young woman, so will your Builder marry you, as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will your God rejoice in you.’ It’s something we do.”
“I’m sorry, Tam. I feel like I’m letting you down. She doesn’t like me. No, she doesn’t. How’s there supposed to be bubbles if there isn’t enough water to work up the bubbles? Uh-huh.”
“Get in. Get in. Come on. Roll that window up. I got the heat on. This fine vehicle with the leather interior and the chrome on the wheels is a gift from God for us to do His work. Who is this? Aren’t you cute? Well, do you know about God, Susie? Well, God has cancelled the claim of poverty and deprivation in our lives and He had placed all the powers of heaven and the First Bank of International Falls, Minnesota, at our disposal. ‘Everything works for good for them that love God.’ Everything. But you have to have faith in Him and in me and in us, ’cause if you don’t, I don’t know what I’m doing here. Does she, Susie?”
“You sure… it’s all right here. In Psalm 37:4. ‘Take delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart’s desires.’ God starts turning those wheels in your life! Oh, now who is this? Well, hello there, Susie Moppet. She jumped up. ♪ The Bible tells me so ♪. Hitch up your wagon to God. He’s greater than any problem. He’s greater than any problem. Us Christians, we’re just stuck in the mud like that old game. Remember that old kids’ game? God wants us just to run free.”
“Come on. Okay, okay, okay. I know, but people just eat him up. Tammy, did you see that? Hmm? Watch close. Every now and again, he glances up at the camera. See that? He’s talking right to you in the comfort of your living room. Mm. Amen. You think? Gotta do my homework, baby. Mmm. Stop it. You’re distracting me.”
“Well, we’ll have to call the preacher down in Raleigh and let him know we got a better gig down here. Hold on. The car. I… I… I parked it here. Well, must’ve got stolen… oh. Oh, maybe it got towed. No, know I made the payments, so… I think I made the payments. Maybe they didn’t get the payments or maybe… I don’t think I forgot. I think I… okay. Oh, Tammy, I don’t know… oh, did I? Yes, yes, yes. Oh, I’m sorry, Tammy. I’m so, so, so sorry. I shouldn’t have put so much faith in that bank. Jesus, I’m so sorry. Tammy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Thank you. Well, that’s vey kind of you.. ..but we don’t rightly know where we’re carrying it to.”
“Well, I’m trying to focus. And you’re just distracting me. You make me laugh. I was happy to find… you’re so funny, Graham. Hey, honey. Oh, yes, I love it. Yeah? Oh. I’m sorry, Tam. Have I ever told you that I am the luckiest man on the face of this planet? Have I ever told you that? Not today, no? No, no, no! And there he is. Every time I try and talk to him, he just keeps making excuses not to see me. I’ll be right back. Hey, Pat! You got a second? Have you given more thought to our show idea? Well, yes, of course, but you shut down CBN at 10:00 p.m. Why not a late-night show? Just kind of like Johnny Carson for Christians? Oh, I do. I don’t sleep at all. Tammy loves the idea.”
“I’m sorry, Tammy! I’m sorry, everybody. I was just having a little, fun little chat with Uncle Pat just behind the barn. Oh, well, it’s actually something all you kids… …are gonna wanna tell your parents about. It’s a brand-new show just for them right here on CBN! And it’s gonna be called The 700 Club. Hallelujah! Yes! Yes! Oh. Hi, Susie Moppet. Why, Susie? Yes. We’re gonna have a baby? Huh? We’re gonna have a baby! Oh-ho-ho!”
“It’s not a drag to be saved. It’s not a boring thing. That’s religion. See, you got ’em fixed up. Religion is boring and dull, but Jesus is life. Now, my next guest is a new friend to The 700 Club, and I can smell his chicken, yes. The Colonel, Colonel Sanders in the 700 Club! Oh, the crowd appreciates you. I think they like you. I guess the housewives of America are thanking you for fixing dinner… wow! Oh, wow! Really? You love kids, don’t you? You love children. Wow! I bet they’re spoiled. Do you spoil them?”
“Well… what do you think he pays himself? You look fine, honey. There he is. You know, we… we paid for all this, Tammy. You and me, from the swimming pool the hot tub, and Dede’s dead animal. We paid for it. Hello. Hey, Pat! What a beautiful place! How are you? Paradise! Mm-hmm? It’s very… it’s very kind of you, Uncle Pat. But, you know, I got that bond going with my audience, you know? We’re on the up-and-up. I couldn’t think of abandoning them right now. Well, we’ll think about it. I see, I see him. I know, I see him. I don’t wanna say hi. I’m fine. We’ll say hi later. Oh, my goodness, just… what a pleasure, Mr. Falwell. A pleasure and a blessing. You are truly an inspiration to me. It’s an honor. Tammy Faye and this is Sissy.”
“Sure. Um, yeah. Honey… yes. Mm. Mm. Uh… well… oh, Tam? Will you mind getting me another Coke? Reverend Falwell.”
“Tammy? Tam. You can’t… what are you doing? You can’t talk to him like that. That’s the big boss man. We need him to like us. No, Tammy. Look, listen to me. I’m trying to build something here. I’m not messing around. God told me He wants me to have what Pat has. But if you keep acting like that, if you keep talking to Falwell that way, I’m not gonna ever get there. Yes. Jerry Falwell’s a powerful man, Tammy Faye. Yes, he is, Tammy Faye Bakker. I’m so, so sorry. I forgot my own strength… and my manly duties. Yes, I think we can. Yes. Jim Bakker is gonna be a builder for Christ. And Tammy Faye Bakker is gonna sing her gospel all around the world. We are gonna spread His word.”
“Hi, everybody! Nice to see you. Hi! How are you? Look at all of you! Wow! My land! What a beautiful audience! Hi, how are you doing? God has worked miracles! I want miracles for all of us!”

Rachel Grover
“Little girls go to Hell for lying. Honest and true. Grown-up reasons. Only reason they let me back is ’cause nobody but me can play the piano. But you remind them I was divorced. They see you, all of us is going to be banished. The souls of all your brothers and sisters burning in Hell because you don’t listen and you can’t sit still. Stop performing.”
“Tammy Faye! I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. No, Tammy! Tammy, get up. Tammy, I said get up.”
“What’d you do? Did you know they had that rule when you did this? Did you know? God or that Jim boy? What’d He tell ya to do this time? Oral Roberts went to college. He has one named for him. There’s a limit to God’s love, Tammy Faye.”
“What are you doing with those things? Oh. You’re welcome. And thank you, God, for love. Hmm.”
“Hello. Do you know what time it is? Why are you calling so late? I never got a rest. Well, it’s up to the wife to make herself desirable for her husband. Serving God don’t feel like it should be a money-making opportunity. You got me out of bed to talk to me about how you’re not tired. Does that make sense to you? Night night, Tam. Take care. Bye. That was Tam. Well, it seems like she’s having some trouble with the pregnancy. What’d I miss?”

Fred Grover
“There’s reasons you can’t be seen in church, Tam.”
“Who was it? How is she? I don’t know. The sound was off.”

Bible College Teacher
“Mr. Bakker? Be right to remember, ‘Blessed be the poor,’ Mr. Bakker. You two are here to learn the ways of the Lord through scripture, yeah? With makeup on your face? ‘A man who keeps company with harlots wastes his wealth.’ Proverbs 29:3.”
Bible College
“Ahem. Jezebel.”
Makeup Artist
“Okay, I’m gonna start by taking some of this off. Gonna take your foundation off. And then we’ll start fresh. Can you take your lips off? Do you want a little remover? Oh. My goodness, I… I didn’t know. Have you never done pictures without those eyelashes. Even if we softened ’em up and kept… that’s really you. Mm.”

“I didn’t know what the words ‘glory’ or hallelujah’ be because the devil is all around us! Oh, yes, he is! And it’s up to you to resist his temptations. Hallelujah! If you’re not saved by Jesus, you open yourself up to demons and the devil will make a home in you! When God spoke peace to my heart, I didn’t know how to say glory or hallelujah, but I got saved! I leapt upon that altar. Jesus told me He loved me, and He will love you. He speaks through her. Say, ‘Hallelujah!’ She is with the Holy Spirit right now! Feel the spirit! Say, ‘Glory.’ ‘Glory to God.’ You too, sister! Feel the spirit. Raise your hands up, folks.”
“Amen! Be strong in the Lord and His mighty power. Put on the armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle isn’t against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world! On every high thing that exalts itself. Do you feel love? You feel it, sister! I know you feel it! You too, brother? If you feel the love, say, ‘Hallelujah!’ Say, ‘Glory to God!’ Accept the blood! Feel love forever! Are you ready to accept the love? He is with us! Yes!”

“Glory to God! Hallelujah! Glory to God!”
“Yes. Hallelujah! Glory to God! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! She’s peeing herself! Praise God! Shush now. This baby is a miracle. Don’t you take her from us.”

Pat Robertson
“You’re watching Pat Robertson on the Christian Broadcasting Network… season all your grain offerings… …with salt. Do not leave the salt of the covenant of your God out of your grain offerings. Add salt to all your offerings. …focus on the foundation. It is upon Him that you can place your strong… …blow your home over? Keep calling. The numbers are on your screen. …voices of angels. I hope you enjoy them, and we have a variety…”
“Jim! Hey! Don’t you already have your hands full with those puppets? Biggest earner we got. You stay focused. No, Christians don’t stay up that late. What about Tam? Well, she’s gonna miss you at night.”
“My little stars! Oh, thank you, thank you! Hey, Jim, I’ve been thinking. Have you given any thought to taking some time off to be with your family? No. No, sir. I can do The 700 Club for a time. We can air reruns of Jim and Tammy for a few weeks. A couple of months even. What do you think? Thank you. Oh. He came. Hello! Hello! Was your drive in okay? You remember Jim and Tammy Faye? Yes, aren’t they?”
“Well, why don’t… yeah, but… but now, we are on television. When I created The 700 Club, all I needed was 700 people to keep us going. A year later, we’re in six markets and growin’. Hundreds of thsousands of folks are hearin’ the word. Mm-hmm. Um…”

Dede Robertson
“Look at that little baby, too. Positively a chipmunk. Oh, thank you, dear. No, not in the least. These times do not come back. Trust me, they are precious, precious times. Oh, Pat, Pat, Pat!”
“You know it was fate. It was when my youngest was being baptized, she was such a little-bitty thing that we had to put a little milk crate in the baptismal for her to stand on.”

Reverend Falwell
“Hey, now, the puppet people! Aren’t the three of you as cute as a button?”
“It’s a moral issue… …feminist revolution. She’s a firecracker, Jim. Let’s call me Reverend Falwell. Young people today are raised on television. It’s taught them an immorality. Now, God has a voice in this fight. The liberal agenda. The feminist agenda. Homosexual agenda. It’s time for a reversal of these trends. The only hope’s in saving America. Jim, let your wife speak. Debate. I think it gets us all back to unity. We love you, too, Tammy Faye. God as my witness, I made a pledge to continue toe xpose the sins in this country. The Bible explicitly forbids homosexuality. There’s no gray area.”
“Okay. Okay. Amen. Get back to the good old days.”
“Coming to you from Praise The Lord studios in Charlotte, North Carolina, broadcasting live across this great nation. Praise The Lord television network presents our five-year anniversary Christmas special, the Jim and Tammy show!”

CBN Representative
“Hey. Hey, I saw you preach last night. Those puppets of yours filled me. Deeply. I’m staying in the room next door. Can I help you with that? I work at a local television station with a minister by the name of Mr. Pat Robertson. He’d get a kick outta you two.”

“Yes, honey, and that’s $25 a pledge.”
“CBN. Can I take your pledge?”
“All right, let me get you set up. Tammy, we’re on.”
“Okay, we’re live in five, four, three.”

CBN Audience
“Hi, Tammy! Hi, Susie Moppet.”

Colonel Sanders
“I think they’re wanting some of that chicken. I do. I have five grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.”
Hugh Downs
“Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker were the most famous televangelist couple in America, and, by far, the most prosperous.”

Al Dale
“Ken and Barbie of televangelism. And they seemed honest.”
Reporter 1
“They brought encouragement and hope to lots of people.”
Geraldo Rivera
“He’s the president of a multi-million dollar religious organization called the Praise The Lord Club.”

Reporter 2
“PTL also operates Heritage Village in Fort Mill, South Carolina.”

Reporter 3
“…Christian Disney World where PTL members can vacation with inspiration.

Reporter 4
“They are among the best-known figures in the world of television evangelism. But tonight they are out of business. And caught up in the fighting are their fellow evangelists Jimmy Swaggart, Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell.”

Reporter 5
“…following the scandal that led to founder Jim Bakker’s resignation last week.”
Reporter 5
“There’s debate about how much the Bakker scandal will hurt all the television ministries and quiet concern…”

Reporter 6
“Modern warfare among the TV preachers. In tis electronic age, the stakes are high with millions of followers… …and recriminations.”
Reporter 7
“Now, about what some people around here are calling ‘pearly-gate.'”
Reporter 8
“Pearly-gate is the story of Jim and Tammy Bakker.”
Reporter 9
“It’s remarkably like Watergate, which tainted the name ‘politician,’ and such an episode is bound to taint the name ‘preacher.'”
Reporter 10
“The Bakkers couldn’t even get out of their car. There were so many people waiting to see them after three months of seclusion.”
Reporter 11
“…busloads of tourists, hoping to get a glimpse of the elusive evangelists, but they had no better luck than the waiting newspeople.”