Warner Bros. original film Ocean’s 11 was released December 7th, 2001.

The #Oceans11 trilogy cleared $1.124B at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 83%
metacritic: 74
imdb: 7.7
Continue reading Ocean’s 11
Warner Bros. original film Ocean’s 11 was released December 7th, 2001.
The #Oceans11 trilogy cleared $1.124B at the international box office.
rottentomatoes: 83%
metacritic: 74
imdb: 7.7
#HighFlyingBird was directed by Oscar winner Steven Soderbergh and shot entirely on an iPhone 8.
rottentomatoes: 92%
metacritic: 78
imdb: 6.3
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Nadia Vulvokov Samantha Emera Umber Earl Cnut Sandy Kominsky Jackson Marchetti
#Mosaic season 2 is reportedly in development.
rottentomatoes: 85%
metacritic: 73
imdb: 6.4
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Alex Vause Aleida Diaz Nomi Segal Luca Hall Richard Lewis Hook Handed Man
#Godless is a limited miniseries event.
rottentomatoes: 89%
metacritic: 75
imdb: 8.5
emmys: 12 nominations
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Fiona Gallagher Violet Baudelaire Tahani Al-Jamil Mike McClintock Chidi Anagonye Dinesh Chugtai