Tag Archives: Jared Harris

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AMC original drama Mad Men concluded in May 17, 2015.

#MadMen is available on Amazon Prime Video.

rottentomatoes: 94%

metacritic: 86

imdb: 8.7

emmys: 16 wins

golden globes: 5 wins

SAG awards: 2 wins

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Isotope Glow

HBO original miniseries Chernobyl drops its second episode tomorrow Monday May 13, 2019.

#ChernobylHBO is based on real events.

rottentomatoes: 96%

metacritic: 83

imdb: 9.7

emmys: 19 nominations

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Outer Space

SyFy original drama The Expanse concluded its third season on Wednesday June 27, 2018.

#TheExpanse season 4 has been picked up by Amazon and is based on literature of the same name.

rottentomatoes: 90%

metacritic: 65

imdb: 8.4

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Cabin Fever

AMCtv original thriller The Terror premieres its 4th episode tomorrow.

#TheTerror is based on literature of the same name.

rottentomatoes: 92%

metacritic: 76

imdb: 8.4


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