Drug Lord

Netflix original film Extraction dropped Friday April 24, 2020.

#Extractionis Netflix’s most watched film / has been greenlit for a sequel.

rottentomatoes: 68%

metacritic: 56

imdb: 6.8

Tyler Rake, Extraction, Netflix, AGBO, T.G.I.M Films, Thematic Entertainment, Chris HemsworthTyler Rake

Tyler Rake is hired to rescue a kidnapped kid outside of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Tyler Rake, Extraction, Netflix, AGBO, T.G.I.M Films, Thematic Entertainment, Chris Hemsworth“Hold my beer, would you?  I said hold it.  Don’t drink it.” — Tyler Rake

“Come here, girl.  Hey.  Make yourself at home.  Yeah, I like chickens, except when they shit everywhere.  Oh, yeah?  I think Gaspar lives in Dhaka.  Yeah, I’ll take it.  It’s always fuckin’ complicated, innit?  God, Nik, what are you doing here?  Don’t bullshit yourself.  No one else is gonna commit to somethin’ this fucked up.  I need the money.  Chickens aren’t cheap.  What’s his name?” — Tyler Rake

“What about our opposition?  Sounds like some mythic shit.  How many hostiles on site?  Yep.  Now what?  Show me the proof.  Proof.  Proof.  Show me proof.  You show me the kid’s all right, I tell my people, they pay you.  Do you under– fuck… come here.  Hey!  Listen, you boys seem like real busy professionals, so let’s say we cut this shit and get down to business, yeah?  There’s no magazine in it.  Shh!  Can you walk?  All right.  Put this on.  Okay, get out.  Let’s go.  Here.  Hey.  Kid, you wanna survive, you do exactly as I say.  Here.  Put these on.  Here, eat this.  Your blood sugar is low.  That’s why you feel like shit.  Twenty-one meters out.  In possession.  All right.  Arms up.  Okay.  All right.  Name?  Say your name, mate.  Say your bloody name, come on.  Last name?  Your birthday?  Proceeding to extraction.  Let’s go.” — Tyler Rake

“You guys ready for us?  We’re 1,600 meters out.  Copy.  See you soon.  Deep breath, mate.  Deep breath.  Yeah, we gotta keep moving.  Come on.  Holding.  G?  Kid… move fast.  Stay low.  Go!  Go, go!  Down.  Sit down and shut up!  Okay, when I tell you to, run like hell or I’m gonna kill you both.  Understand?  Go!  Okay kid, go!  Go on, kid.  Go, go!  Go!  Come on.  Move, boy!  Here, get in the car.  Get in the car.  Shit!  Come on!  Go!  Get down!  Hey!  Hey!  I work for your father.  But something is fucked here.  Saju could have a deal with the men who grabbed you and send you back to them.  The cops are in on it.  Look, if you wanna live, you have to trust me.  I need eyes.  Radio’s compromised.  Call my sat.  How far past the gate?  Can’t.  Bloody truck is in the way.  Fuck off!  For fuck’s sake!  Get down!  I’m in survival mode.  Put your belt on.  Your fucking seat belt.  Hold tight.  You okay, kid?  We gotta move.  Go.  Up the stairs.  Shh.  Come on.  Come on.  Move!  Run, go!  Get up the stairs.  Go.  Come on.  Move!  Get down.  All right, kid.  Do you trust me?  Good.  Get up, kid.  Okay.  Stay on my shoulder, all right?” — Tyler Rake

“Get in, kid.  Come on.  Come on!  Yeah.  Hold on.  All right, kid.  I need you to slide on over here.  Okay, we’re gonna jump on three.  All right?  One… all right.  Close the door.  Close the door.  Can you give me a hand?  I need eyes.  Hold that on there.  Just hook it through there and then pull it back this way.  Yep.  Yeah, I got it.  Yeah?  What about G?  Shit.  Yeah.  He’s with me.  How far?  That’s not the job.  Just find my money, Nik.  The only chance of getting my money is you, mate.   So… no.  Yeah, pretty much.  What are you doing?  I didn’t… I didn’t mean it like that.” — Tyler Rake

“Yeah.  Copy.  I’m on the move.  Kid.  Kid.  Hey, come on.  Hey.  Get in, go.  Come on, you bastard.  Get out of the car.  Go, go, go, go, go!  Stay there!  Call Gaspar.  We just got attacked by the Goonies from hell.  We made it about four blocks.  I don’t give a shit what you said.  We’re in the worst smelling sewer in the planet.  There’s about 200 cops over our heads.  Just call Gaspar.  The guy owes me his life, Nik.  Call him.  Mmm-hmm.  Nice to meet ya.” — Tyler Rake

“Yeah, better after the shower.  I appreciate you coming for us.  Yeah.  Uh, he’s resting.  So, where are we?  Your wife?  Yeah, knee, back, shoulder…” — Tyler Rake

“Yeah?  No, mate.  It would’ve been my fault.  No?  What do I look like?  Yeah.  It’s Rake.  My last name.  What were you gonna ask me?  I’m not brave, mate.  Yeah, sometimes.  Sometimes I do other things.  Yeah.  I did have me a wife.  I don’t know.  Haven’t seen her in a long time.  Yeah, a son.  He died a few years ago.  Lymphoma.  Six.  I wasn’t even there… when he died.  Khandar, Afghanistan.  It was my third tour.  No.  I left.  Voluntary.  Yep.  I told you, mate.  I’m not brave.  I’m just… I’m just the opposite.  Who told you that?” — Tyler Rake

“Yes.  Yes!  I think you have.  Shh.  I think he’s asleep.  Mate, you’re drunk.  We’re talking about a kid, Gaspar.  You need to sober up, mate.  What are you doing?  You said you’d help me.  Did you call someone?  Who’d you call?  Answer me!  What’d you do?  What do you want from me?  Walk upstairs and shoot the kid in the fucking head?  Don’t do this.” — Tyler Rake

“I’ll get you home, mate.  I’ll get you home.” — Tyler Rake

Nik Khan, Extraction, Netflix, AGBO, T.G.I.M Films, Thematic Entertainment, Golshifteh FarahaniNik Khan, Extraction, Netflix, AGBO, T.G.I.M Films, Thematic Entertainment, Golshifteh FarahaniNik Khan, Extraction, Netflix, AGBO, T.G.I.M Films, Thematic Entertainment, Golshifteh FarahaniNik Khan

“There’s a chicken in your bathroom.  We landed the whale.  Extraction.  Indian kid.  Drug lord’s son.  A rival gangster is holding this kid in Dhaka.  Gaspar is out of the game.  Clock’s running at 16 hours.  Deadline, Friday, noon.  Proof of life as of six hours ago.  This gangster, Amir Asif, he holds a massive sway in Dhaka.  You get your hands on this kid, it’s gonna get complicated.  This was a mistake.  And why would you?  You’re hoping if you spin the chamber enough times, you’re gonna catch a bullet.  Tomorrow morning, I’ll meet you at Fitzroy crossing.  If you’re not sober, don’t show up.  Ovi.  Ovi Mahajan.  Head on straight, Tyler.” — Nik Khan

“Copy.  Alpha team is with the boat.  In position.  Call them back.  Tell them they have 60 seconds to make the transfer.  Otherwise they’re gonna find a boy’s body floating in the Buriganga.  Give me verbal.  Thiago?  Thiago?  Thiago?  Tyler, something’s wrong.  Hold your position.  G, you got eyes on the boat?  What is it?  Shit!  Tyler, two inbound police boats.  Two hundred meters and closing in fast.  There’s someone else in those woods.  About a hundred meters out and closing in on your position.  Tyler, chopper’s inbound.  Turn right, after the bridge.  What gate?  Turn right.  Tyler, on your right.  Up ahead, make a left.  No, no, no!  Left!  You just passed it.” — Nik Khan

“Our new friend is Saju Rav.  Ex-Special Forces.  He works for the kid’s father.  We were played.  Second transfer never came through.  Mahajan got us to do the heavy lifting, and he doesn’t wanna pay.  The whole team is dead.  City’s on lockdown.  You got cover?  And the kid?  There’s a clearing on east side of Sultana Kamal Bridge, just outside the city.  We can send a chopper to get you out.  Four kilometers.  You gotta leave the kid behind, Tyler.  Tyler?  Tyler?  The job is fucked.” — Nik Khan

“You got a chopper.  Meet you at the east side of the bridge.” — Nik Khan

“Talk to me.  What’s going on?  I said get rid of the kid.  Tyler, I don’t think that’s a good idea.  Tyler, I–” — Nik Khan

Ovi Mahajan, Extraction, Netflix, AGBO, T.G.I.M Films, Thematic Entertainment, Rudhraksh JaiswalOvi Mahajan

“I think I’ll watch a movie and… come on, let’s go to my place.  We’ll watch a movie.  It’ll be great.  No, I don’t have money for it.  No!  No!  With friends.  No.  Drop it.  No!  No.  No.  No.  No!  No!  No!  No!  No!  Who are you?  Yeah.  Ovi.  Mahajan.  Twenty-first of January, 2005.  I… I can’t breathe.” — Ovi Mahajan

“Saju, I’m here!  Saju!  Help!  Please let me go!  Saju works for my father.  Then take me to the police.  What belt?  It’s been on.  You drive like you’re insane!  I’m fine.  Help!  Help!  Help!  No.  No!  Help me!  Let me go!  Let me go!  Help!  You hit him with the truck.  They’re still following us.  What?  Yeah.  Yeah?” — Ovi Mahajan

“Are you gonna leave me in the street?  Your phone… it’s loud.  I’m like a package then.  In brown paper.  This?  Piano.  I play the piano when I’m nervous.  It helps.  My father hates it when I do it.  He thinks of me the same way you do.  More like a thing than a person.  It’s okay.  Yeah.  Your name’s Tyler?  I’m Ovi.” — Ovi Mahajan

“Tyler.  If you had been killed today, it would have been my fault.  You don’t look like a Tyler.  A Brad.  Can I ask you something?  What’s Rake?  That’s not what I was going to ask.  That’s a strange last name, though.  Isn’t that like a gardening tool?  If you were always this way.  You know… brave.  Of course you are.  You rescue people.  Like killing people?  My father, he kills people, too.  Sometimes, I would sit with him at dinner, look at him and think, he just killed somebody else’s father today.  And I’d feel sick.  You have a family?  Where is she?  Children?  Where is he?  How did he die?  How old was he?  Where were you?  You were called away?  Because you couldn’t watch?  You know… ‘you drown not by falling into the river, but by staying submerged in it.’  I read it in a book in school.” — Ovi Mahajan

“I wanna go home.” — Ovi Mahajan

Saju Rav, Extraction, Netflix, AGBO, T.G.I.M Films, Thematic Entertainment, Randeep HoodaSaju Rav

“Where have you been?  Hasn’t your father told you to come straight home after school?  Hmm?  Okay.” — Saju Rav

“We can negotiate.  And do what?  I’d need an army, Ovi.  Ovi, please… Neysa… there’s not enough money.  The NCB have frozen Mahajan’s assets.  I’m all he’s got.  You understand?  There’s a man who does this sort of thing.  His price will be out of Mahahan’s reach.  But there’s a way I can play this.  It will not be easy.” — Saju Rav

“Ovi, it’s Saju!  I’m here to take you home!  I need the boy!  I won’t hurt him!  Ovi!  Stop running!  Fuck.  Are you hurt?” — Saju Rav

“Hey, beautiful.  Listen to me carefully.  If you don’t hear from me in the next 12 hours… take the cash and go.  Disappear.  You understand me, right?  I’m fine.  Just tired.  I love you, too.  Put Aarav on the phone.  Hello, champ.  Yes, it’ll be very soon.  When you wake up in the morning.  You help your mother, okay?  I love you.  Always.” — Saju Rav

Neysa, Extraction, Netflix, AGBO, T.G.I.M Films, Thematic Entertainment, Neha MahajanNeysa Rav

“Tell Mahajan to pay the ransom and get his son back.  Why are we getting involved in this?  Animals!  Do whatever you have to.”

“Are you okay?  I understand.  Are you okay?  I love you.  Aarav, Papa’s on the phone.  Sadia.”

Aarav Rav

“Hello, papa.  Are you coming home soon?  When?  Yes, papa, I will.  I love you too, papa.  Bye.”

Ovi Mahajan Sr.

“I told you, you dumb motherfucker, to watch his every move… …and yet Amir Asif has grabbed my son.  This isn’t about ransom, Saju.  It’s about humiliation.  Go to Dhaka.  Steal him back.  Then hire a fucking army!  What do you think?  You think I can’t hurt you from here?  You want your son to see his next birthday?  Then… get mine back.”

Amir Asif, Extraction, Netflix, AGBO, T.G.I.M Films, Thematic Entertainment, Priyanshu PainyuliAmir Asif

“Come here.  What’s your name?  Farhad?  You’re pretty clever.  Pay attention… and learn… that’s how you survive.  You need to be smart.  Use your wits.  Eh, Farhad?  Cut off two of your fingers.  Any two.  Because the kid who stole from me is dead.  And I’d like a walking reminder of what happens when you touch my money.  I’d recommend the left hand.  So you can still hold a gun.  I am talking!  Clever and lucky… close the city.  Bridges, trains, airports… close everything.  Make it possible, Colonel, or you’ll lose more than just a finger.  Hmm?  I like this one.  Get him a gun.  Put his fingers to work.  I want to see the bodies.  I want every gun in Dhaka pointed at this guy.”

“Don’t you see I’m eating?  Had who?  Tell me to scour the market.  What is this?  Of course he did.  You’re only a kid.  Hmm?  Here’s some advice, a gift.  Keep your other finger.  Because no matter how badass you think you are… there’s always a badass who’s bigger than you.”


“Swine.  Sons of bitches.  Anybody feel like they remember now?  Huh?  Who?  Who’s Sanjib?”

“Yes, sir.”


“Wait!  I know… I know who took the money.  Sanjib.  You just threw him off the roof.  Farhad.  Why?”

“I’ll murder you.  I had him.  The man you want.  I lost him… near the market.  A gift.  When you catch him, I want to be the one to pull the trigger.  If you let me do that, I’ll give you the other finger!  He made me feel like a fool.”


“Amir, we lost the kid.  Imposssible, Amir.  Blockades have been set up on every bridge into and out of Dhaka.  I have teams combing the Buriganga as we speak.  We’ll find them, sir.  We’re coming.  They’re still alive.  One is seriously injured.”

Nik IT

“Satellite’s online.  Rake and the kid are en route.  Rake’s about five minutes from the boat.  They found the boat.  They’re in the forest.”

Nik IT 2

“I don’t know.  Nada.”

Nik IT 3

“Nik, you’re gonna wanna see this.”


“Ready and waiting.  There’s an alarm going off in the engine room.  G, I need you to be my eyes.”

Yaz Khan

“This is our extract. Ovi Mahajan, 14 years old.  His father, Ovi Mahajan Senior, is in jail.  So, his people employed us to get the boy back, and they refuse to negotiate.  Amir Asif.  Dhaka’s very own Pablo Escobar.  Biggest drug lord in India versus biggest drug lord in Bangladesh.  A lot of bad blood between them.  This is our extraction point.  So, José and Thiago will man a boat, ferry you and the kid nine miles down the river to a chopper.  Any questions?  Maybe 20.  Okay, clock is ticking.  Let’s chop-chop!”

“You good?  Good.  Sending proof of possession.  You have seven minutes to transfer the funds.  Where are we at with the transfer?  Where is it?  Well, try it again.  We’re getting played.  Fuckin’ shit.”

G, Extraction, Netflix, AGBO, T.G.I.M Films, Thematic Entertainment, Sam HargraveG

“It’s G.  I’m in position.  Copy that.  G here.  Shit.  I’m looking at it right now.  Our boys haven’t come up yet.  I’m moving in for a closer look.”


“You see the laundry across the street?  Walk to it.  Welcome to Dhaka.  Do we look like we muck around?  Give us the money and get lost.  Money.  Money!  Okay.  Bastard!  Didn’t even blink!  Hey, man, you’re crazy or what?  Boom!  Enough talk.  Let’s get to business.  Come on, boy.  Show me your face.  Beautiful!  Good night!  Now you go.  Tell them.  Pay.  If not?  I take this… stick in his ass and blow his insides out.  Move it!  Let’s go!”

Ovi’s homie 1 Arjun

“Come on.  Who?  Oh!  That’s epic!  Good.  Go over and tell her who you are.  Get her one coffee.  I’ll pay for the coffee.  Hey, hey, listen.  She’s blushing.  Dude, she wants you.  That’s Ovi, though.  Insane night pub.  I’m gonna come back.  Hey.  Oh!  Hey!  What’s up?  Did you talk to her yet?  Did you talk to her?  Did he talk to…  Come on, Ovi.  You gotta talk to her.  Oh, she’s smiling.  I know what you need.  Come on.  Try it.  Take one hit, man, it’ll help you.  No!  No, it’s not ours.”

Asif Cop 1

“Having fun tonight?  Ah… are you guys from inside?  Huh?  I think you dropped something, no?  No?  Did you buy this inside?  Chill.  Relax.  It’s all good.  You boys are lucky.  You got your whole lives ahead of you.”


“Christ!  That is high.  Fuckin’ high.  It’s fuckin’ beautiful, though.  He okay?  You sure, bruh?  ‘Cause he looks fuckin’ dead.  So?  Christ!”


“It’s only 30 meters.  Mmm-hmm.  He’s fine.  Quit swearin’ all the time.  It makes you sound stupid.  Find another fuckin’ adjective.  Told you he’s fine. ♪ Oh and the night will look back ♪ I’m gonna travel all day and night ♪.  Oh, I gotcha.  I gotcha.”

Ovi’s homie 2 Sachin

“…inside the school.  And then guess who found him?  Amit sir.  She’s looking at you.  She’s blushing.  Isn’t that hilarious?  Ah!”

Mumbai Prison Guard 1

“You all leave.”

Mumbai Prison Guard 2

“Leave.  Move fast.”

Dhaka Slum Kid

“No!  No, Amir, no!  Amir, no!”

Asif Thug 1

“Colonel, stand by.  We think we found something.  We need air support by the river.

Asif Thug 2

“The vehicle crashed.  It flipped over and is in flames.”

Dhaka Police

“Go, go, go!”

Dhaka Police 2

“This way.”

Dhaka Police 3

“Come here.  Come here, you little shit–”

Dhaka Police 4

“Hey, I am telling you to stop.  Stop there or I will kill you.”

Hotel Keeper

“Sir.  How many beds?”

Dhaka Kid

“Hey, this guy wants my gun!  Leave my gun.  Leave it!  My friend is gonna shoot you!  Hey!  Give me my gun… give it back!  That’s my gun, give it back to me!  Give it back or I’ll blow you away!”

Dhaka Kid 2

“I’ll kill you!”

Asif Thug 3

“My ankle is broken!”

Gaspar, Extraction, Netflix, AGBO, T.G.I.M Films, Thematic Entertainment, David HarbourGaspar, Extraction, Netflix, AGBO, T.G.I.M Films, Thematic Entertainment, David HarbourGaspar


“Ugh, Jesus Christ!  Hey, how’s it going?  Cheers.  Good to see you, man.  The hell is wrong with you?  Don’t insult me.  You hungry?  Hey, how’s that kid?  We are south of the city center.  I told Nik that an extraction is… it’s not feasible.  Well, you know, the city is surrounded by rivers.  There are bridges going in and out.  But every one of those bridges currently is blocked by a roadblock because you are a very popular individual.  I figure we lie low a couple days, we let the panic dissipate.  And we’ll get you going.  Now, my wife made that.  And what’s that for, the knee?  Hang on one sec… my knee.  Ow!  Oh, God.  Oh, it hurts.  Two oughta do it.  Okay.  I gotta go.  I gotta go.  I gotta kiss my wife.  But you stay here and rest up.  And I will be back.  It’s good to see you, man.  I missed you.”

“Estancia Los Chanares.  I don’t know… it’s the best dove hunting in Argentina.  Just lie in this pool… you lie in a pool and they fly around!  And you shoot them.  And you sip a Cuba Libre.  I shot my first dove when I was ten years old.  Have I told you this?  I haven’t.  Listen.  No.  It was when I was ten years old, my dad… my dad… the gun backfired, gave me a black eye, and my dad laughs at me.  I used to move so quick, kill those little shits.  Not anymore, though.  It sucks getting old, man.  Sucks!  Getting old sucks.  Sucks!  What a goddamn tragedy, hmm?  That kid is a walking corpse.  Asif will never let him live.  Think the disgrace.  I mean, you get him home.  And then, what?  His father’s in prison.  There’s no way to protect him.  You know what the best thing you could do?  The best thing you could do, honestly, would be to go up there right now and just go put a bullet in his brain.  Make it painless.  ‘Cause the animals out there, they’re not gonna be… as kind to him.  They like to start with the ears.  Then they cut off each finger at the joint.  I’m talking about mercy, Tyler.  You know how much he’s worth?  We’re talking about a gangster’s kid.  With a price tag of ten million on his head.  You’re a mercenary, right, Tyler?  Why don’t you act the mercenary?  Aren’t you sick of this life?  ‘Cause I am and I… I do not wanna end it playing hero on some goddamn suicide mission– I am helping you.  Ten million dollars.  I’ll get you to the border in a couple hours.  It’s money in your pocket.  I take care of the body.  Painless.  And it’s the best that that kid can hope for.  Why are you such a hypocrite?  You’ve got the blood of a hundred men on your hands– put your hands on me?  Do you know what happens to me if they find out that I’m helping you?  You know what happens to my wife?  Asif’s a friend.  I did some work for him.  We made a deal.  He gets the kid, you get your freedom, and we both get rich.  No.  No.  I’ll do it.  You saved my life once.  Now I’m gonna save yours.  Step aside.  Come on, Tyler.  Stop!  What are we doing, man?  Huh?  Come on, stay down.  Stay down.  Hey, kid.  I know it looks bad.  I know it looks bad.”



















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