Category Archives: Leadership

Diplomat’s Sanctity

Marvel’s The Avengers crushed it at the box office it’s opening weekend and is now the highest grossing domestic movie weekend of all time at just over $207 million.  The previous record holder had been our dear friend Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows- Part 2 at about $169 million who just got owned.  The superhero ensemble film was the fastest movie ever to reach $100 million, $150 million and $200 million at the box office, enjoyed the highest per-theater average ever for a nationwide release with $46,057 per theater, and is currently rocking a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes.  It’s almost as if these people knew that I was going to start blogging about the four basic personality types so they went ahead and made a huge blockbuster movie about it and decided to break a bunch of box-office records with it.  Thanks guys.  ‘Ppreciate it.  Earth’s Mightiest Hero’s will not be the only nerd-gasm to behold on the big-screen this summer, as the film’s debut came with fresh new trailers for The Dark Knight Rises and The Amazing Spider ManWeb-head’s “origin-story-reboot” will be looking for cinematic redemption after Spiderman 3 cast Eric Foreman as Venom and was just generally epic failThe movie stars Andrew Garfield as the titular webslinger while Emma Stone plays Petey’s main squeeze Gwen Stacy.  Australian actor Rhys Ifans will be playing primary villain The Lizard.  WHO IS your friendly neighborhood spidermanA devoted Idealist.

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Wandering towards the Enlightenment

All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost.

Nomad – synonym – wanderer.

She titled her book, “Nomad.”

For that was her ancestral origins — misleadingly put as “her genetics”  —  supposedly her “inheritance” and her culture.

But she was different.  Something deep inside was different.

She had always read books, from the beginning as a child.

Continue reading Wandering towards the Enlightenment

Assembly Required

The day of reckoning is nearly upon us my dear friends as The Avengers drops this Friday and can be seen in 3D and IMAX at a theater near you.  Pre-release tracking on the film projects Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to have the biggest domestic box-office opening of all time.  Why all this huss and fuss, jibber-jabb, and riggamaroo over a silly film about a couple of guys in leotards you ask?  Because the core concept of the story is that there are four basic kinds of people.

Continue reading Assembly Required

Tough but Fair

That was his answer.

Tim Russert had asked him what he would want to be his epitaph.

He rarely gave answers.

He did ask a lot of tough questions. Very tough.

In fact, he was the first to do it on Television.

1955. “Night Beat” became an instant hit that New Yorkers began referring to as “brow beat.” His relentless questioning of his subjects proved to be a compelling alternative to the polite chit-chat practiced by early television hosts.

Continue reading Tough but Fair

Going where others fear to tread

To Be,

or Not To Be,

That is the question. Whether ’tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep
No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
The heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocks
That Flesh is heir to?
‘Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished.
So why does she go on? Continue reading Going where others fear to tread

Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend

Diamonds are hardest natural material known to man.

She has got some diamonds in her collection, but it is the other diamond that she attained by strength of character that is most important to her country — and her dominions.

Yes, The Diamond Jubilee is a Commonwealth’s best friend.  For her Rock-of-Gibraltar Temperament gave her Commonwealth the stability, the measured patience, and the peace to prosper.

Continue reading Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend

Iron Will

Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills — Arthur Schopenhauer

She stood before the Parliament and said “No, no, no.”

It wasn’t going to happen on her watch. And it didn’t.

With the Euro in crisis today, no doubt her long time critics are keeping their mouth shut on that subject. She has been proven right, but no doubt her numerous critics on both sides of the aisle won’t give her credit on that, except they had to acknowledge that she had an Iron Will.

Yes, the Iron Lady. And many didn’t mean it as a complimentary sobriquet.

Continue reading Iron Will

All that is gold, does not glitter

He did not want to do it, but he had to do his duty.

He wasn’t anything like his brother.

His brother was popular, handsome and witty, and well-spoken, and King.

Albert, wasn’t well spoken like his older brother, David  — in fact, Albert was considered rather dull compared to David, and Albert stuttered badly.

Continue reading All that is gold, does not glitter