Category Archives: Idealist

I, too, was once a Human Being, Revisited

No ashes, no coal can burn with such glow.
As a secretive love of which no one must know.

She was.

But, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us…” [Charles Dickens, Tale of Two Cities]

She began her dark journey into light at the age of seventeen.

In that darkness, he had beaten her ‘on her bare buttocks’ in a ‘special room’ away from the family. In the light, she eventually confessed that she had felt sexual excitement when her father beat her. Her mother had raised her ‘in complete sexual ignorance.’

Suffering – both physical and emotional – with love.

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Extraordinary Grace

Extraordinary Grace

Academy Award #bestactor Jamie Foxx is looking pretty OG triple as deranged electomancer Max Dillon a.k.a. Electro.  Though not an in-house Marvel Production, Sony Pictures has seen wild success with @therealstanlee’s coveted Web-Slinger franchise.  Save perhaps when they cast Eric Forman as afflicted bruiser Eddie Brock a.k.a. Venom.  Which was a sub-optimal move, one might say.  Kind of  like the cinematic blunder known as Sucker Punch directed by who other than rampant herpaderp nub-scrub Zack Snyder.  #LOLUMADBRO?!?!

Quote1.png“It’s a couple hours of make-up, but it’s really so much fun,” Jamie Foxx on being Electro,“It’s part of a remarkable legacy: Spider-Man.  I mean, when you’re growing up as a kid, that’s everything. So to be able to be in that is just amazing–the producers wanted something for the future.  They wanted to have it more grounded and not as “comic-bookie”, so it won’t be green and yellow.  They wanted to try new things in the script.  This villain (@Electro) is for  the first time written really, really well,” he continued. “[Star] Andrew Garfield and [director] Marc Webb both commented on how great the script is, so it should be an exciting time.   “I’m just waiting to get to Comic-Con and see how people respond to it.Quote2.png — Jamie Foxx

Extraordinary Grace 3

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Transcendental Gloom

Intergalactic Synergy 4

J.J. Abrams is looking like a pretty solid candidate to bring Star Wars back into legitimacy, as his warm-up for Star Wars Episode VII is rocks an 87% on rottentomatoes:

A brand new Star Wars trilogy is not all Disney has in mind, as a matter of fact the mass-media corporation says that at least one spin-off film is also “in the works”:

Quote1.pngWe are in fact working on a few stand-alone films,” says Disney CEO Bob Iger. (Lawrence) Kasdan and Simon Kinberg are both working on films derived from great Star Wars characters that are not part of the overall saga.  So we plan to make Star Wars VII, VIII and IX over roughly a six-year period of time starting in 2015. But there are going to be a few other films released in that period of time too.Quote2.png

Ya go ahead and sign me up for all of that.  Thanks.

Naturally speculation about potential “standalone films” has run amuck: everyone from Boba Fett to Yoda to a young Han Solo to a Seven Samurai Jedi Knight Ensemble Film are rumored as possibilities.  The last one sounding pretty boss.  Oh wait.  Nevermind.  It was Zack Snyder’s idea.  And let’s be honest with ourselves.  That guy is a baddie.

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The Binding Counselor

“He was frail and drained of energy;
his eyes were dull, his face contorted with pain

— and I was, frankly, worried about his health.
Was this drawn and ailing man slumped in a wheelchair the legendary healer I had read about?
Had I come west on a wild goose chase? ” [The Voice (Kindle Locations 70-71)]

Yes, he was the legendary psychotherapist.  Wild goose chase? — maybe, actually in retrospect, no ambiguity here.

“Dr. Erickson asked to be excused, and then, about an hour later, I was astonished to see him wheel himself back into his study, fully alert and revitalized, cheerful, eyes twinkling, ready to get to work.”  [The Voice (Kindle Locations 72-73)]


A Paradox.

“Dr. Erickson encouraged me to continue my studies and develop my own ideas and techniques, both for my own therapy and for my patients. This respect for my ability to find my own best solutions was fundamental to Dr. Erickson’s philosophy of healing, and was one of the most important lessons he taught me in our time together. In this and in so many ways, his tutelage and sensitivity were nothing less than inspiring.”  — Brian Alman [The Voice (Kindle Locations 82-85).]

A Counselor.

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Righteous Nobility

Righetous Nobility 3

Man of Steel might literally “set the tone” for a linear cinematic DC Universe, as Empire Magazine reports that Warner Bros. will want Zack Snyder to direct Justice League: given Man of Steel’s success at the box office.

Which quite frankly makes me question if  WB executives even took the time to SEE the film they made with Snyder less than two years ago, entitled: you guessed it, Sucker Punch (23%).  Trololol.

In related superhero arms race” news, Thor: The Dark World released a pretty bossy one-sheet this week along with it’s first trailer:

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I Am I Said..

He once said that nowhere felt like home and that he didn’t have many friends. It’s been a lifelong struggle to fit in.”

He grew up in Forties working-class Brooklyn, the son of Polish-Russian Jews. He says of that, “a childhood shapes you and you’re like soft clay when you’re a child, in every respectIf  fans are familiar with my music they are familiar with me,  because the music is a direct reflection of who I am as a person.” 

             ” I got an emptiness deep inside

            And I’ve tried but it won’t let me go..”

He would ride the subway every day to college where he was studying to become a doctor. Having received a guitar for his 15th birthday from his parents, he wrote songs on the train ride.

“The subway was the only time I had privacy and quiet.”

His family were forever moving house in search of better business opportunities, which resulted in him having attended nine different schools at age sixteen.  This lifestyle was forced on him by circumstances and it was instrumental in forming his internal, fiercely self-reliant personality. He says it was there, in his childhood that he developed a pathological resistance to any kind of uniformity.  Along with that and his singing talent he became somewhat of an enigma to those close to him and he was, without exception, excluded from every circle of friends he encountered. He  became a loner, “I don’t fit in” and a necessary condition for his survival. This forced him to create an imaginary friend, as he tells us in ‘Shilo’:

Papa says he’d love to be with you
If he had the time
So you turn to the only friend you can find
There in your mind
Shilo, when I was young
I used to call your name
When no one else
Would come
Shilo, you always came
And we’d play….
Even in adulthood, he has retained the ability to withdraw into a protective world of his own, and at the end of 1976, he said: “I still live in a fantasy world sometimes, because it’s safe.  It’s a cushion,  a protective thing you build, and nothing can hurt me, at least in my own mind.”
He also developed an interest in writing lyrics and realised that music facilitates social interaction and that it helped him to overcome his innate shyness. He would later write ‘Longfellow serenade’ a song of which he was especially fond of, because it took him back to those school days when he was too shy to ask a girl on a date, so he would write her a poem. He would tell us:
“I imagined the poet who writes the words he cannot speak to the woman he wants to woo and win.”
Inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1984, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame  2011, his songs have been covered internationally by many performers from various musical genres. With the exception of the period between 1972 and 1976  when he temporarily bade the stage farewell so as to ‘find himself’ (and spend more time with his family), he has, since the late 1960s, drawn millions of people from all over the world to his concerts. In a 2008 performance in Glastonbury, England alone, the audience totalled more than 170,000 people.

“I have to know myself and I have spent my life trying to know myself.”

He is an American singer-songwriter with a career that has spanned five decades, he has sold over 125 million records worldwide including 48 million in the United States alone. Considered the third most successful adult  contemporary artist ever on the Billboard chart behind Barbra Streisand and Elton John.

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Are you Vivek?

It was an unreported event.

A woman came out of one little home … and looked him over wonderingly. The boy and the woman gazed at each other for a long moment, and then the woman finally said in astonishment: “Are you Vivek?”

The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The woman had been trying get her children out of a brothel for years: ever since she had escape the brothel that had enslaved her and her children (a boy and a girl) who were born in the brothel.

“Journalists tend to be good at covering events that happen on a particular day, but we slip at covering events that happen every day.”  — Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn.


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Cutthroat Diversity

Cutthroat Diversity-3

Game of Thrones is back and Thank the Gods:


For those of you who do not know, Game of Thrones is an HBO series in it’s third season based off  a series of popular fantasy novels entitled “A Song of Ice and Fire”.  Thrones chronicles the violent conflicts and struggles between noble families vying for control of the ‘Iron Throne’.  The unprecedented genre series focuses primarily on political and military strife between four major powersHouse LannisterHouse BaratheonHouse Stark, and House Targaryen.  Just like the real four major powers or Temperaments, these ones certainly have their differences.  Let’s take a look.

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As Did the Dissimilarity..

“The similarity of our inclinations welded us closely together as did the dissimilarity of our temperaments.”

— English translation of August Kubizek comments about his friend.

“He made excellent use of his undoubted histrionic talents.”

Histrionic — melodramatic, theatrical, dramatic, exaggerated, stagy, showy, affected, artificial, overacted, overdone; hammy, ham, campy.  Hysteria — an archaic term for a kind of madness.

There was no doubt he was to become a “deeply serious man.” — That was evident even to August as a young man. For Adolf did not have the “typical Austrian” sense of humour. For he was choleric in nature, or in modern terms: an Idealist.

He became a Zealot. A German Zealot. The German people were being humiliated by the French and British demanding Reparations. Then there were those Bolshevik and Menshevik Russians and Germans running around in Munich, and his vision to make “his people” whole again. Lastly, there were some Jews with material goods…



Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t

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