Category Archives: Entertainment

Dilpomat’s Affliction

WOWWWWW.  Do i want to see The Dark Knight Rises.  Like seriously.  FFS.  As the summer of the movie nerd approaches its mid-life crisis Christopher Nolan will be ramping up his viral marketing campaign.  And he certainly has as evidenced by this content right here.  The true question on everyone’s mind however is:  Can Tom Hardy’s Bane even get close to stacking up with Heath Ledger’s epic and dark portrayal of Gotham’s Clown Prince of CrimeThe God’s alone know my dear friends, but the film should be decent either way as: Anne Hathaway will be portraying villain/heroine/femme fatal Selina Kyle a.k.a. Catwoman, while Marion Catillard is playing Liam Neeson’s daughter a.k.a villain/Batman love interest Miranda Tate or a potential Talia al Ghul.  And the young and talented Joseph Gordon Levitt will play a young Dark Knight replacement John Blake a.k.a a possible Robin.  What epic tactician’s cataclysm has Jonathan Nolan and his brother been able to concoct?  We will soon find out as The Dark Knight Rises can be seen in IMAX and 3d in less than a month on July 20th

Breaking news (via viral marketing) tells us that Gotham City is currently experiencing a slew of cat-related burglaries:

“All the victims were wealthy folks, who lost jewelry, family heirlooms and other precious valuables. The suspect is said to be dressed all in black, and is capable of a quick getaway.  Some of the victims were at a Wayne Enterprises event when their homes were burglarized.  The Observer adds that Deputy Police Commissioner Peter Foley (played by Matthew Modine) is heading up a task force composed of the GCPD’s brightest young recruits to catch the thief.”

WHO is Gotham’s Female Robin Hood?  A femme-fatal who refuses to kill, drowned in dichotomies and characterized by her allegiance ambiguity?  Let’s take a look.

Quote1.pngIdealist self-esteem is greatest when they see themselves or are seen by others as empathetic in bonding with people in their circle.  Idealist’s feel a kind of natural sympathy for man-kind, but they base their self-esteem on the empathy they feel with those people closest to them.  To the NFs, even introverted NFs, life is nothing without sensitive personal ties, without shared experiences and intimate attachments.  Without rapport so close that consciousness itself seems to be sharedNFs, after all, cannot not be personal, and the health of their relationships is beyond everything else the measure of their self-worth–enhanced when their relationships are deeply connected and vital, and diminished when they are distanced or troubled.Quote2.png  — Please Understand Me II p. 137

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Strategic Bloodthirst

The brutal yet delightful showdown between Marvel and DC rages on as Warner Bros. execs are scrambling to make some moves seeing as they have to sit back and watch The Avengers become a worldwide box office juggernaut (1.4$ billion) while it boasts a formidable critical reception(93%).  Warner Bros. president and CEO Jeff Robinov and company have their work cut our for them as sources say they are currently spit-balling ferociously to figure out how to put a successful and high-caliber Justice League of America franchise together.  A major factor in accomplishing such a feat involves wooing and recruiting  big boss-man randy savage Christopher Nolan to spearhead what would essentially be a “JLA initiative”re-invigorating Warner Bros’ stake in Hollywood.

High ups in the Warner Brother roster even openly admitted that Marvel/Disney is doing a much better job than they are:

Quote1.pngSources indicate that the execs now realize they need to hire creatives that genuinely understand the characters the way Joss Whedon was comfortable with The AvengersQuote2.png

If these people just knew what was up with the Four Basic Personality Types, maybe they’d have a viable Super-quad right now.

DC/ Warner Bros. however is still in the fight as it has yet to unleash the epic dope sauce-ee-ness that will be The Dark Knight Rises.  Other than that though, they indeed better start making some moves, as Marvel/Disney continues to put itself in a position to dominate Hollywood’s lucrative box-office.

Speaking of Hollywood dominance for those of you silly gooses who aren’t well-versed, the The Avengers Easter Egg post-credits scene revealed that the next major villain for Earth’s Mightiest hero’s will be none other than the Mad Titan himself, Thanos the Overmaster.  A Bloodthirsty Intergalactic General on a mission to rid the universe of existence, if Thanos is conceived and casted correctly; he could serve as Marvel’s ultimate supervillain.

Who is Marvel’s God of War you ask? A character based off of the Greek God of Death?  Let’s take a look.

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Super Brawl

A sh*t ton of movie nerd news has hit the fan so to speak and clearly I’m not very good at sugar coating stuff so I’ll just give it to you straight.  Seemingly in response to Marvel’s The Avengers already climbing to the third highest worldwide grossing movie spot of all time at about 1.4 billion dollars, cinematic rivals Warner Bros. Entertainment have hired scribe Will Beall to pen a script for a Justice League of America film in order to directly compete with Marvel Studios’ current grip-hold on the booming superhero movie industry.  Though Warner Bros. Entertainment is significantly behind the 8-ball in creating and establishing major characters in a linear DC Universe, they do indeed have The Dark Knight Rises opening July 20, 2012 to give The Avengers a run for its money.  With Christopher Nolan’s swan song to the batman franchise approaching, Warner Bros. is now desperate to throw together some high-caliber franchises in order to stay in direct competition with Marvel.  And they will have their work cut out for them as Disney CEO Bob Iger recently confirmed that an Avengers sequel will indeed be happening after Iron Man 3, Thor 2, and Captain America 2 provide us audience folk even more back-story in the Marvel Universe.  Speaking of such a universe sources say that a Black Panther film will be Marvel’s next solo superhero flick after Captain America 2 drops in April of 2014IN RELATED MOVIE NERD NEWS Fox Studios recently registered the name Days of future Past, which is a classic X-men comic plot-line, in which a dystopian alternative future has mutants incarcerated in internment camps.

So far it seems like Marvel indeed has the upper hand in being able to pump out blockbuster movie franchises, so Warner Bros. is trying to throw together a Justice League film in hopes of being able to hang with the big boys.  They have yet to establish their major characters though, as The Dark Knight Rises will likely not take place in the same universe as a JLA film, and neither will the upcoming Man of Steel.  Leaving Warner Bros. only with their epic fail Green Lantern to have established characters in JLA continuity.  Given their desperation however lets assume that they will pay that screenwriter to slop in either Christian Bales’ Batman or Henry Cavill’s Superman knowing that they have Ryan Reynolds’ Green Lantern.  Thus all they would need is a solid Wonder Woman and BAM.  The four basic personality typesAnother SuperSquad that is representative of THE FOUR BASIC PERSONALITY TYPES?!?! NO WAY!!  You must be saying.  Well.  Lets take a look. Continue reading Super Brawl

Diplomat’s Sanctity

Marvel’s The Avengers crushed it at the box office it’s opening weekend and is now the highest grossing domestic movie weekend of all time at just over $207 million.  The previous record holder had been our dear friend Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows- Part 2 at about $169 million who just got owned.  The superhero ensemble film was the fastest movie ever to reach $100 million, $150 million and $200 million at the box office, enjoyed the highest per-theater average ever for a nationwide release with $46,057 per theater, and is currently rocking a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes.  It’s almost as if these people knew that I was going to start blogging about the four basic personality types so they went ahead and made a huge blockbuster movie about it and decided to break a bunch of box-office records with it.  Thanks guys.  ‘Ppreciate it.  Earth’s Mightiest Hero’s will not be the only nerd-gasm to behold on the big-screen this summer, as the film’s debut came with fresh new trailers for The Dark Knight Rises and The Amazing Spider ManWeb-head’s “origin-story-reboot” will be looking for cinematic redemption after Spiderman 3 cast Eric Foreman as Venom and was just generally epic failThe movie stars Andrew Garfield as the titular webslinger while Emma Stone plays Petey’s main squeeze Gwen Stacy.  Australian actor Rhys Ifans will be playing primary villain The Lizard.  WHO IS your friendly neighborhood spidermanA devoted Idealist.

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Assembly Required

The day of reckoning is nearly upon us my dear friends as The Avengers drops this Friday and can be seen in 3D and IMAX at a theater near you.  Pre-release tracking on the film projects Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to have the biggest domestic box-office opening of all time.  Why all this huss and fuss, jibber-jabb, and riggamaroo over a silly film about a couple of guys in leotards you ask?  Because the core concept of the story is that there are four basic kinds of people.

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Diplomat’s Destiny

NBC/Universal has evidently decided that they don’t want to suck at making movies anymore so they went ahead and took the classic tale of Snow White and made it “darker and more epic”Some cynics point out that the very premise of the film is fundamentally flawed, being a story about Charlize Theron getting jealous because Kristen Stewart is prettier than she is.  Which quite frankly doesn’t make any sense.  Superficial stupidity aside, it looks like the film is actually shaping up quite well so hat’s off to our dear friends over at Universal Studios for not sucking anymore.  The films June 1, 2012 release date is fresh off the heels of Tarsem Singh’s Mirror, Mirror (49%), which was a more family-friendly, comedy-oriented and generally less cool Snow White version.  What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves really about you ask?  The true beauty of an Idealist’s heart.

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Supplying the Cool

It’s cool daddy-o.

Have you heard the expression?  If you have, when?

If you haven’t, it says something about you.  Maybe your age and where you were born.

He had heard it, and really had a subtle influence on the lingo as the 50s and 60s as they progressed.

As the host of the television after-school dance program “American Bandstand” he made an ideal surrogate chaperone: a wholesome, polite, honorary adolescent. Although he was 27 when the program was first broadcast nationally on Aug. 5, 1957, he could have passed for 17. At the time he seemed the sort of mild-mannered superannuated boy who might once have served on the school safety patrol and been elected class treasurer. In fact he had been the president of his high school student council in Mount Vernon, N.Y. [Wikipedia]

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Tactician’s Swagger

Yes.  I used the word swagger.  The next James Bond film entitled Skyfall is now up and running and currently filming in Shanghai after a slight budget debacle involving MGM studios filing for bankruptcy.  Those silly suds seem to have gotten back on track however as Skyfall is slated for an November 9, 2012 release date.  Daniel Craig will reprise his role as the world’s best secret agent, with Academy Award winning director Sam Mendes (American Beauty) at the helm, academy award winner Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men) playing the primary villain, and equally not-terrible actors Ralph Phiennes and Albert Finney cast in unspecified roles.  The 23rd installment of the world’s longest running movie franchise will see “MI6 come under attack, revealing M’s (Judi Dench) dark past and testing 007’s (Daniel Craig) loyalty to her as he goes after the threat no matter the cost”.  Who is Bond… James Bond?  The ultimate Promoter Artisan.

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Angry Young Man

The Voice is unmistakable.

You know the music.

There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man.

It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition. And, it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the …

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Foreboding Forethought

Sir Ridley Scott’s epic return to sci-fi is one of many solid films coming this summer:

For those of you who do not know Ridley Scott was the guy that was nice enough to make a movie about my younger days called GladiatorHe also did Alien, Blade Runner, Black Hawk Down, and American Gangster among others.  I personally am not a huge fan of stuff like Alien (Sci-fi thriller’sthey call them) but I have to admit that Prometheus looks pretty dope (it’s been called an Alien prequel).  Prometheus marks Sir Ridley Scott’s return to the genre he redefined.  The plot follows the crew of the spaceship Prometheus in the late 21st century, as they explore an advanced alien civilization in search of the origins of humanity.  What they find evidently is NOT daisies and lollipops.  Which is what I thought might initially be the case.  It’s not.  What is Prometheus REALLY about you ask?  A Rationals’ dark side.

“To make man more like the gods, Prometheus gave him fire: the symbol of light and energy.  In harnessing light and energy mankind gains control and understanding of nature.  To understand and control nature is to possess powers, and it is thatthe desire for powers—that sets the Promethean apart from others.” Please Understand Me p. 47

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