Tag Archives: Dave Chappelle

Chappelle’s Show

Chappelle's Show, Paramount+, Comedy Central, Marobru Inc., Pilot Boy Productions

Paramount+ original show Chappelle’s Show premiered January 22nd, 2003.

Chappelle's Show, Paramount+, Comedy Central, Marobru Inc., Pilot Boy Productions
Chappelle's Show, Paramount+, Comedy Central, Marobru Inc., Pilot Boy Productions
Chappelle's Show, Paramount+, Comedy Central, Marobru Inc., Pilot Boy Productions

#Chappelle’sshow is under the Paramount+ corporate umbrella.

rottentomatoes: 96%

metacritic: 74

imdb: 8.8

emmys: 3 nominations

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Chappelle’s Show

Paramount+ original sketch comedy series Chappelle’s Show premiered January 22nd, 2003.

#Chappelle’sshow signed a $50M deal with Comedy Central.

rottentomatoes: 96%

metacritic: 74

imdb: 8.8

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Recovering Alcoholic

Warner Bros. Pictures original film A Star is Born won Lady Gaga her first Oscar.

#AStarIsBorn is the third iteration of a 1937 feature of the same name.

rottentomatoes: 89%

metacritic: 88

imdb: 7.8

oscars: 1 win

golden globes: 1 win

SAG awards: 3 nominations

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