Game of Thrones airs its season finale tonight and yeah ok maybe I’ve milked it a little bit.
Rottentomatoes: 94%
Metacritic: 80
IMDb: 9.5
Emmys: 38 wins 106 nominations
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Rottentomatoes: 94%
Metacritic: 80
IMDb: 9.5
Emmys: 38 wins 106 nominations
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Rottentomatoes: 95%
Metacritic: 79
IMDb: 8.3
Emmys: 4 wins 16 nominations
The Emmy Awards should probably decide if this is a comedy or drama. They ran it as a comedy series in 2014 and switched to drama in 2015.
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Rottentomatoes: 91%
Metacritic: 85
IMDb: 8.0
Golden Globes: 3 Nominations 2 Wins
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Rottentomatoes : 94%
Metacritic : 80
IMDb: 9.5
Emmys : 38 wins 106 nominations
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“Then, what the hell is the presidency for!”
“I have the power, now, and I intend to use it.”
— Lyndon Baines Johnson
Politics is War.
HBO premiered the movie “All the Way” on May 21. It is great film where Four Temperaments are clearly shown in action.
“November 22, 1963: John F. Kennedy was dead in Dallas, killed by an assassin. Jacqueline Kennedy, her clothes still spattered with her husband’s blood, stood beside Vice-President Lyndon Baines Johnson as Johnson took the presidential oath of office. Camelot was suddenly and shockingly gone. In the passage of a few jolting hours, King Arthur had been replaced by the crude, graceless, but equally energetic Lyndon Johnson, a professional politician from Texas.” [Presidential Temperament]