Drug Cartel

Netflix original drama Narcos:Mexico dropped its second season last Thursday February 13th, 2020.

#Narcoshas not yet been renewed for a 6th season.

rottentomatoes: 85%

metacritic: 80

imdb: 8.4

emmys: 3 nominations

golden globes: 2 nominations

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Clown Prince

Joker, Warner Bros., Village Roadshow Pictures, BRON Studios, Joint Effort, DC Comics, Creative Wealth Media Finance

Warner Bros. original film Joker began its theatrical release Friday October 4, 2019.

#Joker is based on DC Comics content.

rottentomatoes: 68%

metacritic: 59

imdb: 8.6

oscars: 2 wins

golden globes: 2 wins

SAG awards: 1 win

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Washed Up

Columbia Pictures original film Once Upon A Time In Hollywood began its theatrical release July 26th, 2019.

#OnceUponATimeInHollywood is up for best picture.

rottentomatoes: 85%

metacritic: 83

imdb: 7.8

oscars: 2 wins

golden globes: 3 wins

SAG awards: 1 win

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Old Man

HBO original comedy Curb Your Enthusiasm drops s10e3 tonight February 2nd, 2020.

#CurbYourEnthusiasm has yet to be renewed for an 11th season.

rottentomatoes: 93%

metacritic: 80

imdb: 8.7

emmys: 2 wins

golden globes: 1 win

SAG awards: 6 nominations

Continue reading Old Man