Tag Archives: Bob Lacivita

Hero Complex


Netflix original drama The Umbrella Academy dropped its second season last Friday July 31, 2020.

#UmbrellaAcademyhas reportedly been renewed for a third season.

rottentomatoes: 82%

metacritic: 61

imdb: 7.9

emmys: 2 nominations

Continue reading Hero Complex

Motley Crew

Netflix original superhero drama The Umbrella Academy drops its second season July 31, 2020.

#UmbrellaAcademy is based on Dark Horse Comic books.

rottentomatoes: 76%

metacritic: 62

imdb: 8.1

emmys: 2 nominations

Continue reading Motley Crew

Drug Cartel

Netflix original drama Narcos:Mexico dropped its second season last Thursday February 13th, 2020.

#Narcoshas not yet been renewed for a 6th season.

rottentomatoes: 85%

metacritic: 80

imdb: 8.4

emmys: 3 nominations

golden globes: 2 nominations

Continue reading Drug Cartel

Socio Path

Netflix original series You dropped its second season last Friday December 27th, 2019.

#YouNetflixhas been renewed for a third season.

rottentomatoes: 93%

metacritic: 74

imdb: 7.8

Continue reading Socio Path

Super Hero

HBO original drama Watchmen drops its second episode tonight October 27, 2019.

#WatchmenHBO is based on literature of the same name.

rottentomatoes: 95%

metacritic: 85

imdb: 6.8

Continue reading Super Hero