Lionsgate original film The Hunger Games was released March 23rd, 2012.

#HungerGames made $695.2M at the international box office.
rottentomatoes: 84%
metacritic: 68
imdb: 7.2
golden globes: 1 nomination
Continue reading Hunger Games
Lionsgate original film The Hunger Games was released March 23rd, 2012.
#HungerGames made $695.2M at the international box office.
rottentomatoes: 84%
metacritic: 68
imdb: 7.2
golden globes: 1 nomination
Paramount original series Yellowstone is in the middle of its fifth season.
#YellowstoneTV has not yet been renewed for a sixth season.
rottentomatoes: 85%
metacritic: 57
imdb: 8.7
emmys: 1 nomination
SAG awards: 1 nomination
golden globes: 1 win
#Manhunt season 2 has not been confirmed.
rotten tomatoes: 93%
metacritic: 71
imdb: 8.2
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Van Denise Penny Hofstadter Dylan Maxwell Carl Gallagher Kevin Ball