Tag Archives: Lord Varys

Cryptic Homicide

HBO murder mystery miniseries The Night Of opened well.  Executive producer James Gandolfini knows what makes good drama considering his trip rings.

Night of season 2 is speculative but probable as HBO will be looking for compelling new dramas in the wake of Thrones’ imminent conclusion.

Rottentomatoes: 95%

Metacritic: 90

IMDb: 8.9

emmys: 5 wins

***Spoilers ahead***

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Cutthroat Diversity


Thrones SYGU‘d in a significant fashion this year picking up Emmy awards for Outstanding Drama Series, as well as Outstanding Directing, Outstanding Writing, Outstanding Casting, Outstanding Supporting Actor, and Outstanding Special Visual Effects among others.

Season 6 premieres two weeks from tonight and will essentially feature brand new content that George R.R. Martin has not yet written.  So now all the snobby GoT book nerds will have to wait an entire week to find out what happens just like the rest of us plebs.

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