Tag Archives: Artisan

Transcendental Symbiosis

Guardians 3

Marvel’s panel at SDCC primarily showcased an ensemble Guardians of the Galaxy cast including: Zoe Saldana, Benicio Del Toro, Lee Pace, Chris Pratt and Djimon Hounsou.  The Avenger’s 2 will be titled Avengers: Age of Ultron, which let’s be totally honest is multitudes better than Zack Snyder managed to do:

Albert Einstein himself plans on bringing depth and meaning to his Batman/Superman team up-film, so he titled the film:  Superman vs. Batman.  The guy’s clearly a genius.  Why Warner Bros. keeps hiring a man who’s “best film” garnered a 56% on rottentomatoes, is baffling.  As a matter of fact, the guy’s LAST THREE FILMS averaged a blunderous 43% on the oft-referenced meta-critic-website.  Now, I’m no rocket scientist.  To be certain.  But words like fail, and baddie; spring to mind.

UPDATE: Actors Josh Brolin and Ryan Gosling are reportedly in front-running for a rebooted Caped Crusader.


Vin Diesel will voice Groot.

Bradley Cooper may be Rocket Raccoon.

Guardians collage

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Cutthroat Diversity

Game of Thrones

Thrones is back and thank the gods.  Ok.  That was a bluff.  I went all-in, and I folded.  Wasn’t my best poker play.  Throne’s presence at San Diego Comic-Con kicked off with a tribute to the many casualties of the beloved series:

Author George R.R. Martin is still writing The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring, the 6th and 7th installments of A Song of Ice and Fire, respectively.  The Winds of Winter is set for release December of this year, while Thrones Season 4 started location shooting last week in Nesjavellir, Iceland.  Several thespians have been cast for the season already including Pedro Pascal as Oberyn MartellIndira Varma as Ellaria Sand, and Mark Gatiss in an unspecified role.

Major potential  Season 4 characters that have NOT been cast yet include: Mace Tyrell; Lord of Highgarden, Styr; the Magnar of Thenn, Aeron “Damphair” Greyjoy; The Iron Captain, Victarion Greyjoy; Captain of the Iron fleet, Ser Arys OakheartThe Soiled Knight, Areo Hotah; The Captain of Guards, and finally Arianne Martell; daughter of Prince Doran.  Stay tuned for casting/shooting updates as they arrive.


HBO parent company Time Warner has released their latest quarterly earnings report and within it are the latest viewer numbers for Game of Thrones. HBO is now reporting that Game of Thrones averaged 14.2 million viewers per episode last season. This is a 20% increase over season 2′s viewership number and is a significant jump from the last reported number of 13.6 million. (You can download the full report here.)

What does this mean? It means that even well into season 3 Thrones‘ viewership is still climbing. Which is pretty unprecedented for a drama like this. I suspect the Red Wedding may have had something to do with the late season jump as people got caught up on the show to see what all the fuss is about.

This also means that Game of Thrones is very, very close to becoming HBO’s most-watched show of all-time. The Sopranos is currently tops with an average of 14.4 million viewers per episode.Game of Thrones may very well break that next season.


British thespian Roger Ashton-Griffiths has been cast as Mace Tyrell; Lord of Highgarden.

Dutch actor Yorick Van Wageningen is rumored to have auditioned for Styr; the Magnar of Thenn.

Dean-Charles Chapman has reportedly been cast as King Tommen.

Continue reading Cutthroat Diversity

Resolved Effervescence

Rational Effervesence 5

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Tyrion Lannister a.k.a. Peter Dinklage is Bolivar Trask, founder and CEO of Trask-Industries: the company that would go on to enslave mutant-kind with massive robotic Sentinel’s. As seen by some at San Diego Comic-Con this past week. Bryan Singer’s upcoming X-men: Days of Future Past will not only feature Trask’s Sentinel’s, but time-travel and a dystopian alternative future in which mutants are being sent to internment camps.


The coveted franchise will be trying to shake off X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and X-Men 3: The Last Stand: both films having been absolute garbage, garnering an average 47.5% rottentomatoes score. While X-men: First Class did some damage-control, Singer will probably be looking to make some headway on the many fans of the franchise. As a matter of fact, with Sentinel’s running around, Singer could totally swing some Magneto/JFK”magic-bullet” action into the mix. Let’s just hope, assume and pray that the guy isn’t going to pull some sort of Zack Snyder. Because that would be bad. Like really bad. Speaking of the man-himself, Snyder will direct a Man of Steel sequel, featuring none other than a rebooted Caped Crusader. Does lowly gruntish simpleton Zack Snyder have sufficient enough intellectual-capacity and talent to do justice to the Justice League? NO. No he absolutely does not. Any other questions?

Rational Effervesence 6

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As If

Act as if,
Believe as if,
Plan as if,

You can and will succeed.  There is no reason not to.

One has heard the reframe: Follow Your Passion.

Follow your passion is too vague, and incomplete.  Yes, of course, Follow Your Passion, duh!? Don’t we wish.

But that is TOO PASSIVE.  The World is not designed for You.

You must ACT, BELIEVE, AND PLAN as if.  And that is hard to do, well, but that’s life.


Act as if,
as if,
as if,

She did succeed.  She worked at it, hard.

But let’s get into the details.  The Finer Points.  Because without those you will, won’t succeed.  You will get in your own way.

In other words, don’t half ass, your own life.  Own it fully.

Continue reading As If

Visceral Prestige

Noble Savagery 1

When the Wolverine is fighting ninja’s, it’s pretty hard to have a bad time:

Quote1This movie will really get to Wolverine’s core—so—fingers crossed that we’ve done it this time.  I’m pretty confident we have.Quote2 — Hugh Jackman

Director James Mangold is looking to delve more into Wolverine’s character; his résumé includes: Girl, Interrupted, Walk the Line and 3:10 to Yuma, so we should be good on that.  An “actor’s director”, @mang0ld knows Wolverine is a classic Anti-hero: a “superhero” with very human flaws foils and fables just like the rest of us.  Marvel’s Canadian Berserker will be seeking cinematic redemption after his last solo film X-Men Origins:Wolverine got a 38% rottentomatoes score.  Wow.  I wonder if Zack Snyder directed it.

Noble Savagery 5

Continue reading Visceral Prestige

It Will Get Better..

Taller than 99.35 percent of all Americans, with the wingspan of an albatross…

“I’m living proof that no matter where you’re at or how hard it is, you can come out of it,” she said with assurance. “The key is you just can’t give up. Keep believing in yourself.

“It will get better.”

Continue reading It Will Get Better..

With No Direction Home

The Troubadour of the 60’s is one year short to his diamond jubilee today exactly — May 24, 1941 — 74 years to be a exact.  No, he isn’t under 30 anymore, far from it, and with no direction home.


To celebrate this classic free-wheelin example of a Different Drummer, I copied his Keirsey Temperament Portrait from Keirsey.com

Watch and Observe a Composer in Action

Continue reading With No Direction Home

Procuring Flame

Procuring Effervescence 6-3

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is looking pretty boss:

Catching Fire protagonist Jennifer Lawrence a.k.a. Jay-Law as she is known on the streets SYGU’ed pretty hard this year at the 85th Annual Academy Awards taking home Best Actress for her critically acclaimed portrayal of a beautifully flawed Tiffany in mental-health narrative Silver Linings Playbook.   At the tender age of 22, #JLAW became the second youngest actress of all-time to take home the Trophy.  Let’s just say this, folks.  She’s no Zack Snyder.

Procuring Effervescence 7

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Transcendental Gloom

Intergalactic Synergy 4

J.J. Abrams is looking like a pretty solid candidate to bring Star Wars back into legitimacy, as his warm-up for Star Wars Episode VII is rocks an 87% on rottentomatoes:

A brand new Star Wars trilogy is not all Disney has in mind, as a matter of fact the mass-media corporation says that at least one spin-off film is also “in the works”:

Quote1.pngWe are in fact working on a few stand-alone films,” says Disney CEO Bob Iger. (Lawrence) Kasdan and Simon Kinberg are both working on films derived from great Star Wars characters that are not part of the overall saga.  So we plan to make Star Wars VII, VIII and IX over roughly a six-year period of time starting in 2015. But there are going to be a few other films released in that period of time too.Quote2.png

Ya go ahead and sign me up for all of that.  Thanks.

Naturally speculation about potential “standalone films” has run amuck: everyone from Boba Fett to Yoda to a young Han Solo to a Seven Samurai Jedi Knight Ensemble Film are rumored as possibilities.  The last one sounding pretty boss.  Oh wait.  Nevermind.  It was Zack Snyder’s idea.  And let’s be honest with ourselves.  That guy is a baddie.

Continue reading Transcendental Gloom

Send in the Clowns

Don’t you love farce?
My fault I fear.
I thought that you’d want what I want.
Sorry, my dear.
But where are the clowns?
Quick, send in the clowns.

Don’t bother they are here.


Sometimes it is humour that is needed in tragic circumstances.  You have to laugh sometimes, it hurts so bad.

It is estimated that the country of South Africa has more people with AIDS/HIV virus than any other country.


Pieter-Dirk Uys lampooning Mbeki and Botha

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