Snatch, Screen Gems, SKA Films

Bareknuckle Boxing

Snatch, Screen Gems, SKA Films

Sony Pictures original film Snatch was released January 19th, 2001.

Snatch, Screen Gems, SKA Films
Snatch, Screen Gems, SKA Films
Snatch, Screen Gems, SKA Films

#Snatch made $83.5M at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 74%

metacritic: 55

imdb: 8.2

Turkish, Snatch, Amazon Prime Video, Screen Gems, SKA Films, Jason Statham
Turkish, Snatch, Amazon Prime Video, Screen Gems, SKA Films, Jason Statham


Turkish is a small-time boxing promoter in London, England.

Turkish, Snatch, Amazon Prime Video, Screen Gems, SKA Films, Jason Statham

“My name is Turkish. Funny name for an Englishman, I know. My parents to be were on the same plane when it crashed. That’s how they met. They named me after the name of the plane. Not many people are named after a plane crash. That’s Tommy. He tells people he was named after a gun. But I know he was really named after a famous 19th-century ballet dancer. Known him for as long as I can remember. He’s my partner. Doesn’t mean we hold hands or take walks. It means I try to keep him out of as much trouble as he inflicts on me. I give him a hard time. Keeps him in check. But really, he’s like my brother.” — Turkish

“What do I know about diamonds? I’m a boxing promoter. I was a happy boxing promoter until a week ago, and then… what do I know about diamonds? Don’t they come from Antwerp?” — Turkish

“It’s an unlicensed boxing match. Not a tickling competition. These lads are out to hurt each other. What’s happening with those sausages, Charlie? Look at it. How am I supposed to run this thing from that? We’ll need a proper office. I want a new one, Tommy. You’re going to buy it for me. Well, you know about caravans. You spent a summer in one. Which means you know more than me. And I don’t want to have me pants pulled down over the price. Oh, nothing, Tommy. It’s tip top. It’s just I’m not sure about the color. It’s all arranged. You just got to pick it up. Here’s an address. You’ve got 10 grand, and it would be nice to see change. What’s happening with them sausages? It was two minutes five minutes ago. You’re a sensitive boy, ain’t ya Tommy? Fuck me. Hold tight. What’s that? No, Tommy. There’s a gun in your trousers. What’s a gun doing in your trousers. Protection from what? ‘Zee’ Germans? What’s to stop it from blowing your bollocks off every time you sit down? Where did you get it? You mean Boris the sneaky fucking Russian. Bit heavy, isn’t it?” — Turkish

“Boris the Blade, or Boris the Bullet-Dodger. As bent as the Soviet sickle and hard as the hammer that crosses it. Apparently, it’s just impossible to kill the bastard. Back to my partner, Tommy. Tommy runs the other business, the slot machines… …which keeps rain off our heads and gloves on Gorgeous’ hands. However, Tommy’s a little preoccupied with protection at present.” — Turkish

“There’s a reason for Tommy’s new found enthusiasm for firearms. Sooner or later, in unlicensed boxing world, you have to deal with that reason: Brick Top. It’s rumored that Brick Top’s favorite means of dispatch involves a stun gun… …a plastic bag, a roll of tape and a pack of hungry pigs. If you’re gonna deal with him, just make sure you don’t end up owing him. ‘Cause then you’re in his debt. Which means, you’re in his pocket. And once you’re in that, you aren’t ever coming out. What he means is, I’m doing him a favor. Because everybody knows nobody takes a dive in my fights. Unlike his. Don’t know what you mean. I do know I can’t wait to get out of here. Fuck me, it stinks. You can sort me out by showing me out.” — Turkish

“It’s hard enough to make a living in the boxing world, so every now and then… …you gotta do something that might not agree with your principles. Basically, you have to forget you got any. Oh, yeah, Tommy. Brick top loves Tommy. See you ringside.” — Turkish

“That’s Doug the Head. Everybody knows Doug the Head. If it’s stones and it’s stolen, Doug’s the man to speak to. Pretends he’s Jewish. Wishes he was Jewish. Even tells his family they’re Jewish… …but he’s about as Jewish as he is a fucking monkey. He thinks it’s good for business, and in the diamond business… …it is good for business.” — Turkish

“There was a problem with pikeys or gypsies. You can’t really understand much of what’s being said. It’s not Irish, it’s not English. It’s just Pikey. Pikeys are well-known for their skills of negotiation in business. It’s probably the reason they talk like they do… …so you can’t follow much of what is being said. But if Tommy can get the caravan for less than the price asked… …on his return there will be an ice cream waiting.” — Turkish

“It has turned out that the sweet-talking, tattoo-sporting pikey… …was a gypsy bareknuckle boxing champion. Which makes him harder than a coffin nail. Right now, that’s the last thing on Tommy’s mind. If Gorgeous doesn’t wake up in the next few minutes… …Tommy knows he’ll be buried with him. Why would the gypsies want to go to the trouble explaining… …why a man died in their campsite? Not when they can bury the pair of them and just move camp. It’s not like they got social security numbers, is it? Tommy, ‘The Tit…’ …is praying. And if he isn’t… …he fucking should be.” — Turkish

“Why the fuck did you put Gorgeous George into a bareknuckle boxing match two days before he had to fight the Bomber? You put the man into a bareknuckle boxing match. What the fuck did you expect? A grease-down and a shiatsu? You took the fucking gem out of my donut, Tommy. You did. I fail to recognize the correlation between losing 10 grand, hospitalizing Gorgeous, and a good deal. How’re we gonna explain this to Brick Top, that his fight isn’t gonna happen? Oh, and hope he doesn’t notice? And who the fuck are we gonna replace him with? You’re not exactly Mr. Current Affairs, are you, Tommy? Mad Fist went mad. And the Gun shot himself. Jesus. Let’s use the fucking pikey.” — Turkish

“A what? Brick Top runs an illegal bookies. They take bets on anything that involves blood and pain. Now, I’m changing fighters. And Brick Top’s going to exploit the situation. He’s going to pull my pants down, grease me up and aim for penetration. If I didn’t have the replacement pikey, he’d want to split me in half. They could charm the paint off walls, these fellas.” — Turkish

“We’ve lost Gorgeous George. We’ve lost Gorgeous George. We’re not backing out. You won’t know him, but he’s mustard. Look, you’ve still got your fight. This is the one place I didn’t want to be. In his debt. Which now means I’m in his pocket.” — Turkish

“So, Mickey, you’re going down in the fourth. Is that clear? Now, I know he looks like a fat fucker. Well, he is a fat fucker, but he’s dirty and he’s dangerous. Now, try and look like a fighter. Now, it’s not too clever to hang about after Mickey’s performance. Brick Top, in short, will be looking to kill Tommy, Mickey and myself. I know he’s looking for us, but I don’t have a choice. I’m happy to leave the country, but I need money to do so. But any money I have, is in the safe, which is in the office. Once I have that, it’s… shit.” — Turkish

“What brings you two here? Run out of pants to sniff? You take sugar? All right. Of course. You’re a snake in the grass, isn’t you, Tommy? Where’d they come from? Do you know where I can find him, Mrs. O’Neil? I don’t suppose you’d like to share that information, would you? Hare coursing. They set two lurchers… they’re dogs, before you ask… …on a hare. And the hare has to outrun the dogs. Well, the big rabbit gets fucked, doesn’t it? Yeah, Tommy. Before ‘zee’ Germans get there.” — Turkish

“Well, do you want to do it? On what? It’s not the same caravan. It’s twice the fucking size of the last one. Mickey, you’re lucky we aren’t worm food after your last performance. Buying a tart’s mobile palace is a little fucking rich. I wasn’t calling your mum a tart. I just meant… yeah, that’s perfectly clear, Mickey, yeah. Just give me one minute to confer with my colleague. Did you understand a single word of what he said? What, like Tommy did last time? Do me a favor? And the last thing I really want to do is bet a pikey. However, I don’t really have much of a choice. Somehow, I’ve got to get him to fight, but if I lose… well, I don’t even want to think about losing. Okay. I reckon the hare gets fucked.” — Turkish

“Well, why didn’t you ‘bust a cap in his ass’ then, Tommy? Mind you, you’d do more damage if you threw it at him. Oh, no, Tommy. I wasn’t saying you can’t shoot. I know you can’t shoot. What we’re saying is, that piece of shit struck in your trousers there would do more damage if you fed it to him. You tried it? Whoops.” — Turkish

Mickey O’Neil

“What are you doing? Get out of the way, man. You Tommy? Come about the caravan? Fuck, man. Call me Mickey. Weather’s been kind… fuck me, would you look at the size of him? How big are you? Kids, how big is he? Hey, Ma, come and look at the size of this fella. Bet you box a little, can’t you, sir? You look like a boxer. Get your hands out of there, you cheeky little shit. Cup of tea for the big fella? You little bugger. Good dags. Do you like dags? What? Dags. You like dags? Good dag, good family. Hold on to his tight. He’ll get a little homesick, but he’ll get over it. See you later, lads. See you, boss.”

“The deal was, you bought it how you saw it. Look, I’ve helped you as much as I’m going to help you. See that car? I’d suggest you use it, for you’re not welcome anymore. You should fuck off now while you still got the legs to carry you. Nobody brings a fella the size of you unless they’re trying to say something without talking, right boy? Why the fuck do I want a caravan that’s got no fucking wheels? You want to settle this with a fight? Get her to sit down. For fuck’s sake! Want the money? All right, fucker. I’ll fight you for it. You and me.”

“So that’s the kind of fight it’s gonna be. Deadly kick for a fat fucker, you know that? Okay, lads. Get him on his feet. You’re not going anywhere, you thick lump. You stay until the job’s done.”

“How much you going to pay us? Ah, me bollocks. Lose more than that running for the bus. All right. I’ll do it for a caravan. A caravan. Top of the range and all that. It’s not for me. It’s for me ma.”

“Just make sure he doesn’t kill me before the fucking fourth. That depends. On you buying this caravan. Uh, not the rouge one. The rose. It’s not the same fight. Turkish, the fight is twice the size. And me ma still needs a caravan. I like to look after me ma. It’s a fair deal. Take it. Ah, save your breath for cooling your porridge. Hey, look… yeah? Right. And she’s terrible partial to the periwinkle blue, boys. Have I made myself clear, boys? I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do. Fucker. I’ll bet you for it. I’ll do you a favor. You have first bet. If I win, I get a caravan. And the boys get a pair of them shoes. If I lose… oh, fuck it! I’ll do the fight for free. What? Proper fucked? You got that, London? Periwinkle blue. Bye, boys.”

Franky Four Fingers

“A lot of it wasn’t meant to be taken literally. It’s a nice story, Adam and Eve. It’s bound with moral fiber, but asking a grown man to believe it. What do you want I should do, drop my pants? It’s a nice story. Catholic religion is based on a mistranslation. Listen. Are you busy? I’ll tell you the whole story. The Septuagint scholars mistranslated the Hebrew word for ‘young woman’ into the Greek word for ‘virgin.’ It was an easy mistake to make because there was only a subtle difference in the spelling. So, they came up with a prophecy: ‘behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear us a son.’ You understand? It was ‘virgin’ that caught people’s attention. It’s not every day a virgin conceives and bears a son. But leave that for a couple hundred years to stew… …and next thing you know you have the Holy Catholic church. I’m saying, just because it’s written… …doesn’t make it so. People like to believe… Michael. Mutti. Michael.”

“Where is the stone? Where is the stone? Where is the stone? Michael, where is the stone? Twenty minutes. Boris.”

“Brilliant cut, beautiful make. Clean, no fluorescence, a beautiful stone. I got to move the mailers and the two-grainers here, get a better price. Couple of days. Doug the Head? And what? I hear you, Avi. I’ll see you, Avi.”

“I’ll take it. How much do you want for it? Okay, so what do you want for it? What kind of a fight? Why don’t you put it down yourself? So, now? What do you know?”

“I have stones to sell… …fat to chew and many different men to see about many different sucks… …so if I am not rushing you… I am not in Rome, Doug. I am in a rush. I got to make the bookies. Bomber Harris. Bubbe, I probably know a lot you don’t.”

Brick Top

“If that’s not worth a bet , I don’t know what is. He doesn’t look bad, does he? You reckon that’s what people should do for me, Gary? Do me proud? Pull your tongue out of my arsehole, Gary. Dogs do that. You’re not a dog, are you, Gary? However… …you do have all the characteristics of a dog, Gary. All except loyalty. You’re a ruthless little cunt, Liam, I’ll give you that. But I’ve got no time for grouses. Feed him to the pigs, Errol. What the fuck are you two looking at?”

“I hear he’s a good fighter, so I’m gonna use him. I’ll be doing you a favor, boy. Here, Errol, I don’t think he likes me. You don’t like me, do you, boy? I like my fights to finish prompt so we can get the punters out before the authorities find out. Play your cards right and I’ll sort you out. Who the fuck’s talking to you, boy? Don’t let me down. You don’t want to let me down, do you, boy?”

“Look mean now, you hairy fucker, won’t you? Shits himself when you put him in the ring. Poke him with a stick you watch his bollocks grow. Do you like a dog fight, Turkish? Shh! You’re gonna have to repeat that. Well, where’d you lose him? He isn’t a set of fucking car keys, is he? And it’s not as if he’s incon-fucking-spicuous, now, is it? You bet your bollocks to a barn dance you’re not backing out. Oh, fuck me, your lady friend got a voice? And who might you be changing him to, sweetheart? Mustard? I don’t care if he’s Muhammad ‘I’m Hard’ Bruce Lee, you can’t change fighters. No. I lose all bets at the bookies. You can’t change fighters at the last minute. So, no, I don’t have my fight, do I, you fucking prat? Put a lead on her, Turkish, before she gets bitten. And you don’t wanna get bitten now, do you, sweethearts? Make sure your man goes down in the fourth. You understand me now, don’t you, Turkish? You’re on thin fucking ice, my pedigree chums. And I shall be under it when it breaks. Now, fuck off.”

“He’s going down in the fourth, don’t you worry about that. Peter… I’ll make it up to you. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Stand on me. Oh, that fucking pikey’s put me in it. Listen, you fucking fringe, if I throw a dog a bone, I don’t want to know if it tastes good or not. You stop me again whilst I’m walking, and I’ll cut your fucking Jacobs off.”

“I just had them polished. Go and put a kettle on. No, thank you, Turkish. I’m sweetened enough. I’ve got a bareknuckle fight in a couple of days. I want to use the pikey. Of course, fucking of course. I wasn’t asking, I was telling. But this time I do want him to go down in the fourth. And I do mean it, this time. Now, I know you come back here to open your safe. So now you can open it. He’s been a busy little bastard, that Turkish. It can get you into lot of trouble, thinking, Errol, I wouldn’t do so much of it. Right. That takes care of one little piggy. Now find me the silly suds who blagged the bookies. Find them today.”

“Do you know these tits, Errol? John?”


“Is he allowed to do that? Why me? How’s that? What’s wrong with this one? It’s a campsite. They aren’t pikeys, are they? I fucking hate pikeys. It’s me belt, Turkish. It’s for protection. Boris the Blade. All right, I’ll take it. Are they Lancashire pigs?”

“Ten points. We’re buying a caravan. Not if you’re here. Not as flash as your bike, though, is it? Mr. O’Neil. That’s a good lad. Are you going to get him? What are you waiting for? Fuck off, I’ll find him myself. You can have a quid. Mr. O’Neil. How are you? I could murder one. He’s minding the car. No, nothing like that. He just likes looking after cars. Dags? Oh, dogs. Sure, I like dags. I like caravans more. All right, Mickey. Laters. I don’t see what all the fuss is about. They aren’t bad fellas.”

“Sorry, Mickey, just give us our money back and you can keep your caravan.”

“He was half his size. I didn’t expect him to get hurt. Who took the gem out of your donut? You said get a good deal. We replace the fighter. What about John the Gun? Or Mad Fist Willy? What?”

“Ten K. It was us that wanted a caravan. Anyway, what’s wrong with this one? Your what? We’re changing the fighter. You can take bets at the fight.”

“Top of the morning to you, Mrs. O’Neil. What’s coursing? So, what if it doesn’t? Proper fucked? You’ll what? Who’s proper fucked now, then? There’s something very wrong with this. It was us that wanted to buy a caravan off of him. What? You saying I can’t shoot? You saying the gun don’t work? I want to see that sneaky fucking Russian.”

Cousin Avi

“Eighty-six karats? You’re a good boy, Franky. A good boy, and you did a real good job. Now when do you get back? Talk to my cousin Dougie. Yeah, Doug the Head. And Franky… stay out of those casinos. You did a good job, Bubbe. Don’t go screwing it up, all right? Eighty-six karats. London. London. Yes, London. You know, fish, chips, cup of tea… …bad food, worse weather. Mary-fucking-Poppins. London!”

“Doug the Head? He’ll be there today. Take care of him, will ya? He isn’t selling shtrops. Make it smaller.”

“Doug, where’s Franky Four Fingers? When later? A fight? What do you mean? What do you mean ‘a fight?’ A boxing match? Is there gambling involved? Did he have a case with him? And this schmuck is gambling? You’re talking about Franky ‘I’ve got a problem with gambling’ fucking Four Fingers, Doug. Well, you’re plenty fucking stupid, I’ll give you that. Do you have any idea why they call him Franky Four Fingers, Doug? Well, because he makes stupid bets with dangerous people. And when he doesn’t pay up, they give him the chop, Doug. And I’m not talking about his fucking foreskin either… well, not with my goods, he isn’t. Got a toothbrush? We’re going to London. Do hear that, Doug? I’m coming to London.”

“Shut up and sit down, you big bald fuck. I don’t like leaving my own country, Doug. And I especially don’t like leaving it for anything less than warm, sandy beaches and cocktails with little straw hats. So, who the fuck wants to see them? I hope that you can appreciate the concern I have for my friend Franky. I’m gonna find him, Doug, and you’re gonna help me find him. And we’re gonna start at that fight. Oh, really? I thought it was the front. We know that. That’s exactly why we’re here. Are we ever gonna get into this place, huh? I’m not looking for Vegas and I’m not looking for legal. I’m looking for Franky fucking Four Fingers. Well, if there’s gambling involved, he’ll be here.”

Doug the Head

“Avi! Avi, you know I won’t buy schtrops. What do you take me for? This is England. We play by the rules. Listen to me. If the stones are kosher, then I’ll buy them, won’t I? Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s my lunchtime. Bye. What are you doing here? Well, it isn’t a free shop, is it? So fuck off. I want to see you two girls up in my office. I just had cousin Avi on the phone. You know you got to go see him. He’s a big mucker in New York. I want to see you two girls up in my office.”

“From Russia with love, eh? Slow down, Franky, my son. When in Rome. Bookies? What are you betting on? The unlicensed boxer, eh? Do you know something that I don’t?”

“I don’t know. I’m not his mother. But I’m seeing him later. Well, he said he wanted cash. So he’s coming back after he’s been to a fight. It’s a boxing match, Avi. A boxing match. Yes, he had a case. Avi, I’m not telepathic. No, I have no idea. Avi, I’m sure he can pay.”

“Avi! Well, we’ve got sandy beaches. Jesus. Yes, I’m well aware of that, my son. That’s why we’re here. This is the back way in. Avi, Avi, you got to understand. This ain’t exactly Vegas, and this ain’t exactly legal. I know that, and he said that he’s going to be here.”

Boris the Blade

“Heavy is good. Heavy is reliable. If it does not work, you can always hit him with it.”

“So, what should I do? It’s okay. I know a couple of guys.”

“The weight is the sign of reliability. I always go for reliability. Nothing. I want you to do something for me. There is a fight in a couple of days. Unlicensed boxing. There is a bookies I know that will take bets. If you place one down for me… …we will call it quits. Well… …there is not too many bookies that takes those kinds of bets. And I already have an outstanding debt with the house. I know something most don’t.”

“I’m not. I have a job for you. Fifty grand, for half a day’s work. I want you to hold up a bookies.”

“What are you doing with him? So why didn’t you chop it off? But he has the case. What? Oh! Okay. Here is the 10 grand. What was in the case was mine. What was in the bookies was yours. Okay? Well, it wasn’t much, but here is the 10 large to help the situation. Oh! Drop the gun, fat boy. You fucking idiots. He could not know my name. Give me the stone. You put the stone in the case? Then open the case and give me the stone.”

“He is now your problem. Okay? Yeah. You can keep the 10 grand, along with the body. But if I see you again, you motherfuckers… well, look at him.”


“Easy. No, it’s a moissanite. A moissanite is an artificial diamond, Lincoln. It’s Mickey Mouse. Spurious. Not genuine. And it’s worth… …fuck-all. What is that, Vince? You are not bringing that thing in here. Where did you get it? It better not be dangerous. What do you think you’re doing now? All right, Boris? Don’t worry about the dog. What can I do for you, Boris? I already have a job. Go on.”

“He’s bad to the bone, aren’t you Tyrone? Tyrone’s gonna be driving for us. He’s done a rally driving course, haven’t you, Tyrone? I can’t believe you found it. Where’d it go? Shut up. And how could it find them? What? Don’t worry about Tyrone. He can move when he has to. Just worry about getting us a gun, eh? What’s that? It’s a fucking anti-aircraft gun, Vincent. You’ll raise hell, never mind pulses.”

“Oy, leave him alone. He’s a natural. Ain’t you, Tyrone? Yeah, Tyrone, what have you done? Get it off me. He can’t swallow the whole ball.”

“It will probably cough it up. I hope not. Yes, big man. We are waiting for a man with four fingers, carrying a briefcase, Tyrone. Because the deal is, the Russian gets the case, we get the money. Oh, is that him? I’m sorry, I couldn’t get the binoculars out in time.”

“Vince, what are you doing up there? Drop the screen now. How you doing, Vince? Fill that bag. I am not in here to make a fucking bet! I ain’t fucking buying that. What have you got? Show me your hands. You’ve got five fingers. God! Copper coins. What do you mean, copper fucking coins? Hold that. What are you moaning about? It didn’t even touch it. Get us out of here, Tyrone. Tyrone, what are you doing? Get us out of here!”

“Well, you explain it to him. The case was attached to his arm. There weren’t much cash at the bookies. No. What? The only man who knew the combination, you just shot.”


“Bad Boy. Sol. Bad Boy, I keep telling you, stick to being a gangster. Leave this game to me and Sol. This is a dog, Sol. What’s the problem? It’s only a fucking dog. The gyppos. Here. They threw it in with a load of moody gold. You know gyppos, Sol. They’re always throwing dogs in with deals. I want him to get used to the shop, don’t I? Oy, stop the dog! Come back!”

“Your seats? Tyrone, this is a stolen car, mate. It went straight back to the gyppos. Well, I don’t know. I’m not a dog, Sol. Ask him. It’s like he’s a fucking homing beacon or something. Steady on the brakes. Fuck me, I thought you said he could drive, Sol. Oy. I thought you said he was a getaway driver. What the fuck can he get away from, eh? Yeah. Haha! This is a shotgun, Sol. Yeah, well, I wanna raise pulses, don’t I?”

“What are we stopped here for? What’s the matter with that space over there? Too tight? You could land a jumbo-fucking-jet in there. A natural fucking idiot. Tyrone, what’ve you done? It’s all right. Come on. No, don’t move it now. Otherwise people will see the damage. What’d you do that for? It’s a four-ton truck, Tyrone. It’s not as though it’s a packet of fucking peanuts, is it? It’s behind you, Tyrone. Whenever you reverse, things come from behind you. Give me that squeaky toy. It shut him up last time. Oy, don’t snatch. Yeah.”

“How am I going to get it out? You think he’ll be all right? For fuck’s sake, Tyrone, just concentrate on the steering wheel. I don’t know. How many fingers did he have? Look, well, let’s not stand on ceremony, mate. Let’s start the show.”

“Well, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll give me everything… what does it look like I’m doing up here? This is starting to hurt, Solomon! I’d be doing a lot better if you’d stop using my name. It won’t open because its a security door. Ahh! My leg. We’re fucked. Get us out of here! Who the fuck is this man, Tyrone?”

“He’s here. Why? We ain’t fucking butchers, Boris. Look, we… well, you have a problem. No. Keep it. We want this. Well, at least half of this. No, I’m afraid it’s too late for that. We want half of this, and that’s because we’re being generous. I mean, we could, by all rights, keep the whole fucking stone, Boris. It’s in the case. It’s in the case.”


“Of course I am. Of course I have. I don’t want that dog dribbling on my seats. While I’m at the wheel, it’s my car… …so stop that dog dribbling on my seats. All right? Listen, don’t worry about me. Just worry about that dog on my seats. All right?”

“That does not look like a bookies. It’s too tight. Of course I am. Look, hassle me, you see what happens. I didn’t see it there. It was a funny angle. Control that dog as well! Get that dog off him.”

“Are we gonna rob this bookies or what? What are we waiting for, anyway? And why’s that? What’s in the case? What the fuck are you two doing? He’s a man with four fingers and a briefcase, Vinny. Watch out!”

“I’ll fucking tell you! Get those off me. I’ll tell you who robbed your bookies.”

The Russian

“When does your plane leave? Give me your gun. When you get to London… …if you want a gun… …call this number. Boris. He can get you anything you need.”

“Boris, Frank-fucking-Four Fingers… …has a diamond the size of a fist. I have told you, it’s in the briefcase connect to his arm. I sent him to you to buy a gun. What more do you want me to do, hit him for you? But don’t you hit him either. American’s can’t know it was Russian. It will come back to me. Boris, you’re my brother, so think like my brother. Get somebody else to steal that fucking stone! I just don’t want it getting back to me. And don’t have him killed, Boris. It will raise suspicion. So don’t use idiots for the job. He’ll stay in London for a couple of days before he goes to New York… …so move quick. Okay? One more thing. It might help. He loves to gamble.”

London, England

“Two minutes, Turkish. Five minutes.”

“No, he looks great. He’ll do you proud, governor. It’s what you deserve. No. No, I’m not.”

“It’s a free country, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, Dad. You told us. Yeah, Dad, you told us. Yeah, Dad. You told us.”

“It’s a campsite. A pikey campsite. What are we doing here? Off a pack of fucking pikeys? What’s wrong with you? This will get messy. Oh, you bastard. I fucking hate pikeys.”

“That’s a flash car, mister. Who are you looking for? Want me to go and get him? Piss off. Yeah. The five quid you’ll pay me. Two fifty. You’re a real tight fucker. A big man, that’s for sure. Get out of the way, Mickey. See if the fellas would like a drink. Be nor murdering done around here, I don’t mind telling you. Don’t be silly, Mickey. Offer the man a proper drink. Is the big fella not coming with us? What does he think we are, thieves? Yeah, dags. You’re very welcome.”

“I think we… nobody… over my dead body. Now, go on! Go on! I’ll not have you fighting. You know what happens when you fight! You want to stay down. You want to stay down! Get back down and fucking stay down. I promise you, you want to stay down. Cheeky bastard. Get back down… …or you will not be coming up next time. Bollocks to you. This is sick. I’m out of here.”

“A what-a-nite? Laters.”

“Private night tonight, chaps. Well done. Private night tonight, chaps. Tickets. Let’s not have a fuck-up. You’re not gonna let us down, are you?”

“Do you know who this bookies belongs to? All bets are off. Appreciated. But all bets are… off. If all bets are off, there can’t be any money, can there? Well, that’s handy because I ain’t fucking selling it. It’s a fact. Nothing, really. A few coins, but no notes.”

“In the red corner we have the young and unchallenged… so give it up for the bone-crunching one-punch machine gun: Mickey! And in the other corner… Bomber ‘The Mad Man’ Harris! Let’s get ready to rumble! Do you realize I’m just gone fucking 40 grand down, you? What’s the fucking crack? I ain’t fucking happy, Brick Top.”

“Thanks for the tip, Brick Top.”

“Oink, oink. So that’s where you keep your sugar. That sounds like hostility, doesn’t it, John? And we don’t like hostility, do we Errol? No, we don’t, John. I think you’ve let him get away with enough already, governor.”

“Tommy. You’re looking for my boy, are you? Yeah. I don’t want you getting my boy into any trouble. Do you hear me? He’s my only boy. And he’s a good boy. He’s coursing.”

“I know a lot of tits, governor. But I don’t know any as fucking stupid as these two. I’ll find out, gov. Ah, Tyrone. You silly, fat bastard. He’ll bet you for it. We’re on!”

New York

“Where? London? London?”


“Himy, would you listen to this? Do we have a choice? What is it? Well, what is it? Okay, go through. But it’s just that. Just a story. Enough already. Reuben, will you say something? Oy vay, what are you saying? gives them hope. It’s not really important whether it’s fact or fiction. I don’t want to hear any more. Anyway, who is it that we’re seeing? Hello? Rudy! Rud, Rud, let them in, please. Rud, it’s okay, let them through. Mutti. You have kept us waiting for half an hour. Are you trying to give me heartburn? Mutti. Lie down on the floor. Get on the floor! Lie on the floor! Get on the fucking floor! Get down! Get fucking down! Down on the floor! Get down! On the ground! Get down, I say! Time. Seven minutes!”

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