Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One

Self Harm

HBO original miniseries Sharp Objects premieres its 4th episode tonight.

#SharpObjects is based on literature of the same name.

rottentomatoes: 93%

metacritic: 77

imdb: 8.3


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Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment OneCamille Preaker, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Amy AdamsCamille Preaker

Crime reporter Camille Preaker returns home to Wind Gap, Missouri to investigate what seems to be a serial killer.

Camille Preaker, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Amy Adams
Camille Preaker, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Amy Adams

“Better hope not.  Mama says a lot of things.  You don’t believe her.  Well, it’s stupid to be scared of stuff that’s not real.  Stop that.  That kind of talk is for quitters.  Are you a quitter?  Well, say it.” — Camille Preaker

“Hello.  Ohh.  Oh.  Preaker.  Sure.  Bye.  Am I in trouble?  Uh, OK, well…. it’s at the bottom of Missouri, boot heel.  Spittin’ distance from Tennessee.  Small.  Population’s held at 2,000 for years.  Only real industry is hog butchering, so you got your old money and your trash.  Trash.  From old money.  In Wind Gap, or…?  Mom.  Yeah.  Step-dad.  They had a kid.  Have.  I don’t really know her.  Not if I can help it.  I didn’t know.  Might be a serial.  We have murders here, Curry, so I don’t see why I gotta go to Wind Gap.  I’m not gonna win a Pulitzer off of Wind Gap.  Yeah.  No pressure, right?” — Camille Preaker

“Oh.  So, her second favorite.  No.  Hmm.  Yeah, I understand.  This isn’t going to be a… exploitative piece, more like a think piece on how something like this can affect a town.  If it makes you feel better, I’m from here.  Just up off Bluebird Circle.  Camille Preaker.  My mom is Adora Crellin.  She married out of her maiden name about 30 years ago to, uh, Alan– yeah.  Yeah.  Oh.  Yeah, sorry.  Because of this case?  Some publicity could help, get you some information– it’s worked in other cases.  I have a right to be here, and I will let you do your job if you let me do mine.  On Natalie Keene, fair enough.  But what about the other girl?  Ann Nash.  I can ask around and I can get the local version, or you can have a say in what gets out.” — Camille Preaker

“First girl, Ann, found last August, strangled with a clothes line and dumped in Falls Creek.  Some hunters found her.  I don’t think he has any.  It’s just the way he was, um– he was defensive.  Not like he was hiding something, more like he was pissed off that he wasn’t.  Jesus, Curry, I just got here.  fine.  I will write you a fuckin’ rainbow.  If you think this place has some small town charm… I’m goin’ out to join the search party now.  Hopefully, we’ll turn up a dead little girl.”

“Yeah.  Thanks.  Well, that was fast.  Gotta hand it to Wind Gap, you guys do gossip like nobody else.  That’s awful.  Thanks.  No.  In a way.  Ah.  You’re not from here, huh?  Used to be.  I’m up in St. Louis now.  I’m with the Chronicle.  Jackie O’Neill.  Detective.  Hey, settle down.  I haven’t seen her yet.  I’m gonna head over there after this.  What about you, are you well?  Nah, I’m fine.  I’m on the job.  Yeah, that’s why I’m here, actually.  I’m writing a story.  You mind if I quote you on that?  You are nothing if not interesting, Jackie.  Hmm.  We’ll see.” — Camille Preaker

“Preacher.  Yeah, it has.  No, mama, not at all.  I’m just in town on business.  Looks just fine.  I’ll just have what you’re having, thanks.  Well, it’s funny you should ask.  I was hoping that I could… stay here for a few days.  Camille.  Hi.  She didn’t know.  I’m sorry to, uh… just drop in like this.  My editor sent me down last minute, so… yeah, I’m here about Natalie Keene and that other little girl, Ann Nash.  Yes, mama.  It’s a newspaper.  Well, it could be an important story, and being from here– it can be really helpful to get information out.  People come forward– how’s Amma?  Just being polite.  We do that in the big city too, you know.  Good night, mama.” — Camille Preaker

“Ohh.  You’re high.  It’s something kids at school say.  It’s like… you’re crazy.  No, you are.  It’s a chicken.  Clearly a chicken.  See?  There’s its eyes, OK, and there’s its face, and– m-mama!  Mama!  Mama!” — Camille Preaker

“How about we catch up over your finest well whiskey, hmm?  Thank you.  Always recruitin’.  Still a dumb-ass.  ‘Ring of Fire.’  Gay bait down there seems a little young to be drinkin’.  John Keene, Natalie’s brother?  Excuse me for a sec, OK?  Yeah.  Why, is this your spot?  This is what you do?  You come here and you drink and you just, I don’t know, dream about the one that got away?  Well, that is our specialty.  We just nod and smile until the out-of-town asshole leaves us alone.  Where are you from?  So, yes on the ‘out-of-town,’ and jury’s still out on ‘asshole.’  How long you worked on the case?  Which is?  Hmm.  You don’t think he is?  Come on.  You know I’m gonna get the story one way or another.  Wouldn’t you rather be in control of the conversation?  Maybe, but it’s true.  Oh, is that who that is?  Jesus, I was just gonna hit on him.  So, is he a suspect?  So he is.  So, that’s it.  You don’t have any leads?  Nothin’?  Yeah.  I don’t really do that– chat.  Detective.  Shit.  ♪ I fell in ♪ To a ring of fire ♪ I fell into a burning ring of fire ♪” — Camille Preaker

“Mornin’.  I just, uh, left my bag in the car, so I was– what?  Uh, honestly, no.  ‘Cause that might have been true when I was a kid, but I’m an adult now.  Yeah, believe me, I do.  Look, mama, please.  Stop, mama.  Look, stop.  I’m sorry, OK?  I’m sorry.  Honestly, it was nothin’.  I just– I went for a drive.  I was, uh, beat, so I– I pulled over to be safe.  S– it was stupid, so… no.  No one saw me.  Look, and about my story– I just want you to understand that I– I didn’t come back to cause any problems.  That wasn’t my intention.” — Camille Preaker

“Oh, no, that’s fine.  Thank you.  And thank you for speaking with me.  Um, with all the attention on Natalie, I think it’s, uh, important to remind people that, uh… Ann was first.  Thank you.  Uh, you mind if I just set this… just, uh… sure, you kept tabs on her.  Yeah.  I’m sorry.  I would love a chance to speak with her?  Uh, your wife.  Um, so were you here when it happened?  When Ann left for Emily’s?  I’m sorry?  No, no, no, I wasn’t suggesting that, Mr. Nash.  I was just wondering if you had a chance to see her that day.  Hmm?” — Camille Preaker

“His wife wasn’t around.  It looks like she left.  He was kind of cagey about it.  Yeah.  He says that, uh… people are pointing the finger at him.  I don’t know.  I mean, he’s odd, for sure.  But, uh, I’ll do some diggin’.  At home?  Yeah, I mean, they’re peachy.  They’re great.  I will.  Tell Eileen I said hello.  All right.  Bye-bye.” — Camille Preaker

“Hey!  You can’t take that stuff.  John, right?  Looks like you got your serial, Detective.  Congratulations.  Yeah.  It’s never real until it is.  Not for long.  No, no, I’m– I’m fine.  I brought my car, and… I’m fine.  Is Bob Nash a suspect?  I was gonna ask Vickery before.  And how about John Keene?  I’ll show you mine.” — Camille Preaker

“I had to give the police a statement.  I was there when they found her.  You asked me where I was.  Um, I’m exhausted.  I’m gonna lie down.  Mama.  Mama.  I can’t– I can’t talk right now.  OK?  I need to sleep.  Amma.  Yeah.  You’ve been around, though.  Why haven’t you said hello?  Well, I never would have recognized you.  Adora stopped sending those Christmas pictures a while back.  Yeah, well, looks like you’ve done a really nice job with it.  Yeah.  I’m gonna go get some rest.  OK, thanks.  Not at first.  Not for sure.  It was interesting seeing what you were like before this, you know?  No.  Just surprised, I guess.  No.  Yeah.  Well, Adora talks about her all the time.  Or at least alludes to her.  No.  She was close.  No, Amma.  Is that what you call ’em?  Easier to go along.  I bet she does.” — Camille Preaker

“Don’t try to work me, Amma.  I’ve been playing that game for 20 years.  Yeah.  Amma, mama wants you home, and I want you home.  It’s dangerous out there for you.  People are killing little girls.” — Camille Preaker

“My demons are not remotely tackled.  They’re just mildly concussed.” — Camille Preaker

Adora Crellin, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Patricia ClarksonAdora Crellin

“Camille?  Goodness.  Is something the matter?  Business.  I didn’t expect you.  My house is not up to par for visitors, I’m afraid.  Come on inside.  Goodness.  Can I get you something to drink?  Alan and I are having amaretto sours.  We’re in back.  It’s nice and cool now with the breeze.  Where are you stayin’?  I just wish you’d phoned.  I would have known, had dinner ready.  Go say hello to Alan.  Alan?  Camille’s here.  To write a story?  Camille, I just don’t understand why a young woman like you would want to even dwell on such things.  I knew those children.  And I’m having a very hard time, as you can imagine.  And to– to write about it?  ‘Wind Gap murders its Children.’  Is that what you want people to think?  I just can’t have that kind of talk around me.  Hurt children.  Just… don’t tell me what you’re doing, what you know.  While you’re here I’ll just pretend you’re on summer break.  Amma?  She’s managing.  You know, the children have a curfew now.  She’s asleep already.  Why do you ask?  I’ll go make sure your room is in order.  Your old room is the best for visitors.  It has that nice bath.  Good night, Camille.” — Adora Crellin

“Camille?  Camille.  I’m happy you’re here… …but, please, don’t embarrass me.  Not again.  When you’re here, everything you do comes back on me.  Understand?  Not in Wind Gap.  When you’re here, you’re my daughter.  You can move away and forget, but I can’t.  You don’t know the people here anymore.  I haven’t heard from you in months!  And you just show up askin’ such horrible, morbid questions, stirring everyone up.  Staying out all night.  Ohh!  Ugh!  You spent the night in the car?  Did anyone see you?  I shouldn’t have said anything.  You know… you know I can’t have that kind of talk around here.” — Adora Crellin

“Where were you?  I was worried sick.  Don’t.  That’s enough.  Bob Nash called.  He said you spoke to him.  That’s not right, Camille, not right at all.  Aren’t these families in enough agony without you hashing over it?  Amma, you are not to leave this house alone.  Understand?  It’s not safe.  I need to know where you are at all times.  It’s not enough.  I know I did, sweet.  I’ve just been so distracted.  I put your dinner in the icebox for later.  You have to eat.” — Adora Crellin

“Camille, I’m very involved in the community.  It’s our family’s duty.” — Adora Crellin

“Camille, please.  For the sake of the family, please.” — Adora Crellin

“She makes me feel as if I’ve done something wrong.  As if I’m a bad mother.” — Adora Crellin

Marian Preaker, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Lulu WilsonMarian Preaker

“You sure mama won’t notice we’re gone?  Mama said she saw a ghost once.  I don’t know.  I’m not scared of them ghosts.  Are you?  What if after you die, part of you goes to heaven, but part of you stays here?  Just to look after stuff, you know?  See how things turn out.  For you, for mom.  No.  I’m not a quitter.  Why are you mad at me?” — Marian Preaker

“See?  It’s a heart.  What?  You’re high.  Where?” — Marian Preaker

Amma Crellin, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Eliza ScanlenAmma Crellin

“We knew those girls.  Natalie was his sister.  We just wanted something to remember them by, that’s all.  What’s the point of lettin’ all the flowers die and stuff, and… it’s not just the families, ya know.  We’re all sad.” — Amma Crellin

“I don’t think I’ll sleep for a million years.  It’s just so awful.  Ann and Natalie?  In our nothin’ town?  It could happen to any of us.  I can be shy, I guess.  I don’t know.  But we already have to be in by 9:00.  Come look at my dollhouse.  Needs reupholstering now.  Mama changed her color scheme from gold to gray.  You promised you’d take me to the fabric store so I could make new coverings to match.  Isn’t it beautiful?  This dollhouse is my fancy.  I try.  Thank you.  I’ll go up with you.  I think I’ll rest a while too, mama.  You knew it was me, didn’t you?  When you saw me around town.  Then I just, um… you’re not mad, are you?  Have you gone in to Marian’s room?  It’s like a museum.  Mama keeps it that way.  I miss her sometimes.  Marian.  Even though I didn’t know her.  Was she perfect?  She was, wasn’t she?  But now we can be sisters.  Everyone always says you were the prettiest girl in Wind Gap.  You are.  You’re so pretty.  And you won’t tell?  Mama would go bananas if she, you know, saw me in my civvies.  You know how she is.  I’m just her little… doll to dress up.  You never did, though.  Mama says you were incorrigible.  I’m incorrigible, too.  Only she doesn’t know it.  We’re alike.  I knew we would be.” — Amma Crellin

“My mama says all of history was written by men, so… of course they’re gonna make themselves look good.” — Amma Crellin

Frank Curry, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Miguel SandovalFrank Curry

“Mm-hmm?  Always.  But you don’t need me to tell you that.  Wind Gap.  What’s it like?  I know where it is.  I asked what it’s like.  Which one are you?  What the hell’s goin’ on?  Your mom’s still there.  Right, Preaker?  But you talk to ’em?  Well, read the wires then.  Jesus Christ, there was a murder there last August.  Little girl got strangled.  Then you also don’t know that another one’s missing now.  So get your ass down to that heel or whatever and get me a story.  Now.  Today.  Because nobody else is covering it.  Do you remember that piece in the Tribune last year?  Guy who wrote about a killing in his hometown?  It made an impact, because it was personal.  People give a shit when you give a shit.  You’re not winning a Pulitzer ’cause you’re only half-good at writing.  This could change that.  And I’m your boss.  So good-bye.  All right, look, if you can’t, you can’t, but it might be good.  You know, flush some things out, get you back on your feet.  And it’s a good story.  Could be a damn good story if you do it right.  Life is pressure.  Grow up.  Get the hell out of here.” — Frank Curry

“That’s all Vickery said?  No leads?  Theory.  Well, you have the police.  Get me some local stuff.  I need facts and color.  You know what I mean.  Well, give me local ‘bleak’ then, kiddo, paint a goddamn picture.  Go get ’em.  Thanks.” — Frank Curry

“So you got a feeling about him.  Could be embarrassed.  Private.  Do you think he’s a suspect?  Good good.  Follow it up.  Things at home.  They’re all right?  Camille?  Yeah, with your family.  OK, well… … you call me if you need me.  Will do.  OK.  Bye.  She sends her best.  Ha.” — Frank Curry

Bill Vickery, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Matt CravenPolice Chief Bill Vickery

“I have no intention of letting this thing get out, so… what’s your name?  Crellin.  Sure, OK.  You’re the– you moved away.  So, Amma, she’s your half-sister.  Damn.  Jesus.  Hot as hell in here, isn’t it?  My kids give me that.  No, it’s all right.  Stress relief.  Look, I just can’t have you here, Ms. Preaker.  This story gets out in St. Louis, suddenly that’s all Wind Gap’s known for.  We’re already ‘the hog killers.’  Fine.  I got no comment.” — Bill Vickery

Richard Willis, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Chris MessinaDetective Richard Willis

“Did you see something?  You with the search?  Detective Willis.  No.  You?  A reporter.  Great.” — Richard Willis

“Ms. Preaker.  At Sensors.  Hmm?  Sarcasm.  Thank you.  Most I get from your hometown pals is a sugary passive-aggression.  Is that what I am?  Kansas City, by way of a lot of other places.  Since the Keene girl.  Vickery called for backup.  I think he regrets it now.  He doesn’t like my style.  Not his, I guess.  At least I’m investigating.  Funny girl.  That’s a good line.  Well, like you were about to go talk to young Keene over there.  Yeah, reporters aren’t supposed to talk to minors without parental permission.  Well, that’s different.  You know I can’t answer that.  Everybody’s a suspect right now.  Camille, can we just talk?  I’m starved for some city folk conversation.  I’ll ask you a question about your life, you can ask about mine… got it.  OK.  Well, Camille… enjoy your evening.” — Richard Willis

“Thanks, man.  I got this.  This fuckin’ business.  The things you wish for, and then… and then it happens.  You should let me drive you home.  You’re shaking.  I’ll give you a lift.  You can get it in the morning.  It’s no trouble at all.  He won’t tell you, like I won’t.  Jesus.  Why?  Did you find something?  Um, this isn’t– I’m not gonna– let’s table the games.  At least until that little girl’s in the morgue.” — Richard Willis

Jackie O'Neill, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Elizabeth PerkinsJackie O’Neill

“Camille Preaker!  Oh, Lord.  I see you met our new detective.  I’d like to take him home and turn him into pound cake.  Cover him in chocolate.  He’s single, by the way.  Aw… c’mere.  Look at you.  Your mama didn’t say you were in town.  ‘Course, she’s not talkin’ to me right now.  I disappointed her again.  Probably forgot to send her a card, or something.  You know how that goes!  Aw, she’s gonna be thrilled.  Baby girl, look at you.  You know, well as I can be.  Pretty grim around here.  I’m in charge of refreshments for the guys.  It’s the least I can do.  You want a sweet tea?  I got sweet tea with a little bit of a kick in it.  No one should face all this without a little kick.  You still workin’ for that newspaper?  Oh.  Yeah, those girls?  I see you when you were the same age.  And it just makes me so sad.  I mean, so much has gone wrong.  I just can’t make sense of it at all.  Yeah, I suppose so.  If you think anyone would be interested.  Oh.  I’m glad you’re home.  Beauty, beauty, beauty.” — Jackie O’Neill

Alan Crellin, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Henry CzernyAlan Crellin

“Who?  Hello there!  Adora didn’t say you were comin’.  Your editor.  Did he?  Well… this is my new toy.” — Alan Crellin

“I suppose it was foolish to hold out hope.  Let’s not make rules tonight, Adora.  We’ll all be more sensible in the morning, I think.  Let’s go rest.” — Alan Crellin

Eileen Curry, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Barbara Eve HarrisEileen Curry

“You’d better be right.  Just because you’ve seen Dr. Phil doesn’t make you a real doctor.” — Eileen Curry

Bob Nash, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Will ChaseBob Nash

“Sorry, Kool-Aid’s all I got left.  Yeah.  Um… we should talk in the bedroom.  Yeah.  Ann, she’d been, uh… riding her bike all last summer, just ride around, around the block.  My wife wouldn’t let her go no further ’cause we’re protective parents, like anybody.  Yeah.  So, uh, just ‘fore school starts up, she begs to ride over to her friend Emily’s house.  Not far… but we usually wouldn’t let her, but, uh, she’s whining.  So my wife finally gets fed up and says, ‘fine.’  Ann never got there.  To Emily’s.  She left around seven, must’ve been… eight o’clock ‘fore we realized.  Somewhere in those ten blocks, they got her.  My wife… could never forgive herself.  She’s at the store.  I’ll ask, but she’s not– this thing– she hasn’t been the same.  What do you do when the door’s closed, Amanda?  You knock.  Next time you forget, it’s goin’ on your chart.  Go.  She knows better.  Thing about Ann, she was plain, but she was smart.  She… did for herself.  Mm-mm.  I was driving back from my office in Hayti.  It’s about an hour away, and– don’t write that down.  Why are you writing that down?  People ’round here don’t like us ’cause we keep to ourselves, but that doesn’t mean I hurt my kid.  In the mornin’.  But four kids, it gets hectic.  I– I don’t remember what we said.  You know what I think?  A faggot did it.  ‘Cause he didn’t rape her.  And the cops say that’s unusual.  I’d say it’s the only blessin’ we got.  I’d rather him… kill her than rape her.  That’s her.  See?  She was a willful thing.  Night before that picture was took, my wife wants to put her hair in rollers, and Ann wasn’t having any of it, so she chops her hair off instead.  She gave him hell.  She gave that guy hell.” — Bob Nash

Chris, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, David SullivanChris

“Camille?  I heard you were back in town.  Well whiskey?  No.  Screw the well.  This… is a homecoming drink… and this homecoming drink… is on me.  Yeah.  So, how about the place, huh?  It’s mine now.  Yeah, I bought it from those guys.  They moved out to California.  We don’t really get that type around here anymore.  Whatever they call ’em now.  I mean, I got nothing against ’em, but… they would have tried to eat that one down there alive.  Still a smart-ass.  Dumb-ass with the hottest karaoke club in seven countries.  Shit, you oughta see this place on Friday nights.  Tell me, what’s your song?  Oh, nice!  ‘Bohemian Rhapsody.’  I crush it.  Yeah, yeah.  I’m cuttin’ him some slack.  It’s John Keene.  Yeah, yeah.  Poor son of a bitch.  He’s takin’ it really hard.  Yeah.  Come on.” — Chris

John Keene, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Taylor John SmithJohn Keene

“Yeah.  No, they didn’t mean anything by it.” — John Keene

Amanda Nash, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, London VanovanAmanda Nash

“Daddy?  I’m still hungry.  Can I make– I knock?” — Amanda Nash

Pastor, Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One, Randy OglesbyPastor

“My Lord, Camille Preaker.  It has been a long time, girl.” — Pastor

Sharp Objects, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, Crazyrose, Fourth Born, Blumhouse Television, Tiny Pyro, Entertainment One

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