Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios, Global Entertainment, Netflix

Counter Terrorism

BBC One original crime drama Bodyguard was made available in North America on Netflix October 24, 2018.

#Bodyguard season 2 is undergoing preliminary discussions.

rottentomatoes: 92%

metacritic: 79

imdb: 8.3

golden globes: 1 win


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David Budd, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Richard MaddenPolice Sergeant David Budd

Her Majesty’s Home Secretary Personal Protection Officer PS David Budd intercepts and dismantles a terrorist plot outside of London, England.

David Budd, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Richard Madden

Best Performance by an Actor In A Television Series – Drama

1 win: 2018

“Cover yourself up, Ella.  We’re not there yet.  Good girl.  Shh!  Shh!  Shh!  Not our stop yet.  Back to sleep.  Sorry, madam, you wouldn’t mind looking after my kids for a minute would you?  Thank you very much.  I’ll be right back.  Sergeant David Budd, Metropolitan Police.  What’s going on?  You’ve got an intelligence report for an Asian male in his 20s?  I saw you checking out a guy.  He’s fine.  I saw someone suspicious at Martson.  I don’t know if he boarded the train.  He could be in the toilet.  Look, I’m an operational firearms commander with Specialist Protection.  What’s the plan?  SCO19.  How long till we’re there?  He’ll detonate in the carriage for maximum casualties.  Right, stick with me.  What’s your name?  Give me your number.  Do it.  I need a few more minutes.  Is that all right?  Thank you.  I can’t let him out.  There’s dozens of passengers, my kids included.  Can you unlock the exit doors… hello?  Shit.  Shit.  Oh.  Come on.  Come on.  Come on.  Come on.  Come on… what I said is– if the train brakes, he’ll know it’s an unscheduled stop.  He’ll detonate the device in the carriage.  Can you unlock the doors as we’re moving?  When I say so, do it.  Let me take care of the rest.  To throw him off the train.  Stand by.  Do it now.  Subject does not appear to be carrying a device.  He’s an Asian male, late 20s, wearing a black baseball cap, gray T-shirt, carrying a green coat.  Advise SCO19 he’s heading towards the front of the train does not appear to be a threat.  Repeat, not a threat.  I’m going to examine the toilet for signs of a device.  As-salaam ‘alaykum.  I just want to talk.  That’s all.  I can see you’re as scared as I am.  Miss, I just want to help you.  You don’t have to do this.  You can change your mind.  Don’t do that.  Please don’t do that.  Don’t move.  Stay still.  Please, just stay still.  Please!  Just stay still.  Don’t move.  Please.  Please.  You don’t want to do this.  You don’t look like you do.  Listen, the counter-terrorism unit know about a potential incident on this train. What I’d like to do is just tell them… … that you’re willing to talk.  Does that sound okay to you?  Just talk… is that a start?  There’s a second bomber, but we’re talking.  Now, write this down.  Young Asian female, equipped with an explosives vest.  Advise SCO19 she’s willing to talk.  Request armed officers hold back from boarding the train… and that Bomb Disposal and negotiators are deployed as operational priority.  But firstly, right now, evacuate the adjacent carriages.  I’ll just have a look and make sure that everyone’s getting out, okay?  All right, I’m not going anywhere.  I’m staying here.  It’s okay.  It’s okay.  My name’s David… David Budd.  What’s yours?  The man that was in here before, is that your husband?  Yeah?  Your husband wants you to die?  You don’t have to be a martyr, Nadia.  We can deactivate this device.  We can protect you.  You don’t have to see him again if you don’t want to.  Hey, Nadia.  Nadia, look at me.  I’m just as scared as you are.  I promise.  I’m just bringing my kids back from visiting my mum.  Yes.  I do, two.  That’s Ella.  She’s ten.  Charlie, he’s eight.  I just want to take them home to their mum.  It’s all right.  Everything’s going to be all right.  Stop!  Please!  Stop!  Listen to me.  Listen to me.  Why would someone you love want you to kill yourself?  You’ve been brainwashed.  He has.  You have.  And I’d know.  I was in Afghanistan.  I saw mates get killed.  Nearly got killed myself.  For what?  Nothing.  Politicians… cowards and liars.  Ours and theirs.  People full of talk but will never spill a drop of their own blood, but you and I, we’re just collateral damage.  Don’t let them win, Nadia.  Don’t let them win.  Police officer!  Don’t shoot!  All right, stay right here.  I’m not going anywhere.  You hear that?  That’s them evacuating everyone from the train.  So, it’s just you and I.  It’s just us here.  Okay?  Stay exactly where you are, Nadia.  Don’t move, okay?  All right?  PS David Budd!  Specialist Protection!  Don’t shoot!  It’s all right.  I’m not going anywhere.  Just stay very still now, Nadia.  Okay?  I’m not going anywhere.  I’m staying with you.  It’s all right.  Nothing’s changed.  It’s just us talking here.  Just stay really, really still.  Okay?  It’s okay, Nadia.  Nadia, I need you to trust me.  I’m going to speak to this officer.  She’s cooperating.  She intends to surrender.  She does not intend to activate the device.  Get Expo here.  It’s all right.  It’s okay.  I’m not going anywhere.  I’m not.  Nadia, you need to show them you’re not going to detonate the device.  When I ask you, I want you to raise your arms to either side.  Can you do that?  Nadia’s going to spread her arms and we’re going to stay put and wait for Expo.  Do that now.  That’s it.  Nice and slow.  Stay close to me.  Come in.  Come in close to me.  That’s it.  All right, doing really well.  Doing really well, Nadia. That gun, that’s an MCX carbine.  A bullet from that would go through the both of us.  I’m trusting they’re not going to shoot one of their own.  All right?  You trust me too?  Okay.  Stay in there.  Don’t go out.  Stay here.  Stay here with me.  You don’t have to go anywhere.  Get Expo here now!  She’s going to stay and wait for the Expo.  Don’t move.  Stay still for me.  That’s it.  You’re doing really good.  Get Expo here!  Don’t fire!  Do not do this!  Nadia, don’t move.  Please don’t move.  Don’t do this.  Please don’t do this!  Stay there.  That’s it.  No!  All right, don’t shoot.  Don’t shoot.  All right, Nadia.  Hold tight.  That’s it.  Just keep moving.  Hold tight.  Okay.  All right.  That’s it, Nadia.  Keep moving.  Just… that’s it.  Thank you.  All right, Nadia.  I’ve got you.  Stay calm.  Stay calm.  Nadia, I’m going to step to the side.  I’ll be right here.  I’m going to step off the train, then ask you to follow me, all right?  Okay, nice and slowly.  Keep your hands where we can see them.  Stay calm.  It’s over.  You’re safe now.  He can’t hurt you.  No one’s going to hurt you.” — David Budd

“Come on, out you get.  Thanks, mate.  Sorry.  By the time I’d give a statement I’d… love, it’s all right.  I’m fine.  We’re all fine.  It’s all right.  Night-night, sweetheart.  I love you.  Night-night, Charlie bear.  Good night.  Night, big man.  I love you.  They’ll be all right, love.  I should be heading off.  You sure?  Sorry.  Fuck.  I’m sorry.  I’m a fucking idiot.  I’m sorry.  I’m sorry.” — David Budd

“Mm.  I’m fine, thanks, ma’am.  We’re very lucky the bomber changed her mind.  It seems like when the time came, she froze, and the husband panicked.  Thank you, ma’am.  That’s right, ma’am.  Very good, ma’am.  Yes.  Thank you, ma’am.  Ma’am.” — David Budd

“My Glock and two magazines, please.  Pleasure to meet you, ma’am.  I was wondering if we could discuss you using the underground entrance from now on.  Cross the river and take the South Circ.  I’ve made a dynamic risk assessment.  Given the current threat level, I’m recommending a diversion.  Can’t say for certain, ma’am.  The South Circ, if you don’t mind.  My job’s to keep you safe, ma’am.  I won’t tell you how to do yours.  If you wouldn’t mind holding here a moment, ma’am.  What’s behind this door?  None taken.  Can’t say for certain, ma’am.  Yes, ma’am.  Yes, ma’am.  Thank you, ma’am.  As you wish, ma’am.  All is forgiven.  Evening, sir.  Actually, I’m all done, ma’am.  No, thank you, sir.  Have a good evening, ma’am.  Evening, lads.  Control, Sierra Zulu Seven-Nine, we’re State 11 handing off to DPG.” — David Budd

“Hiya, love.  Yeah.  I’m just calling for a chat.  Just calling for a chat, Vic.  What do I want?  I was just calling to say hello.  Just missed you, that’s all.  Why can’t we just have a chat like two normal adults, Vicky?  Vicky, I’ve put a lid on it.  I’m handling things.  I’ve not even had a few drinks.  Vicky!  Vicky, let’s just have a chat.  Let’s just have a chat.  Vic!  Vicky.  Shit!” — David Budd

“Fresh on this morning, ma’am.  My shirts are altered to fit my ballistic vest.  The chest-to-waist ratio should be compatible.  You have to tuck it under your jacket, ma’am.” — David Budd

“Clear back!  Miss, will you come with me, please?  Come on.  Let’s talk about it downstairs, all right?  Bit calmer?  If you don’t want to deal with them, I can sort out sending on your personal belongings.  What happened?  They didn’t say why?  I thought they were sending you a cab.” — David Budd

“Sierra Zulu Seven-Nine, Lavender inbound.  PArdon me, ma’am, I’d prefer if you moved indoors.  Sir, ma’am, I do need you both to move inside.  I’m mixed-race.  No, ma’am.  All clear, ma’am.  Thank you, ma’am.  On duty, ma’am.  No.  Thank you, ma’am.  I answer to both, ma’am.  That’s good news, thanks, ma’am.  Not quite constantly.  Yes, ma’am.  Vicky.  We have two children.  Ella and Charlie.  No, it’s… you’d know, ma’am, all these hours you work.  Did you always want to be a politician?  I hope you don’t mind me asking that.  May I ask, ma’am… that interview you did on TV, did you mean what you said?  About the Middle East.  Rest assured, ma’am.  I’ll do what’s required.  Ma’am.” — David Budd

“I just wanted to apologize for the other night.  You’re all right, love.  I’m fine.  Are the kids not up yet?  They’re all right, aren’t they?  Uh, both of them?  Vic?  I was hoping we could talk.  I’ve said I’m sorry.  I need a job that pays the bills, Vic.  Love, I’m sorry, but we can work through this.  He was here… overnight?  Still here?  You farm our kid out so you can have your night together?  Do they know?  Let’s not get divorced yet.  In case anything happens to me at work… you’ll still get the pension… if we’re legally married.  Fuck off.” — David Budd

“Soapbox is not really my thing, mate.  That was a crazy time out there.  Trying to put that behind me.  I’m making a go of Civvy Street.  I’m good.  Thanks.  Police.  Specialist protection.  I knew you’d understand.  You said it out in Helmand.  If you ever found yourself right besides one of those bastards that sent us there, you’d just close your eyes and pull the trigger?  You’d just close your eyes and pull the trigger?  You’d still have a face.  I’d still have a family.” — David Budd

“Doors and seatbelts.  Yes, sir.  Lavender outbound.” — David Budd

“What have I told you about crying?  Never show weakness.  They only hurt you more.  Right, big man, in you go.  Charlie, in we go, please.  Good boy…” — David Budd

“I can live with being in the line of fire made a career out of it, but my family?  They were always… home safe.” — David Budd

“Nothing complicates my job.  It’s to protect you.” — David Budd

Julia Montague, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Keeley HawesHome Secretary Julia Montague

“Kim.  I’m late for a meeting.  What’s happening with Andrew Marr?  I thought it was all confirmed.  And when were you planning to tell me?  You didn’t find it.” — Julia Montague

“Hi, it’s me.  Um, we need to catch up.  Come to the flat.  I’m not sure what time I’ll be home.  Depends on the traffic.  Terry’s been driving me for three years.  I think he can be trusted to determine the fastest route.  And how much longer will that take?  In that case, we’ll just take the usual route, please, Terry.  No, but you’re happy to make it harder.  I’ve got nothing in.  Are you all right to pick up a takeaway?  Sure.  May I ask what you’re doing?  My study.  Seriously, I’m expecting a colleague.  I need you to fuck off.  No offense.  That’s us plotting to build the Death Star.  How long is this gonna take?  PC Knowles said you name’s Budd.  The officer who prevented the 1st of October rail attack, that was you?  It’s been a long and trying day.  I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot.  All is forgiven?  No, really, I’ve been a total cow.  I can get it.  Perfect timing.  I’m starving.  Come through.  Sergeant Budd won’t be long.  Thank you, Sergeant.  You, too.  Oh, right.” — Julia Montague

“Thank you.  Sounds like a reason not to pull out.  Christ!  Don’t be ridiculous!  There’s no time!  Well, don’t all stand around gawping.  And you, fuck off and organize Sergeant Budd a new shirt.  Thank you.  Some privacy?” — Julia Montague

“We are a target.  We can’t be complacent.  Now, I am committed to supporting our security services by giving them greater powers to confront greater threats.  Andrew, only those intent on acts of violence have anything to fear.  I can’t see any justification for believing the Taliban would govern Afghanistan in peace and harmony, or Iraqi insurgents would ever have formed a stable democracy, or ISIS would ever form a state with which the world could have diplomatic relations.  And, Andrew, I certainly do not miss the tyranny of Saddam Hussein.  The Prime Minister has been very clear on how we deal with the present and build a more secure future.  That doesn’t require apologizing for the past.” — Julia Montague

“I’d really like to get into the Chamber, Roger.  Is there a point to this conversation?  The PM can count on my full support.  Are you… bi-racial?  Right, where were we?  Oh.  Sergeant Budd.  Your shirt.  I’m sorry about Chanel.  She took her dismissal badly and my staff through you’d be the best person to deal with it.  If you can talk someone out of blowing up a train… want one?  Soft drinks in the fridge.  Do you prefer David or Dave?  You won’t have heard yet, but we are going to charge the male 1st-of-October attacker.  He appears to have plausible links to Islamist terrorists, though I’m not at liberty to say more.  And thanks to you, his wife’s alive to assist with our inquiries.  It seems I’m constantly finding reasons to compliment you.  Is there a Mrs. Budd?  Oh, what are their names?  Oh.  Your shifts… must make home life difficult.  I’m sorry.  That was private.  I… goes with the territory.  No… I was a criminal barrister.  I witnessed at first-hand how the causes of crime often have as much to do with a person’s upbringing and social circumstances.  I sought a role in which I could make a real difference.  I’m keeping you.  I’m sorry?  See, I don’t only say what the people want to hear.  I’m about doing the right thing and making the hard choices.  The thing is, David/Dave, I don’t need you to vote for me… only to protect me.” — Julia Montague

“Mm.  And how are they faring?  Mm.  I’m glad.  I went into politics to help people.” — Julia Montague

“I think you know I didn’t mean it like that.  Please don’t turn out to be another bloke who can’t accept a woman having power.  We’re not handling this very well, are we?” — Julia Montague

Rob Macdonald, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Paul ReadyRob Macdonald

“Thank you.  Evening.  Oh.  Hello.  Rob Macdonald.  Couple of prawn crackers going if you want some?  I, uh… uh, got this for later.  It’s one of my favorites.” — Rob Macdonald

“I bet the PM pulled out because he knew you’d do a much better job.  Shit.  Shut up.  Give her your blouse.  Oh, for God’s sake!  I don’t wear blouses, do I?  Can we dry it out?  You’ve got to be kidding me!  Yeah, of course.” — Rob Macdonald

“Sergeant Budd, thank you.  Sergeant Budd, would you mind escorting Ms. Dyson from the building?  A cab’s coming for her.  Sorry about this.” — Rob Macdonald

“A breakdown of the additional powers– uh, sure.  See you inside.  Right, great.  This is a summary of the limitations in existing legislation.” — Rob Macdonald

“Little bird told me you were Johnny on the spot at the 1st of October?  Looks like the Home Secretary couldn’t be in safer hands.” — Rob Macdonald

Lorraine Craddock, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Pippa HaywoodChief Superintendent Lorraine Craddock

“Bit of a day yesterday.  If you need some time off or for me to refer you to counseling– it’s a miracle you’re in one piece.  Hm.  Not that she’s saying much, and the husband’s saying nothing.  Yup.  Great job, David, a credit to the Branch.  So far you’ve acted as PPO to visiting foreign dignitaries?  The Commissioner’s ordered me to review specialist protection on senior politicians.  I’m assigning you to a cabinet minister, the Home Secretary.  It’s a move up.  Good man.” — Lorraine Craddock

Chanel Dyson, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Stephanie HyamChanel Dyson

“I’ll chase them today.  There’s a possibility that Number Ten want the slot.  I was waiting for the right moment.” — Chanel Dyson

“Your decaf.  Oh, my God!  Oh, I’m so sorry.  I’m sorry.  It’ll never fit.  Give her yours, then.” — Chanel Dyson

“How can you treat me like that?  You had it in for me from day one?  Oh, stand there like a smug prat! …interview your little girl for a job that you don’t even know what I do on a daily basis!  Have you taken the time?  No!  Because you are that arrogant!  Get back in your office, narcissist!  Oh, a cab!  Keep your cab!  You narcissistic, smug prick.  Good luck with your interview, darling!  I wouldn’t work here if I’m fucking paid!  No.  Fuck.  Can you not stand so close to me, please?  Yeah, I’m just coming out on to the street now.  Thanks.  Thank you.  Uh, they started interviewing candidates for my job.  Didn’t even tell me they were giving me the push.  So… there’s no ‘they.’  It’s just her.  Sociopath.  God help anyone who sees through her.  Yeah, I don’t need their shitty cab.” — Chanel Dyson

“Yeah, sorry.  I hope here’s okay.  Can I get you anything?  No, please, let me– look, I know, but you just always seemed open to the wider possibilities of a story.  Not one to regurgitate the press release.  ‘Woman of the hour?’  Talk about an understatement.  Yeah, that’s right.  Well, I just want to stop everyone getting carried away with this idea that she’s such a brilliant politician.  A sociopath.  The most dangerous person in the country.  More dangerous than the people she keeps calling ‘enemies of freedom.’  She’s got an agenda.  To heighten fear, to destroy debate… and to seize power.  I’ve worked for two years in the Home Office, most of that time in daily contact with Julia Montague.   Yeah.  I’m trying to explain how Julia’s different.  It’s the last thing I want you to do.” — Chanel Dyson

Andy Apsted, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Tom BrookeAndy Apsted

“…opened my eyes… for decades, the West has been inflicting suffering on the poor and powerless.  The war in the desert, in the oil fields… we’ve brought it back to the streets of Britain.  There’s kids growing up over here, all they hear is what’s been done to families and friends over there.  Who can blame them… if they want to push back?  And when they push back, our politicians act like it’s come from nowhere… so they can pass laws restricting our freedoms and order new attacks against the so-called terrorists.  And guess what, the cycle of violence goes on.” — Andy Apsted

“Always wondered if you’d turn up sometimes.  That’s how you were in Helmand.  Put PTSD on your job application, who’s going to hire you?  Right?  Just because it’s not visible… mate, you can’t beat it on your own.  The counseling sessions… they’re really helpful.  There’s a bunch of us now, good– so, what are you doing now?  Doing what?  Government ministers.  Are you fucking kidding me?  You’re protecting those wankers?  You turn up after all this time and tell me this shit.  What’s that about?  You’ve got a fucking nerve, mate.  Understand… what?  You say a lot of stuff when you’ve seen your best mates blown to pieces.” — Andy Apsted

Luke Aitkens, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Matt StokoeLuke Aitkens

“Are you getting in?  Do you want me to call someone?  Open invitation.” — Luke Aitkens

Kim Knowles

“That’s the principal now, Skipper, in the first car.  The backup’s behind.  Her driver’s Terry and the PPO’s PC Tom Fenton.  Ma’am.  Ma’am, this is PS Budd, the new PPO.  Julia likes to be seen.” — Kim Knowles

Roger Penhaligon, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Nicholas GleavesRoger Penhaligon

“Mind if I steal your boss for a minute, Rob?  Interesting TV interview.  You must be very proud.  Planning on hijacking the counter terror debate for shameless self-promotion?  You’re not returning my calls.  You work for us, Plod, so wind your neck in.  I’m the fucking Chief Whip.  When I call, you answer.  We claim the center ground, but you’re heading off-piste.  Bullshit.  He’s weakened.  You’re making a move for the leadership.  Can’t you call your monkey off?  Throw him some nuts.  John. Roger Penhaligon.  No.  Not great.  I need to record my side of a conversation with one of the PPOs.” — Roger Penhaligon

Vicky Budd, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Sophie RundleVicky Budd

“Oh, God!  Thank God!  Come here.  Oh!  Aw, sweetheart.  Thank you. Night-night, sweetheart.  You don’t have to.  You feeling okay?  Come on.  Let’s talk downstairs.  Oh, for Christ sake, Dave.” — Vicky Budd

“Hello.  You okay?  About what?  What do you want?  Don’t start.  This is not normal.  I know what happens when you call late with a few drinks inside you.  Not now.  No.  Not like this.” — Vicky Budd

“Sorry, I was just getting ready for work.  Okay.  I was just having a round of toast, but I can make you some?  Sleepover.  Look.  Don’t take this the wrong way.  I know you’re disappointed to miss the kids, but maybe that’s why it’s best that you call ahead if you come around.  Why?  Yeah, you always are.  You need help, Dave.  Yes, and I keep covering for you, so that you can keep it, but I’ve stopped being able to stand back and watch.  You are getting worse, Dave.  I’ve met someone.  Yes.  No.  Look, I… I was gonna tell you.  They’re with their school friends.  They’ve had a lovely time.  They think he’s a friend.  Dave?  Dave?  Oh, God, no, we’re not that serious, or anything.  It’s early days.” — Vicky Budd

Explosives Officer Karen

“Explosives officer.  Miss.  My name’s Karen.  Now, I need you to put your arms down.  Good.  Now, turn your palms towards me.  And do not move.  I’m moving towards you now.  Nadia… now, I need to ask you… this object in your hand is the initiation device?  Does anyone else have control of this device?  Straighten your arm, please.  Arms up, please.  All the way up.  Good.  Turn around for me, please.  I’m going to remove the belt.  I need everyone out now.” — Karen

Ella Budd, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Bella PaddenElla Budd

“Where’s daddy?  Mummy!” — Ella Budd

Charlie Budd, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Matthew StaggCharlie Budd

“Mummy!  Night.  I love you, too.” — Charlie Budd

Nadia Ali, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Anjli MohindraNadia Ali

“Nadia.  You have children?  Yes.  No.” — Nadia Ali

Guard, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Olwen MayTrain Security Guard

“Excuse me.  Is everything all right in there? …suspicious in toilet C-D.  How do you know that?  British Transport Police have put out an alert on a possible suicide bomber attempting to board a London-bound service.  We’ve been ordered to stop the train at Barnet Shed.  It’s a derelict depot.  SO 19– they’re going to board the train.  Seven minutes.  Uh, Sandra.  Uh, 07700-900-876.  I need to call this in.  Hello?  What– the stop’s just a few minutes away.  Yes.  The rest of what?  Yeah, okay.  This is your guard speaking.  Would all passengers in carriage D please make your way at once into Carriages E and F?  And would all passengers in Carriage C… …into carriages D… …and A.” — Guard

OFC, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Renée CastleOFC Tanner

“This way, Sarge.  We’ll take you down to trackside.  Trojan receiving.  Copy.  Train ETA’s three minutes.  Three minutes!  Received.  Stand by!  Armed police!  We know who you are.  Stand clear.  David, work with me, yeah?  You’ve done a great job, but you’re not OFC here.  I am.  I need you to stand down, nice and easy.  Move away from the subject.  Received.  They’re here.  Now, move away.  David, stand clear.  This is your final warning.  Stand clear.  Trojan OFC to TFC.  PS Budd was given repeated warnings to stand down, but failed to cooperate.  We have no clear shot of the subject.  Received.  David, I need the subject to step out of the toilet.  Come out of the toilet.  Come out of the toilet.  Stand aside.  You need to come out of the toilet.  Step out of the toilet!  David, stand down!  Out!  Out!  Get out of the fucking toilet!  Expo.  Expo is coming.  Open the door.” — OFC

Control Operator

“Trojan, Control, message.  Subject is at front of train, no visible device, to be detained for questioning.  Proceed as planned.  Trojan, we’ve got a sit rep from the train guard.  There’s an off-duty specialist protection officer on board, PS David Budd.  TFC reports sniper in position.  Critical shot authorized.  Sniper one, do you have a clean shot?  Subject required out of toilet for shot.  Control to Sniper one.  Can you execute critical shot?  No clean shot available, repeat no clean shot available.  Control.  Sending Expo in now.” — Control

“Sierra Zulu Seven-Two from Control.  Seven-Two, do you have an ETA for Tulip to arrive at Melbourne?  Seven-Two, call up when one minute away.  Control out.” — Control

Anne Sampson, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Gina McKeeCommander Anne Sampson

The more we delve into this inquiry, the more likely it seems all recent terror events could be connected.  In our view, the probability is extremely high of a single bomb-maker.  All these incidents could be connected under a single conspiracy.  Accomplices to that conspiracy could still be at large, including the mastermind behind it all.” — Anne Sampson

Deepak Sharma, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Ash TandonDetective Chief Inspector Deepak Sharma

Louise Rayburn, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Nina Toussaint-WhiteDetective Sergeant Louise Rayburn

Mike Travis, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Vincent FranklinMinister of State Mike Travis

Stephen Hunter-Dunn, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Stuart BowmanDirector Stephen Hunter-Dunn

Richard Longcross, Bodyguard, BBC One, World Productions, ITV Studios Global Entertainment, Netflix, Michael SchaefferRichard Longcross

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