Tag Archives: Artisan

It’s been a long time coming

It’s been a long time coming 
It’s going to be a long time gone 
And it appears to be a long 
Appears to be a long 
Appears to be a long time 
It’s a long, long, long, long time 
Before the dawn
–Crosby, Stills, and Nash

What if you had a rock star run a country?

It would be a disaster.

Unless —

Unless  — maybe —


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Misery Acquaints

…there is no other shelter hereabout:
misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.
I will here shroud till the
dregs of the storm be past.
— Shakespeare

They couldn’t be stranger bedfellows.

They couldn’t be more different — in Temperament and upbringing.

But there they were.  Bound together in tragedy and purpose, at this point in time.

They needed each other, and they wanted each other’s help.

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Symbiotic Justice

Warner Bros. is ramping up their JLA efforts after Ben Affleck recently shot down reports that he might direct the film.  The studio has reportedly reached out to The Matrix Trilogy writers’ and directors’ Andy and Lana Wachowski to take the reigns of a Justice League of America film;

“According to Moviehole, the sibling directors behind the Matrix trilogy, Speed Racer and the upcoming sci-fi epic Cloud Atlas are on the studio’s list of possible contenders to helm JLA, which was scripted by Gangster Squad’s Will Beall. The site claims the studio is “apparently jazzed with Cloud Atlas, and love that it’s as much a spectacle as it is a showcase for the immense ensemble involved, so it makes sense the W’s are under consideration. Justice League needs to be as big on character, as it does bells & whistles, and the Wachowski’s could probably offer that.”

It’s no secret that Joss Whedon put a large emphasis on “character” in The Avengers, and given the films success, it seems WB will be attempting to follow suit.  Given DC’s roster, it seems like they’ll have a good shot at giving Marvel a run for it’s money.  What roster?  You ask?  Let’s take a look.

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You Bet Your Life

I still remember it.

You bet your life, I do.

Groucho Marx’s You Bet Your Life

All though it might have been a rerun couple of years later, it was — that long ago, and I was definitely young at the time (sigh).

I remember it, even though, she didn’t have the crazy hair.

But you could see Groucho was impressed.  He even said so at the time.

It takes talent to know talent.  Natural talent, that is — it’s called Temperament

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The Single Girl

She attempted to have the book censored or banned in the United States.

No, she wasn’t your socially conservative female.

Yes, in 1962 it was viewed as a scandalous book:  Sex and the Single Girl advocated having sex before marriage, and gave advice on how to have an affair.

And she was married.


Continue reading The Single Girl

Synergetic Justice

Ben Affleck may direct a Justice League of America film as he has reportedly been sent a script by Warner Bros.: “Affleck is the only candidate who’s been sent Will Beall’s Justice League script.”  The Bostonian actor/writer/producer/director has recently only directed movies that he also stars in.  Leading some to believe that he might even don some superhero tights if he takes the project on.  Sources add that the JLA movie would be slated for summer 2015, meaning it would go toe-to-toe against it’s direct competitor The Avengers 2.  Speaking of The Avengers 2: Joss Whedon has signed on to write and direct the film, as well as an Avenger’s TV show of some kind for ABC.  Though Affleck’s camp is trying to downplay the news story; Warner Bros. does well for itself to put the idea out there that a JLA film is indeed happening and all they need now is a Director.  Why does Warner Bros. want a JLA film so badly?  Why.  Because anyone who’s anyone has their own well-balanced Super-Squad.  Super-Squad, you ask?  Let’s take a look.

Quote1.pngPeople are different in fundamental ways.  They want different things ; they have different motives, purposes, aims, values, needs, drives, impulses, urges.  Nothing is more fundamental than that.  They believe differently, they think, cognize, conceptualize, perceive, understand, comprehend, and cogitate differently.  And of course, manners of acting and emoting, governed as they are by wants and beliefs, follow suit and differ radically among people.Quote2.png

Please Understand Me p. 2

Continue reading Synergetic Justice

The Natural

Most of us struggle to find what we do best: natural talent and circumstance is not aligned.

But on this rare occasion, he could hear it, clearly — from the beginning.

There is geometry in the humming of the strings,
there is music in the spacing of the spheres.

For he was a Natural.

A Composer that became a composer, from the start.

God  bless the child,
who’s got his own.
Billy Holiday

Continue reading The Natural

Power Reveals

It was really an impossible task for anybody. Especially for Jack.

Except for him.

There he was in the small room — secret service keeping him there, he, not knowing what was happening.

Jack had essentially had cut him off from power for three years.

Powerless.  A Fox on a Leash.

The first Vice President, had described it as “the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.”

But then one of Kennedy’s aides, came to him in that small hospital room, and said with some solemnity — “Mr President..

Continue reading Power Reveals

Keirsey Research 2012 Election Tracking Poll: The Temperament Gap Holds Steady

The Keirsey Research 2012 Presidential election tracking poll continues to show a consistent gap when comparing the preferences of the 4 Temperaments.  In a nutshell, if only Guardian men were allowed to vote, Mitt Romney would easily be elected as the next president of the United States.  Unfortunately for him, no such restriction exists, and the overwhelming preference of Idealists and Rationals, as well as marked preference of all Artisans and of Guardian women, is Barack Obama.  We have sliced and diced the data in many directions this month, with graphs and charts to help explain what is going on, and why Romney faces such an uphill battle to November.

First, a short word about our poll and validity.  Since we analyze and present our data with a Temperament stratification, we have received a number of emails from readers questioning our results.  These emails usually take the form of, “Your data shows that [ex] Idealist women strongly favor Obama.  I’m an Idealist woman, and I am voting for Ron Paul.  Your data is wrong!”

To start, this is a poll.  It shows that just as there are Guardian men who are planning to vote for Obama, there are Idealist women who are planning to vote for Romney (or Ron Paul).  Those are the smaller bars on the charts.  The data indicates the preferences of the majority of voters, not that all people of a particular group will vote identically.  Our poll is statistically valid to within 1-2% at it’s highest level, ie the entire sample of 1000 US registered voters who are planning on voting in the upcoming election.  At the individual temperament / gender level, it is accurate to +/- 5%, as each of these groups is a smaller subset of the 1000.  However, since we are running a tracking poll, and the results have been consistent now for 3 months, our confidence level is very high.  But back to the individual noting that they are an outlier of the majority of their Temperament group, I will give a specific example – Dave Keirsey and I are both Rational males.  We don’t plan on voting for the same candidate.  Each of us, in our heart, thinks of the other as an outlier.  So it goes.  (The fact that everyone in our poll has enough of an interest in self-awareness to spend 10-15 minutes taking the KTS-II may introduce some bias into the poll, but as you will see our representation by political party mirrors the US general population, so we have satisfied ourselves that interest in self awareness is not limited by political belief).

On to the results.  The poll was conducted during the first week of July 2012.  The sampled participants are representative of the 2010 US Census data by sex, age, and geographical region. Continue reading Keirsey Research 2012 Election Tracking Poll: The Temperament Gap Holds Steady

Friendly Fun

Admit it, you know the scene…  Meg Ryan.

Ok, another hint.

“I’ll have what she’s having”  — Ok, now you know.

That Friendly Fun.

Making fun of the foibles of human relations, was her forte.  Taking a jocular look at sensitive subjects.  Real issues.

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