Netflix original documentary The Redeem Team dropped October 7th, 2022.

#RedeemTeam has been watched 18.14M+ hours.

rottentomatoes: 92%
metacritic: 76
imdb: 7.5
Continue reading Dream Team
Netflix original documentary The Redeem Team dropped October 7th, 2022.
#RedeemTeam has been watched 18.14M+ hours.
rottentomatoes: 92%
metacritic: 76
imdb: 7.5
Next Sunday … 🍿pic.twitter.com/PfTiINIbrl
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) April 13, 2020
#TheLastDanceis ESPN’s most-watched documentary.
rottentomatoes: 97%
metacritic: 92
imdb: 9.7