Category Archives: Rational


With the eyes of a child
You must come out and see
That your world’s spinning ’round
Moody Blues

She wrote it in plain and clear language, so, even a child understand.

However, I doubt many adults could understand it, even now: most adults are too stupid to understand.

No, not ignorant, just stupid.  Adults:  too naturally not interestedtoo busy, too lazy, too “know it all,” too impatient to really see  — and to learn.

Danger lies not in what we don’t know,
but in what we think we know that just ain’t so
– Mark Twain


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Synergetic Justice

Ben Affleck may direct a Justice League of America film as he has reportedly been sent a script by Warner Bros.: “Affleck is the only candidate who’s been sent Will Beall’s Justice League script.”  The Bostonian actor/writer/producer/director has recently only directed movies that he also stars in.  Leading some to believe that he might even don some superhero tights if he takes the project on.  Sources add that the JLA movie would be slated for summer 2015, meaning it would go toe-to-toe against it’s direct competitor The Avengers 2.  Speaking of The Avengers 2: Joss Whedon has signed on to write and direct the film, as well as an Avenger’s TV show of some kind for ABC.  Though Affleck’s camp is trying to downplay the news story; Warner Bros. does well for itself to put the idea out there that a JLA film is indeed happening and all they need now is a Director.  Why does Warner Bros. want a JLA film so badly?  Why.  Because anyone who’s anyone has their own well-balanced Super-Squad.  Super-Squad, you ask?  Let’s take a look.

Quote1.pngPeople are different in fundamental ways.  They want different things ; they have different motives, purposes, aims, values, needs, drives, impulses, urges.  Nothing is more fundamental than that.  They believe differently, they think, cognize, conceptualize, perceive, understand, comprehend, and cogitate differently.  And of course, manners of acting and emoting, governed as they are by wants and beliefs, follow suit and differ radically among people.Quote2.png

Please Understand Me p. 2

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Diabolic Revelation

As the summer of the movie nerd draws to a close, one wonders what in the world I’m going to start talking about.  Just kidding.  There’s still SOME snippets of news however as: The Hobbit is now a trilogy, The Wolverine is shooting in Australia, Skyfall has a new trailer, and these lesser known Marvel projects have been green lit.  Speaking of marvel projects:

Simon Kinberg, who is co-writing X-Men: First Class 2 with director Matthew Vaughn and Jane Goldman, spoke about the hotly anticipated mutant sequel at Comic-Con last weekend. Unsurprisingly, he’s not allowed to give any details about the plot, but he did say that the film is “extraordinarily ambitious” and “unlike the other X-Men movies and yet very much a celebration of the X-Men movies.”

Sources say Vaughn has mentioned the idea of Magneto’s magnetism being correlated with a fictional rendition of JFK’s infamous “magic bullet” assassination.  Which would make sense.  Because Magneto controls metal.  Get it?  Noobs.  The film’s story will focus primarily on the Days Of Future Past plot-line, depicting a dystopian alternative future in which mutants are incarcerated in internment camps.  As the political conflict between humans and mutants escalates, former friends Magneto and Professor X realize that they posses two different and opposing fundamental perspectives.  Which ones? You ask?  Let’s take a look.

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Light-hearted Company

Peter Jackson has faced a reasonable amount of criticism recently for shooting The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in brand new 48 frames per second technology.  Critics of the newstuff got a ten minute sneak peek of the film at this years CinemaCon, and essentially claimed that the films aesthetics looked “TOO GOOD”:

Quote1.pngWhile 48fps may create a more realistic, “you are there” picture quality, it actually works against The Hobbit from the 10 minutes of footage we saw. This undeniable “reality” kept pulling me out of the movie rather than immersing me fully into its world as the Lord of the Rings films did; the very fantasy element, the artifice of it all (whether it’s the wigs, fake beards or CG monsters) was plainly, at times painfully, evident.Quote2.png

Now I’m not a rocket scientist or anything but I’d say that twice the quality of video is a step FORWARD for the movie industry and is a GOOD thing.

Peter Jackson responded to the skepticism by saying that people will simply have to deal with his movie looking “too good”:

Quote1.pngAt first it’s unusual because you’ve never seen a movie like this before. It’s literally a new experience, but you know, that doesn’t last the entire experience of the film; not by any stretch, after 10 minutes or so,” said Jackson. “That’s a different experience than if you see a fast-cutting montage at a technical presentation.Quote2.png

Ya.  You idiots.  Oh.  Did I just say that out loud?  Can Peter Jackson yet again bring us a dope sauce rendition of J.R.R. Tolkein’s absolutely delight-filled and charming classic fantasy novel The Hobbit?  If I was a bettin’ man.  I’d say yes.  Because The Hobbit is literally, figuratively, and arguably one of the best fictional novels of all time.  Ever.  Don’t hold me to that one that though.  As there are some pretty solid stories in book form in the world as we know it.  Like this top 10:

Old Man and the Sea, Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies, Pride and Prejudice, 1984, Grapes of Wrath, Hamlet, War and Peace, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Fountainhead

(Post your personal top 10 below!)

WHAT TRULY MAKES a vivid, illustrious, and captivating fictional tale you ask?  Well.  Some would say that it starts with a dense and meaningful relationship between the main characters.  Like for instance the somewhat strained but still very dear friendship between Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey.  Who?  You ask?  Well.  Let’s take a look.

Rationals and Guardians can indeed make for powerhouse dynamic duo’s, as both of them seem to share an inherent fondness for the structures within societyRationals seek desperately to improve it, while Guardians work tirelessly to preserve it.  Indeed a Rational’s pragmatic, skeptical, and relativistic mindset match up quite well with a Guardians stoical, pessimistic, and fatalistic viewpoint.  The two however do have a bright side, and can sometimes take break’s from their work to sit back and enjoy one anothers company.

Quote1.pngGood morning!” said Bilbo, and he meant it.  The sun was shining, and the grass was very green.

But Gandalf looked at him from under long bushy eyebrows that stuck out farther than the brim of his shady hat.

What do you mean?” he said. “Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?”

“All of them at once,Quote2.png said Bilbo.

— The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein

Continue reading Light-hearted Company

It’s about Time.

It has been a long time gone.

They finally have the time to try to make it work.

You know that thing called Democracy.

No, not the rhetoric  — well, the false promises…  words, words, words.  The Politician. The lies.. The grabbing of power, and holding on.  The Tyrants. Rulers.  Leaders, in name only.


You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately … Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!  — Oliver Cromwell to the Rump Parliament.

They have gone in two countries.  Male tyrants and scoundrels.

It’s about time for their turn:  two strong and determined women.  The Challenge of Democracy.  The men have been mostly a disaster.

Continue reading It’s about Time.

The Gift

He said softly, “I don’t see the point of us meeting.”

The conversation had essentially ended at that point.  It was a complex point. An awkward social moment in time.

Very likely he wouldn’t accept a gift of million dollars.

The Riemann Zeta Function.

It was a clopen topic to him; you see, it hadn’t anything to do with Mathematics proper.

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