Disney+ original film Doctor Strange was released October 13th, 2016.

#DrStrange made $677.7M at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 89%
metacritic: 72
imdb: 7.5
oscars: 1 nomination
Continue reading Doctor Strange
Disney+ original film Doctor Strange was released October 13th, 2016.
#DrStrange made $677.7M at the international box office.
rottentomatoes: 89%
metacritic: 72
imdb: 7.5
oscars: 1 nomination
Disney+ original drama Loki drops its third episode this Wednesday June 23, 2021.
#Loki is on a six week slate / is Disney+’s most watched premiere.
rottentomatoes: 96%
metacritic: 73
imdb: 9.2