Disney+ original film Doctor Strange was released October 13th, 2016.

#DrStrange made $677.7M at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 89%
metacritic: 72
imdb: 7.5
oscars: 1 nomination
Continue reading Doctor Strange
Disney+ original film Doctor Strange was released October 13th, 2016.
#DrStrange made $677.7M at the international box office.
rottentomatoes: 89%
metacritic: 72
imdb: 7.5
oscars: 1 nomination
The summer is upon us my dear friends and with it comes San Diego Comic-Con, and Despicable Me 2:
The first one got an 81% on rottentomatoes. Which is better than any film Zack Snyder has ever made. Ever.
Marvel’s promise to “keep taking risks” ended them up with an Ant-Man film. How pumped were YOU when you saw “Ant-Man“? You weren’t. Disney recently announced that Marvel Studios’ Phase Three will kick off in the summer of 2016: releasing films on — July 8 2016, May 6 2016, and May 5 2017. Ant-Man and Doctor Strange will be two of those films, and have yet to cast lead roles. Having recently reacquired intellectual property Blade, Daredevil, The Punisher, and Ghostrider: Marvel has requested a meeting with Vin Diesel. Opening the door for a whole lot of nerd speculation.
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There comes a time in contracts where, if a studio is done making the movies, [the characters] come home,” he explained. “That doesn’t mean we’re going to make another movie. But it means they’re back in the fold, which is where we want them to be.
— Kevin Feige
Zack Snyder may be a bad story-teller, but in all fairness is a talented cinematographer. Luckily enough for us, Christopher Nolan is the kind of guy that would start trolling a baddie if they are bad. Which let’s be honest if you are dealing with Zack Snyder; that is going to be the case more often than not.
#TROLOLOLOL. Disney finally bought itself out of Marvel’s Paramount contract, but is still paying 8% and 9% royalties on grosses $1,511,757,910 (The Avengers) and $1,147,575,931 (Iron Man 3) respectively. Granting Paramount roughly 200$mill without breaking a sweat. Or literally even doing anything. Thor: The Dark World however: will be Marvel Studios’ first foot-loose and fancy-free “in-house” project. With a little bit of wiggle-room, Marvel has already started writing up scripts for some of it’s most recently re-acquired intellectual property most notably: Blade, Punisher, Daredevil, Ghostrider, and Doctor Strange.
They’re back in the fold, which is where we want them to be.
— Marvel President Kevin Feige
As the #superheroarmsrace #startsheatingup, rumor has it @ChrisNolanWB is now basically the Kevin Feige of DC/Warner Bros. Igniting what some might describe as a MERCILESS RUMBLE OF TITANS.