I, too, was once a Human Being, Revisited

No ashes, no coal can burn with such glow.
As a secretive love of which no one must know.

She was.

But, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us…” [Charles Dickens, Tale of Two Cities]

She began her dark journey into light at the age of seventeen.

In that darkness, he had beaten her ‘on her bare buttocks’ in a ‘special room’ away from the family. In the light, she eventually confessed that she had felt sexual excitement when her father beat her. Her mother had raised her ‘in complete sexual ignorance.’

Suffering – both physical and emotional – with love.

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Of Complex Character, Revisited

Gaia is a tough bitch.

Hot Cold Passion: a passion for science.

She was a Scientist, first.

And she was a Character — a very interesting, and complex character.

Having entered the science community as a woman, when men still dominated science, and being charmed by a huge scientific ego, Carl, she luckily had to explore the backwaters of evolutionary biology at the time, bacteria, not getting much support from him or her male contemporaries.  Of course, like all good science, that estuary of knowledge contained biological riches totally ignored by well established conventional scientific community.  Like Darwin before, she was sui generis: a driven, feisty, no holds barred, idea brawler — an intellectual maverick — by necessity and choice.  Initially ignored, she generated a fair amount of hostility from the conventional scientific community when they were challenged.

And intellectual mavericks, with persistence, are the only type to challenge the major ideas of conventional science, and win — somewhat.

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Extraordinary Grace

Extraordinary Grace

Academy Award #bestactor Jamie Foxx is looking pretty OG triple as deranged electomancer Max Dillon a.k.a. Electro.  Though not an in-house Marvel Production, Sony Pictures has seen wild success with @therealstanlee’s coveted Web-Slinger franchise.  Save perhaps when they cast Eric Forman as afflicted bruiser Eddie Brock a.k.a. Venom.  Which was a sub-optimal move, one might say.  Kind of  like the cinematic blunder known as Sucker Punch directed by who other than rampant herpaderp nub-scrub Zack Snyder.  #LOLUMADBRO?!?!

Quote1.png“It’s a couple hours of make-up, but it’s really so much fun,” Jamie Foxx on being Electro,“It’s part of a remarkable legacy: Spider-Man.  I mean, when you’re growing up as a kid, that’s everything. So to be able to be in that is just amazing–the producers wanted something for the future.  They wanted to have it more grounded and not as “comic-bookie”, so it won’t be green and yellow.  They wanted to try new things in the script.  This villain (@Electro) is for  the first time written really, really well,” he continued. “[Star] Andrew Garfield and [director] Marc Webb both commented on how great the script is, so it should be an exciting time.   “I’m just waiting to get to Comic-Con and see how people respond to it.Quote2.png — Jamie Foxx

Extraordinary Grace 3

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