Disney+ original film John Wick was released October 24, 2014.
The #JohnWick trilogy made $588.78M worldwide.
rottentomatoes: 86%
metacritic: 68
imdb: 7.4
Continue reading John Wick
Disney+ original film John Wick was released October 24, 2014.
The #JohnWick trilogy made $588.78M worldwide.
rottentomatoes: 86%
metacritic: 68
imdb: 7.4
AMC original drama Breaking Bad concluded September 29, 2013.
#BreakingBad is available on Netflix.
rottentomatoes: 96%
metacritic: 87
imdb: 9.5
emmys: 16 wins
golden globes: 2 wins
SAG awards: 3 wins
Netflix original film The Harder They Fall dropped November 3rd, 2021.
#TheHarderTheyFall was produced by Jay-Z.
rottentomatoes: 86%
metacritic: 70
imdb: 5.6
#ProjectPowercost $85.1 million.
rottentomatoes: 61%
metacritic: 51
imdb: 6.1
#TheMandalorian, the first live-action Star Wars series, only on #DisneyPlus. Start streaming November 12. @TheMandalorian pic.twitter.com/Dxum2bZDCa
— Disney+ (@DisneyPlus) August 23, 2019
#TheMandalorian season 2 is in development.
rottentomatoes: 89%
metacritic: 68
imdb: 9.1