Tag Archives: James Horner

Gone Native

Avatar, Disney+, Twentieth Century Fox, Dune Entertainment, Lightstorm Entertainment

Disney+ original film Avatar was released December 18th, 2009.

Avatar, Disney+, Twentieth Century Fox, Dune Entertainment, Lightstorm Entertainment
Avatar, Disney+, Twentieth Century Fox, Dune Entertainment, Lightstorm Entertainment
Avatar, Disney+, Twentieth Century Fox, Dune Entertainment, Lightstorm Entertainment

#Avatar cleared $2.923B at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 89%

metacritic: 83

imdb: 7.9

oscars: 3 wins

golden globes: 2 wins

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Trojan War

Troy, Warner Bros., Helena Productions, Latina Pictures, Radiant Productions, Plan B Entertainment, Nimar Studios

Warner Bros. original film Troy was released May 14th, 2004.

#Troy cleared $497.4M at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 53%

metacritic: 56

imdb: 7.3

oscars: 1 nomination

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British Empire

HBO Max original film Braveheart was released May 19th, 1995.

#Braveheart cleared $213.2M at the international box office / won best film.

rottentomatoes: 75%

metacritic: 68

imdb: 8.4

oscars: 5 wins

golden globes: 1 win

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Love Story

Paramount+ original film Titanic was released December 19, 1997.

#Titanic cleared $2.201B at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 87%

metacritic: 75

imdb: 7.9

oscars: 11 wins

golden globes: 4 wins

SAG awards: 1 win

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