Tag Archives: H.G. Wells

Extra Terrestrial

War of the Worlds, Paramount+, Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Cruise/Wagner Productions

Paramount+ original film War of the Worlds was released June 23rd, 2005.

War of the Worlds, Paramount+, Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Cruise/Wagner Productions
War of the Worlds, Paramount+, Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Cruise/Wagner Productions
War of the Worlds, Paramount+, Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Cruise/Wagner Productions

#WOTW cleared $603.8M at the international box office.

rottentomatoes: 76%

metacritic: 73

imdb: 6.5

oscars: 3 nominations

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Raven Doppelgänger


BBC America‘s science fiction thriller Orphan Black stole an Emmy last week via the versatile performance of Tatiana Maslany.

#Cloneclub will return for a 5th and final season.

Rottentomatoes: 92%

Metacritic: 73

IMDb: 8.4

Emmys: 1 win 2 nominations

***Spoilers Ahead***

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