Schindler's List, Peacock, Universal Pictures, Amblin Entertainment

Schindler’s List

Universal Pictures original film Schindler’s List was released February 4th, 1994.

#Schindler’sList is based on a true story / cleared $322.1M internationally / won best film.

rottentomatoes: 98%

metacritic: 95

imdb: 9.0

oscars: 7 wins

golden globes: 3 wins

Oskar Schindler, Schindler's List, Amazon Prime Video, Universal Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Liam Neeson

Oskar Schindler

Oskar Schindler saves 1,200 Jews from Auschwitz outside of WWII Kraków, Poland.
Oskar Schindler, Schindler's List, Amazon Prime Video, Universal Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Liam Neeson

Best Actor in a Leading Role

1 nomination: 1994

Best Actor – Motion Picture – Drama

1 nomination: 1994

“Bring them over a round of drinks. You can say they are from me. How are you doing? You’d leave a woman alone at a table in a place like this? Sweetheart, you’re the picture of loneliness. Mmm, what a lovely fragrance. You’re breaking my heart. An extra chair, please. Vodka for my friend. And for the lady?” — Oskar Schindler

“Tell me about your cellar wines. Mmm, French. A Bordeaux. Château Latour, ’28, ’29? A Margaux, ’29? No, no, we don’t– Burgundy then? A Romanée-Conti, ’37?” — Oskar Schindler

“Itzhak Stern. I’m looking for Itzhak Stern. Are you Itzhak Stern or not? Where can we talk? There’s a company you did the books for on Lipowa Street. Made what? Pots and pans? Well, I’m a German. So there we are. A good company, you think? I know nothing about enamelware. Do you? Simple engineering though, wouldn’t you think? Changing the machines around, whatever you do, you could make other things, couldn’t you? Field kits, mess kits. Army contracts. Once the war ends, forget it, but for now it’s great. You can make a fortune, don’t you think? Like what?” — Oskar Schindler

“Oh, well, I can get the signatures I need. That’s the easy part. Finding the money to buy the company, that’s hard. Not that kind of money. You know anybody? Jews, yeah. Investors. You must have contacts in the Jewish business community working here. But they wouldn’t own it. I’d own it. I’d pay them back in product: pots and pans. Something they can use. Something they can feel in their hands. They can trade it on the black market, do whatever they want. Everybody’s happy.” — Oskar Schindler

“If you want you could run the company for me. I’d make sure it’s known the company’s in business. I’d see that it had a certain panache. That’s what I’m good at, not the work. Not the work. The presentation. Well, they should be, Itzhak Stern. Tell them they should be.” — Oskar Schindler

“Hello. Pardon for me interfering, but that’s a nice shirt. Nice shirt. Do you know where I can find a nice shirt like that? Nice things cost money. I’m going to need some other things, too, as things come up. From time to time.” — Oskar Schindler

“Well, this is obviously the right place. How are you doing? It could not be better.” — Oskar Schindler

“For each thousand you invest, I will repay you with… 200 kilos of enamelware a month, to begin in July and to continue for one year. After which time, we’re even. That’s it. Very simple. Not good enough? Look where you’re living. Look where you’ve been put. ‘Not good enough.’ A couple of months ago, you’d be right, not anymore. No, it is not. That’s why we’re here. Trade goods– that’s the only currency that’ll be worth anything in the ghetto. Things have changed, my friend. Did I call this meeting?” — Oskar Schindler

“You told Mr. Stern you wanted to speak to me. I’m here. I’ve made you a fair offer. Forget the whole thing. Get out. Because I said I would. You want a contract? To be upheld by what court? I said what I’ll do. That’s our contract.” — Oskar Schindler

“What was that about the SS? The rate? What? But it’s less. It’s less than what I would pay a Pole. That’s the point I’m trying to make. Poles cost more. Why would I hire Poles?” — Oskar Schindler

“Filing, billing, keeping tracks of my appointments, shorthand. Typing, obviously. How is your typing? Please. I don’t know how. They’re all so… qualified.” — Oskar Schindler

“Look after my guest. Um, boxed teas are good. Coffee, pâté, um… kielbasa sausage, cheeses, Beluga caviar. And, of course, who could live without German cigarettes? Get me as many as you can find. And some more fresh fruit. The real rarities– oranges, lemons, pineapples. I need several boxes of Cuban cigars. The best. And dark, unsweetened chocolate. Not in the shape of ladyfingers, the chunk chocolate. Big as my hand, you sample at wine tastings. We’re going to need lots of cognac. The best, Hennessy. Dom Pérignon champagne. Um, get L’espadon Sardines… and, oh, try to find nylon stockings.” — Oskar Schindler

“It is my distinct pleasure to announce… the fully operational status… of Deutsche Email Fabrik… manufacturers of superior enamelware crockery… expressly designed and crafted… for military use. Utilizing only the most modern equipment, D.E.F.’s staff of highly skilled and experienced artisans and journeymen… deliver a product of unparalleled quality, enabling me to proffer, with absolute confidence and pride, a full line of field and kitchenware… unsurpassable in all respects by my competitors. See attached list and available colors. Anticipating the enclosed bids will meet with your approval, looking forward to a long and mutually prosperous association. I extend to you in advance my sincerest gratitude… and very best regards. Oskar Schindler.” — Oskar Schindler

“Yeah, I need 700 gross from here for next Thursday. Nine hundred– no, make it ten for Wednesday. All this stuff here goes to Madritsch’s factory on Tuesday of next week.” — Oskar Schindler

“My father was fond of saying, ‘You need three things in life: a good doctor, a forgiving priest… and a clever accountant.’ The first two… I’ve never had much use for. But the third– just pretend, for Christ’s sake. I’m trying to thank you. I’m saying I couldn’t have done this without you. The usual thing would be acknowledge my gratitude. It would also, by the way, be the courteous thing. Get out of here.” — Oskar Schindler

“Klonowska, who is it? She’s so embarrassed. Look at her. You know something? You would like her. What? You would, though. You look wonderful.” — Oskar Schindler

“Mrs. Schindler, Marek. A charade? How could it be? Wait a minute. Take a guess how many people are on my payroll. My father, at the height of his success, had 50. I’ve got 350. 350 workers on the factory floor, with one purpose. To make money. For me. Does anyone ask about me? Hmm. They won’t soon forget the name Schindler here, I can tell you that. ‘Oskar Schindler,’ they’ll say. ‘Everybody remembers him. He did something extraordinary. He did something no one else did. He came here with nothing– a suitcase– and built a bankrupt company into a major manufactory. And left with a steamer trunk– two steamer trunks full of money, all the riches of the world.'” — Oskar Schindler

“You’re wrong, Emilie. There’s no way I could have known this before, but there was always something missing. In every business I tried, I can see how, it wasn’t me that failed. Something was missing. Even if I’d known what it was, there’s nothing I could have done about it… because you can’t create this thing. And it makes all the difference in the world between success and failure. War.” — Oskar Schindler

“It’s a beautiful city. It’s up to you. Good-bye, darling.” — Oskar Schindler

“I could try to read this or I could eat my lunch while it’s still hot. We’re doing well? Better this month than last? Any reason to think next month will be worse? What?” — Oskar Schindler

“You’re welcome. I’m sure you’re doing a great job. That’s great. I’m sure you do. That’s great. Thanks. All right.” — Oskar Schindler

“By the way, don’t ever do that to me again. Did you happen to notice that that man had one arm? What’s his use? How?” — Oskar Schindler

“I lost a day of production, Rolf. I lost a worker. I expect to be compensated. Would it do any good? He was a metal press operator. Quite skilled.” — Oskar Schindler

“I don’t believe it. Stern, is that you?” — Oskar Schindler

“Stern? He is? Well, let’s find him. I didn’t ask you about the list. I asked you your name. Tauber. My plant manager is somewhere on this train. If it leaves with him on it, it’ll disrupt production… and the Armaments Board will want to know why. What is your name? Kunder. K-U-N-D-E-R. Schindler. S-C-H-I-N-D-L-E-R. Gentlemen, thank you very much. I think I can guarantee you… you’ll both be in Southern Russia before the end of the month. Good day. Stern! Stern! Itzhak Stern! Stern! Stern!” — Oskar Schindler

“Stop the train! He’s here! Stop the train! What if I got here five minutes later? Then where would I be?” — Oskar Schindler

Itzhak Stern Schindler's List, Amazon Prime Video, Universal Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Ben Kingsley

Itzhak Stern

“I am. By law, I have to tell you, sir, I’m a Jew. Modestly successful. I was just the accountant. I think most people right now have other priorities. I’m sure you’ll do just fine once you get the contracts. In fact, the worse things get, the better you’ll do.”

“You don’t have any money? What community? Jews can no longer own businesses. That’s why this one’s in receivership. Pots and pans.”

“Let me understand. They’d put up all the money, I’d do all the work. What, if you don’t mind my asking, would you do? I’m sure I don’t know anybody who’ll be interested in this.”

“He’s a very important man. Just give him two minutes of your time. Just sit down and listen. Please. Sir. Two hundred.”

“The standard SS rate for Jewish skilled laborers is seven marks a day, five for unskilled and women. This is what you pay the Reich Economic Office. The Jews themselves receive nothing. The Poles you pay wages. Generally, they get a little more. Are you listening? The Jewish worker’s salary– you pay it directly to the SS, not the worker. He gets nothing. It’s less.”

“An enamelware factory over at, uh, Lipowa Street. It, uh, it, um– it’s owned by a German. But it’s outside the ghetto, so you can barter for extra goods– for eggs, I don’t know what you need– with the Polish workers. You can’t get it here. Also, he’s asking for 10 healthy women for the– bring your sister, okay?”

“I’m gonna get the necessary papers because this card is no good anymore. You can stay in this line all day, you’ll still get one of these. They are no good. You’ll have to leave the line now, then you’ll get a blue card, a Blauschein, to say that you are an essential worker. I’ll get these papers for you at Pankiewicz. Pharmacist. Just there, look.”

“He’s a metal polisher. It’s very good. He’s 53 years old. It’s too new. You’re crazy. You left it in your drawer. How many times have I told you? Your work certificate you keep in your pocket at all times. And you leave everything in your drawer. How many times have I told you?”

“Grosz, Mrs. Grosz, stay together. Look, sir, I have 10 work permits here… for the Deutsche Enamel Fabrik, cosigned by Mr. Bankier and myself.”

“But Moses is a skilled metalworker. He can make tin pots. He can make tanks. He can make whatever Mr. Schindler asks. He’s highly skilled. Give him your card. Moses, give him your card.”

“And whatever he asks you, allow me just to represent you and speak for you. Don’t say a word.”

“You need a secretary. Pick one. You have to choose.”

“Is that all? You’re welcome. Yes. Yes. The war could end. There is a machinist outside… who would like to thank you personally for giving him a job. Every day he comes. He’s very grateful. It’ll just take a minute. Mr Lowenstein? Yes, he did. Yeah.”

“I’m sorry, Herr Direktor, but you’re running very late. This is for the Obersturmbannfuehrer, sir. And this is for his niece, Greta. It’s her birthday. Greta as in Garbo. Go. Go, go, drive! Don’t bow. Did he? Very useful. Very useful! Success!”

“Sir? Herr Direktor. My apologies.”

“I apologize. I somehow left my work card at home. I tried to explain them it was a mistake, but– I’m sorry, it was stupid!”

Amon Goeth, Schindler's List, Amazon Prime Video, Universal Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Ralph Fiennes

Amon Goeth

Best Actor in a Supporting Role

1 nomination: 1994

Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture

1 nomination: 1994

“Ja, why is the top down? I’m fucking freezing. My place is where? There? You call that a villa? That’s not a villa. It’s a house. What’s that over there? Hmm. One of you is, uh, a very lucky girl. There is an opening for a job, away from all this… backbreaking work, at my new villa. Uh… which of you has domestic experience?”

“Ja, on second thought, I don’t really want someone else’s maid. All those annoying habits I have to undo. I don’t want to give you my cold. What’s your name? What? What? I can’t hear.”

“Ja. And you are an engineer? Ah, an educated Jew, like Karl Marx himself. Unterschartuehrer. Shoot her. Ja, I’m doing mine. We are not going to have arguments with these people. No. Shoot her here, on my authority. I’m sure you’re right. Take it down, repour it, rebuilt it. Like she said.”

“Today is history. Today will be remembered. Years from now, the young will ask with wonder about this day. Today is history, and you are part of it. Six hundred years ago… when elsewhere they were footing the blame for the Black Death, Kazimierz the Great, so-called, told the Jews they could come to Krakow. They came. They trundled their belongings into the city.”

“They settled. They took hold. They prospered… in business, science, education, the arts. They came here with nothing. Nothing. And they flourished. For six centuries there has been a Jewish Krakow. Think about that. By this evening, those six centuries are a rumor. They never happened. Today is history.”

“I think we will start… with Ghetto B. All right? No, I would like you to start there. The right side, yeah. And then move around.”

Poldek Pfefferberg, Schindler's List, Amazon Prime Video, Universal Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Jonathan Sagall

Poldek Pfefferberg

“Psst. You don’t recognize this? In metal containers? In metal containers. This is glass. It’s not what I asked for. What’s the difference? My client sold it to his client, who sold it to the German Army. Only by the time it got there, because of the freezing cold, it broke, all 10,000 units. This is not your problem? All right. The German Army wants to find out where it came from. I’m going to make sure they find out.”

“Like this? Do you have any idea how much a shirt like this costs? How many? This won’t be a problem.”

“Hey, Goldberg. What’s this? You don’t say. It’s hard to believe. Your superiors? Give me my housing assignment. Come on.”

“You need to convince them you have a trade, something valuable to the war effort. Your name goes on a list. You’re a musician? I’d find a good hiding place if I were you.”


“Herr Direktor? No, it’s Poldek. It’s about Stern.”

“Oh, yes, you’re smart. You’re a real genius.”

“We’re getting out through the sewers. I have to check if they’re clear. Mila, pack some things. Nothing bigger than this. You can go. Yes, you can.”


Marcel Goldberg

“What’s the difference? This is not his problem. Now it’s your problem.”

“It’s illegal to buy or sell anything on the street. We don’t do that. We’re here to pray.”

“Poldek. Uh, the Judenrathas its own police now. Ordnungsdienst. I’m a policeman now, could you believe it? Oh, no, it’s not hard to believe. It’s a good racket, Poldek. The only racket here. Look, maybe I could put in a good word for you with my superiors. Come on, they are not as bad as everyone says. Well, they’re worse than everyone says, but it’s a lot of money. A lot of money.”

“Poldek! Enjoying the weather, Poldek? Need some shoe polish?”


“Since when did time cost money? Not good enough. It’s not good enough. Money’s still money. Fair would be a percentage in the company. How do we know you will do what you say? …mielismy racje.”

“You are a slave to these people. No one ordered me onto a truck today. No one took my business away from me.”

Emilie Schindler

“Oskar, please. I don’t have to like her… just because you do. It doesn’t work that way. You’ve done well here.”

“It’s not a charade, all this? The clothes, the car, the apartment. Oskar. To make pots and pans? Back home? Everybody. All the time. Hmm. It’s comforting to see that nothing’s changed. Luck?”

“Should I stay? I asked you if I should stay. Promise me, Oskar, no doorman or maître d’ will ever presume… I’m anyone other than Mrs. Schindler, and I’ll stay.”

Helen Hirsch

“Helen Hirsch. Helen Hirsch. Helen Hirsch.”

Mr. Lowenstein

“I want to thank you, sir, for giving me the opportunity to work. The SS beat me up. They would have killed me, but I am essential to the war effort, thanks to you. I work hard for you. I’ll continue to work hard for you. God bless you, sir. You are a good man. He saved my life. God bless him. God bless you.”

“I am an essential worker. Yes. I work for Oskar Schindler. Essential worker for Oskar Schindler. Yes, yes. I work for Oskar Schindler.”

Mr. and Mrs. Nussberg

“Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It could be worse. How? Tell me. How on earth could it possibly be worse?”

“We’ll be late for work.”

“I woke up from a dream this morning. I was broke and sharing a room with 12 people I didn’t know, only to discover I was broke and sharing a room with 12 people I didn’t know. You laugh about it? I have to laugh.”

“There’s nowhere down from here. This is it. This is the bottom. The ghetto is… liberty.”

“Wilhelm! Rose!”

Mila Pfefferberg

“You look funny in that hat, Goldberg. You look like a clown, you know?”

“I hear your name goes on a list and they put you on trucks–“

“I can’t go in the sewers. I told you I won’t go in the sewers. I won’t go in the sewers.”

Chaja Dresner

“I’m not going to hide like some animal.”

“Danka, look at the snow. Look at the snow. Look at the snow!”

“Promise me, be safe.”

“Oh, God, Danka! It doesn’t matter anymore. They’re cleaning out the ghetto. What are you talking about? We tried it before. There’s more than enough room.”

German Nightclub

“Jerzy, you know who that man is? I don’t know. Let’s get together, please. Smile. Good. Yes, sir. Very good, sir. And who shall I say th-they are from? From the gentleman. Where? Do you know him? Find out who he is. Yes, sir. Agnieszka, I would give anything to hear you sing tonight. But I know you won’t. You embarrass me. What’s he doing? Stay here. Oh. Pernod.”

“Come to the table, girls! Drink with us! Come to us! Marry us! Thank you. I’ll tell you what I mean by cooperative. Two days after the law is passed all Jews have to wear the star, the Jewish tailors are turning them out by the gross… in a variety of fabrics at three zloty each.”

“I have an excellent German Riesling. 1937. No, I’m sorry. It’s as if they have no idea what kind of law it is. As if it’s the emblem of a riding club. Yes. It’s human nature. ‘We’ll do this to avoid that.’ That’s what they have done since thousands of years. It’s what they do. They weather the storm. But this storm is different. This is the Romans. This storm is the SS.”

“♪ Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen ♪ Den schickt er in die weite Welt ♪ Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen ♪ Den schickt er in die weite Welt ♪ Faleri, Falera ♪ Faleri Falera-ha ha ha ♪ Faleri, Falera ♪ Den schickt er in die weite Welt ♪”

“Martin? Yes, sir. Who is that man? That– that’s Oskar Schindler! ♪ Faleri Falera-ha ha ha ♪ Den schickt er in die weite Welt ♪ Faleria, Falera ♪ Den schickt er in die weite Welt ♪♪. To Krakow!”


“Name? Horowitz, Salomon. Schneider, Sarah. Birnbaum, Olga? Over there. Over there! Isak Hudes. Hudes, Isak. Zucker, Helena. Hirsh, Salomon? Mandel, Maria. Hirsch, Salomon. Hauptman, Chaim! Weisman! Weisman, Marcus! Feber, Ludwig! Feber, Ludwig. Elsa Bauman. Josef Klein. Klein. Davidowich, Ignacy. Paula Biffer. Nadel, Rachela. Steiner, Gertruda. Steiner, Hilda.”

“Rabbi– private property cannot be confiscated. How long are the schools going to closed? I do not know. Article 47: Pillage is formally prohibited. You don’t know anything! I am familiar with the Hague Convention. Religious–“

“They come into our house and tell us we don’t live there anymore. It now belongs to a certain SS officer. Please. I only know what they tell me. And what they tell me changes from day to day. Aren’t you supposed to be able to help? I mean, what if I just took this thing off? What are they going to do about it? They will shoot you. Why don’t you stop this silly talk?”

“I’ve got a client who’ll sell marks for zloty at 2.45 to 1. Wool, mink collar. It’s a nice coat. She’ll trade it for ration coupons. Wicks, for lamps. You have a truckload of wicks? What am I going to do with a truckload of wicks? Nine-by-12, 9-by-14. Big, beautiful, Persian.”

“What? It’s shoe polish. You asked for shoe polish. What’s the difference? What’s the difference? Shh! Ooh. This is not my problem. This is not my problem. You be quiet! Metal containers.”

“Name? Adresse? Formular ausfuellen! Weiter, weiter! Nicht draemgeln! Kommen Sie hierher! Stellen Sie sich doch an!”

“Good-bye, Jews! Good-bye, Jews! Good-bye, Jews! Good-bye, Jews! Good-bye, Jews! Good-bye, Jews!”

“Dzien dobry. Dzien dobry. Dzien dobry. Dzien dobry. Dzien dobry. Dzien dobry.”

“Piec, szesc, siedem… osiem, dziewiec.”

“I am healthy.”

“Like what? I’m a musician. What if you don’t? No, that’s not true. Yeah.”

“There are places to hide.”

“Der Naeschte! I’m a graduate of the University of Lwow. I used to work at the hydroelectric station in Roznow– Blauschein.”

“Guess who is here. Enjoying the lines? In a metal container maybe?”

“Not essential? I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word. No, Blauschein, sir. Stand over there. Move. Next! What do you mean, ‘not essential?’ I teach history and literature. Since when it’s not essential?”

“It is not right? Mmm. Thank you.”

“I’m a metal polisher.”

“Occupation? I’m a writer. I play the flute.”

“Uh, all right?”

“Prosze sie ladnie usmiechac. Big smile. Big smile. Uwaga.”

“Made in Havana, Cuba. Look at this.”

“Be careful of the step, miss.”

“♪ Achrar kach loe nedah ♪”

“Besen und Schaufeln werden ausgeladen… jeder nimmt sich eine und dann wird die Strasse gereinigt.”

“Come with me. Essential worker? A one-armed Jew? Twice as useless!”

“Leave your luggage on the platform. Clearly label it. Given name first, then your surname. Do not bring your baggage with you. It will follow you later. Leave your luggage on the platform. Clearly label it.”

“Schechel. Sacrean, sacrean end tzukeer. Tzukeer end sacrean.”

“You are living behind walls. The walls I can deal with. It’s the restrictions to my life I’m tired of. Those walls keep them out. That’s all I cared about. I like it here. There’s a kind of, I don’t know, ancestral squalor to it all.”

“No one envies us anymore. I’m smart. You had your chance. Today I actually found time to organize a thought. I can’t remember the last time I did that. When’s the last time we did this? When’s the last time we stood around and talked? You don’t really have a business to take.”

“This street divides the ghetto just about in half. Right side, Ghetto A. Civil employees, industrial workers and so on. Left side, Ghetto B. Surplus labor, the elderly and inform mostly. Which is where you will want to start, huh? Do you have any questions, sir?”

“We expect a labor force of 25,000 to 30,000. Segregated, of course. The men in the barracks near the quarry. The women on the other side of the wire. There. Yes, the villa. The synagogue, can you see it? We’re planning to turn it into the camp stables. Kindergarten. Fifty-one. And we have a dentist, shoemaker, practical physicians. There they are, sir.”

“Take it all down! To work! Take it down! It is not safe! She says the foundation was poured wrong. She’s got to take it down. I told her it’s the barracks, not the fucking Hotel Europa. Fucking Jew bitch engineer. You fucking bitch!”

“Herr Kommandant. The entire foundation has to be torn down and repoured. If not, there will be at least a subsidence… at the southern end of the barracks. Subsidence, and then collapse. Yes. My name is Diana Reiter. I’m a graduate of Civil Engineering from the University of Milan.”

“Jawohl? Herr Kommandant, I’m only trying to do my job. Sir, she’s a foreman of construction. It will take more than that. We have more to see, but we have only one more hour of light.”

“♪ Ke laolam chasedo ♪. Bread. Yes, a bit less.”

“Absitzen und in Zweierreihen antreten! Kameraden! Schneller! Hopp, hopp, hopp, hopp! Start from both sides? The right side? Okay.”

“Beschriften Sie es deutlich. Es wird Ihnen nachgeschickt. Lassen Sie Ihr Gepaeck stehen. Beschriften Sie es deutlich. Es wird Ihnen nachgeschickt. Aufmachen! Lakoom. Loe ani loe yodahat olay kaday lehachnese at hayladeem mitachat la schoolchan. Mitacht la meeta. Bohow. Hopp, hopp, hopp, hopp!”

“‘Runterkommen! ‘Rauskommen, Juden! Ziehen Sie sich warm an! Kommen Sie ‘raus! Na Platz! Gold, Chaim? Platz Chodi. Gold, Chaim? Yes, Chaim Gold. Shoot him. Nie zabijaj! Nie zabijaj! Ziehen Sie warme Kleidung an und begeben Sie sich zum Platz– Keine Koffer! Keine Koffer! Gehen Sie durch! Keine Koffer! Keine Koffer! Hey, little boy. Wie alt bist du, huh? Na, wie hiesst du? Wie heisst du, huh? Keine Koffer, hab’ ich gesagt! Packt keine Koffer! Keine Koffer! ‘Rueber zum Platz Chodi! Koffer hierlassen! Blauschein. Platz Chodi! Was soll der Koffer hier? Alles ‘rueber zum Platz Chodi!”

“Move! Over there! Over there! Move! Your card, Jew! Deine Papiere, Jude! Deine Papiere, Jude! That line. Deine Karte! Ich geh’ nicht ‘rauf wegen Deiner verdammten Karte! Deine Scheisskarte! Was soll denn die Scheisse? Bist du denn verrueckt geworden? Mit diesem Scheissgewehr haettest du mich erschiessen koennen! Du hast so nah an mir vorbeigeschossen! Was heisst hier Entschuldigung. Du bist wohl verrueckt geworden! Zurueckleiben! Zurueckbleiben! Nicht sprechen, nicht sprechen! Einfach zu den Lastwagen gehen! Weiterlaufen! Weiterlaufen! Nicht sprechen! Komm her, du Judensau! Bleib stehen, hab’ ich gesagt. Bleib stehen! Chodzcie tu szybko!”

“She’s as good as dead. Leave her. Give me a moment. Just let me bring her inside. You can join her… or join the line. Women to the left! Men to the right. Women to the left. Women to the left. Let me go! I won’t leave my husband! Women to the left, and men to the right. Mama! Mama!”

“You have a Blauschein. There’s not enough room for you. I changed my mind! Mama!”

Herman Toffel

“You shouldn’t think of them as yours, Oskar. You need to understand that some of the officers here… don’t give a damn about production. To them, it’s a matter of, um, national priority… that Jews be made to shovel snow. It’s got nothing to do with reality, Oskar. You know it and I know it. Jews shoveling snow– it’s got a… ritual significance.”

“File a grievance with the Economic Office. It’s your right. Of course not. A big shot from the SS Budget and Construction Office came to lunch and told us that… to believe the Jewish skilled worker had a place in Reich economics… was a treasonable idea. A one-armed machinist, Oskar?”


“He’s on the list. I’m sorry. You can’t have him. He’s on the list. If he were an essential worker, he would not be on the list. Sir, the list is correct. Klaus Tauber.”

“Hauptscharfuehrer, this gentleman thinks a mistake’s been made. Is he on the list? Yes, sir. Itzhak Stern. Well, the list is correct, sir. There’s nothing I can do. My name? My name is Kunder. Hauptscharfuehrer Kunder. And what’s yours? Stern! Stern! Itzhak Stern! Stern! Stern! Itzhak Stern!”

“Stop the train! Sign here. Initial there. Makes no difference to us, you understand. This one, that one. It’s the inconvenience to the list. It’s the paperwork.”


“Take the round sheet of tin, dip it in soap emulsion. Then place it centrally in the press. We obtain the soup pot. The soup pot. Soup pot.”

“If it’s carbonized, clean it with a file. But don’t touch both of the electrodes at the same time. You’ll get electrocuted. Here, have a try. Roll the metal under the press, but be very careful unless you want your fingers to become part of the teapot.”

“Now, dip the basin with the tongs… into the enamel solution. And after swiveling it around, carefully place it aside to drip-dry.”

“Patrz jakies szmaty!”


“♪ Savree maranun verabonun verabotay ♪ Baruch atah Adonai eloheynu melech ha-olam ♪ Boray p’ree ha-gafen ♪ Baruch atah Adonai eloheynu melech ha-olam ♪ A-sher kid-shanu b’mitzvo-taz ♪ V’ratza va-nu, v’shabbat kaddsho ♪ B’ahavah oov-ratzone hin-cheelanu ♪ Zee-karon I’ma-ah-say v’ray-sheet kee hoo yom ♪ T-cheelah I’mikraay kodesh ♪ Zaycher leetzeeat mitzrayim ♪ Kee vanu vachatah v’ohtahnu keydashta mekol ha-ahmim ♪ V’shabbat kadd-shcha b’ahavah oov-ratzone ♪ Hin-chal-ta-nu ♪ Baruch atah, Adonai m’kaddaysh ha-Shabbat ♪”

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