Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus

Legacy Media

HBO original drama Succession drops S2E3 tonight September 8, 2019.

#SuccessionHBO has been renewed for a third season.

rottentomatoes: 91%

metacritic: 76

imdb: 7.8

emmys: 2 wins

golden globes: 1 nomination

Shiv Roy, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Sarah Snook

Siobhan (Shiv) Roy

Logan Roy names his daughter Shiobhan as the next CEO of his $10b multimedia conglomerate Waystar Royco outside of New York City, New York.

“God, he looks terrible.  Yeah.  What do you think?  What’s going on?  I thought he was benched.  Ah, what the– what’s he saying?  We got shitty Wi-Fi.  We wanted a place without Wi-Fi.  Hey, I’ll call you back.  Uh, dropped down, shot back up.  I think Sandy and Stewy offer dad a way out, asset swap.  Right?  I mean, that’s what the next move is.  Well, they can’t go hostile.  Especially without Kendall’s equity.  You wanna abandon honeymoon?  No.  I don’t want to.  No.  Do you?” — Shiv Roy

“Tom.  Mm-hmm.  Uh, I guess?  But, fuck!  The wedding and the honeymoon fucked?  What a fucking egocentric great white!” — Shiv Roy

“Okay.  Yeah, well, I’ll see you at the hellhole, bro.  We can’t exactly keep the windows open.  Have you tried scented candles?  Hey, Rome.  I know.  Hey, do you wanna get some air?  Yeah.  That’s because it’s stylish.  Could go for him.  He could kill him.  So this is good for you, right?  He’s not gonna sell.  Well, Kendall’s out for good, right?  Best case for him is dad keeps him on for like a week to kill the deal, then he’s pure carcass.  I’m with Gil.  Connor’s… I mean, fuck, Connor’s gonna be in the White House.  Oh, you hadn’t considered it?  It’s a cool moment.  Hm?  Good luck.  What?  Wha– I– I’m just saying it’s exciting.  It’s all set.  Rome, I’m not fucking with you.  I’m just saying good luck.  What?  You are.  I mean, there’s always room for you to blow up.  I don’t think you’re gonna blow up.  I’m… Rome, I think you’re a super-talented superstar, and I– I love you.” — Shiv Roy

“Oh, my God.  Look at him.  I don’t think I can do this.  Yeah.  When did you crawl in?  Fuck you.  And you couldn’t have changed your mind before my wedding?  Yeah, dad’s gonna play a merry tune on you and then throw you out the fucking window, and you know that, right?  He’s like an old beaten dog.  You know, he’s a pathetic little fucking narcissist who repeatedly puts his own self-interest about everything else and then tries to justify it with half-assed appeals of the rigors of the fucking market.  How dare you apologize to me?” — Shiv Roy

“I dunno.  Say he’s selling and see who squeals loudest?  Kind of loyalty test?  Or productivity brainstorm?  Or we kill and eat Kendall as a pizza topping.  Hey, dad.  Willa, hi!  Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.  Oh, yeah.  It’s possible.  He’s taken his medicine?  Is that it?  Dad, you beat Roman with a fucking slipper in Gustav till he cried for ordering lobster, remember?  And Kendall tries to kill you and he’s five minutes out in the cold?  Dad, I think it is possible that you have sometimes somewhat chilled the atmosphere of free-flowing debate.” — Shiv Roy

“Dad?  Dad?  Yeah, he went in there.  Seriously, what the fuck?  I don’t buy the selling.  It’s a test, no?  Whoever tells Solomon not to asset-strip the baby gets to keep the baby.  Yeah.  Just take it easy, Tom.  Mm-hmm.  I know, honey.  Mm-hmm.  So, what are you, best pals with him now?  Have you done a deal?  All right.  Fine, from my perspective, truth be told, yeah.  Selling would be great.  No more blowback with my career.  I’ll take my money.  Five years’ time, I’d like to be free of this company and the Roy name.  Yeah, sure, dad.  So, fine.  Keep it.  It’s a toy shop.  Keep running it for sentimental reasons until you nod out.  Mm-hmm.  Well, if you wanted to get into it… look, you’d have to forget everything, IBM it.  I haven’t really thought, but what’s obvious is, shutter the businesses that burn cash, or someone else does better.  We make video game consoles.  Hm?  Why?  We make indie fucking movies!  Why?  Do we get a theme park ride out of it?  No?  We have an arm that launches fucking telecoms satellites that blow up.  No.  Restructure for the future .  Maybe merge with a distributor, expand parks, expand cruises, lose news.  Paper and TV.  News is trouble.  Ten new parks in China, Russia, Middle East.  You don’t need the feedback from fucking news.  Well, those are just the obvious moves.  Uh-huh.  Yeah, we’ve done that.  What about Tom?  Yeah.  Yeah, I see what this is.  I see it.  You know, I fucking see it.  You’ve done a little dirty deal.  What, so, you keep Kendall on to kill the bid and then he… he takes over when you step down in a year?  What a squalid little fucking backroom deal.  He blackmailed you, didn’t he?  No.  No!  I– I– if he takes over, I’ll sell my shares.  Yeah, I’ll join Sandy and Stewy.  I’ll get Gil to go for you.  I– I– I mean, I’ll kill him.  I’ll fucking kill him!  Mm-hmm.  I don’t think I’m the right person.  Are we actually having this conversation?  And selling?  And selling?  yeah?  That’s– what is that?  Is that real?  Dad!  Dad, I don’t think so.  Look, if this is the way we’re having this conversation away, then yeah, fine, sell.  Bullshit.  Don’t be a fucking jerk, dad.  Yes.  Yes, of course, I’d be interested.  If it’s real. Yes, of course.  Dad, I can do it.  I could– I would… why did you never ask me, huh?  I would kill this.  I’d fucking destroy it!  Yes.  This is real?  Well, we’re gonna need to talk about it.  For now, we need to keep this between us.  I gotta think about Tom, Gil… yes!  Fuck.  Yes.  All right.  Yes.  Yeah, cool.  He offered me the company.  I told him to, uh, send you to look at pineapple production in Honduras.  Uh, yes.  Lot of options.  Yeah.  No, I had some leverage.  And, uh… I got you into the belly of the beast.  Chair of Global Broadcast News, ATN, baby.  Yeah, no.  Dad likes that.  You know, two contenders, one chair, that’s his favorite.  It’s an invitation to step up.  You gotta eat the Peach, baby!  Mm-hmm.  Yeah.  No, he, uh… bunch of mind games.  Um, you know, classic dad.” — Shiv Roy

“That’s great, dad.  That’s great.  Here, here.  Congratulations.” — Shiv Roy


Logan Roy, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Brian Cox

Logan Roy

“Ladies and gentlemen, the first fucking thing my son’s ever done right in his life.  Oh, here he is!  Mr. Potato Head!  My plastic adversary.  Welcome to the bunker.  Say hello to the grunts.  No offense, Karl.  Yeah, well, a bit of offense, Karl, because a smarter CFO might have seen this fucking disaster coming.  Thank you for the TV thing.  Well, at least he tried.  Okay, Karl, I need to de-brief the double agent.  The ground puckers can fuck off.  No, no, no.  You’re staying.  Stay.  Okay.  Now you.  Step up onto the rack.  I’m gonna pull you limb from limb like a piñata, see what falls out.  I want their game plan.  What their timetable is, the capital structure.  Endgame.  What they might accept.  What their weak points are.  But we’ll start at the start.  When did they approach you?  Mm-hmm.  Did it take long or did you open your legs on the first date?  Betray me.  Well, that’s nice.  What do they think I’ll do?  They think they’ll win?  Mm-hmm.  Hmm.  And who are they hitting?  That it?  Uh-huh.  fine.  Well, fuck off.  They’ll put you somewhere.  Investor calls.  Pour me some buckets of cold shit on the bid, all right?” — Logan Roy

“You know, I, um… I was quite disappointed I didn’t get any advance warning of this attack, Jamie.  That’s quite disappointing.  How does my banker not know?  Uh-huh.  What’s my move?  Look at the fucking wine I’m serving you.  I’m fucking wining and dining you.  What’s my move?  I mean, I don’t know.  I guess… the obvious, uh, I’ll say I’m thinking, and, uh, drag it out, hope that it dies, uh… name a successor.  Well, that’s a bit complicated.  What else I got?  On the defense.  How much do I have to fucking pay you to say something?  Well, try to think of it as a long-term investment in my trust in you.” — Logan Roy

“Open the doors.  It smelled like the cheesemonger died and left his dick in the brie.  I need to breathe.  Kendall!  Come on!  Let’s hunt this out!  Yeah, 200 million… and I need a clip on my nose to stop me fucking retching.  Nah.  Later.  So, listen.  You all right?  Yeah, sure, sure.  Just don’t, um, you know… you know, uh, thinking’s natural… can’t be helped, but, you know… in limits.  Well, good.  Good to have it all out.  Colin!  You should have to with Colin.  Mm.” — Logan Roy

“Why can’t we keep it in-house?  It’s costing me an arm and a fucking leg.  Lot of moving parts.  We’ll see how it goes.  What do you think?  I’ve had strong advice to accept the offer.  What if I didn’t know what I think?  Okay.  Very well.  Thank you.  What?  Oh, what the fuck is that?  Oh, I need to see that contractor.  Get ’em down here.  Are they here?  Come on, we’re starting.  And I don’t want all this shit.  It’s sat around in the stink!  Pizza!  We’ll have pizza!” — Logan Roy

“So!  Afternoon.  Thank you all for, uh, making it.  We need to discuss this bear hug.  Obviously, I have obligations to the shareholders to seriously consider it.  Ha-ha.  Now Kendall’s row-back may have hurt them, we’ll see.  It may kill the kid, it may not.  But I guess the question that that’s been put to me is do we really want this fight?  Or is now the moment to cash in and fuck off out of the casino?  Because if we do fight, I need to tell the board who I want to take over.  So, please.  I want you to speak freely.  Oh, come on.  We’re all pals here.  Let’s fuckin’ have it out.  He has taken his medicine.  We’re not doing memory lane here.  Come on, spit it out.  What do you all think?  Stick or sell?  That’s one stick.  You know, Kodak was trading at about a hundred dollars a share back in ’97.  Yesterday, you could pick it up at about three bucks.  That could be us.  If we cash out, we could walk away with ten billion.  Roman.  What do you think?” — Logan Roy

“One by one, come in.  One by one.  So, now that there’s no one here to hear your wonderful insights, what do you say?  And in terms of getting rid of Sandy and Stewy?  As in?  Shiv!  Shiv, dentist is ready.  So?  Come on, Shiv.  Talk to me.  Sell?  This company means a lot to me.  That’s it?  No hope?  Right.  But you haven’t really thought about it?  Well, obviously, I always wanted one of you kids to take over.  Well, what about it?  So.  No?    If I keep going, if we fight… I have to name Kendall.  Oh, Shiv.  Shiv, why so angry?  I haven’t done a deal with Kendall.  I do what I want.  And what I’ve decided I’d like to do is to formally ask you to come in and be the next chief executive of this company.  Well, you know, I’m pretty smart and I think you are.  You are, Shiv.  You’re the one.  Yes, we are actually having this conversation.  Of course.  If you don’t come in, yeah.  I mean, Roman?  No.  Connor?  Ha!  I might as well sell, right?  You know, I didn’t build all this up to have some fucking rockstar CEO waltz in and take over.  Really?  Because if there’s really no hope of you coming in, I’d rather cash out.  Fine, I’ll do it.  Right now.  I’ll tweet, the markets will move, and that’ll be that.  You don’t care if I sell?  You wanna do it?  This is real.  This is wonderful, Siobhan. This is real.  Remember this, this slant of light.  Remember this.  This is it.  Of course.  We have to think about the choreography anyway.  I mean, get you up to speed, you know, fast track you.  And as soon as you have the experience… we name you.  Yes?” — Logan Roy

“Afternoon.  So?  I see you.  We spoke on the telephone, isn’t that right?  You were chiseling me a little, on the stable works.  Rich old guy!  We’ll pad it 30 percent, cream for the fucking cat.  So you got a bit disappointed when I set a 200K ceiling so you stuffed a bag of live raccoons to rot in my chimney?  ‘No, sir, no, sir, three bags full, sir.’  Fuck off!  Look at me.  Yeah?  Well, I’ll pay you  100 grand all in and we’re done.  Try to stink me out?  I won’t fucking have it!  Yeah?  Well, sue me.  Good luck.  My lawyer used to work for the Justice Department.  Who’s your lawyer?  Mr. fucking Magoo?” — Logan Roy

“Folks, uh, before we break up.  Can I say a word?  Listen, after taking soundings from all of you, my nearest and dearest, it seems my friend Laird had a good point.  In three- or four-years’ time, I think… there will only be one legacy media operation left.  Well, I say… let that be us.  One firm… …to stand up to tech.  One firm left, last man standing.  We’re gonna be the number-one media conglomerate in the world.  Kendall and Roman will act as co-chief operating officers while I personally devote my time to the fight against this take-over.  We need to stick tight.  Tighter than ever now.  That’s my decision.  After some consideration, I think we just need a name to flag privately to big investors for now.  I mean, could be anyone.  I’m not going anywhere.  I mean it could be a stuffed shirt.  Gerri.  It could be Gerri.  Now, you might just as well say Gerri.  It won’t be Gerri, but Gerri’s fine.  No, just so were clear.  In the meantime, Kendall and I will be back later.  Yeah.  We need to stuff some fucking raccoons up some guy’s chimney.” — Logan Roy

“Okay, son.  I’ll hang back.  Ah, just, uh, tell ’em I’m in the middle of a call and I’ll be right in.” — Logan Roy

Kendall Roy, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Jeremy StrongKendall Roy

“What is it?  For me?  W– w– what is this?  What do you mean?  Oh– hi.  Hi, uh… what is this?  Pull me out?  I’m sorry, who– wh– who is ‘we?’  Who are you?  Uh-huh.  Okay.  I’ve only been here like 48 hours and, uh… I’m meant to have a silica, uh, mud treatment.  Can I just, uh… um, but will– will that help?  Okay.  Right.  Um, but will– will that help?  Yeah.  Okay, yeah.  I mean, if my dad wants me to do it, uh, I’ll– I’ll do it.  I saw their plan; dad’s plan is better.  Yeah, I feel, uh, I feel good.  Hey.  Uh, yep.  Okay.  Uh-huh.  Yeah.  I got it.  Uh-huh.  No, I got it.  I got it.  I got it.  I’m good.  Karolina, I can do this, okay?  Karolina, I’m okay.  Karolina, I’m okay.  Okay.  Thank you.  Uh, pretty good.  You know, we’re– we’re, uh, we’re– we’re pretty close, so, you know, that’s how we are.  We take the– sorry.  Sorry.  Go ahead.  Right.  Right.  Um… I mean, there’s a, uh… myriad, uh, factors in a decision.  A whole lifetime can lead to a moment, and, uh, when I– when I sat down and really looked… uh, but I mean, um… you know, the long and the short of it is, I… saw their plan, and my dad’s plan was better.  Look, this is, uh, this is tough for me and my family.  But I made an assessment looking at the sector and the firm’s trajectory that, you know, shareholders were being ignored.  But the fact is, those concerns are being addressed, and, uh, you know, it– it– it comes down to shareholder value.  Um, and you know… …frankly, uh, what also sort of become obvious, was there were some unstable personalities involved uh, with this deal.  Uh, well, um… I would say… uh, the plan would be for the Municipality of New York to, uh, find another bus, because if my dad gets hit by a bus tomorrow, the city will be down one bus, not one CEO.  Did you get the bike?” — Kendall Roy

“I mean– you know, the least I could do.  Okay, so, you want… what?  Um, when did they approach me?  Well, no, they took a fair time to persuade me to, uh… yeah.  Look, do you want the psychodrama of the whole thing, or…?  Well, uh, Stewy thinks you might come to the table.  Sandy thinks it will be hostile.  Yeah.  We– they– they think, uh… I guess when I talked about inside the firm… …uh, they got the impression that there was some erratic decision-making.  They think you’re emotional, unstable, not necessarily logic driven, getting weaker and you’ll crack under pressure.  Obviously, major shareholders.  Most institutional are, as you’d expect, risk averse and there’s a big degree of sort of legacy trust in you as a king of one-shot voodoo guy who holds the whole thing together.  Yeah, I talked to their PR team and, uh… I gave them what medications you’re on.  And they have for background you hitting Iverson.  And they having you pissing on the floor of my office.  Listen, dad, obviously, I’m, uh… I– I feel awful, and I just wanna say– okay.  Yup.  Okay.  Um, listen, Karolina.  Is Jess back?  Yeah, just normally on, uh, on some matters, Jess speaks to, um, my friend Nick for me.  And, uh, he sources for me.  Yeah, I– I– I need, um… I– look, I’m– I’m going to be cleaning up my act.  You know, I have been.  But, honestly, right now, I need a straightener.  Thank you.” — Kendall Roy

“Motherfucker.  How you doin’?  Oh, yeah.  It’s fashion week; all the good penthouses are gone.  Fuck.  Oh, I’m– I’m, uh, I got rid of it.  It smelt of Rava.  Did you bring, uh… great.  Uh, did this come from Coach?  Eww.  Dude.  W– where did you get this?  Park coke?  I’m doing park coke?  Are you fucking kidding me?  That is just perfect.  I’ll be lucky if I have any fucking nostrils left after this.  If my septum falls out, I’m gonna make you eat my septum.  Mm, yeah, no, that’s the worst coke I’ve ever had.  Oh, he promised you?  Yeah, take it back for a refund, Greg!  You know, did you– did you keep the receipt?  Go get– go– go take it back for a refund.” — Kendall Roy

“Oh, no, I’m early.  It’s good.  Don’t worry.  Just, uh, carry on.  I’m not here.  What is the…?  God, that’s… bad.  What the fuck is that?  You know, you– you get used to it, actually.  You wanna talk about Laird’s idea?  Hm?  Yeah.  Yeah, I’m um, pretty good.  Uh-huh.  I– I could use some downtime at– at some point, to– right.  Exactly.  Right.  Hi, Marcia.  It was good.  It was fine.  Uh, no.  No hiccups.  Yeah.  Oh, okay.  Oh, yeah, okay.  I mean… uh-huh.  Okay.  Right.  Right.  Oh, okay.  Um… I do not think so, no.  Thank you, Colin.” — Kendall Roy

“Hey.  Hey.  Yesterday.  You?  Uh, I dunno.  I guess I, uh… I saw their plan.  You know, dad’s plan is better.  I changed my mind, I guess.  Uh-huh.  Maybe I am.  I– guys, I– I just… I can’t get into it.  I’m sorry, Shiv, about the wedding.” — Kendall Roy

“I think you should fight, but, uh… I mean, you’re the one who built it all.  You’re the man, the myth, the legend.  Nice to see you, Con.  Okay.  Yeah?” — Kendall Roy

“Okay.  Okay, sure, dad.  Thank you.  Uh, my dad’s on his way.  He– he had to make a call.  Yeah, well.  Yeah, just, um, I’m not sure our visions aligned in the end.  I just reassessed.  Yeah, I– I– I saw your plan and, uh… my dad’s plan is better.  Hey, dad.  Okay.  Oh, okay.  Yep.  Yep, I got it.  Uh, he’s not gonna make it.  He’s got another pressing matter.  Yup, so I guess, um, my dad wanted me to ask is there any way through this, you know, uh, an asset-swap?  Something else, uh, an arrangement that leaves you happy and him in control?  Right, then, uh, he wanted me to tell you to say, yeah, obviously our public line will be that we are considering the offer but it doesn’t matter what you offer; he’ll never recommend this to the board.  You’re gonna bleed cash.  He’s gonna bleed cash.  It will never end.  And maybe you’ll kill him, but if you don’t he aims to kill you.  He will go bankrupt or go to jail before he lets you beat him.  He will kill you on the business and if that doesn’t work, he will send people around.  He will send men to kill your pets and fuck your wives, and it will never be over, so that’s the message.” — Kendall Roy

Tom Wamsgans, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Matthew MacfadyenTom Wamsgans

“He’s like a… sweaty corpse.  He looks waxy, like an unshaven candle.  Honey, what’s the reaction?  What happened to the price?  Yeah, I would think so, right?  If they’re going to proceed.  No.  Shit.  No.  No, I mean… no, I don’t want to.  Do you?” — Tom Wamsgans

“Holy shit.  He’s saying he’s selling?  That’s… he would never sell, would he?  Do we go?  What a nutty bastard!” — Tom Wamsgans

“So, what’s the game do you reckon, Shiv?  Hey-hey!  Well, I for one think you’re in the prime of your life and I think another decade is just what the doctor ordered.  Jesus, Shiv, might he actually sell?  You know, it’s really happening in there.  It’s like playing fucking Gin Rummy with Zeus.  But it– it can’t be Kendall, can it?  No, it’s not gonna be Roman.  I know, I ju– I just think the least that we want for me is to get me out of parks and cruises, right?  Into something like heartland media.  LA.  One of the key divisions, you know?  Or do we ask?  Do we just ask?  Do we accelerate the plan?  You know, could I consider the big trousers?  Could I fill them out?  You know, ’cause I’ve been eating a lot of shit from the– from the kids’ menu.  You know?  I really have.  So… the studio?  CFO?  Kill Karl.” — Tom Wamsgans

“Like what?  Napoleon’s penis?  Connor’s trying to buy Napoleon’s dick.  Hey.  So?  How’d it go?  What did he say?  Where am I going?  How’s the plan?  Jesus, Shiv!  What have you fucking landed me?  Is it huge?  Yeah?  Shit.  Holy shit!  Oh, my God!  Wait, is there a– what about– what’s, uh– does it fit with Cyd, Peach?  Is that an overlap?  Okay.  Whoa.  Fuck!  Global Broadcast News.  Wow.  So, what did you– what did you say?  Is he not s– he’s not selling?  Did he offer you more stock?  Okay.  Okay.  Yes, sir, captain, sir!  Whoo!  Yes!  All right!” — Tom Wamsgans

Roman Roy, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Kieran CulkinRoman Roy

“‘Ooh, I’m Kendall and I’m a sassy little bitch.’  What do you think?  He looks weird, right?  He looks demented.  Why is he so shiny?  Why do you have shitty Wi-Fi?  I mean, to me he looks like a fucking joke, but what would an average Joe think?  Ah, how the mighty are fallen.  He was a king once.  Now look at him.  Eating shit with feet of clay, a fucking neutered hound-dog.  Oh, yes, he did great.  He did just fine.  But, Jesus!  Elvis on the fucking toilet!  Like, he doesn’t come back from this, right?  Like, he just walked around the New York Stock Exchange with his severed dick in his hand asking where was good for free soup.  He just ate a big dog dick.  Sucked that pooch bone dry!” — Roman Roy

“Um… well, on, uh, on the timing?  Right away.  We take this incredibly seriously.  Um, and as for, um… uh, as for determination of the cause, we just don’t wanna speculate.  And I don’t wanna be facetious, but, Sarah, on that point, I’m not a rocket scientist.  Holy shit.  Did you get the call?  Did you get this?  Is this for real?  Sell?” — Roman Roy

“He’s opening the summer palace to keep the summit out of view.  It’s the full fuckin’ number.  See you at the shitpit, sis.  Hey, what up sex pot?  What is that stink?  Dead kid shallow grave somewhere or what?  Yes.  You got a haircut.  I hate it.  I’m worried slash excited in case he actually fucking kills Kendall.  I mean, he might kill him.  Man, it’d be so weird if he killed him.  What, if he sells?  Hmm, I don’t know about that.  Mm-hmm.  Yeah, sure… I guess.  I mean, I hadn’t considered it, but… well, no, I– I guess, theoretically, yeah.  I know what you’re doing.  Sure.  You’re fucking with me.  But I’m impervious.  Great.  Well, thanks a lot.  You’re trying to get inside my head, but that’s cool, I can cope.  What, maybe I’m fuckin’ ready for it.  Yeah.  I mean… nobody mentioned blowing up, and then suddenly you mention blowing up?  And now what?  I’m supposed to worry about fucking blowing up?  Oh, you’re such a fucking bitch.” — Roman Roy

“No.  No thanks.  Well, shall we just hit him?  With a stick or rocks?  Dead man walking.  The fucking cadaver awakens.  So, you spoken to him?  Is this real?  Is he gonna do it?  Is he gonna sell?  Oh, you don’t know.  So?  What the fuck happened?  Why’d you pull out?  Mm.  Mm-hmm.  Okay.  Bullshit.  Um, what happened?  You do realize how fucked you’re going to be as soon as you’re no longer any use to him, right?  He’s got you eating fucking humiliation gumbo on TV, and then what?  He’s like a sex robot for dad to fuck.  Well, he’s both of those thing and also a piece of shit.  You’re a fucking prick.  Oh, come on, fuck-bag, fight back.  Oh, you can’t get into it?  Uh-huh.  Shucks.  Fuck you, man.  Come on.  Treat us.  Why did actually back out?  You look like shit, by the way.” — Roman Roy

“Oh, that is adorable.  You’re always looking out for pops, aren’t you, right?  Should we frisk him for a wire?  Burn him?  See if he’s a witch?  It is not polite to order the most expensive item on the menu when you’re not paying, Siobhan.  Hey, dad, Willa thinks selling seems cool.  I dunno.  Uh, I fucking love money, but I’m really scared of you, so… uh, honestly, um, I’m not sure I’m willing to give my strategic advice in a public forum when I could be a player in any future moves.  Um… um… dad?  Is he in there?  One by one?  Um…. okay, um… I actually do have a pitch on this, dad.  Financialization.  Float hot.  I mean, keep news for political power, for market manipulation capability.  But the rest, we play the markets with.  You and me up in a little pod above the city, fucking start ups and shitting on pension funds.  Highly maneuverable, highly mobile.  Oh, fuck ’em.  Scare ’em off.  As in, you know… Scooby Doo it, dad.  You just dress up as ghosts in the theme park.  Um, you know, we just use the lawyers, the PIs, the honey-trap hookers, all the unpleasant people at our disposal.  Call in all the favors.  Fucking President Raisin, all the Senate cock sucks who owe us.  Fucking kill, kill, kill.  He’s dying.  Riddled with cancer.  What?  It’s a funny joke.  ‘Dad’s got cancer.’  What’s not funny about that?  No, but, um, he asked me to run the company.  I’m kidding.  Am I?” — Roman Roy

“Viagra?  Hmm.  Naturally.  Is it pickled in a jar, or…?  Hey, how’d it go?  Fuck yeah.  Excuse me, did– did you just say co-chief?  N–, no, he’s coming back?  But he– no, sorry.  Excuse me.  Um… he– he tried to help your oldest enemy take over and he gets a promotion, is that what’s happening?  Well, it’s bullshit.” — Roman Roy

Marcia Roy, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Hiam AbbassMarcia Roy

“So you don’t know what it is?  And all is well now with the renovation?  Everything is good?  Yeah?  Kendall. Ça va?  How was your trip?  No accidents?  No hiccups?  Je sais.  You’ve been through difficult times.  You’re a nice boy.  But out of difficult times come strong men, right?  Marianne, come up with the candles, please.” — Marcia Roy

“They have located the source of the smell.  You should come.  So, are you going to tell me what you’re actually thinking?  The selling, is it real?  What?  I have to dance for the daddy too?  Uh-huh.  Maybe you should sell.  You’re old.  You’ve not been well.  Putain de merde…” — Marcia Roy

“What?” — Marcia Roy

Willa, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Justine LupeWilla

“You want me to go?  I mean, sell seems cool…” — Willa

“What?  In– Including Napoleon’s penis.  Yeah, it’s kinda like, what, like a strip of beef jerky?” — Willa

Greg Hirsch, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Nicholas BraunGreg Hirsch

“Nice abode, man.  You okay?  Uh, what’s– what’s the news?  What’s– what’s going on?  Yeah, all good.  What’s good, dude?  This place is sick!  Yeah, no, I mean I’m sure– it– yeah, could be way better.  I just… don’t… know how.  What, uh– what’s uh– what happened with your house?  Oh, dude, yeah.  Oh, yeah, yeah.  Oh, no, uh, he’s out of town.  That is from another source.  Uh, that?  It– it’s from a connection.  In the park.  Yeah.  Yeah, this guy’s– this guy’s got– got the good shit.  Yeah.  How is it?  Is it… is it not… no, dude… dude, I’m so sorry.  Like, he promised me.  I swear.  I mean, I– do you want me to take it back?” — Greg Hirsch

Connor Roy, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Alan RuckConnor Roy

“But is he saying dad should stay on because that’s what Sandy and Stewy want?  How do we know he’s not a double agent?  Hey, Ken, I’m just saying what others are thinking.  Asshole.  Sick puppy.” — Connor Roy

“Ha!  Ah, it’s just my dealer.  Antiquities.  Um, there’s a package of items my bidder is in for.  Uh, Napoleonica.  Just some items.  That’s not the central item.  It’s… it’s just a package, with some letter and some other artifacts, but yes, that has come to the market.  Mm.  It’s obviously not an item of interest to serious scholars, but as a curio, sure.  A British surgeon shipped it off.  It’s dried.  Yeah, really not much to see nowadays.  Yeah, it’s a mere trifle, historically speaking.  Where can I get some of the Kool-Aid?  I want some of that.  And are you gonna name a successor?” — Connor Roy

Stewy Hosseini, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Arian MoayedStewy Hosseini

“Okay.  Hello, Kendall.  He had to make an important call?  That’s like a 1987 power move, dude.  That’s… exciting.  What, are you like his sherpa now?  You’re like the skull, like, tied to his belt?  ‘Cause I’m fuckin’ scared.  So you’re gonna come in here with ‘yeah, well,’ hmm?  With your whole face and everything.  And you’re saying no to all my calls?  No, Ken, you’re gonna have to give me something.  Tell me what the fuck happened.  Yeah.  Fuck you too.  That doesn’t even mean anything.  How did he get at you?  There’s a friend card here if you want to play it.  You know that, right?  There’s a human thing standing in front of you.  You can talk to me.  We had the whole world in our hands and you fucking walked, man.  Why?  Uh-huh, fuck you too, you pusillanimous piece of fucking fool’s gold, fucking silver-spoon fucking… asshole.  Yeah, take that fucking call.  Oh, he’s got a more pressing matter than us taking his empire off his hands?  Sir Sandy, look what the cat dragged in.  As you know, our position is that we’re really after the whole thing.” — Stewy

Sandy Furness, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Larry PineSandy Furness

“Hello.  Good.  Well, let’s move ahead with that.” — Sandy

Jamie, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Danny HustonJamie

“Sandy’s tough, and his operation’s a steel box.  Nobody knew.  so, uh, what’s your move?  Uh-huh.  That could be good.  Who?  Well, that’s, uh, difficult.  Look, you don’t want to sell, you don’t wanna sell, you don’t wanna sell.  So where’s my margin to tell you something you don’t wanna hear?  All right.  In all honesty, on the business fundamentals, you should make a deal and sell.  If you don’t, it’s going to be a vicious fight.  It could extend to months, years.  Perhaps you win.  Perhaps.  But till then, nothing will get done.  It’ll soak up all of your resources, all of your attention, beating them away with every regulatory, financial and political weapon that you have at your disposal.  There’s blood in the water, and your price is edging down.  Tech is coming.  Tech is here.  Tech has its hands around your throat.  There’s maybe one, two legacy media operations that will make themselves big enough to survive.  The price that Sandy’s offering is inflated.  It’s inflated by bitterness, ego and spite.  You choose not to sell, well, what’s going to be different in two, four years?  Are things gonna change?  More people gonna read your newspapers?  Watch TV?  Culturally, structurally and financially, you’re in the toilet.  In five years, you’ll be in the mega toilet.  The wise thing to do is to sell.  Now, generally, you do the wise thing.  But no, no, obviously not this time.  This time you’ll– you’ll call me something disgusting and throw a decanter at the wall.” — Jamie

Karl, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, David RascheKarl

“None taken.  Got it.  Yep.  Offense now taken.  Price is up a little, so I don’t think it’s done anything for us.  All right, I’ll get the investor call list for later, and… I’ll, uh, update you in, what, 20, on the– um… look, let me, uh… I’m going to, uh… get those call lists, huh?” — Karl

Anton, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Alexander SokovikovContractor

“Afternoon.  What is it?  Sir?  Yes.  No, sir, it was a time and material job straight up.  No, sir.  No, sir.  Don’t know about that.  That– that that won’t even cover the materials, sir.  I can’t do that.  That was a 300-grand job, sir.  That was the price– sir!” — Contractor

Housekeeper, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Stacey ScotteHousekeeper

“Oh, welcome!  Apologies.  We’ll have everything straight just as soon as– sorry about the smell.  We’re working on that.  We’re looking absolutely everywhere once again. Yes, all that was resolved.” — Housekeeper

Colin, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Scott NicholsonColin

“Yeah, your dad didn’t want you to ride all alone, Ken.  We got a guy.” — Colin

“Ken.  Got a minute?  Okay.  So, I don’t know how much you know or care to know, but your dad wanted me to offer to talk you through things.  So, I’ll just lay it out for you?  Yeah?  Well, shall I, just so you know?  So, the site of the crash was discovered around 4:00 a.m. by two of our guys who saw the busted fence and followed that up.  And they informed local police.  And as you know, an entry keycard was found and passed to me.  So, that’s one individual outside of our loop, but who is known to me and who I consider secure.  And the UK police sent divers in that morning.  And the kid, uh, Andrew Dodds, well, he was dead obviously.  He’d unclipped his seatbelt, so he had survived the impact to do that.  So, the initial determination was that he was travelling solo and that hasn’t been challenged.  And the riverbank was also heavily compromised by rain and our guys and the salvage operation, so there were no indicators of another individual.  So, that’s where we are.  We expect the UK coroner to deliver a ruling of death by misadventure, and that will be it as far as we see.  Any questions or concerns?  Good.” — Colin

Gerri, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, J. Smith-CameronGerri

“I think he did okay.” — Gerri

“Yeah, I got it.  He wouldn’t, would he?” — Gerri

“Wow.  Well, okay.  Thank you.  Thank you very much.  N– no, I– I think we’re clear.” — Gerri

Karolina Novotney, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Dagmara DominczykKarolina Novotney

“Hi!  Hey, Ken.  So, we’ve got a flash studio with an affiliate.  We have hair and make-up and a suit for you.  You okay, Ken?  Okay.  They will wanna go for the tough one, so let’s run it.  Okay?  ‘So, um, you allied with one of your father’s bitterest business rivals in a maneuver that could see him lose the firm.  Why did you do that?  And why did you change your mind… …and pull out?’  Okay, so then, ‘I saw their plan, but dad’s plan was better.’  Right?  Right, Kendall?  Right?  I’m pulling this.  Maybe we’ll do something with friendly print on arrival.  Um, Ken?  Excuse me, can we get a tissue, please?  He needs a tissue.  Oh, well, that’s a– we take the– sorry.  …great attitude.  No– o– okay.  So, let’s dive in.  Tell us what happened.  Why did you get involved.  Why did you back out?” — Karolina Novotney

“So, Paul has the list of the top ten shareholders that we’d like you to hit and he’ll talk you through all the lines and… okay?  All right.  Uh, no, but we can reach out to Jess.  Right.   Right.  Mm-hmm.” — Karolina Novotney

Sarah Killmartin

“Uh, one for Roman Roy.  When will the investigation start, and any issues that are looking like likely causes?  All right then.  Director Sato, one more question: is Waystar Royco ready… …to accept liability?  Will there be a financial settlement offered to the victims’ families?” — Sarah Killmartin


“In terms of this investigation… …we will explore how and why this occurred.  And we plan for the most thorough internal investigation ever seen.  Uh, I’m very sorry for this.  For example…” — Interpreter

Sacha, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Talia Thiesfield


“We’re joined now by Kendall Roy, who was recently allied to a proposed bid by private equity fund Maesbury to take control of Waystar Royco out of the hands of his own father, media legend Logan Roy.  Now, Kendall, you know I’m gonna ask you this, how are things between you and your dad?  So, once upon a time, word was that you were in pole position to take over, right?  And, uh, God forbid your dad was hit by a bus tomorrow, is there a plan?  Fair enough.  Fair enough, Ken–” — Sacha


“Just watch the shirt.  Hi, Kendall?  Ten seconds.  I’ll red-light you once you’re on with Sacha, okay?” — Producer

Ragnar Magnusson, Succession, HBO, Home Box Office Inc., HBO Entertainment, WarnerMedia, Gary Sanchez Productions, Project Zeus, Ingvar Sigurdsson

Ragnar Magnusson

“Hey.  Hi, Kendall.  I’m Ragnar Magnusson.  How are you?  Uh… do you want to get dressed and we can talk?  We might need to pull you out.  It’s fine, Kendall.  I’m Ragnar.  I have relationship with Pinks in London and your father has asked us to manage getting you on television as soon as possible.  Uh… no.  I’m sorry.  It’s not going to work.  So, it was felt Sandy, Stewy and Maesbury Capital wouldn’t proceed with their bid without you, but they have gone public with the bear hug, and the advice was we should get you on TV this morning as New York opens.  Okay?  A public and personal declaration of withdrawal could be really helpful.  You okay, mate?  Yeah, you could do this.  You could stop it.  How are you feeling?  You look good.  Great.  Good?  Hi, Karolina.  Good to see you.” — Ragnar Magnusson

Spa Worker

“Excuse me, sir?  Mr. Roy?  Um, would you come with me, please?  We were asked– there’s, um, a gentleman here for you.    This came as an instruction to me, so could you just come with me please?” — Spa Worker


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