Tag Archives: Guardian

Intergalactic Dyad

MIB³ released a new trailer this week and apparently these people aren’t very good at math because I don’t think MIB³ is an actual mathematical equation.  Or is it?  I don’t know.  I’m not a mathematician.  The third Men in Black installment will see both Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones return to their titular roles of Agent K and Agent J.  Such a dynamic duo of course is CLASSIC Artisan/Guardian.  Whether in a  professional, romantic, or often comedic relationship, Artisans and Guardians find themselves paired up with one another far more than any other temperament.  So let’s go right on ahead and take a look at this classic KTT duo.

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Paramount Synergy

With summer approaching Marvel released yet another fresh new trailer this week for it’s in-house blockbuster franchise The Avengers and even though Captain America looks pretty damn goofy in that helmet of his the film actually looks pretty decent.  Earth’s mightiest heroes consists of four main characters, each one of which is highly representative of the four basic personality types: Artisan, Guardian, Rational, and Idealist.  Such a dynamic pattern of awesomeness of course is a common pop-culture occurrence in: Sex and the City, the Wizard of Oz, Star Trek, the Fantastic Four, and Harry Potter among others.  Despite Captain America’s goofy a** helmet let’s take a look at Marvel’s most coveted supersquad.

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All that is gold, does not glitter

He did not want to do it, but he had to do his duty.

He wasn’t anything like his brother.

His brother was popular, handsome and witty, and well-spoken, and King.

Albert, wasn’t well spoken like his older brother, David  — in fact, Albert was considered rather dull compared to David, and Albert stuttered badly.

Continue reading All that is gold, does not glitter

Superlative Quaternity

Yes, Quaternity is in fact a word.  It’s like a fraternity, but with only four members.  Congratulations to Eli Manning, Tom Coughlin and the New York Giants on being Super Bowl Champions.  Along with ‘the big game’ came a plethora of ridiculously expensive commercials, one of which was a fresh new trailer for Marvel’s blockbuster superhero ensemble franchise The Avengers.  The four main characters of Marvel’s the Avengers happen to closely correlate with the four basic personality types.  What a strange coincidence.  Let’s go right on ahead then and take a look at Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Captain America is the stalwart, stoic, and commanding ‘first avenger’ who defends justice with his iconic and indestructible shield.  The Sentential of Liberty is characterized by his tough-minded demeanor, his unyielding physicality, and his disciplined mindset.  Dutiful, authoritative, and highly dependable with a strict code of ethics Captain America is a classic Guardian.  A born leader, Captain America ‘lead’s by example’ and is the back-bone of the Avengers, much like Guardians are the back-bone of society.

The Hulk is a wild, ferocious, raging humanoid monster that comes out when Bruce Banner gets excited.  The not-so-jolly green giant was inspired by the classic tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and is characterized by his instinctual nature, his overpowering physicality, and his fearless disposition.  Impulsive, audacious, excitable, and highly physical The Hulk is representative of an Artisan.  Indeed The Hulk is often called in for serious jobs that require a creative solution, much like Artisans are in many organizations.

Iron Man is an intelligent, inventive, and ingenious engineer who created a mechanical suit to save his life.  The Armored Avenger is characterized by his mechanical aptitude and inventive genius, being a billionaire industrialist Stark is constantly tinkering with and improving his mechanical suit.  Innovative, scientific, analytical and systematic Tony Stark makes for a wonderful example of a Rational.  Certainly Stark is the brains of the Avengers and uses his cold, analytical mind to keep him and his super-friends on the right track.

Thor Odinson is a mystical, altruistic, brave and mighty warrior from another world who fights primarily for his native realm of Asgard.  The God of Thunder is characterized by his noble demeanor, his humble yet high-spirited attitude, and his selfless acts of valor.  Diplomatic, enthusiastic, empathetic, and highly independent Thor makes for a great example of an Idealist.  Thor is the glue that holds the Avengers together, and is always sacrificing himself for the greater good.

Quote1.png I’m loyal to nothing…except the American DreamQuote2.png

— Steve Rogers  

Quote1.png My kingdom for a Radio Shack. Quote2.png

Anthony Stark

Quote1.png You won’t like me when I’m angry! Quote2.png

Bruce Banner

Quote1.png Even the life of a Thunder God can offer no greater satisfaction than this! For I have helped a fellow man! Quote2.png

Thor Odinson

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We don't put anybody's name on the back

He said: Hustle.  Good things will happen.  Keep hustling.

It’s a really simple formula: team, loyalty, competition. And lastly, hard work.

The basics. The fundamentals.

It was about we and us, for 62 years.  Constant.  He pushed so hard.  He expected good things.

It was about family.  And he took his team as a second family.

Continue reading We don't put anybody's name on the back

Complicated Logistics

Yet another “Hollywood Power Couple” has fallen victim to the devastating effects of real life as luminescent supermodel Heidi Klum and hopelessly-romantic singer Seal have officially announced a divorce after seven wonderful years of marriage and four children.  The tragic split seems to be extremely amicable as “the operative here is that we are civil to each other and we both have a tremendous amount of respect and love and we try and do this with as much dignity as we possibly can”.  After seven long years certain mathematicians might argue that Seal was stricken with the infamous “seven year itch”.  One would think that marrying a girl who many consider one of the most beautiful women on this planet would save you from a stupid “seven year itch” but some people are just downright greedy.  Shame on you, Seal.  While the couple has no intention of airing out it’s dirty laundry reports say Seals’ temper was a “deal breaker” for the young German model and entrepreneur.  Whatever the source of conflict lets hope for the best and take a closer look at this formerly adorable Hollywood Power Couple.

Heidi Klum is a German model, actress, television host, businesswoman, fashion designer, and television producer.  Heidi’s modeling career skyrocketed quite early, as she won a national modeling contest over 25,000 contestants before graduating high school.  After graduating, Klum accepted a modeling contract over seeking an apprenticeship at a fashion design school.  Klum’s success as a model is astounding, having graced the covers of Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, and Sports Illustrated among others.  Klum is perhaps best known for being host, judge, and executive producer of Lifetime’s Project Runway, as well as being a Victoria’s Secret Angel and hosting the Victorias Secret Fashion Show on four different occasions.  Indeed Klum is “without peer as master of ceremonies” and makes for an “outstanding hostess”.  Extremely hard-working, adorably sentimental, outstandingly personable, and highly accommodating Heidi Klum is undoubtedly a Provider Guardian.  With four children, a TV show, modeling gigs, make-up and fashion lines, and now a divorce Heidi Klum certainly has a lot on her plate.  No temperament is better equipped however, as “these Providers take their role as family provider seriously, in both a material and moral sense.  They provide a sound and safe home, good food, nice clothes, and a store of possessions”.

Seal Henry Olusegun Olumide Adeola Samuel (born 19 February 1963 in Paddington, London, England), popularly known simply as Seal , is a British soul and R&B singer-songwriter, of Nigerian and Brazilian background.  Seal has won four Grammy Awards for his music, and is best known for his single “Kiss From a Rose”.  A hopeless romantic, Seal proposed to Heidi in a quinzee he built on a glacier in Whistler, British Columbia.  Every year during their marriage Seal and Klum renewed their vows on their anniversary with their close friends and family.  “Each year, Heidi and I get remarried. It’s a great party, but for about an hour, we go off on our own down to a private beach. We sit there with the kids and read vows to each other as the sun sets. It’s a very special moment to us.”  Highly romantic, a very talented singer and song-writer, extremely compassionate, and very private Seal  is undoubtedly a Composer Artisan.  Indeed Seal is (was) constantly serenading his wife in a very romantic fashion, as “if Composers find a medium of expression, some art form, then they will express their character quite eloquently via that medium”.  Seal was also a family man, as “these friendly and soft-spoken Artisans tend to seek a safe anchorage in their home and family”.  “With their children, as with their mates, Composers are great friends and mates, though they can be hard to get to know, and their reserve can be a barrier to close relations”.

The most stable and satisfying marriages for Artisans are with Guardians.  Not only do Artisans and Guardians both make their home in the concrete world, but the complementarity of their natures seems to fill a void in each temperament.  Here is the adventurous, fun-loving SP, bursting with energy and yearning for the excitement of new experiences, attracted to the concerned and responsible SJ, the Rock of Gibraltar standing watch over the established rules and traditions of society.  In many ways the match seems incongruous and difficult to account for, and yet the frequency with which SPs choose to marry SJs is compelling.  Perhaps seeking the stability they lack, perhaps wanting some missing center to their lives perhaps just needing someone to take care of them—whatever the reason, Artisans choose marriage with Guardians by far over any other temperament.

Please Understand Me II, p. 220

Quote1.png When I first met Seal he had a kindness and compassion that was so sincere I knew he’d be a good father. Bit it wasn’t until Leni was born and we had out three other children that I grasped what a great dad he is. He has infinite amounts of love and patience for our kids,” Klum added. “He puts me and the children first.Quote2.png

Heidi Klum

Quote1.png Family, my wife and children, that’s my reason for being. Everything is done with them in mind, so perhaps that’s the reason this new album is up-tempo. It does feel like a celebration of life. I am finally in a content and happy place to the point where I feel like I need to sing about it. It’s made me want to address things that are close to home.Quote2.png


The Steel Mask

“The Steel Mask” refers to the Guardians’ incredible ability to disguise themselves with the passions/interests/attitudes typically associated with one of the other three temperaments.  Indeed many Guardians are often mistaken for other temperaments strictly because of the career paths and recreational activities that they have chosen in their lives.  Statistically speaking however, Guardians are by far the most numerous temperament and certainly abound in all professions and hobbies.  Certainly a Guardian can come to enjoy ANY profession or passion, and brings hard-work and dedication to the enterprise.  Guardian’s are the unsung heroes of society and simply put: many Guardians are not given credit for being Guardians.

Artisans and Guardians both live in the concrete world of what is going on around them.  Both Artisans and Guardians together dominate most social realms and most of society for that matter.  As a result both temperaments learn a great deal from one another.  Guardians greatly admire they’re Artisan cousins ability to throw caution to the wind and live life to the fullest, and often emulate such behavior with astounding accuracy.  As a result many Guardians find themselves in professions that are typically associated with the Artisan, and yet fit in surprisingly well.

Idealists and Guardians both share a concern for society and for the morality of behavior, a wish to do right and to help other people.  And thus many Guardians and Idealists find themselves in similar professions, ones that deal with gracefully managing and dealing with people.  Indeed many Guardians choose Diplomacy in one way or another as their passion in life, and thus often blend in quite well with Idealists and their professions.

Rationals and Guardians share a lot of similarities in the way they approach their professional lives.  Guardians are comfortable with the Rationals’ skeptical attitude and obsession with their work, which seem very much like their own pessimism and sense of duty, and they often admire the NT’s ingenuity.  Guardians too, excel in the Rationals’ primary realm of science, as good science requires discipline and dedication.  Certainly Guardians are everywhere, but at times can be difficult to identify.

Abstract Romance

On the heels of Lion King 3D‘s dazzling box office success (over $90 million), our dear and beloved friends at Walt Disney Studios have announced limited theatrical 3D releases for four more Disney Classics starting with Beauty and the Beast 3D which opens today (Friday). While $90 million wouldn’t usually be a box office success, it makes for a very reasonable profit margin considering the studio’s minimal investment. The extra cash in-hand has helped greenlight at least three other films including Finding Nemo (Sept. 14, 2012), Monsters, Inc. (Jan. 18, 2013) and The Little Mermaid (Sept. 13, 2013). Given such wonderfully delightful news let’s take a look at this timeless story about the Idealists’ quest for true love.

Belle is a young, beautiful, and sweet-hearted girl with a vivid imagination and a fondness for romance novels that is ‘not like the rest of us’. Indeed the opening song of Beauty and the Beast emphasizes the uniqueness of our heroine Belle, “a girl that’s strange but special” who’s “head is in the clouds”.  Belle spends most of her time reading fairy tales, and especially loves those with a Prince Charming.  Belle yearns for romance and adventure, pleading that “there must be more than this provincial life”.  Imaginative, idealistic, insightful and sympathetic Belle is a classic Idealist.  Indeed Belle‘s initial frustrations with the harsh reality of “real-life” romance are something all too familiar to many Idealists.

Gaston is a rude, conceited, small-minded, and narcissistic young lad who spends his time fighting, drinking, and hunting.  He is considered the “hero of the town” as “no man in town is as admired as him”, and all the local townswomen adore him.  Gaston relentlessly pursues Belle solely because of her beauty, Belle however is not as shallow as Gaston and refuses his every advance.  Gaston tells Belle “it’s about time you get your head out of those books and start paying attention to more important things: like ME”.  This strapping and arrogant young frenchman of course represents the Idealists‘ commonly experienced frustrations with dating down-to-earth literal-minded Artisans and Guardians.  Ultimately these Artisans and Guardians simply don’t understand the Idealists‘ tendency to dream and fantasize, and see such “day-dreaming” as a waste of time.

The Beast is a “mean and course and unrefined” creature who lives in an enchanted castle who has been cursed because “there was no love in his heart”.  Indeed The Beast must learn to love another, and earn her love in return in order to break the curse.  The Beast then concealed himself inside his castle and despaired, “for who could learn to love a Beast”.  Complex, impersonal, skeptical, and pragmatic The Beast makes for a great example of a Rational, especially in the realm of romance.  Indeed many Rationals draw parallels to The Beast in their romantic lives, but as Belle finds out, The Beast (and Rationals) can in fact be turned into a Prince Charming given the right circumstances.  Indeed once Belle cracks The Beast‘s icy shell, he shows her the castle library, a metaphor for a Rationals vast store of knowledge.  Ultimately of course the couple falls deeply in love, and The Beast‘s curse is lifted to reveal a charming and beautiful prince.  What Beauty and the Beast tells us of course is that the Idealists’ never-ending quest for true love may be a long and arduous one but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

“No matter what kind of persons Idealists marry, however, it is not too much to say that they are the best of all temperaments at creating successful and fulfilling marriages.  Developing harmonious personal relations is their joy and their area of expertise, and they bring all their finest qualities to the enterprise.  Their sensitivity, their spirit of cooperation, their ability to communicate their feelings , their passion for their mates, their desire for deep bonding, their personal warmth and enthusiasm—all these traits work their magic in the NF’s relationships, and more than compensate for their tendency to start up Pygmalion Projects.  Indeed, if we can assume that Pygmalion Projects are an inevitable part of any marriage, that at best such intimate coercion can be kept loving and sympathetic, then Idealists offer their mates the possibility to exceptional happiness.” Please Understand Me II, p. 240


Beauty and the Beast can be seen for the first time ever in three dimensions starting today (Friday) at a theater near you.

Quote1.png [singing] I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. / I want it more than I can tell. / And for once it might be grand / To have someone understand / I want so much more than they’ve got planned…Quote2.png

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Believe, Believe, Believe

He is controversial.

People can’t stop talking about him.

No, he isn’t a Bad Boy. He isn’t flashy or charming. No, he isn’t even a Naughty Boy. He isn’t argumentative.

He just wins, most of the time.  And works hard.

No, not really, actually  — he works very very very very hard. Incredibly hard.

Yet, he “don’t get no respect” from some quarters — and he certainly doesn’t care whether he does. For he believes he is doing good work.

He remarked after losing badly, “We kept fighting for the entire day: That’s something I’m extremely proud of.”

But, then, they beat the Steelers on his first pass in overtime.

Even Lady Gaga tweets: Thats what the **** a champion looks like.

So why controversial?

Continue reading Believe, Believe, Believe

Keirsey Temperament Awards

The Keirsey Temperament Awards for 2011

Each year an individual is awarded from each of the Four Temperaments: Artisan, Guardian, Idealist, and Rational.

The awards are given to individuals who are “famous” (if possible) and have significantly impacted the world, to illustrate and highlight the Four Temperaments.  Keirsey Temperament Theory maintains all four Temperaments play important roles in society and we need all kinds of people use their talents.

The selection is difficult, for sometimes Temperament is hidden because we are looking at these individuals from a far. We don’t know the individuals personally, and only through the media are we familiar with these people. The Keirsey Temperament Forum serves as a nominating committee. I am the judge and jury.

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Adventurous Twosome

Among the many holiday gifts received this lovely season was that of the trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey of course is one of two upcoming films directed by Peter Jackson based off of J.R.R. Tolkein‘s delightful novel entitled The Hobbit. Returning to Middle-Earth after more than a decade, the trailer for the first of the two Hobbit films introduces the new cast of Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) and the company of dwarves led by Thorin Oakensheild (Richard Armitage) and sees the return of some old friends, including the older Bilbo Baggins (Ian Holm), Gandalf (Ian McKellen), Galadriel and Gollum. Given such wonderful holiday entertainment news lets take a look at titular character Bilbo Baggins and his dear and old friend Gandalf the Grey.

Gandalf the Grey later known as Gandalf the White is an Istari, a race of superior men that were chosen to aid the people of Middle-Earth in the fight against evil.  Gandalf has been trying to prevent evil powers from rising in Middle-Earth for over 2,000 years, and does so for good at the end of The Return of the King.  Gandalf is the wisest and most powerful of the Five Wizards, and has spent much of his time on Middle-Earth learning, teaching, reading, and studying. Powerfully intelligent, infamously wise, highly pragmatic, rightfully skeptical, and extremely analytical Gandalf is a dynamic example of a Rational. Indeed Gandalf’s never-ending quest for wisdom and knowledge is undoubtedly that of a Rational.   However, as wise and powerful as Gandalf is: he has no desire for fame or recognition, and is primarily and strictly concerned with the mission he was given to protect Middle-Earth from evil.

Warm and eager was his spirit (and it was enhanced by the ring Narya), for he was the Enemy of Sauron, opposing the fire that devours and wastes with the fire that kindles, and succours in wanhope and distress; but his joy, and his swift wrath, were veiled in garments grey as ash, so that only those that knew him well glimpsed the flame that was within. Merry he could be, and kindly to the young and simple, yet quick at times to sharp speech and the rebuking of folly; but he was not proud, and sought neither power nor praise… Mostly he journeyed unwearingly on foot, leaning on a staff, and so he was called among Men of the North Gandalf ‘the Elf of the Wand’. For they deemed him (though in error) to be of Elven-kind, since he would at times work wonders among them, loving especially the beauty of fire; and yet such marvels he wrought mostly for mirth and delight, and desired not that any should hold him in awe or take his counsels out of fear. … Yet it is said that in the ending of the task for which he came he suffered greatly, and was slain, and being sent back from death for a brief while was clothed then in white, and became a radiant flame (yet veiled still save in great need).

Gandalf’s dear friend Bilbo Baggins, on the other hand, is a very friendly and well-mannered Hobbit who like all his hobbit brethren, is fond of food, drink, a full pipe, his friends and good cheer, and was known for greeting friends and family with hospitality saying “At your service and your families”. Being related to both the Tooks and the Baggins: two family groups that were fundamentally opposite in their mentalities, with the Tooks being more fond of adventures and wandering, and the Baggins who were more fond of the settled life, Bilbo had two different sides to him something he referred to as the “Took side” and the “Baggins side”.  This meant that he secretly relished having adventures but still wanted to remain settled and was very afraid.  Warmly hospitable, extremely dependable, surprisingly courageous, and unabashedly concerned Bilbo Baggins is a classic Guardian.  Indeed Bilbo spends half of The Hobbit voicing his concern and pessimism for the adventure he was forced into, but turns out to be the most courageous and stoic of them all.

“Good morning!” said Bilbo, and he meant it.  The sun was shining, and the grass was very green. But Gandalf looked at him from under long bushy eyebrows that stuck out farther than the brim of his shady hat.  “What do you mean?” he said. “Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?”  “All of them at once,” said Bilbo.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is slated for a December 14, 2012 release.

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